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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:09 pm
by mikaudes
The plaza is now as calm as usual, children playing around the fountain, some bards telling stories and playing their songs, everything seems to be at peace...
"Hey! He stole my bag!" yells a man; by the time you react you see a humanoid figure carrying the bag and a bigger one by his side, they're both covered in black hoods and they are both running in your general direction, bumping on the people that happen to be in their way...
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:07 pm
by Zelda Veteran
The unfortunate theive's luck had run out, as they darted in a lone vagabonds direction. The samurai heard the cry for help, and glanced up, only to see two men carrying stolen goods. Dogura smirked. "They never learn." You dont steal anything from North Castle, Knights were thick here. The theives were obviously not very skilled, or smart for that matter.
Unsheathing his dagger rathan his sword, so as not to disrupt the peace, he awaited the theives to pass him by. When this happened, he would not kill the men, but rather cut open the bags they were carrying, so that the man could retrieve what was stolen. After this, he would hunt them down like animals on the run. He had planned out everything in his head, and awaited the right moment.
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:31 am
by mikaudes
Looking at Dogura taking out his dagger, both thieves stop in front of him, though the hood is covering completly their faces, it is obvious that they are looking at the samurai. The bigger figure takes a step forward...
"You think you can stop us?" is heard coming under the robe
"You know looks can decieve, we are no normal thieves" says the second one
"Please if you stand in our way, we have no choice, I'm sorry..."
He grabed both of his sleeves and torn them apart so his arms were revealed, a pair of strong arms appeared, the thief was wearin gauntlets with sikes on the knuckles.
He raised his limb as high as he could, a twinkle of light was seen, blinding Dogura for second. Then the hooded man punched the ground; the impact started a crack that soon made his way towards the samurai...
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:00 am
by Zelda Veteran
Dogura was surprised at the Theive's strength, but leapt away from the tremor's effects. "You obviously dont have any idea who I am." Dogura stated. He drew his sword, which now caused the crowd in North Castle to panic. People pushed and shoved to get away. This cleared the streets, for a quick clash of steel.
"I will teach you the meaning of fear..." Dogura said coldy, dashing around side the theive with incredible agility. Thinking quickly, he drove his sword straight into the side of the thief's knee, hoping to cripple, and immobilize him.
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:20 pm
by Marin
Seeing the theives in the courtyard, Denning rushes into the now ongoing fight.
WIthout even speaking he draws his staff and attempts to land a blow on the theif that Dogura is not attacking.
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:26 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Dogura noticed Denning, and was thankful that his blindside was now covered. He shot Denning a telepathic thankyou, and focused back on his strength and steady stab, that was about to hit its target.
OOC: Mikaudes, will this be a stat based fight? If so, Knights gain +1 to every stat when in North Castle. (I think) Ill check on it.
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:57 pm
by mikaudes
OOC: I think it is in Hyrule Field, so if you stick tight to the rules, North Castle isn't Hyrule Field...As for a real fight, I don't think I could use that, the objective of this post is not defeating the thieves (Yes, it is a sneak peek)
IC:The sword makes bewildering sound as it hit the thief's limb, completely untouched.
"Please, do not misjudge us or our actions, get out of the way and we won't have to hurt you, goro" he said looking down at Dogura. He then stomps the floor, a rumble is heard just at the same time a rock emerges under the goron, who uses it as a platform to leap away and stay back from the samurai.
Without even looking at Denning, the hooded man stops his staff with one hand, he then turns around, it was possible to feel his look under the hood, he was focusing in Denning's eyes "How can you underestimate your own race, you fool" he then jumps with amazing ease to the other side of the plaza, at the same time he uncovers his hand holding four cleavers; with a spin of his body he releases them, heading over Denning...
A few steps from the action, unnoticed by the fighters, a voice says "Kita, Paku, your turn"
"Of course! Of course!"
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 5:55 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Dogura was shocked. Never had his blade failed to penitrate flesh. He seemed to flinch, as he back out of harms way. "Denning, watch it!" Dogura shouted, blocking two of the four cleavers with a quick, fluid like motion of his sword.
Who are they? How are they so powerful? What did they meen dont misjudge them by their actions? Dogura had questions hitting from every direction. The goron seemed like he just wanted to get what he had to do done, and leave. However, the other one bothered to insult, and attack denning. The avagbond was not about to let them escape. He had questions that seemed to demand answers. "You havent seen the last of me..." Dogura said with a cold stare.
OOC: I like this!

Good work Mikaudes!
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:57 pm
by Marin
Denning uses his hands to produce a sheild with witch he blocks the cleavers.
He then starts to pursue the theifs as far as he can.
"I wont let you harm or take from the citizens of this land!"
Denning is making sure that his hood does not fall, for if he is seen by the guards, there could be a lot of trouble.
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:52 pm
by Sovelis
Sovelis runs up behind Denning as he chases the thieves. " Need any help there, pal?" he says as he runs up beside him.
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:37 pm
by mikaudes
The goron didn't loose Dogura for a second, though he was not moving any more, just enough to keep the samurai on sight. Whatever he was doing, he was waiting for something else to happen.
The other thief had fled to a nearby roof, watching how Denning (and now Sovelis) were running on his direction "Believe me! If you were really a threat to me, you would be dead by now!" he said, mostly defying them.
But while the two delinquents are trying to distract Dogura, Denning and Sovelis; two small figures appear from the depths of the crowd moving at the same speed, they're both also wearing robes, and they both shout at the same time with squeaky voices "Hey Vor! Over here!"
The Goron responds to them like you would to an old friend "It was time you got here already" he says as he offers the bag to the robbed figures, though due to their relative size it would seem like an impossible task, they both mannaged to carry it easilly; now they were both going back to the corwd of wich they had come out...
OOC: By the way, you should check "the Gathering"
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:24 pm
by Sovelis
Sovelis jumped at the two creatures carrying the bag. thinking theyare fairies, he casts Fire on them " Stop, Thieves!"
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:41 pm
by mikaudes
The level of synchronization of the tiny ones is amazing, running at full speed, and once the flames are about to touch them, they throw the unshaped bag they are carrying high in the air, they themselves crouch and roll; the fire passes over them by a few inches, and with great precision, they catch the package again. Acting like a single body, they turn their heads to the group, and for a second, two yellow glows can be seen in both of the robes.
An object passes just near your ear, but it's not the only one, soon the whole group is being attacked by a rain of brown, round, small objects, being shot as fast as arrows...
In the middle of the attack, you can see the thieves quickly running into an alley, where a shadow awaits for them...
Some of the bullets rebound in a nearby wall, and they slowly roll back to you, you are then able to see them clearly 'Deku nuts?!'
"Run for it guys!" says the goron; the earth is shaken again with a violent move capable of throwing you to your knees when he punches the ground, and a barrier way higher than a normal person of stones raises just between you and those slippery beings...
As for the sheikah, he slowly walks away, unnoticed by most of the people...
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:43 pm
by Kasei
...except kasei, who was watching everything from the rooftops. the shiekah warrior looked down apon his fellow, and decided to intervene. he jumps down in front of the escapee. hi there, whats up?
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:57 am
by guardianof fire45
Cathy,too, was on the rooftop. But she stayed there. I'm not that strong, she thought, so I'll stay behind until they need me.