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How to use this resource
Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 1:57 pm
by Narrator
<img src="images/npcs/anju.gif" align="right">A bell rings as you walk in the doo, and a tall, flame-haired girl rushes over to you from where she was previously talking with one of the young adventurers.
"Hi there!" she welcomes with a tip of the head to the side to show her pleasure in greeting you. "Welcome to the Traveler's Hostel. It is important that you use our resource correctly, because it is so crucial to the record keeping of Hyrule.
"All you have to do is start a new topic with the subject '[Name]'s Profile' where name is your character's name. Then each profile must have three separate posts to it. The first post is your stats (which you can learn more about in the Rules Set), then when that is done, reply to your topic and make the next post all about your talents and available talent points. Finally, if you so choose, you can make a third reply to that with your backstory.
"For the proper template, check out the Narrator's or others' profiles. Any questions about these can be directed to the players, who are very helpful. Please do not reply to others' profiles or post anything in this forum that is not your profile. Feel free to post profiles for any special NPC's which you may RP with, if you so choose."
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:01 pm
by Royal Guard
HP is officially Base(Grunts 40, Vagabonds 30, Scholars 20) plus your SPI. There was a slight mixup, and most Profiles just list the base HP. It would benefit us all(and mostly you

) to add your SPI when you are in your profile next. Thanks.
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:53 pm
by weienw
OOC: Hurrah!
Arco feels... funny for a moment, as his life power seems to... increase? By a small amount? Proportionate to the amount of... spirit, contained within? Basically, a smidgen. Ah, what is he thinking!? This is nonsense! Ohwell. +1 or +2 or +3 HP all 'round, I say.
More power to the wise (translation: more HP to the people who notice the above post)!
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:56 pm
by Leth
The Goron who was previously outside steps in, along with Prye and Sovelis. "We should check the records, maybe we can discover the person's name."
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:07 pm
by Pabru
The hylian is right behind him. Yeah. Do you know anything about his race or appearance that we could search for?
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:18 pm
by Sovelis
"Yea...that'll help." Sovelis says,looking at the charts.
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:01 pm
by Leth
"Well, he's a male..." You realize he has a knack for stating the obvious. "And he is a Hylian." He begins to look through the lists. Suddenly he looks up. "I don't believe I ever told you my name. It is Karuna. I do not have normal speech slurs like most Gorons, since I had a very precise education. Anyway, I believe I should record my own story here." He walks toward the front counter and leaves Pyre and Sovelis alone. After a about a minute, a figure clad in black armor appeared in a puff of smoke in front of them. A larhe helmet covered his face. He drew his sword. "Tell me where the Goron is if you wish to live."
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:27 am
by Pabru
As soon as the figure appeared, Pyre went into a defensive crouch, drawing his twin daggers into his hands. He stood at the ready, but didn't immediatly attack. "I don't know where the goron went. Its not your buisness."
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:45 pm
by Leth
"Don't play with me, infedel. I know you were with him, and so was your friend." He said, pointing to Sovelis. Suddenly There was a fierce cry, and out of the rafters of the hostel there came a boy weilding a large spear. He looked about twelve, but he was diving towards this man in black! The Man in the armor is momentarily distracted. His black blade is thrust upward in an amazingly fast motion. The two weapons collide, but instead of a push off of each other, the black knight swings his sword around so it was on top of the spear, doing this so quick that the boy didn't have time to fall. Then in a powerfull motion, he brought his sword down, pushing the boy down into a heap on the floor. Towering over him, he raises his sword for the kill. There is a little time space left open for an attack. You must act quickly!
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:14 pm
by Pabru
As soon as the hylian saw the boy with the spear, he steped forward, across his body with his right foot, twisting himeself to the left. He used that foot as a pivot to spin around, lashing out with both blades in an attack that used tactics instead of brute force. Pyre used gravity, and the momentum of the turn to power the attack, attacking with arms whip-like to make the most of his attack without using much energy, or strength, but still launching a powerful attack. A frown creased his brow. Who IS this guy? His thoughts began to wonder to the goron, but he banished the thoughts, and concentrated on the fight at hand.
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:42 pm
by Leth
The Black Knight instantly spun around, parrying the many slashes of Pyre's attack. That gave the boy a chance. He clambered to his feet, And swung with all his might towards the Knight. The knight somehow saw this motion behind him, and jumped up a whole 10 feet in the air up the rafters, so Pyre's blades and the boy's spear collided with each other.
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:07 pm
by Pabru
He caught the spear in between his two daggers, pushing backwards so neither of them got hurt. He jumped backwards, looking upwards. Damn! Where that goron go. He sheathed his left hand dagger, taking a throwing dagger out of the pouch at his waist. He sank back into a crouch ready to throw the dagger as soon as the knight made a move.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:17 pm
by Leth
But the man was no where to be seen. A laugh echoed around the room, telling you that he is still there, somewhere. The boy said "Great. His missing. That's bad, because if there is a hornet in the room, I like to know where it is." At that moment, the Goron came back from the front desk. He had just made his own profile. Looking at the boy with the spear, and Pyre with his daggers, he thought they were sparring. He smiled, and said, "A battle, eh? I'll watch." Suddenly, the Knight appered behind the goron, with his sword to Karuna's throat. "heh heh heh... I have you now. And no one try to stop me, either, or he gets it."
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:45 pm
by Pabru
Pyre's legs bent as if to spring, but then the knights word processed in his head. He slowly stood back up, dropping his daggers to the floor. They struck the stone tile of the room and made a clanking noise. The hylian hoped that some one would hear the noise, and come to help, for now he had little choice but to do what the knight said.
Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:58 pm
by Leth
"Ha ha ha ha! You realize now that resistance is futile! You never stood a chance anyway. And as for you-" He looks down at the Goron. He whispered in his ear. "You must not meet the traveller you seek. If you do, I will hunt you down and kill you." The goron stiffened. "No, I have a better Idea. I'll take you with me." And with that he closed his eyes and started chanting. That was where he made his mistake, as that allowed him to be attacked. The boy silently went around the man to the desk, and got help. It arrived in record time. Hylian knights surrouned the man, and they said, "Let go of the Goron and come with us." The man's eyes shot open, and he stared around in wonderment, trying to figure out how he had been tricked. After muttering something quickly, he disappeared in a puff of smoke, but the Goron was left behind. While the Knights searched the area, Karuna said, "I got another message from the goddesses while I was in the Black Knights grasp. They said the Man's name was Leth, and that the armored man's name was Pearanus, and also that he had killed Leth's parents. Now on my own judgement, I think that we should look in Leth's house; maybe he's there. I saw the house on the way here and I knownow that it is Leth's. So, on to his house!"
OOC: Leth's house is in the town square, titled "Leth"