Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:08 pm
Brin's Profile

Main Info
Name: Brin
Level: 6
Class: Scholar//Mage
Race: Hylian
Alignment: Neutral
Personal Info
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hair: white
Eyes: blue
Physical Appearance:
Has white hair, styled into long, poofy spikes, wears a long, white mage's cloak. Blue eyes, 17 years old, about 5ft 8in tall.
Hit Points - 20 (Base) + 3 (SPI) + 10 (Exceptional Health L1) = 33
Spell Points - 3 (Base) * 6 (Level) + 3 (SPI) = 21
Strength - 1 (Base) = 1
Defense - 2 (Base) +10 (tunic) = 12
Agility - 1 (Base) = 1
Intelligence - 3 (Base) + 3 (Race) = 6
Spirit - 3 (Base) = 3
Willpower - 3 (SPI) + 6 (Level) = 9
Currently Equipped Items
- L1 Tunic
- Gerudo Training Gloves
Magic Attacks
Damage: 6 (Level) + 3 (Base Class) + 6 (INT) = 15
Staff [Innate]
Damage: 9 (Base Damage) + 1 (STR) = 10
Bow [Lv 1]
Damage: 7 (Arrow) + 1 (STR) +1 (Gerudo Training Gloves) = 9
Bombs [Bomb Bag]
Damage: 5 (Hits all enemies within blast radius)
- 2H Deku Staff [DMG 9] - In Inventory: 1
A fine quarterstaff of Deku craftsmanship. Though, due to its construction material, it is considered the weakest of all the 2H weapons.
- Deku Bow - In Inventory: 1
While the Bow itself does no DMG, this is because damage from a bow is directly allocated from the arrows that are fired at a target. Restricted to those with Train: Bow. Remember: pointy end faces out. [Ranged. 2H. 0 DMG] DMG +1 (Gerudo Training Gloves)
- L1 Tunic (DEF +10) - In Inventory: 1
A tunic is a mostly thin layer of clothing intended to blunt an indirect hit. As such, it's Armor Class is poor, but inevitably proves to be better than wearing no armor at all. [Chest. Light. 10 Armor Class.]
- Gerudo Training Gloves - In Inventory: 1
Gloves specially crafted by the Gerudo for use with ranged weaponry. The softness of the leather coupled with its tight grip allows for faster, more damaging, more efficient archery. Effect: +1 to DMG with any ranged physical attack. [+1 to Ranged DMG.]
Capacity Items
- Ammo Bag - In Inventory: 1
A small bag made of strong leather. The Ammo Bag is specifically designed to form fit to hold either bullets for a Slingshot or Arrows for a Bow. One of these must be owned to use a Slingshot or Bow.
- Bomb Bag - In Inventory: 1
A well-crafted piece of Goron craftsmanship, the Bomb Bag allows any adventurer to properly hold and deploy bombs.
Magic Scrolls
- Scroll of Fire [Enables Fire] - In Inventory: 1
A piece of parchment that, as long as it is in the possession of a magic user, allows that person to cast Fire.
- Scroll of Fairy [Enables Fairy] - In Inventory: 1
A piece of parchment that, as long as it is in the possession of a magic user, allows that person to cast Fairy.
- Scroll of Life [Enables Life] - In Inventory: 1
A piece of parchment that, as long as it is in the possession of a magic user, allows that person to cast Life.
- Flute - In Inventory: 1
A thin wooden instrument craved from the wood of a Deku Tree. Produces a sweet melody when played.
Quest Items
- North Iron Ore - In Inventory: 1
North Iron Ore is a medim-quality ore found only in the mines of the North Forest of Hyrule Field.
- Deku Wood Bundle - In Inventory: 1
A bundle of fine, strong Deku Wood. Coveted by crafters the Kingdom over.
- Cucco - In Inventory: 1
Obviously this is a Cucco. Wonder if it belongs to anyone...
- Link Doll - In Inventory: 1
A small, plush doll of Link, the Hero of Hyrule. It is very popular with the children of the Kingdom and surrounding lands. What one is doing under a rock, you do not understand.
- Lantern - In Inventory: 1
An old rusted lantern. Inscribed on the base are the words Lon Lon.
- Bracelet: In Inventory: 1
A thin golden bracelet with a symbol of the Goddess Din imposed on the ruby in the center.
RP Items*
- Lost Pages - In Inventory: 5/6
Missing pages from an ancient book. After Brin vanished in the Temple of the Forgotten Legends, he gave up searching for them.
- Book of Goronic Legends - In Inventory: 1
A book of legends given to Brin by his Goron friend, Bryce.
- Blue Stone - In Inventory: 1
A mysterious blue stone given to him by Kasei...
- Seradim Crystals retrieved: 3
Crystals that power Sovelis' mechanical arm.
*Items that Brin has collected or given to him by other player characters in his journeys. The are for role-playing purposes only and have no effect in stat battles.
- Favor of the Goddesses [Innate]
Element: Light
Cost: 8 SPL
Heals an ally's HP by 50% (Same as Life [Level 1]).
- Elemental Burst [Level 1]
Element: Random
Cost: 6 SPL
Launches an attack at an enemy with a random element.
- Jump [Level 1]
Element: None
Cost: 2 SPL
Lets you jump up to 15ft in the air. Lasts one round.
- Spell [Level 1]
Element: Shadow
Cost: 4 SPL
Has a very random effect. When cast, the GM rolls a d20 and the result depends on what is rolled. (1-10) Enemy is confused for two rounds (11-15) Enemy is removed from combat (16-18 ) Spell fails/nothing occurs (19) Bag of 50 Rupees appears, nothing happens to enemy or (20) A free Thunder spell attacks the enemy.
- Thunder [Level 1]
Element: Nature
Cost: 12 SPL
The ultimate spell, attack all enemies around you with a lightening attack.
- Fire [Level 1]
Element: Fire
Cost: Unknown
Little is known about this ancient fire magic. ((Learned from Scroll of Fire))
- Fairy [Level 1]
Element: Light
Cost: 10 SPL
Turn into a Fairy for one round, so you may pass through locks. Counts as a Life spell when used on Fairies. ((Learned from Scroll of Fairy))
- Life [Level 1]
Element: Light
Cost: 8 SPL
Heal an ally for half their total HP. ((Learned from Scroll of Life))
Weapon Proficiencies
- Staff [Level 1]
- Train: Bow [Level 1]
- Exceptional Health [Level 1]
Increases HP by 10 permanently.
- Musical Talent [Level 1]
Non-bard characters must possess this talent to use musical instruments.
- Arcane Archery [Level 1]
One must possess this talent to use Ice, Fire, or Light Arrows.
Known Languages
Main Languages
- Common [Innate]
- Hylian [Innate]
Other Languages*
- Goronic
- Zoran
- Kokiri
- Minish
- Dragonic
- Majoran
- Terminan
*These are languages that Brin knows but has not learned through TP or started with. These are for role-playing purposes only.
Special Talents
- Poison Immunity
Provides immunity to poisonous Gohma venom.
Talent Points
- TP Earned: 11
- TP Spent: 11
- Current TP: 0
- TP from Quests: 6
- TP from Level Up: 5
- Other TP earned: 0
Quests Completed
- A Caravaneer's Quandary
- A Lost Toy
- Lantern Quest
- Find Din's Favorite Bracelet
- Take the Cake
- The Lost Cuccos
Joined Groups/Factions
- Goro-Goro Cartel
- Hylian Knights
Topics you should check out
Click <a href=" ... 9">here</a> to take a look at my very own official event, The Cursed Masks. I am still accepting newcomers!
Click <a href=" ... 9">here</a> for info on the NPCs from my topics.
PC'S Met
- Sovelis
- Kasei
- Nogare
- Azador
- Xokorn
- Dogura
- Cloud
- Blank
- Grenada
- Leth
- Pyralin
- Denning
- Shadow
- Shada
- Alpha
- Worru
- Aureliano
- Sabertache
Brin's Background
Brin is a young scholar who knows many legends and tales. He has read many books and traversed far around Hyrule. He used to live with his elderly grandfather, Brell, in a small cottage in Hyrule Field ever since he could remember. His grandfather was a mage who knew powerful magic, but when Brin asked his grandfather to teach it to him, his grandfather always told him he was not ready. Unfortunately, he never got the chance to learn magic from his grandfather, because recently his grandfather mysteriously and suddenly died for unknown reasons. Brin is alone now, wandering Hyrule looking for new friends and new knowledge. He seeks to find one who can teach him to become a mage like his grandfather, and to ultimately unravel the mystery of the cause of his grandfather's death.
[Related Topics]
<a href= ... 75">Brin's Cottage</a>
<a href= ... 8">Brell's Grave</a>
Quest for the Lost Pages
Shortly after Brin left home to find the mystery of his grandfather's death, he went to the North Castle Library in order to study ancient legends. One book especially intrigued him, a book called Ancient Legends from a Time of Chaos, Volume I. From this book he learned about ancient and powerful dragons who in their battles devastated the land of Hyrule. But the legend was incomplete - six valueable pages were missing from this ancient book. Angered at the thought of someone ripping pages from a book, Brin resolved to find these missing pages and complete the forgotten legend. So he enlisted the help of many friends who he had met in Hyrule, to name a few: Sovelis, Kasei, Dogura, and Azador, among others. Together they found five of the six pages. But Brin realized that to find the final page, he must venture into the depths of a once-great palace where scholars from around Hyrule came to study - the Temple of the Forgotten Legends. But now, this temple was decrepit and filled with monsters. And in that temple, Brin vanished and was never seen again...
[Related Topics]*
<a href= ... =954">Part I</a>
<a href= ... =959">Part VI</a>
<a href= ... 79">Temple of the Forgotten Legends</a>
*I tried to track down as many Quest for the Lost Pages topics as I could, but some of them must have been deleted. I'll add more if I can find them.
<a href=" ... ?t=1340">A New Brin</a>
Months after his mysterious disappearance, on a dark, stormy night, a Brin-esque figure stepped into the North Castle Square. He wore a white cloak instead of a blue one, and his once-red hair was now completely white. Brin was a changed person. Legends and history no longer interested him, and he had been through an ordeal to terrible to speak of, so terrible his hair turned white under the stress of his new knowledge. He now knows the reasons behind his grandfather's sudden sickness and death, but he will not speak a word of it. Enlisting help from all of his old friends, he seeks to overthrow a mysterious power that threaten's Hyrule itself.
The Cursed Masks
<a href=" ... 1369">Part I: Into Another Dimension</a>
After <a href=" ... recruiting many able warriors to his cause</a>, Brin and company set off for a distant lake in the North Forest. Near the abnormally green waters of this small body of water Brin revealed a dark hole leading to an underground passage. Through this tunnel was a portal into what Brin said to be another dimension. Taking the lead, Brin led his friends into the depths of a maze of dark underground caverns far away from Hyrule in both space and time. As the party explored the dank, monster-filled caverns, Brin mysteriously kept tight mouthed about the reasons for coming here.
Solving mysterious puzzles and defeating horrible monsters such as Re-Deads, the party follows Brin to the world above. Along the way, Brin summed up the true nature of their quest:
"This dungeon is not our destination. It is merely a very annoying barrier in the way of our quest. The inter-dimensional portals are one-way, and they only work once. This was the only one I could find, but unfortunately, it led us to a cave full of monsters. Above our heads is a grand fortress consisting of a tall tower surrounded by a very thick wall. It is home to a tribe of savage barbarians who take joy in cruel punishments and black magic. When I vanished from the Temple of the Forgotten Legends, I accidentally discovered a portal that led to this world. Soon afterwards, I was captured by this cruel tribe. Only by luck was I able to escape and return to Hyrule, with two small bits of knowledge. One is that my grandfather's death was not an accident. He did not die of sickness. This group of evil warriors and mages knew my grandfather through some connections that I do not have time to explain. They knew he was a powerful mage, and they needed the blood of one such mage to seal the curse on their greatest weapon: Majora's Mask. They know about our alternate dimension of Hyrule, and with Majora's Mask, they plan to dominate both it and their home world, a place called Termina. They are a tribe who call themselves Majorans, and are hated and feared in this world of Termina where we now stand. I came here to avenge my grandfather, Brell, but I also came here to stop their devilish plans before they destroy this dimension and ours. We must destroy their mask and return to Hyrule!"
Brin and his friends continued towards the surface. Along the way, they picked up a strange, flat, circular stone inscribed with a fire-shape symbol. At first, they had no idea whatsoever of its purpose, and took it along with them. Ascending to the next floor, they were swarmed by hundreds of Keese from all sides, and Sovelis, who was among the adventurers, was killed in a brutal attack. After destroying the Keese, the came across a pit full of what looked like moss. As they found out after climbing into it, it was actually a deadly plant which attempted to suck them under its mossy surface. Once they had almost succumbed to the wrath of the moss-like stuff, Leth figured out that the mysterious stone could produce magical fire, and could burn away the plant. They escaped the pit and continued on through the perilous dungeon.

Main Info
Name: Brin
Level: 6
Class: Scholar//Mage
Race: Hylian
Alignment: Neutral
Personal Info
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hair: white
Eyes: blue
Physical Appearance:
Has white hair, styled into long, poofy spikes, wears a long, white mage's cloak. Blue eyes, 17 years old, about 5ft 8in tall.
Hit Points - 20 (Base) + 3 (SPI) + 10 (Exceptional Health L1) = 33
Spell Points - 3 (Base) * 6 (Level) + 3 (SPI) = 21
Strength - 1 (Base) = 1
Defense - 2 (Base) +10 (tunic) = 12
Agility - 1 (Base) = 1
Intelligence - 3 (Base) + 3 (Race) = 6
Spirit - 3 (Base) = 3
Willpower - 3 (SPI) + 6 (Level) = 9
Currently Equipped Items
- L1 Tunic
- Gerudo Training Gloves
Magic Attacks
Damage: 6 (Level) + 3 (Base Class) + 6 (INT) = 15
Staff [Innate]
Damage: 9 (Base Damage) + 1 (STR) = 10
Bow [Lv 1]
Damage: 7 (Arrow) + 1 (STR) +1 (Gerudo Training Gloves) = 9
Bombs [Bomb Bag]
Damage: 5 (Hits all enemies within blast radius)
- 2H Deku Staff [DMG 9] - In Inventory: 1
A fine quarterstaff of Deku craftsmanship. Though, due to its construction material, it is considered the weakest of all the 2H weapons.
- Deku Bow - In Inventory: 1
While the Bow itself does no DMG, this is because damage from a bow is directly allocated from the arrows that are fired at a target. Restricted to those with Train: Bow. Remember: pointy end faces out. [Ranged. 2H. 0 DMG] DMG +1 (Gerudo Training Gloves)
- L1 Tunic (DEF +10) - In Inventory: 1
A tunic is a mostly thin layer of clothing intended to blunt an indirect hit. As such, it's Armor Class is poor, but inevitably proves to be better than wearing no armor at all. [Chest. Light. 10 Armor Class.]
- Gerudo Training Gloves - In Inventory: 1
Gloves specially crafted by the Gerudo for use with ranged weaponry. The softness of the leather coupled with its tight grip allows for faster, more damaging, more efficient archery. Effect: +1 to DMG with any ranged physical attack. [+1 to Ranged DMG.]
Capacity Items
- Ammo Bag - In Inventory: 1
A small bag made of strong leather. The Ammo Bag is specifically designed to form fit to hold either bullets for a Slingshot or Arrows for a Bow. One of these must be owned to use a Slingshot or Bow.
- Bomb Bag - In Inventory: 1
A well-crafted piece of Goron craftsmanship, the Bomb Bag allows any adventurer to properly hold and deploy bombs.
Magic Scrolls
- Scroll of Fire [Enables Fire] - In Inventory: 1
A piece of parchment that, as long as it is in the possession of a magic user, allows that person to cast Fire.
- Scroll of Fairy [Enables Fairy] - In Inventory: 1
A piece of parchment that, as long as it is in the possession of a magic user, allows that person to cast Fairy.
- Scroll of Life [Enables Life] - In Inventory: 1
A piece of parchment that, as long as it is in the possession of a magic user, allows that person to cast Life.
- Flute - In Inventory: 1
A thin wooden instrument craved from the wood of a Deku Tree. Produces a sweet melody when played.
Quest Items
- North Iron Ore - In Inventory: 1
North Iron Ore is a medim-quality ore found only in the mines of the North Forest of Hyrule Field.
- Deku Wood Bundle - In Inventory: 1
A bundle of fine, strong Deku Wood. Coveted by crafters the Kingdom over.
- Cucco - In Inventory: 1
Obviously this is a Cucco. Wonder if it belongs to anyone...
- Link Doll - In Inventory: 1
A small, plush doll of Link, the Hero of Hyrule. It is very popular with the children of the Kingdom and surrounding lands. What one is doing under a rock, you do not understand.
- Lantern - In Inventory: 1
An old rusted lantern. Inscribed on the base are the words Lon Lon.
- Bracelet: In Inventory: 1
A thin golden bracelet with a symbol of the Goddess Din imposed on the ruby in the center.
RP Items*
- Lost Pages - In Inventory: 5/6
Missing pages from an ancient book. After Brin vanished in the Temple of the Forgotten Legends, he gave up searching for them.
- Book of Goronic Legends - In Inventory: 1
A book of legends given to Brin by his Goron friend, Bryce.
- Blue Stone - In Inventory: 1
A mysterious blue stone given to him by Kasei...
- Seradim Crystals retrieved: 3
Crystals that power Sovelis' mechanical arm.
*Items that Brin has collected or given to him by other player characters in his journeys. The are for role-playing purposes only and have no effect in stat battles.
- Favor of the Goddesses [Innate]
Element: Light
Cost: 8 SPL
Heals an ally's HP by 50% (Same as Life [Level 1]).
- Elemental Burst [Level 1]
Element: Random
Cost: 6 SPL
Launches an attack at an enemy with a random element.
- Jump [Level 1]
Element: None
Cost: 2 SPL
Lets you jump up to 15ft in the air. Lasts one round.
- Spell [Level 1]
Element: Shadow
Cost: 4 SPL
Has a very random effect. When cast, the GM rolls a d20 and the result depends on what is rolled. (1-10) Enemy is confused for two rounds (11-15) Enemy is removed from combat (16-18 ) Spell fails/nothing occurs (19) Bag of 50 Rupees appears, nothing happens to enemy or (20) A free Thunder spell attacks the enemy.
- Thunder [Level 1]
Element: Nature
Cost: 12 SPL
The ultimate spell, attack all enemies around you with a lightening attack.
- Fire [Level 1]
Element: Fire
Cost: Unknown
Little is known about this ancient fire magic. ((Learned from Scroll of Fire))
- Fairy [Level 1]
Element: Light
Cost: 10 SPL
Turn into a Fairy for one round, so you may pass through locks. Counts as a Life spell when used on Fairies. ((Learned from Scroll of Fairy))
- Life [Level 1]
Element: Light
Cost: 8 SPL
Heal an ally for half their total HP. ((Learned from Scroll of Life))
Weapon Proficiencies
- Staff [Level 1]
- Train: Bow [Level 1]
- Exceptional Health [Level 1]
Increases HP by 10 permanently.
- Musical Talent [Level 1]
Non-bard characters must possess this talent to use musical instruments.
- Arcane Archery [Level 1]
One must possess this talent to use Ice, Fire, or Light Arrows.
Known Languages
Main Languages
- Common [Innate]
- Hylian [Innate]
Other Languages*
- Goronic
- Zoran
- Kokiri
- Minish
- Dragonic
- Majoran
- Terminan
*These are languages that Brin knows but has not learned through TP or started with. These are for role-playing purposes only.
Special Talents
- Poison Immunity
Provides immunity to poisonous Gohma venom.
Talent Points
- TP Earned: 11
- TP Spent: 11
- Current TP: 0
- TP from Quests: 6
- TP from Level Up: 5
- Other TP earned: 0
Quests Completed
- A Caravaneer's Quandary
- A Lost Toy
- Lantern Quest
- Find Din's Favorite Bracelet
- Take the Cake
- The Lost Cuccos
Joined Groups/Factions
- Goro-Goro Cartel
- Hylian Knights
Topics you should check out
Click <a href=" ... 9">here</a> to take a look at my very own official event, The Cursed Masks. I am still accepting newcomers!
Click <a href=" ... 9">here</a> for info on the NPCs from my topics.
PC'S Met
- Sovelis
- Kasei
- Nogare
- Azador
- Xokorn
- Dogura
- Cloud
- Blank
- Grenada
- Leth
- Pyralin
- Denning
- Shadow
- Shada
- Alpha
- Worru
- Aureliano
- Sabertache
Brin's Background
Brin is a young scholar who knows many legends and tales. He has read many books and traversed far around Hyrule. He used to live with his elderly grandfather, Brell, in a small cottage in Hyrule Field ever since he could remember. His grandfather was a mage who knew powerful magic, but when Brin asked his grandfather to teach it to him, his grandfather always told him he was not ready. Unfortunately, he never got the chance to learn magic from his grandfather, because recently his grandfather mysteriously and suddenly died for unknown reasons. Brin is alone now, wandering Hyrule looking for new friends and new knowledge. He seeks to find one who can teach him to become a mage like his grandfather, and to ultimately unravel the mystery of the cause of his grandfather's death.
[Related Topics]
<a href= ... 75">Brin's Cottage</a>
<a href= ... 8">Brell's Grave</a>
Quest for the Lost Pages
Shortly after Brin left home to find the mystery of his grandfather's death, he went to the North Castle Library in order to study ancient legends. One book especially intrigued him, a book called Ancient Legends from a Time of Chaos, Volume I. From this book he learned about ancient and powerful dragons who in their battles devastated the land of Hyrule. But the legend was incomplete - six valueable pages were missing from this ancient book. Angered at the thought of someone ripping pages from a book, Brin resolved to find these missing pages and complete the forgotten legend. So he enlisted the help of many friends who he had met in Hyrule, to name a few: Sovelis, Kasei, Dogura, and Azador, among others. Together they found five of the six pages. But Brin realized that to find the final page, he must venture into the depths of a once-great palace where scholars from around Hyrule came to study - the Temple of the Forgotten Legends. But now, this temple was decrepit and filled with monsters. And in that temple, Brin vanished and was never seen again...
[Related Topics]*
<a href= ... =954">Part I</a>
<a href= ... =959">Part VI</a>
<a href= ... 79">Temple of the Forgotten Legends</a>
*I tried to track down as many Quest for the Lost Pages topics as I could, but some of them must have been deleted. I'll add more if I can find them.
<a href=" ... ?t=1340">A New Brin</a>
Months after his mysterious disappearance, on a dark, stormy night, a Brin-esque figure stepped into the North Castle Square. He wore a white cloak instead of a blue one, and his once-red hair was now completely white. Brin was a changed person. Legends and history no longer interested him, and he had been through an ordeal to terrible to speak of, so terrible his hair turned white under the stress of his new knowledge. He now knows the reasons behind his grandfather's sudden sickness and death, but he will not speak a word of it. Enlisting help from all of his old friends, he seeks to overthrow a mysterious power that threaten's Hyrule itself.
The Cursed Masks
<a href=" ... 1369">Part I: Into Another Dimension</a>
After <a href=" ... recruiting many able warriors to his cause</a>, Brin and company set off for a distant lake in the North Forest. Near the abnormally green waters of this small body of water Brin revealed a dark hole leading to an underground passage. Through this tunnel was a portal into what Brin said to be another dimension. Taking the lead, Brin led his friends into the depths of a maze of dark underground caverns far away from Hyrule in both space and time. As the party explored the dank, monster-filled caverns, Brin mysteriously kept tight mouthed about the reasons for coming here.
Solving mysterious puzzles and defeating horrible monsters such as Re-Deads, the party follows Brin to the world above. Along the way, Brin summed up the true nature of their quest:
"This dungeon is not our destination. It is merely a very annoying barrier in the way of our quest. The inter-dimensional portals are one-way, and they only work once. This was the only one I could find, but unfortunately, it led us to a cave full of monsters. Above our heads is a grand fortress consisting of a tall tower surrounded by a very thick wall. It is home to a tribe of savage barbarians who take joy in cruel punishments and black magic. When I vanished from the Temple of the Forgotten Legends, I accidentally discovered a portal that led to this world. Soon afterwards, I was captured by this cruel tribe. Only by luck was I able to escape and return to Hyrule, with two small bits of knowledge. One is that my grandfather's death was not an accident. He did not die of sickness. This group of evil warriors and mages knew my grandfather through some connections that I do not have time to explain. They knew he was a powerful mage, and they needed the blood of one such mage to seal the curse on their greatest weapon: Majora's Mask. They know about our alternate dimension of Hyrule, and with Majora's Mask, they plan to dominate both it and their home world, a place called Termina. They are a tribe who call themselves Majorans, and are hated and feared in this world of Termina where we now stand. I came here to avenge my grandfather, Brell, but I also came here to stop their devilish plans before they destroy this dimension and ours. We must destroy their mask and return to Hyrule!"
Brin and his friends continued towards the surface. Along the way, they picked up a strange, flat, circular stone inscribed with a fire-shape symbol. At first, they had no idea whatsoever of its purpose, and took it along with them. Ascending to the next floor, they were swarmed by hundreds of Keese from all sides, and Sovelis, who was among the adventurers, was killed in a brutal attack. After destroying the Keese, the came across a pit full of what looked like moss. As they found out after climbing into it, it was actually a deadly plant which attempted to suck them under its mossy surface. Once they had almost succumbed to the wrath of the moss-like stuff, Leth figured out that the mysterious stone could produce magical fire, and could burn away the plant. They escaped the pit and continued on through the perilous dungeon.