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Traveling Within the Castle

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 1:57 pm
by Narrator
ImageThe signpost in front of you points the way around the Castle's grounds.

Castle Courtyard
Town Square
Temple Quarter
Caravan Quarter
Knights' Barracks
Castle Keep
Castle Dungeon

There is also a small note attached to the sign reminding you that only Royal Guards may enter the Keep, only Hylian Knights can enter the Barracks, and only members of the Goro-Goro Cartel can enter the Caravan Quarter.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:35 pm
by Leth
Leth glances at the sign and sighs, always unable to make choices quickly.
OOC: Where do I go?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:58 pm
by Hi no Seijin
OOC: Go back to the courtyard and above the threads you'll find a link to a new member's forum. You can ask your questions there. Or you can send the Royal Guard (affectionly called RG around here) any question you have concerning HA2.

Oh, and the quickest way to get back to the North Castle Courtyard is to click on Farore's Wind on the right of your screen.

Actually, let me tell you about the compass that's found at the upper right (or is that supposed to be upper-right, Weiein? :wink: ) hand corner of the screen. If you click on one of the four points, you'll go to another screen.