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Orpheous, who is he?
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:52 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Current Level:14
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral
Gender: Male
Age: Roughly forty years old, looks like somebody in their young twenties
Primary Weapon: Deku Staff named "Darsoula"
Birthplace: Earth
Hometown: Undisclosed
Date of Birth: Undisclosed
HP: base (20) + Exceptional Health L2 (30) + SPI (3) = 53
STR: base (1) + Goron Strength L2 (2) = 3
DEF(DEF rating): base(2) + racial (3) + Tunic L1 (10) + AGI (3) = 18
AGI: base (1) + Deku Agility L2 (2) = 3
INT: base (3) + Hylian Intelligence L1 (2) = 5
SPI: base (3) = 3
SPL : Level (14) x Base Class (3) + SPI (3) = 45
L1 Leadership = 2
L1 Hylian Intelligence = 1
L2 Hylian Intelligence = 1
L1 Goron Strength = 1
L2 Goron Strength = 1
L1 Life = 2
L1 Train:Boomerang = 2
L1 Elemental Burst = 1
L2 Elemental Burst = 3
L1 The Quill is Mightier than the Sword = 2
L1 Epic Poem = 1
L1 Exceptional Health = 1
L2 Exceptional Health = 3
L1 Master of Linguistics = 1
L1 Deku Agility = 1
L2 Deku Agility = 1
L1 Fire = 2
L2 Epic Poem = 2
L1 Train:Slingshot = 1
Deku Staff
The Magic Axe (similar to the one seen in the Brother's Grimm movie)
Gerudo Training Glove
Fire Scroll
Elemental Burst Scroll
Life Scroll
Staff: base (9) + STR (3) = 12
Spell Damage: caster's level (14) + base class(3) +INT (5) = 22
Boomerang: base (4) + STR (3) + Gerudo Training Glove (1) = 8
Bomb: base (5) + STR (3) = 8
Magic Axe: see below
Level Ups:
Level 2=1
Level 3=1
Level 4=1
Level 5=1
Level 6=1
Level 7=1
Level 8=1
Level 9=1
Level 10=1
Level 11=1
Level 12=1
Level 13=1
Level 14=1
Find Din's Favorite Braclet=1
The Lost Toy=1
A Caravaneer's Quandry=1
Find Bessie=1
The Taken Trophies=1
Take the Cake(prt. 2) =1
The Bird Man =1
Magic Ingredients=1
Take the Cake(prt. 3) =1
Take the Cake(prt. 4) =1
Search for the Seed =1
Take the Cake(prt. 5) = 1
Delivery from Afar = 1
Slaying the Spider = 1
TPs: 1
RP'er of the Month:
April 2008
Calatian Dice = 1
First Grand Tournament = 1
Arrows = 1
TPs spent: 29
TPs left:2
Magic Axe
Damage types: Melee, Thrown, Special
Melee DMG (one-handed): base (4) + STR (3) = 7
Melee Cost: None
Melee Range: Short
Thrown DMG: base (6) + STR (3) + Gerudo Training Glove (1)= 10
Thrown Cost: 3
Thrown Range: Long
Throw Special (non-optional): If the axe misses the desired target during the check to see if it hit, another check occurs. If the second check fails , the axe returns to its wielder, doing no damage. It any of the checks succeed, the damage shown if does to the opponent, but if the first check succeeds, the second check DOESN'T OCCUR. Regardless of whether or not either check succeed, the axe returns to the wielder, and drains the required 3 SPL .
Other Special: Whenever the GM desires, this weapon can offer protection from enchanted property, whether the property is organic or inorganic. Some kinds of enchanted objects, especially those enchanted by the same kind of black magic as the axe, are afraid of it, thus they avoid it by a radius of a few feet when it's presence is known and presented to them.
Orpheous' Bio
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:11 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Yet to be revealed
Twelve-year-old Meggie Folchart, listening to the rain in bed one night, sees a stranger approaching her house. The man, who identifies himself as Dustfinger, is acquainted with Meggie's father, Mo, who is a Silvertongue. Meggie overhears Dustfinger warning Mo about someone who is searching for him, and the three of them leave Meggie's most recent home (Meggie and Mo are constantly moving) and depart for a visit towards Italy. Meggie learns that she, Mo, and Dustfinger are fleeing from a mysterious man named Capricorn, and that they are going to her mother's aunt, Elinor. Meggie has not seen her mother since she was three years old, and although she and Mo love books, he never reads aloud to her.
While staying at Elinor's, some of Capricorn's men come and take Mo away to Capricorn's village while Dustfinger is performing a fire show for Meggie. Dustfinger has betrayed Mo in the hopes of saving himself. Elinor, Meggie, and Dustfinger (accompanied by his pet marten, Gwin) leave Elinor's house to follow Mo and his captor, an evil servant of Capricorn's named Basta. Meggie learns that her father has the power to read things in and out of books; one night, while reading the book Inkheart aloud to her mother, Mo accidentally read his wife into the Inkworld and Capricorn, Basta, Dustfinger, and Gwin out. After chasing the villains away and saving Dustfinger's life, he tries for a few years to read his wife, Teresa, back into our world with no success. He and Meggie then lived a nomadic life, moving from place to place every few years, in order to keep away from Capricorn, who wants to use Mo's powers to his advantage.
Meggie, Elinor, and Dustfinger are captured by Capricorn's men and are used as hostages to force Mo to read aloud. Mo only agrees once he is holding onto Meggie – if she is touching him, he cannot read her into the novel. Mo reads a passage from Treasure Island and fills the hall with gold but when he reads from One Thousand and One Arabian Nights all that emerges is a boy named Farid. Dustfinger helps to free Meggie, Mo, and Elinor, realizing the foolishness of his betrayal, and Meggie convinces them to take Farid when they flee. The five fugitives steal a car from Capricorn's village and flee to the Italian Coast where they try to come up with a plan. Mo realizes that he needs to find a copy of the book and read Capricorn and Basta back into it, and decides to try and track down the author, Fenoglio. They find him living contentedly in another small town, and reveal their story to him by showing them Dustfinger, who is horrified to discover he is a character in a novel and that, according to the original plot, will die at the end of the book. Fenoglio is reluctant to help them, but he and Meggie are captured by Basta, who brings them back to Capricorn's village as bait to force Mo to finish his plan.
Mo, Dustfinger, Farid, and Elinor sneak back towards Capricorn's village and try to decide how to save Meggie and Fenoglio. Meggie meets a servant of Capricorn's, Resa, who was a mute woman read out of Inkheart by Darius, Capricorn's stuttering reader, who she believes might be her mother. After being threatened by Mortola, Capricorn's mother and maid, she excitedly tells Fenoglio and starts reading aloud from some books Darius had left behind.
Meggie discovers she has roughly the same gift as her father. Mo sends Gwin to find Meggie with a message written in Elvish tucked underneath his collar; Meggie replies and reveals to Mo that she has the gift as well. Dustfinger infiltrates the village and finds Resa, and she asks about Mo and Meggie through writing. Dustfinger, who has feelings for Resa, reluctantly tells her the truth. Basta discovers Meggie's power when he finds Tinkerbell in her and Fenoglio's cell, and Capricorn demands that she will finish his plan. Fenoglio asks for some pen and paper to keep his mind clear, but secretly works on an ending to give his story a more satisfying conclusion.
Meggie is forced to read a passage from Inkheart and bring the Shadow, Capricorn's personal assassin of fire, into the real world. With Elinor and Resa held as hostages by Basta and Mortola theatening to poison her, Meggie agrees. Fenoglio gives her a sheet of paper to tuck in her sleeve and add to the passage to save herself. Farid and Mo light a fire to draw away Capricorn's men, and Fenoglio causes a ruckus so that Meggie can slip out his sheet of paper. Meggie summons the Shadow (and accidentally sends Fenoglio into his own book), but cannot bring herself to destroy it and Capricorn. Mo takes the paper and reads it; the Shadow kills Capricorn, and then explodes and reforms into all the magical creatures whose lives he stole in the covers of Inkheart. Basta and Mortola escape, but Mo and Resa are reunited. Farid and Dustfinger steal the last copy of Inkheart and leave to try and find a way into the story, while Mo, Resa, Elinor, Darius, Meggie, and some of the fairy creatures go to live at Elinor's house. Meggie decides to try and write stories of her own.
A year has passed, but not a day goes by without Meggie thinking of Inkheart, the book whose characters came to life. Resa is back, but she has no voice. For the fire-eater Dustfinger, the need to return to the tale has become desperate. When he finds a crooked storyteller (Orpheus) to read him back, he abandons his apprentice Farid, and plunges into the pages. Soon Farid convinces Meggie to read him into the book so he can warn Dustfinger of Basta, and then become his apprentice once more. But this time, Meggie has figured out how to read herself and Farid into Inkheart. Suddenly, Mortola, Basta, Orpheus, and a "man built like a wardrobe" barge into Elinor's house, and take Mortimer, Resa, Elinor, and Darius prisoner, while Meggie and Farid have no idea what is happening in the other world. Orpheus reads Basta, Mortola, Mortimer, and Resa into Inkheart. Mortola gets her hands on a modern rifle, and shoots Mortimer. Resa discovers that her voice has come back to her. Resa and Mo are hiding with the strolling players, but now they have discovered that the injured Mo is the mysterious gentleman-robber, the "Bluejay". Now the Adderhead is out to get him, and he is itching to hang him, or kill his family in front of him. Mo and Resa are captured, and Mo is unable to escape because of his fatal wound. Meggie, Resa, and Mo all end up in the Adderhead's castle, while Meggie has made a bargain with the Adderhead that she will bind him a book of immortality if he lets her and those she names go free from the castle. What she neglects to tell the prince is that if three words are written in the book (heart, spell, death) the Adderhead will die instantly. This is a reference to the titles of the books. In the meanwhile, Farid and Dustfinger have sneaked into the castle using soot that causes invisibility, created by a communion of fire and water. Meggie and Farid fall in love. Farid is later killed by Basta (which leads to Mo killing him), so Dustfinger summons the White Women to bring Farid to life, sacrificing himself. Farid comes back to life and Meggie Folchart reads Orpheus into the story. Although Orpheus refuses to admit that Meggie read him into the book.
The story begins with Farid working for Orpheus, in hopes of Orpheus reading Dustfinger back to life, and Meggie and her parents living with the Black Prince and his gang of robbers. However, the key to bringing Dustfinger back is communicating with the White Women themselves, and so far Orpheus does not have any knowledge so as to meet them. Knowing that Mo has the power to summon up the White Women, Orpheus offers him the return trip to the real world his wife and daughter, and demands a meeting with the White Women. Mo accepts, not knowing that Orpheus intends to offer him to the White Women in exchange for Dustfinger. At the graveyard of the strolling players, Mo summons the White Women, as planned, but they take him to the world of the dead, without bringing Dustfinger back either. The gang of robbers immediately accuse Orpheus of treachery, but he denies it and grudgingly trudges away, gloomy without any prospect of Dustfinger. In the world of the dead, Mo meets Death itself, and Death bargains with Mo. Because he had bound the Adderhead a book of immortality, Death could not take him. Death offers Mo and Dustfinger on the condition that Adderhead is brought to Death by the end of winter, but if they should fail, Death will take Meggie and Mo.
Mo and Dustfinger return from Death, and everyone rejoices. Upon hearing this news, Orpheus calls Farid to him, who hasn't heard yet, and locks him up in the cellar, afraid of him running away to Dustfinger. Dustfinger comes to rescue him, taking the book Inkheart with him. Somehow, back in the real world, Elinor persuaded Darius to read them to the Inkworld, and they rejoin the robbers. However, Elinor proves to be more of a bother than help, and constantly argues with Fenoglio while he was concentrated in writing the future for the Inkworld. Afterwards, the Adderhead orders his henchmen to plunder the villages. The peasants' only defence is a band of outlaws led by the Bluejay. The Adderhead's daughter Violante offers the Bluejay her alliance, and Mo, seeing no other solution to killing the Adderhead, accepts. Meanwhile, Mortola, under the disguise of a magpie, visits the robber's den, where they hid the children, and makes several attempts to kill the Black Prince and Meggie, but all without success.
Fenoglio discovers his talent of writing had returned to him when he wrote roots to save the Black Prince from Death when Mortola poisons him. Mortola offers Orpheus her alliance with a demand of bringing her son, Capricorn, back from the dead. Mo and Dustfinger, under the alliance of Violante, the Adderhead's daughter, march to the castle gates, bargaining the Bluejay in return for all the children of Ombra. There Violante takes them to her mother's castle, the Castle of the Lakes, with the intention of completely disabling the Adderhead's men when they arrive. After being revealed their presence, the band of robbers and the children move to a forest to hide in "human nests". The Piper eventually finds them, however, and attacks. Fenoglio again unveils his talent of writing when he summons up a giant with the help of Meggie. At the castle, the Adderhead's men followed a passage not known by Violante, and her child soldiers get slaughtered, and Mo and Violante captured, and Dustfinger presumably killed by Orpheus's Night-Mare, Basta. Resa (who is now pregnant) leaves the robbers, shape-shifts into a Swift, and flies to the castle in hopes of saving Mo, and the three of them wander the castle in search of the White Book. When none has turned up, Dustfinger offers to go looks for it, only to stumble upon Orpheus, who says that Brianna, Dustfinger's daughter, is being held captive, and will be killed if Dustfinger doesn't lead a trail of fire to Mo's location. After consulting with Mo, Dustfinger does lead the trail of fire, and goes to rescue his daughter, extinguishing Basta with flame. Under the Piper's supervision, Mo works on a new White Book, to replace the Adderhead's, as slowly as possible, for it is plain that the book should never be finished. The Adderhead's grandson, Jacopo, steals the White Book and secretly hands it to Mo. While Jacopo distracts the Piper, Mo writes in the three words, HEART, SPELL, and DEATH.
The Adderhead is taken by the White Women, Dustfinger flares up the remaining guards not routing, and they all return to the robbers' hideout. Orpheus escapes to the freezing mountains on the other side of the country. The children are released back to their parents, and Violante rules over the entire country. Meggie, destined with Fenoglio's writing, falls deeply in love with a boy named Doria , and when asked by Farid, her former love, to join him to wander the cities like Dustfinger, refuses. It is later revealed that Resa gives birth to a boy, and the Folchart family lives happily ever after in the Inkworld.
Still undisclosed.
NMC Information
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:17 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
PFH Members
Simon Grendel
Name: Simon Grendel
Race: Human
Class: Scholar/Scribe
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Age: Late teens, likely 19
Primary Weapon: Deku Staff
Secondary Weapon: Deku 2H Sword
Birthplace: Village of Galfin, Hyrule
Date of Birth: 1967, possibly early 1968 (see the HA2 Wiki's Timline prior to HA2)
Hometown: Village of Galfin, Hyrule
Father: Westin Grendel
*status: dead
*residence: Village of Galfin when alive, now North Castle Cemetery
Mother: Amaina Grendel
*status: dead
*residence: Village of Galfin when alive, now North Castle Cemetery
Sister: Leah Grendel
*status: dead
*residence: Village of Galfin when alive, now North Castle Cemetery
STR: base(1) + Goron Strength L2 (2) = 3
DEF (rating): base (2) + AGI (2) + L1 tunic (10) + racial (3)= 17
AGI: base (1) + Deku Agility L1 (1) = 2
INT: base (3) + Hylian Intelligence L2 (2) = 5
SPI: base (3) = 3
SPL: base class (3) x level (13) + SPI (3) = 42
HP: base (20) + Exceptional Health L1 (10) + SPI (3) = 33
Talents (29 out of 29 spent)
Goron Strength L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Goron Strength L2 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Deku Agility L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Hylian Intelligence L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Hylian Intelligence L2 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Exceptional Health L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Train: 2H Sword L1 (3 TP to learn)
Train: Boomerang L2 (4 TP to learn)
Learn: Elemental Burst L1 (1 TP to learn)
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 (3 TP to learn)
Learn: Life L1 (2 TP to learn)
Epic Poem L1(1 TP to learn)
Epic Poem L2 (2 TP to learn)
Learn: Shield L1 (1 TP to learn)
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 (2 TP to learn)
Speak: Gerudic L1 (1 TP to learn)
Master of Linguistics L1 (1 TP to learn)
Learn: Fire L1 (2 TP to learn)
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
Scroll of Fire
Scroll of Elemental Burst
Scroll of Life
Scroll of Shield
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves
Deku Staff: base (9) + STR (3) = 12
Deku 2H Sword: base (14) + STR (3) = 17
Deku Boomerang: base (4) + STR (3) + Gerudo Training Gloves (1) = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bombs: base (9) = 9
Magic: level (13) + base class (3) + INT (5) = 21
Bio: Apprentice of Orpheous. He is learning the trade of word-mancing from his master. His entire family died because of a massacre led by Roronek. MORE TO COME
Name: Silna
Race: Human
Class: Vagabond/Ranger
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 13
Gender: Female
Age: Appears to be in her late twenties
Primary Weapon: Duel Deku Dangers
Secondary: Throwing Kunai Knives
Birthplace: ???, Zega Moon Realm
Date of Birth: Undisclosed
Hometown: ???, Zega Moon Realm
STR: base (2) + Goron Strength L3 (3) = 5
DEF (rating): base (1) + AGI (4) + L1 Jerkin (12) + racial (3) [+ shield (2)] = 20 [22]
AGI: base (3) + Deku Agility L1 (1) = 4
INT: base (3) + Hylian Intelligence L2 (2) = 5
SPI: base (1) + Zora Spirit L1 (1) = 2
SPL: base class (2) x level (13) + SPI (2) + Exceptional Spell L1 (10)= 38
HP: base (30) + Exceptional Health L2 (30) + SPI (2) = 42
Talents (29 out of 29 spent)
Goron Strength L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Goron Strength L2 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Goron Strength L3 (included in stats) (2 TP to learn)
Deku Agility L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Hylian Intelligence L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Hylian Intelligence L2 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Zora Spirit L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Exceptional Spell L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Exceptional Health L1(included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Exceptional Health L2 (included in stats) (3 TP to learn)
Train: 2H Sword L1 (2 TP to learn)
Train: Bow L1 (2 TP to learn)
Learn: Elemental Burst L1 (1 TP to learn)
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 (3 TP to learn)
Dual Wield L1 (2 TP to learn)
Calm Beast L1 (1 TP to learn)
Track L1 (1 TP to learn)
Leadership L1 (2 TP to learn)
Learn: Fire L1 (2 TP to learn)
Deku Dagger x 2
Deku Shield
Deku Bow
Ammo Bag
Bomb Bag
Gerudo Training Gloves
L1 Jerkin
Deku 2H Sword
Fire Scroll
Deku Dagger: base ( 5) + strength (5) = 10
Deku Dagger w/duel wield L1: base (5) + strength (5) + Duel Wield L1 (5) = 15
Deku 2H Sword: base (14) + strength (5) = 19
Deku Bow: base (9) + strength (5) = 14
Magic: base (2) + level (13) + INT (4) = 19
Bou Fantasy
Name: Bou Fantasy
Race: Human
Class: Grunt/Nomad
Alignment: Neutral
Level: NMC that is not limited by level
Gender: Male
Age: Over fourty, appears to be in his early thirties
Primary Weapon: Deku 2H Sword
Secondary Weapon: NA
Birthplace: ???, Zega Moon Realm
Date of Birth: Undisclosed
Hometown: ???, Zega Moon Realm
Father: "X-Slash" Fantasy
*status: alive
*residence: undisclosed
Mother: Naomi Fantasy
*status: alive
*residence: unknown
Bio: Close friend of, and originally body guard, of Orpheous. MORE TO COME
Matt Wittherson
Name: Matt Wittherson
Race: Human
Class: Scholar/Scribe (Susceptible to change)
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Age: Early Twenties, probably 20 or 21
Primary Weapon: Deku 2H Sword
Secondary Weapon: NA
Birthplace: ???, Earth
Date of Birth:
Hometown: ???, Earth
Name: "Snowflake"
Race: Human (looks like a Sheikah)
Class: Vagabond/Ranger (Susceptible to change)
Aligment: Order
Level: NMC that is not limited by level
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be in his late twenties, possibly early thirties
Primary Weapon: 2H Sword
Secondary Weapon: Large Shuriken
Birthplace: Zega Moon, Zega Moon Realm
Date of Birth: Undisclosed
Hometown: Zega Moon, Zega Moon Realm
Bio: Friend of Bou's who assisted in his retrieval. Bears an odd resemblance to Sheik. MORE TO COME
Bingo Harvey
Name: Bingo Harvey
Race: Human
Class: Scholar/Cleric
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 13
Gender: Female
Age: Probably in her forties, appears to be in her late twenties
Primary Weapon: Deku Staff
Secondary Weapon: NA
Birth Place: ???, Zega Moon Realm
Date of Birth: Undisclosed
Home Town: ???, Zega Moon Realm
Bio: The love interest of Bou Fantasy. She originally arrived in Hyrule when she got a distress call from Bou. She later led a team into the depths of the caverns of Ruto Flats to retrieve him. MORE TO COME
Valentine Simmons
Name: Valentine Simmons
Race: Human
Class: Vagabond/Thief
Alignment: Chaos(only because Valentine needs to have thief skills such as stealth)
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Age: Probably forties, appears to be in his early twenties
Primary Weapon: Deku Dagger
Secondary Weapon: NA
Birthplace: ???, Zega Moon Realm
Date of Birth: Undisclosed
Hometown: ???, Zega Moon Realm
Bio: Bou Fantasy's friend from a military team they used to be part of. He showed up with Bingo in an attempt to retrieve him. He is extremely stealthy, but also uses long range attacks. MORE TO COME
Phil Taylor
Name: Phil Taylor
Race: Hylian
Class: Grunt/Vassal
Alignment: Order
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-seven
Primary Weapon: Deku 1H sword
Birthplace: North Castle, Hyrule
Date of Birth: 1958
Home Town: North Castle, Hyrule
Father: Kin Taylor
*status: alive
*residence: North Castle home
Mother: Rachel Taylor
*status: alive
*residence: North Castle home
STR: base (3) + Goron Strength L2 (2) = 5
DEF(rating): base (3) + AGI (3) L1 Chainmail (14) + racial (3) [+ shield (2)] = 23 [25]
AGI: base (2) + Deku Agility L1 (1) = 3
INT: base (1) + Hylian Intelligence L2 (3)
SPI: base (1)
SPL: base class (1) x level (13) + SPI (1) = 14
HP: base (40) + Exceptional Health L1 (10) + SPI (1) = 51
Goron Strength L1
Goron Strength L2
Deku Agility L1
Hylian Intelligence L1
Hylian Intelligence L2
Exceptional Health L1
Train: Spear L2
Train: Bow L3
Honorable Kill L1
Deku 1H Sword
Deku Shield
Deku Spear
Fire Scroll
L2 Chainmail
Deku Bow
Gerudo Training Glove
Bomb Bag
Deku 1H Sword: base (5) + STR (5) = 10
Magic: base class (1) + level (13) + INT (3) = 17
Deku Bow: base (7) + STR (5) + Gerudo Training Glove (1) = 13
Bomb: base (9) = 9
Deku Spear: base (12) + STR (5) = 17 (no penalties on chances to hit)
Bio: Lives his live for Bou Fantasy, who he studies under. MORE TO COME
Name: Anti-Jr
Race: Psion (treated via Rules Set as Human)
Class: Scholar/Mage
Aligment: Chaos
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (appears to be in early twenties, if not late teens)
Primary Weapon: Channeling Staff
Secondary Weapon: NA
Birthplace: Psion Station, Zega Moon Realm
Date of Birth: Undisclosed
Hometown: Psion Station, Zega Moon Realm
Bio: A genius young mind from the Psion race. Bou found him and added him to his military A team. However, he has a very devious mind, and an affinity to cause mischief and mayhem.
Name: Thealter
Race: Hylian
Class: Scholar/Mage
Aligment: Neutral (with an affinity for mischief and being on the winning side)
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Primary Weapon: Staff
Secondary Weapon:
Birthplace: Galfin, Hyrule
Date of Birth: 1966
Hometown: Galfin, Hyrule
Unknown members, but they were all killed by Roronek's men in the Galfin Massacre
STR: base (1) + Goron Strength L3 (3) = 4
DEF(rating): base (2) + AGI (4) + Tunic (10) = 16
AGI: base (1) + Deku Agility L3 (3) = 4
INT: base (3) + racial (3) = 6
SPI: base (3) + Zora Spirit L2 (2) = 5
SPL: base class (3) x level (13) + SPI (5) + Exceptional Spell L2 (20) = 64
HP: base (20) + SPI (3) + Exceptional Health L2 (30) = 53
Talents (29 out of 29)
Goron Strength L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Goron Strength L2 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Goron Strength L3 (included in stats) (2 TP to learn)
Deku Agility L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Deku Agility L2 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Deku Agility L3 (included in stats) (2 TP to learn)
Zora Spirit L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Zora Spirit L2 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Exceptional Spell L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Exceptional Spell L2 (included in stats) (2 TP to learn)
Exceptional Health L1 (included in stats) (1 TP to learn)
Exceptional Health L2 (included in stats) (3 TP to learn)
Train: Slingshot L1 (1 TP to learn)
Learn: Elemental Burst L1 (1 TP to learn)
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 (3 TP to learn)
Learn: Life L1 (2 TP to learn)
Learn: Elemental Explosion L1 (3 TP to learn)
Learn: Fire L1 (2 TP to learn)
Deku Staff
Deku Slingshot
Scroll of Fire
Scroll of Elemental Burst
Scroll of Life
Scroll of Elemental Explosion
L1 Tunic
Bomb Bag
Ammo Bag
Gerudo Training Glove
Deku Staff: base (9) + STR (4) = 13
Deku Slingshot: base (5) + STR (4) + Gerudo Training Gloves (1) = 10
Bombs: base (9) = 9
Magic: base class (3) + level (13) + INT (6) = 21
Bio: A young man born in the village of Galfin. His whole family was slaughtered in the Galfin Massacre. He bonded with Simon for a while afterward, but eventually went out on his own, to learn mage craft. He has an affinity for mischief and being on the winning side, and he is typically not seen without his trench coat or birdmask.
Non-PFH Members
Name: Undisclosed
Self-given Name: "Vilk"
Aliases: "Vilk" , others currently yet to be known
Race: Undisclosed, stats of a human
Class: NA, base stats of a scholar
Alignment: NA
Level: NA
Gender: Male
Age: Undisclosed, presumably over 40; appears to be in mid-20's to early 30's
Primary Weapon(s): Magic/Deku 2H Swords
Secondary Weapon(S): Just about anything and everything
HP: base(20) + Exceptional Health L3 (50) + SPI (16) = 86
STR: base (1) + Goron Strength L3 (3) + ? (6) = 10
DEF (rating): base (2) + racial (3) + Human Defense L3 (3) + AGI (10) + Tunic (10) = 28
AGI: base (1) + Deku Agility L3 (3) + ? (6) = 10
INT: base (3) + Hylian Intelligence L3 (3) + ? (4) = 10
SPI: base (3) + Zora Spirit L3 (3) + ? (10)= 16
SPL: level ("17") x base class (3) + SPI (6) + Exceptional Spell L3 (5) + ? (8 )= 70
Talents (known)
Goron Strength L1
Goron Strength L2
Goron Strength L3
Human Defense L1
Human Defense L2
Human Defense L3
Deku Agility L1
Deku Agility L2
Deku Agility L3
Hylian Intelligence L1
Hylian Intelligence L2
Hylian Intelligence L3
Zora Spirit L1
Zora Spirit L2
Zora Spirit L3
Exceptional Health L1
Exceptional Health L2
Exceptional Health L3
Exceptional Spell L1
Exceptional Spell L2
Exceptional Spell L3
L4 Train: 2H Sword
L4 Train: Bow
L4 Train: Boomerang
L4 Train: Slingshot
L3 Learn: Resurrection
L4 Learn: Spell
L2 Learn: Jump
L3 Learn: Elemental Burst
L3 Learn: Life
L3 Learn: Fairy
L3 Learn: Thunder
L3 Learn: Shield
L1 Learn: Temple Services
L3 Learn: Elemental Explosion
L2 Learn: Polymorph
L3 Learn: Royal Spirit
L2 Swim
L1 Dig
L1 Sprint
L3 Dual Wield
L3 Disarm Trap
L3 Calm Beasts
L3 Track
L3 Pick Lock
L3 Choke
L3 Leadership
L3 Stealth
L3 Pick Pocket
L3 Find Sustenance
L3 Disarm
L4 Unarmed Combat
L3 Exceptional Endurance
L1 Honorable Kill
L3 The King's Banner
L3 Nomadic Awareness
L1 Arcane Archery
L3 Epic Poem
L2 Master of Linguistics
L2 The Quill is Mightier than the Sword
L1 Musical Talent
L1 Speak: Moblinish
L1 Speak: Gerudic
L1 Speak: Ancient Hylian
L1 Speak: Infernal
L3 Play: Call of Din
L3 Play: Will of Farore
L3 Play: Spirit of Nayru
L3 Play: Elegy of the Departed
L3 Play: Sonata of Restoration
Ancient Hylian
Ignuck Speak (language of the nation of Ignuck)
Language of the Rencals (language of the nation of Rencal)
Montetongue (language of the nation of Montegomey)
(Countless other languages and secret codes)
Deku 2H Swords (at least 8 )
Scroll Of Elemental Burst
Scroll Of Elemental Explosion
Scroll Of Fairy
Scroll Of Fire
Scroll Of Jump
Scroll Of Life
Scroll Of Polymorph
Scroll Of Resurrection
Scroll Of Royal Spirit
Scroll Of Shield
Scroll Of Spell
Scroll Of Temple Services
Scroll Of Thunder
Deku Bow
Deku Boomerang
Deku Slingshot
Gerudo Training Gloves
Kunai Throwing Knives
Hurdy Gurdy
Fishbone Guitar
Deku 2H Sword: base (14) + STR (4) + L4 (2) = 20 x number directed at target
Magic: level ("17") + base class (3) + INT (6) = 26
Deku Bow: base (9) + STR (4) + L4 (2) + Gerudo Training Glove (1) = 16
Deku Boomerang: base (4) + STR (4) + L4 (2) + Gerudo Training Glove (1) = 11
Deku Slingshot: base (5) + STR (4) + L4 (2) + Gerudo Training Glove (1) = 12
Knives: base (1) + STR (4) + Gerudo Training Glove (1) = 6 x number thrown (up to 4)
Name: Ross ???
Race: Sheikah
Class: Vagabond/Bard
Alignment: Chaos/The Masters of Destruction
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Age: Mid-twenties
Primary Weapon(s): Deku 2H Sword
Secondary Weapon(S): Deku Bow
HP: base(30) + Exceptional Health L2 (30) + SPI (3) = 63
STR: base (2) + Goron Strength L2 (2) = 4
DEF (rating): base (1) + AGI (6) + L1 Jerkin (12) = 19
AGI: base (3) + racial (3) = 6
INT: base (3) + Hylian Intelligence L1 (1) = 4
SPI: base (1) + Zora Spirit L2 (2) = 3
SPL: level (13) x base class (2) + SPI (3) = 29
Musical Talent (No TP cost because of class)
Zora Spirit L2
Goron Strength L2
Hylian Intelligence L1
Exceptional Health L2
Call Din L1
Spirit of Nayru L1
Elemental Burst L2
Train: 2H Sword L2
Train: Bow L1
Train: Boomerang L1
Deku Dagger
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Jerkin
Deku Bow
Deku Boomerang
Scroll of Elemental Burst
Scroll of Fire
Bomb Bag
Ammo Bag
Gerudo Training Glove
Deku 2H Sword: base (14) + STR (4) = 18 (-1 Chance to hit)
Magic: level (13) + base class (2) + INT (4) = 19
Deku Bow: base (7) + STR (4) + Gerudo Training Glove (1) = 12
Deku Boomerang: base (4) + STR (4) + Gerudo Training Glove (1) = 9
Name: Derek
Race: Human
Class: Scholar/Cleric
Alignment: Order
Gender: Male
Age: appears to be in his late-twenties
Primary Weapon: Staff or Cain
Secondary Weapon: Slingshot
Birthplace: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown, possibly 1960
Hometown: North Castle, Hyrule
STR: base (1)
DEF: base (2) + Racial (3) = 5
AGI: base (1)
INT: base (3) + Hylian Intelligence L2 (2) = 5
SPI: base (3) + Zora Spirit L2 (2)+ Garlund Amulet (3) = 8
HP: base (20) +Exceptional Spell L2 (30) + SPI ( 8 ) = 58
SPL: base (3) x level (13) + SPI ( 8 ) + Exceptional Spell L1 (10) = 57
Talents (29 out of 29 spent)
Resurrection L2 – 7
Temple Service – 2
Exceptional Health L2 – 4
Divine Drain L2 - 3
Slingshot L1 – 1
Cane L1 -1
Fire L1 -2
Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Exceptional Spell L1 – 1
Zora Spirit L2 – 2
Hylian Intelligence L2 -2
Deku Slingshot
Scroll of Temple Services
Scroll of Resurrection
Scroll of Elemental Burst
Scroll of Fire
2H Deku Staff
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves (+1 damage with ranged weapons)
Garlund Amulet (+3 to SPI)
Ammo Bag
Ember Seed
Bomb Bag
Defense Rating: DEF (5) + AGI (1) + Tunic (10) = 16
Deku Staff: base (9) + STR (1) = 10
Deku Slingshot: base (5) + STR (1) + Gerudo Training Gloves (1) = 7
-Ember Seed Shot: base (5) + Ember Seed Bonus (5) = 12 (fire-type damage)
Magic: base class (3) + level (13) + INT (5) = 21
Pepper Pinkerton
Name: Pepper Pinkerton
Race: Sheikah
Class: Vagabond/Bard
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 14
Gender: Female
Age: Appears to be in mid-twenties
Primary Weapon: Dagger
Secondary Weapon: Boomerang
STR: (base) 2
DEF: (base) 1
AGI: (base) 3 + (racial modifier) 3 + (Deku Agility L3) 3 = 9
INT: (base) 3
SPI: (base) 1 + (Zora Spirit L3) 3 + (Garlund Amulet) 3 = 7
HP: (base) 30 + (SPI) 7 + (Exceptional Health L2) 30 = 67
SPL: [(Level x Base Class)] 14 x 2 + (SPI) 7 + (Exceptional Spell L3) 30 = 65
Talents (31 Out of 31 Spent)
Deku Agility L3 - 4
Zora Spirit L3 - 4
Exceptional Spell L3 - 6
Exceptional Health L2 - 4
Train: Boomerang L1 - 1
Learn: Jump L1 - 1
Sprint L1 - 2
Play: Will of Farore L2 - 3
Play: Elegy of the Departed L1 - 3
Play: Sonata of Restoration L1 - 1
Play: Call of Din L1 - 1
Play: Spirit of Nayru L1 - 1
Deku Dagger
L1 Jerkin
Scroll of Jump
Garlund Amulet
Gerudo Training Gloves
Bomb Bag
Defense Rating: (DEF) 1 + (L1 Jerkin) 12 + (AGI) 9 = 22
Deku Dagger: (base) 5 + (STR) 2 = 7
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 2 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 7
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (2) = 7
Other characters of notice:
Michael(A.K.A. Angle of Death)
He is technically evil, but only because of his past.
Check the Coming of Overman for more reference.
Ryan Stewart
A close friend of Simon's, best friend was killed by Roronek, helps Orpheous and co out a lot
A master swordsman, used to be the best warrior in Hyrule, 'til he lost to Bou, who he now serves and learns under, hoping to one day beat him in a spar
Rebecca Brinkman
Michael's girlfriend
Cursed warrior, helps out Orpheous and co in major events
An ex-thief, hangs out with Orpheous and Simon
Zaphonus Sky
An ex-mercenary, who was and still is a mage
Gavin Willaims
Bou's closest friend, uses long swords
A librarian of Ruto town, Bret's best friend, helps out Orpheous and co in major events
A civilian who helps out Orpheous and co in major events
Rifis (formally Richard)
Bob's friend, member of the Hyrule Militia, helps out Orpheous and co in major events
The leader of the village where Simon used to live
Ricky Grendel
Simon's uncle
Will Quillton
Friend of Ricky
Bou's archenemy
Captured a fort that used to belong to the Royal Family, however, they forgot about it, and the people there forgot why there were there but they still defended it, he is a strong warrior
a.k.a The Weapon's Master
a.k.a. The Master Puppeteer
A cursed member of the Hyrule Militia, he has the same thing Bret does
See post down later
A keaton that can speak any language, and it can comprehend stuff better than an average human, befriended by Simon
Commander Leon
Commander of Squadron 235 of the Hyrule Militia, lends Orpheous troops from time to time
Cult of Void:
Cameron, the Seeker-power: psycho kinesis - goal: to learn everything
Ralx, the Creator- power: the ability to create certain things out of nothing- goal: to create the perfect brain, with all the knowledge the owner of the original brain had plus more
Paul, the Ender-power: stealth and a huge amount of strength- missions: assassinations
Kaytos Yohtomit-power: master of combat-current position: leader of the Phisilon worshipers in Hyrule, he is only under Rachel Rodgers and William Packle
Tyeil, the Sealer- power: master sealer and seal breaker - goal: to help break the seal the traps Void
Sawern, the traveler - power: knowledge of Hyrule, inside and out, also he also has power over Cirsh energy
Divlos, the Hyrule Pied Piper- power:influence - specie:Hyrulian
Rilt, the Controller - power: to control innanamint objects - specie:Human
An evil man, who is no longer a man, he was transformed by a new of a kind magic, Void magic. He has the ability to warp through deminsions without incantation or effort. He has countless minions. He is currently sealed away in, and as of the moment the seal can't be broken.
Ethan Tomsend ("Black Hat")
One of Void's followers. He leads the Chasm opperators of Earth's future, and he tried to kill Orpheous before Orpheous helped seal away Void. If Orpheous is stopped before Void was sealed, Void would still rome free.
A water creature that Void brought to Hyrule. Supposedly it disappeared when Princess Zelda, and others of high order altered the past to make sure Void never was in Hyrule.
Riva, the stream- power:Water - race: Zora
Mite, the mound - power:Earth - race: Goron
Burnside, the blaze - power:Fire - race: Gerudo
Leaflet, the tree- power:Plant - race: Deku
Yallet, the hunter - power:stealth and stregth - missions: assinnations - race: Shiekah
Currentia, the lightning - power: electricty - race: not discoverd
Gustav, the breeze - power: wind - race: Rito
Glacia, the frost - power: ice - race: Chilfos
Chief Kayus - leader of the Cult of Hyrule, the only two figures higher in status than him are Void himself and Ethan
Dimensional Beast
The main foot soldiers of Voids army. They are part beast, part humanoid. They also hold Void's power to go through dimensions. However, it requires effort, very little, but still effort.
The minions( and leader) of the Ren 7 Empire:
Philemon Rhodes(A.K.A. The Hero of All)
The Leader of the Ren 7 Empire. The Ren 7 Empire is trying to invade Earth, but that requires they destory Zega Moon, which would destory all 17 dimensions where Bou is from. He can only be faced by one in possession of the 7 seals. He used to control Snowflakes body, and he was defeated by Bou once.
A keeper of the seal. She is can get any man she wants, but the only man she loves is Bou. However, Bou does not return this love.
A keeper of the seal.
Jacob Philes
A keeper of the seal. He was defeated by Cystal and Wesley along with others, before they went and awakened the Oracle(no relivence to the legend of Zelda).
Man of Magic
A keeper of the seal. He combines physic powers with illustions.
A keeper of the seal. His main servants are the Greyone, Dark Lord Bou(not really Bou's grandfather, he just thinks he is), and Test Case 0.
Theador Rhodes
He a keeper of the seal. He was a nephew of Philemon Rhodes, and he was treated the best of all the seals. He was temporally defeated by a psyhic, a cop(who was meant to serve him), and a thief.
A keeper of the seal.
Fiona Fantasy
Bou's grandmother, she is underrule of Dark Lord Bou.
Inhareted the throne after the Hero of All's defeat, promoted to be the right hand man of Philemon
Roronek's Army:
Dark One
He rules Montagomy and Roronek.
A cruel man who once ruled a vast portion of Hyrule. He serves his master.
A seduction artist, she can also control animals.
He uses phisical , he is also into botony.
He is a mage.
Roronek's finest
Roronek's finest minions.
The Black Wind organization:
Their leader is non-other than the infamous ALPHA(note: not the player, this guy is distenguished with caps). ALPHA was once a powerfull being who threatened even the godesses' power. They cursed him by making his greatest prodigy, the Nightengale, betray him and fossilize his body. His 25 apprentices(not including the Nightengale) and their soldiers fleed to a far off country. Now an ancient prophecy has come true and ALPHA has come back into the world of Hyrule.
However, there is a twist. His ultimite power was sealed within the Great Colossus. To accesses it, he must fire a beam from the complete triforce, amplify that beam with a shard, and to top it all off, he has to be in space and hit an exact point on the colossus with the beam.
His group had worked hard since his fossilazation. They had studied motors in Terminia, and they started to build engines. They went to no-mans land and made their factories there. They built engine powered armored boats and wagons. The boats look like very large pirate ships coated with armor; they are armed to the teeth with cannons; they have no sails; and, how could we forget, they can transport the wagons. Speaking of which, the wagons look more like tanks; they transport soldiers, and they have 1 to 2 cannons.
ALPHA joined his followers in no-mans land after a brief detour(he had to tell the Nightengale that he, the Nightengale, no longer meant anything to him, ALPHA). He told them the plan to bring back his ancient powers. It would require them to get the full Triforce, obtain a Shensharie shard, persuade an inkweaver, and obtain a one of a kind motor. The motor that lies in the hand-made watch the Orpheous bought in Terminia.
The group:
ALPHA-leader of the black wind(true name: Shinora Nosos)
BRAVO- commander of the BRAVO units, serves ALPHA - species:Hyrulian Warrior -army: Ball in Chain Troopers, guards, knights, some Darknuts and Iron Knuckles
CHARLIE-commander of the CHARLIE units, serves AlPHA -species: blins(moblin, bokoblins, ect.)
DELTA-commander of the DELTA units, serves ALPHA(It goes on like this all the way down) -species:Wizzrobe
ECHO- species: Pol's Voice/Human
GOLF- species: same as Currentia
HOTEL- species:Lizaflos/Human
INDIA- species:Fire Dancer
JULIET- speices:Goron
KILO- species: Rito
LIMA- species: Deku/Zora
MIKE-species: Chillfoes - army: Peahats/Leevers/Octorok/Ropes/Tekites/Frezors/ Chillfoes
OSCAR- species:Iron Knuckle/Darknut
PAPA-species: Redead/Gibdo
QUEBEC - species: Dinoflos
ROMEO - species: Stalfoes -army: Bubbles, Wisps, and Stalfoes
SIERRA - species: Armor(enchanted suits of armor that can think and move for themselves
TANGO- species: Human
UNIFORM - species:Armos
VICTOR - species:Eyegor with Chuchus on it
WHISKEY- species: Poes
X-RAY- species: Floor Master/Wall Master
YANKEE - species:Helmisaur/Charger Turtle
ZULU - species: Vampire surronded in Keeses
The Masters of Destruction:
Their goal is to conquer every nation. Their leader is the Nightengale. The Nightengale still hopes of winning the pride and trust of his former master, ALPHA.
They have several warriors, and they have aquired the help of so many groups. Some of these are: the Elementals(I hope I spelled that right), rebelous exile forces, the Dark Lord of Montagomey's reconsile forces, the servents of Armageddon(I hope I spelled that right), and the cult of Hyrule.
Some noteable MOD(masters of destruction are
The Nightengale
Vilk, the First Master of Destruction
Cell Sky:
A mysterious organization who is currently hunting down the best of the best warriors, for what purpose remains a mystery
Shadow Mask
Leader: Damned One
Neutral-Flat and Sharps brother, the new king of the poes(lived in Ikana).
Staleck-greatest Ikanain knight, enjoyed the darkness that the stone tower brought(from Ikana).
Renagade Garo X- a master Gara, he his extremely skilled(from Ikana)
The Great Fairy of Chaos-part of the Angel of Death storyline(from Ikana).
The Rotting Flesh-Redead leader, moves quickly, oddly enough(from Ikana).
Soul Stealer -of the vampire breed, the sibling of Gomess before Gomess became
Gomess (from Ikana).
More to come.
Special Abilities
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:08 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
This post is dedicated to all new weapons, abilities, spells, songs, languages, and other knick-knacks proposed by me. The majority of which I either plan to check out with RG, or I already have.
Feral Metamorphosis
This over-spell allows its user to become a feral creature and to take on that beast's talents by means of SPL cost. Each beast transformation is a sub-spell. All base stats given, unless otherwise stated, still keep the stat boost talents from the character using the spell, but not other other bonuses are added. Sometimes a prep-time is required for an attack, and in non-spell casting beasts, they can use their SPL pool to nullify the prep-time at whatever the SPL cost is for the attack. Current HP and SPL are scratched when transformation takes place, instead they receive the full HP and SPL of their form. All stat boosts used in battle such as songs, the leadership ability, ect. still apply to feral beasts.
Cost of Transformation: 12 SPL
STR-2; AGI-4; DEF-4; INT-3; SPI-5; HP base-20; SPL base-2
Flight (Active) - Every turn spent flying requires an equal amount of turns on the ground. Can only remain in air for 7 turns. While flying, all melee damage is nullified. Also, while flying, the user receives +3 AGI.
Peck - Base DMG: 5
Talon Scratch - Base DMG: 7 (-2 chance to hit)(minus chance to hit neutralized if in flight)
Gouge - Base DMG: 10 (SPL cost: 10)(Bonus: If the gouge attack hits any character, a target's INT is added to another chance to resist a physical attack. If the second attack lands, the targets eye becomes damaged. Once all the target's eyes are damaged, the number of eyes dictated by the GM, the target only receives a 10d bonus on all their checks to see if their physical attacks hit)
Cost of transformation: 20 SPL
STR-7; AGI-5; DEF-6; INT-1; SPI-3; HP base-40; SPL base-1
Tough Hide (Passive) - All physical attacks that hit the user do half of original damage, rounded up.
Grapple (Passive) - After all successful claw swipes delivered to the target, a grapple check takes place. The targets STR plus INT plus 20d is versed against the user's STR plus only a 20d. If the user's check wins, then a free bite attack is delivered to target on the same turn as the claw swipe. If the target's check wins, the user receives a counter check, there a normal chance to hit is compared to the user's normal chance to resist minus 5. If successful, a free attack is delivered with the base weapon of the target (sword, dagger, or staff).
Claw Swipe - Base DMG:8
Bite - Base DMG: 14 (-3 chance to hit)
Theme Music
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:13 am
by Orpheous(anew)
Orpheous: Forest Temple(Ocarina of Time) and Don't give in(Mirror Image)
Bou: This is the end of the world...(REM)
Silna: Spirit Temple(Ocarina of Time)
Valentine: Shiek's theme(end the song right in the middle with a gunshot)(Ocarina of Time)
Simon/Bret/Ranor/Matt Wittheron: One Song-Glory(RENT)
Bingo:Ice Cavern(Ocarina of Time)
Michael/Carl/Thaix and his crew: Ways to Means(Warning: Mild Cussing)(Snow Patrol)
Charlie(Job)/Orpheous thinking of Silna/whenever my characters are running out time: Our time is running out(Muse Cover)(note: not the best music for Charlie)(note: watch the the tv show "Traveler" music video on You Tube, it makes the song look good)
Michael possessed by the Angel of Death: Stranger than you dreamt it(Phantom of the Opera)
Matt Wittherson: Spokesman(Goldfinger)(Mild Cussing)
Major character reunion, each character is kinda doing there own thing: Christmas Bells(RENT)
Advice: Kaepora Gaebora(Ocarina of Time)
Orpheous confronting Anti-Orpheous: Drilled A Wire Through My Cheek(Blue October)
Orpheous and Silna: I should tell you(RENT)
Orpheous arguing with Silna: Another Day(RENT)
Regret: Hate me today(Blue October) or Chocolate(Snow Patrol)
Adventure: Hyrule Field(Ocarina of Time)
Tragedy: Halloween(RENT)
Relaxation: Day Sleeper(REM)
Voyages: Into the ocean(Blue October)
Stephan: How to be dead(Blue October)
Phil Tyler/Gregory/Mr. Stewart: Anything on the five score and 7 years ago album(Relient K)
Anybody whenever they talk about future technology: Year 3000(Jonas Brothers)
PFH reaching out to somebody: What you own(RENT)
PFH adventure theme: Gerudo Valley(Ocarina of Time)
Ren 7 Empire: Pirate's Fortress(Majora's Mask)
The Ones who Controlled the World/The Masters of Destruction: O Fortuna
Cell Sky: Slade's Theme(Teen Titans)
Black Wind Organization: Orochimaru's theme(Naruto)
Take a look at some of these songs they are really good, and then tell me if you think I paired them to the right characters/organizations/emotions.
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:20 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:24 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Michael(A.K.A. Angle of Death)
Combat Lvl.=4
Defense Lvl.=2
Total:26 BP,24 BP remaining
LV1 Stealth=3
LV1 Area Knowledge=3
LV1 Swimming=3
LV1 Melee Attack=6
LV1 Interagation=3
LV1 Urban Tracking=2
LV2 Climbing=4
Eternal Seal: Michael, do to his curse he used to gain his strengh, can't die. He can only be sealed away. However, when his Hp reaches 0, he is automaticly sealed away.
Vengence: Michael can use his hatered to increase his Combat Lvl., by 3, temporarelly, for 3 turns. Requires Mp usage, of 4 Mp.
Consintration: Michael, by sacrificing HP, can temporarelly add 3 points to his Mp. Requires Hp usage, of 6Hp.
Quick healing wounds: Michael can sacrifice Mp, to reginerate Health, at a rate of 3 Hp per turn. Requires 8 Mp points. This ability lasts 2 turns
Determination: Michael damage he inflicts on an enemy will be tripled, if his Hp is one.
Rebeca's dedication: By sacficing Mp, Michael can attack twice in one turn. Requires 4 Mp.
Rebeca(the sword): Michael uses his huge sword to double his attack. Requires 1 turn to pull it out, and 1 turn to prepare to swing.
Angle of Death: If anybody finds out he is the fabled Angle of Death, he will be a wanted man. Thus, he must kill anyone who finds out.
Transformation: Michael becomes his Angle of Death form by sacrificing all of his Mp. However all his stats double, while he is the Angle of Death. Can't do it in public, he can change back whenever he wants, but he can't do that in public either.
Die: Can only be done in Angle of Death form. Michael's attack is quadrupled for one turn, by sacrificing half of his current Hp.
Orphan: He is rejected by socity.
Fear: In his Angle of Death form he is feared by socity, however his enemies are paralyzed for one turn the first turn they see the Angle of Death.
Imagine the most happy kid in the world. He is rich, he gets to spend time with is cool parents, and his siblings are awesome. Imagine the polar oppisit. That would by Michael.
"Take care of your sister," those were the last words he heard from his parents. They were going on a trip to Hyrule Castle. Michael was staying home with his sister. His younger sister was annoying, but he wouldn't trade her for the world. However, on the third day his parents were away, his sister was playing outside.
Suddenly, some Hyrule guards rode into town on horses, but what Micheal, who was 14 then, didn't know was that they were drunk. "Hey, Peter, watch me kill this village kid," said one of the guards. It was to late for Michael, they threw a dagger at his sister Rebeca, who was 9, and she instintly died.
Michael took his sword, and tried to attack the guard. He was to clumsy with the sword, and he failed to kill the guards, then they left. Michael's parents never returned home, and Michael thought they found out about Rebeca, and that they hated him. However, Michael's parents were really killed by robbers, who hid the bodies.
A year later, Michael had achieved his goal of avengement, he was granted the power of the Angle of Death, by the Great Fairy of Choas, who lay dormant for a long time. Of course, once Michael freed her, she granted him her power and he had the power to become the Angle of Death when he pleased.
Now, Michael is 16, and he lives as an Orphan during the day,figuretiflly speaking, and the Angle of Death, who must kill as many guards as possible, at night, also figuretiflly speaking.
Update: The Angel of Death's name when he was a human was Learza Azrael, although he doesn't remember it.
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:40 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
List of Relevant Topics, including those moderated by others. Presented in In Character chronological order as pieced together by me.
Orpheous is the handle of a distant traveler new to Hyrule. Orpheous is familiar with literature, and thus chooses to become a scribe in this new world, specializing in their magics as well. He also finds a willing and loyal student, Simon Grendel, who Orpheous finds to be the next pupil to learn the mysterious and demanding Wordmancing magic. Orpheous' military escort throughout Hyrule is Bou Fantasy, who was apparently signed into the job against his will. He doesn't know Orpheous all that well, and Orpheous doesn't know him much either, but the two have worked together in the past, and respect each others abilities. Where Bou comes from, he is hailed as the greatest warrior of all time, but Bou attempts to avoid finding fame in Hyrule as well.
While traveling through North Castle, Stephan, a street-urchin turned thief, attempted to steal from Orpheous and his two companions. Orpheous in turn rebuked the young man, but offered the boy shelter and full stomach if he came and lived with them. The boy agreed, and a trusted bond was formed, though Stephan remained mostly independent from the others. Also while at North Castle, Simon befriended a man from the village of Galfin, Simon's hometown, and where he met Orpheous. Galfin had been under the rule of a sinister man. One day, the man turned tyrannical, murdering Simon's parents and several other revolutionaries who were going to confront the ruler about some his darker past actions, actions he still clung to loyally. The leader fled not long after that night, seeing as how the Hylian Knights were coming to put an end to his life anyways. He fled across the sea, back form whence he came. The man Simon met, Mark "Ryan" Stewart, lost a close friend in the Galfin massacre, and he became an older brother kind of figure to Simon.
After leaving North Castle, Stephan, Bou, Simon, and Orpheous set up camp in the North Forest. A few days later, a paramilitary group kidnaps them, rather effectively, and without having left a trace.
Phil Tyler, a Hylian Knight from North Caste, and a loyalist to Bou; Ryan; and several of Bou's colleagues come to investigate word of the disappearance, and find a clue pointing to a cave system a few miles west of Ruto Town.
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=1485" target="body">Link Between the Worlds</a>
The rescue team is lead by Bou's lover, Bingo Harvey, and they soon gather outside of the cave's entrance. With a brave group of adventurers at the ready, they make their way into the depths of the cave. They do battle with many a fierce monster, but only two of the adversaries on the path proved to be a challenge or noteworthy of any significance. The first was a warrior infamous throughout Hyrule as the Angel of Death. He was wanted throughout all corners of the land for murdering dozens of Hylian Knights and Royal Guards. He was temporarily held fast by the seals cast upon him, but later escaped, and fled to take shelter in another form in Ruto Town.
Secondly, the group of adventures ran into a fowl water serpent which called itself Afanc in the underground lake deep within the cavern. It held a grip of fear amongst the group . It used its long arching neck to flail some of the adventurers, and others, it attacked with magical energy, gathered at the creature's mouth and propelled from there in bursts or spheres. One of the adventures exploited an armor gap in the Afanc's upper neck, and he brought down a spear upon it, inflicting a nasty wound upon the beast. The serpent retreated below the waters, using its telepathy to inform them that once it finished healing, it would surface to promptly maim and devour them all.
Luckly, Orpheous had managed to escape from his confinements, and was able to catch the rescue team, and aid them in crossing the lake. Miles later, they group came the the room where the paramilitary group was housed in, along with the three captives. However, the paramilitary team seemed to be preforming some kind of ritual, and they didn't appear to be acting upon their own will.
All was made clear when Bingo recognized Void's insignia burned into the ceiling of that room of the cavern. Void was a extra-dimensional being who sought rule in any world he saw to be appealing. With dark magics at his disposal, as well as an organization aiding him, this was often accomplished in the long run. Hyrule was no exception, except that a Hero came and with the help of a Princess named Zelda, cast out Void, and changed time so that the dark fiend had never came into their world and instilled his tyranny in the first place. This cave was the only exceptional to that purge, and its space and time remained constant, unchanged, because Void's magics were too strong in this place.
Now, Void's magics were compelling the soldiers to sacrifice Bou, the warrior behind Void's current inability to manifest. The adventurers burst in, but couldn't stop the well-trained paramilitary force, even if they were being possessed. But, then Roronek arrived in the chamber. He was the one who killed Simon's parents. He was the tyrant of Galfin. Upon seeing him, the paramilitary snapped out of their cursed state, and realized that he was their leader, and that he gave the orders. They quickly evacuated before Orpheous and his fellow adventures could get a handle on their direction. Void himself was causing a cave-collapse, so Orpheous and the others ran for the nearest exit, barely managing to escape with their lives. Orpheous and the others then thanked the group, but addressed the fact that Roronek was still out there, back in Hyrule, with an army. Certainly, he was here to launch an attack, now they needed to find him. Orpheous and company however decided to head back to North Castle and regroup first.
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:13 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Race:Human(given the power of the Galliant)
STR:(Base)3 + (Goron Strengh L3) 3 + (Faith) 2= 8
DEF:(Base)3 +(Human Defense L3)3 +(Racial Bonus)3 +(Chainmail)14+(Faith)2=22
AGI:(Base)3 +(Deku Agility lvl. 3)3+(Faith)2=8
INT:(Base)3 +(Hylian Intelligence lvl. 3)3 +(Faith)2=8
SPI:(Base)3 +(Zora Spirit lvl. 3)3 +(Faith)2=8
HP:(Base)40 +(Exceptional Health lvl. 2)30 +(Faith)10=80
SPL:(Base)50(I know there is no base for SPL, but there is for Galliants) + (Exceptional Spell lvl. 3)5 +(Faith)30=85
Weapon Trains:
Train Bow(lvl. 2)
Train Boomerang(lvl. 2)
Resurrection(lvl. 2)
Jump(lvl. 1)
Elemental Burst(lvl. 2)
Temple Services
Thunder(lvl. 2)
Shield(lvl. 2)
Elemental Explosion(lvl. 2)
Swim(lvl. 2)
Duel Wield(lvl. 3)
Arcane Archery
Leadership(lvl. 2)
Find Sustenance(lvl. 2)
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword(lvl. 1)
Musical Talent
Ancient Hylian
Spirit of Nayru(lvl. 3)
Unique talents:
Cost: 5 SPL per turn
Use: Buffs up agility by 3 while flying
Cost: None
Use: roll a d20, if the number is 1-10, damage is taken as normal, if they number is an odd number after ten, than the damage is cut in half, if the number is an even number after ten, the damage is nulled. However, if they number is 20, he takes double damage because he failed to block the move
Note: This is a passive ability that occurs every time he is being hit with a spell or weapon
Wing Barrage
Cost: 10 SPL
Use: does damage equal to twice Remos's current strengh
Note:Functions like a spell
Tainted Blade
Type: One handed
Damage rating:???
Changing power
Use: for any time this weapon hits, roll a 5d and a 10d. Whatever the numbers are, add them together and then add the strength, that is the damage of the blow
Cost: Automatic(none)
Use: any time this blade makes contact with an enemy, the enemy is then
poisoned. The poison inflicts 5 direct damage a turn. To remove the poison, one must take one turn to suck it out
Blade of Vengeance
Type: One handed
Damage rating: 7
Cost:5 SPL for each time it is used
Use: Before Remos attacks, he must sacrifice the SPL if he wishes to use it. If he makes contact, the weapon will deal damage as normal, but it was also add 1/4 of the damage dealt to Remos by the enemy he is trying to strike rounded to the nearest number
Bow and Arrows
Other items of fighting use:
Fishbone guitar
Use: Functions like a normal instrument, however, all songs played on it last for 4 rounds
Every fifth turn, he is not allowed to cast a spell, or attempt to strike with his weapon. However, he can still use abilities on play a song on that turn
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:45 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:52 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Imagine a man, no wait, he isn't even a man, let me start over....
Imagine a guy who is half wolf half man, but isn't fersome enough to be a werewolf. Now, keep imagining, the only person, including himself, that knows anything about his past is a stalker who wants him to confess his sins, that our wolfish friend doesn't know even exist.
His name is Charlie, but he is called Job by the stalker and his friends. He only remembers coming to an Earth like place(exact replica of Earth, just a different dimension). There, he started his life around twenty. His cross specie appearance gave him as many enemies as he had a fans. However, he managed to get past his problems and become a CPO of a business that covered many fields, my personal favorate being toothpaste. He was doing good until one day, he got a call on his cell phone. "You have 5 minutes to confess you sin to the world or I'll blow up your house," said the voice on the other end.
"I don't even know my past, and I think you have the wrong...," started Charlie.
"Charlie Lancaster." Charlie immediantly picked up his other cell phone and started dialing 911.
"NO COPS," screamed the voice on the other end. "To prove you I'm not kidding, look out your right window." Charlie, who was in his car obayed. He was stopping at a light. "I am going to blow up that empty taxi across the street in five... four.. threetwoone." Right as the man reached one, the taxi exploded.
"Don't play dumb with me," the voice continued. "You remember your past, and we both know it, by the way, your five minutes are up." Charlie was just pulling into the driveway of his multi-million dollar house when the man said his last words and hung up the phone. Sure enough, the house exploded.
Now, Charlie discovered a portal from Earth to Hyrule, and he is trying to escape his past, that he still is in the dark on.
OOC: I know it sounds a little like Thr3e, but I needed some inspiration, now give a break, gosh.
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:38 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Finally, the long awaited inkweaving explanation....
Orpheous must sacrifice SPL equal to 2 times the average of the base stats of the creature Orpheous is attempting to summon. Orpheous must sacrifice multiples of five SPL to gain multiples of 10 HP for the creature, same for SPL. Thus, if Orpheous sacrificed 30 SPL, he could summon a creature whose average of their base stats was 10 and it's HP and SPL would be 10 each.
Now, you might ask, well, what about if the creature has a special or if it has talents. Well, here is your answer...
Orpheous must sacrifice 2x the SPL as the cost of the talent. Orpheous must sacrifice 2x the SPL of how much SPL the creature must sacrifice to use the special. So, that is a full idea on summoning. Now, how 'bout an example.
Orpheous wishes to summon a soldier. This soldier has an average base stat of 7, and the soldier has Train: Boomerang, lvl 1. The soldier also has a special called United. United costs 4 SPL and it allows him to get 2 more HP for all other soldiers in battle. The soldier Orpheous is attempting to summon has 10 HP and 10 SPL. So, Orpheous would have to sacrifice 34 SPL to summon the soldier.
To summon an item, Orpheous must sacrifice the same amount of SPL as the DMG the weapon does. He must also sacrifice 5 SPL for each special the weapon has.
I have permission by RG to use this talent in my own stat-battles, and in anybody else's, if they allow me.