Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:15 pm
Full Name: Worru Worruson Gerudo
Real Name: Sethu Reginald Worruson
Age: 15
Height: 4'5
Description: This teen's amethyst eyes are those of a menacing bat. He has short, messy hair the color of an overcast sky. His form is rather sleek. He wears a no-sleeve tattered shirt and tattered blue pants. He and Ryokiden have an extreme dislike of cake.
Weapon: Swiftspirit
This sword has a blade with butterflys and sundials engraved on it. The guard resembles a pair of arms with a bronze-colored crystal clutched in each hand.
Real Name: Sethu Reginald Worruson
Age: 15
Height: 4'5
Description: This teen's amethyst eyes are those of a menacing bat. He has short, messy hair the color of an overcast sky. His form is rather sleek. He wears a no-sleeve tattered shirt and tattered blue pants. He and Ryokiden have an extreme dislike of cake.
Weapon: Swiftspirit
This sword has a blade with butterflys and sundials engraved on it. The guard resembles a pair of arms with a bronze-colored crystal clutched in each hand.
Last edited by Worru on Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:29 pm, edited 21 times in total.