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The Hawk

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:03 pm
by The Hawk
Current Level: L1

Race: Hylian
Base Class: Grunt
Main Class:
Alignment: Neutral


DEF 17

HP 40

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:04 pm
by The Hawk
The Hawk's Talents

TP: 0


Favor of the Goddesses

Weapon Proficencies

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:07 pm
by The Hawk

The Hawk was born, no parents in sight, or in mind, and has quite a low regard for them. The Hawk was trained by the Elementalist, who helped him hone his skills. He know wanders Hyrule, ready to protect anyone.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:32 pm
by The Hawk
This is for the Overman event.

Mind: 6
Body: 4
Soul: 4

Combat Value: 4
Defense Value: 2

Magic Points: 20
Health Points: 25


Stealth L2

Physical Sciences L1

Archery L1

Melee Attack L1

Thrown Weapons L1


Hawk Gauntlet: Allows Hawk to launch one of three (3) hawks, arranged by color: Red: Explosive, shoots in straight path, Blue: Sentry, sends telepathic messages, Green: Guardian, protects Hawk or others.

Iceray Gauntlet: Specialized gauntlet, of unknown origin, that allows Hawk some Ice magic. Can launch Iceray or activate Ice Fire glove.

Sling: Used to attack enemies from afar. Has different sling shots.

Hawk Talon Daggers: Special daggers that are thrown.

Appearance: This teen has a lonely aura about him. His large eyes are the exact color of the evening sky. He has neck length, luxurious, straight hair the exact color of shadows. His physique is very sleek. He has a black mask, seems hand-made, with a long nose on it. He wears a green cloak, and wears black cloathing under it.


The Hawk was born, and his earliest memories are only of the Elementalist. Hawk has had no parents, and has a dislike for them because of them. Hawk is a hero, and will help anyone, but, only if they too are good.

He was found in the Deku Forest, fighting off Mad Deku, when he was saved by the Elementalist. Hawk's training bagan when the Elementalist gave him his tools, which he has yet to remove (even for the shower :shock: ).

He has skill with weapons, but is horrible with hand to hand combat.


Iceray: Can send a freezing iceray to paralyze enemies.

Ice Fire Glove: Creates a glove that can launch freezing cold fire from the tips.

Green (Guardian) Hawk: Launches Green hawk to protect himself, and others.

Red (Explosive) Hawk: Launches an explosive hawk to attack enemies, or destroy obstacles.

Blue (Sentry) Hawk: Scouts out.

Sling Bullets: Different specialized Sling shots.

Hawk Flight: Uses Hawk Gauntlet to shoot forward at amazing speed. Usable for flight, but cannot control in air.

Owl Stone 1: Allows 360 vison.

Owl Stone 2: Clears mind.

Owl Stone 3: UNKNOWN.