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An Ominous Lake
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:53 pm
by Zeldaforever
As you walk by you see an ominous lake. As you gaze into it, it seems to try an pull you in. You try to break free of this dark and sinister hold, and after much effort, you are free. "This is a lake of evil.... says a voice from behind you." He statled you. It is just Hiro. "This lake is not water, but all of the sorrows from mankind. It was made during the Serdian war, when the spiritual lake of evil in hell overflowed and came to the surface here. This is all Emporer Doel's doing. He kindled the war. Now because of him, a great evil has entered Hyrule, a gate to Hell. And with this gate, my father will become stronger."
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:17 pm
by gorjak
'What the Hell is this lake doing here?'Leon thought while staring from a distance,when suddenly something seems to be pulling him into the lake.He fought hard,and eventually prevailed when he was mere inches away from the odd lake.However,the Hylian jumped when a voice spoke behind him.
"Hiro!You frightened me!"Leon half-shouted,turning around and sighing in relief when he sees that it was no-one but Hiro who spoke up.However,he was puzzled when Hiro said stuff about a war,an emperor,and Hell overflowing.
"So let me get this straight,"Leon says after a moment's thinking."This Lake is not of regular water,but water of doom,let's just leave it at that since I really don't want to think about the waters of the Underworld making its way into Hyrule's surface.This evil water is basically a gaping gateway to the Underworld.And...what the heck is the Serdian War?Was it a full-scale war or just a revolting party stirring up trouble?And who's Doeg the Emperor?"he asks.
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:33 pm
by Zeldaforever
Ok, here goes... Serdio is an eatern country where I trained to be a knight.
Not done yet...

Anyway,Emporer Doel was an evil emperor who created a war and tried to revive the dragons, or something like that... Killed thousands, so it was no small skirmish... My own uncle died in the war. Now that Dart, Albert, Shana, Rose, and Hascel killed him, I doubt this lake's getting any deeper...
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:22 pm
by gorjak
"So you never participated in the War?"Leon asked.He said accusingly,"So you didn't fight in it?Where were you in the time of your country's direst need?".He thought,'This guy can't've been a coward...could he?'.
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:48 am
by Zeldaforever
Hiro starts to tear.The pool gets just a little deeper. "I was too young to participate in the war. Why does everyone call me a coward? I run from trouble because I'm the only one who can destroy my father. Without my constant attempts at defeating him, Hyrule would be destroyed by now.... (Hiro is about to cry, this is a very sad moment for him.) No." says Hiro, fighting back the tears. "This is no time for sorrows. I have the fire shard, I can kill him!" And with that, Hiro is off.
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:56 am
by gorjak
"Hey,wait up!"Leon shouts,darting after Hiro."You have a lot of questions to answer.First off,why can't you just lure your father out of Hyrule?And second,why didn't you ever ask for a powerful Hylian sorcerer to seal Remix in the Dark World?Answer me!".
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:10 am
by shadowlink13
Serdian War, Emperor Doel, neither of those are written in Hyrule's history. The Sheikah mentions that to Leon when Hiro runs away. The lake, he sees nothing evil about it. In fact, it is quite peaceful. The green carpet of the surface plants on the water blankets the homes of many fishes. Looking at it gives him a secure feeling.
It also troubles him. What would it be like to live under there. Sure it would feel safe. But if the fish are tucked away underneath, they cannot see the beauty on the outside. They are under there, covered by a shell. Focusing on the perfection and security of the self is important, and it can make one a spectacular sight. When that happens, what's to say one can see the great thing he or she has become?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:58 pm
by Zeldaforever
Hiro turns around and comes back, pulling the man away from the lake. "You were trapped in the lake's evil grasp. I allures anyone unknowing of it's power into it and destroys their soul, leaving the body to be a puppet of evil." OOC: The serdian war was held in serdio, not hyrule. Hence the name "Serdian." IC: "I can't lure him out of hyrule, he doesn't care what I do. He wants the three in one, the Tiumph forks to you?" And not even the strongest magics can seal him away. He has the pyro shield. It blocks the powers of magic from being used against him." said hiro, slightly annoyed at the incompetence of the citizens of hyrule, knowing nothing of the world outside of their country... OOC: Played Legend of Dragoon? This'll be familliar!
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:39 pm
by gorjak
'Three in one?What can that be...oh no,I hope it's not what I'm thinking about right now.'."Well,if Remix wants the TriForce,he'll have to get past me,the Knights of Hyrule,the Army,and the others who want to protect it first!".
'Please let us stand a chance against Remix...'Leon thought.
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:56 pm
by Zeldaforever
Ah, yes It is the Triforce. No. Only I can defeat Remix. I left an Eclipse Mirage on the mountain. You can see why there.
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:10 pm
by Sheng Long
Carved into a tree are the words
I will be your lover and exorcist
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:31 pm
by shadowlink13
Darilan stumbles upon the tree and reads the random message carved there. He cant find a way for it to apply to him, so he turns away.