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A bloodied, Beaten man

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:53 pm
by Zeldaforever
As you walk by, you see a man who must have been hit with master Garo swords and thrown off the mountaintop. Upon closer Inspection, you notice it's Hiro! He says, " Ugh, my father did this... he's on the mountain... don't go... he's got the fire shard..." and fainted. What will you do?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:51 pm
by pendejochy
"Hey! Its that coward who ran away from Crampbert and I! :evil: or someone who acts so tough, he sure gets his ass kicked alot. :P Well, I ashould probably revive the fool He might give me some sort of reward. :roll: "

Pende tapped at fainted body with his deku staff, to see if he could wake Hiro back up.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:39 pm
by shadowlink13
Darilan rushes over to the side of the fainted person. Hiro, he sees, beaten up as he was in the water. Something must be done about that father of his, but what, he did not know. Hiro could tell him how to defeat him when he woke up.

He says a quick prayer to the Goddesses, not for strength, but more for luck. Darilan closes his eyes and places his hand on Hiro's forhead. Life, bring him life. He feels the energy flow, and he is confident that that energy is working to revive the wounded man.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:20 pm
by Zeldaforever
With a jolt, Hiro awakens. "Thanks, I needed that... I'm the only one who can defeat Remix. (Hiro can hardly stand to call him father anymore.) So it's really good that you can revive me every time I get my ass kicked."

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:50 pm
by gorjak
"What?You can't depend on us forever,"Leon says disdainfully."We won't always be there every time you get your ass whooped hard by Remix."he says shaking his head sadly."Wait...rEmix is your great-grandfather!Or mentor!Or father!Wait,is he a brother of yours?"Leon asks.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:43 pm
by shadowlink13
"Oh could we quit with the horrendous language!" Darilan blurts. "And from what I see, it was not his buttocks that got kicked, nor was he kicked at all. He got cut, with a blade. Hiro, I suggest you hone your strengths before you fight Remix again."

OOC: Darilan is a little too proper. :roll:

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:28 am
by pendejochy
OOC: *laughs Bevis and bitthead style* he said "buttocks."

Pendor: Yes, I doubt a weakling like you could be the only one to defeat anything. Why are you trying to fight this Remix person anyways?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:14 am
by gorjak
OOC:Yeah,it was funny.

IC:"Maybe he is a father gone evil!"Leon says triumphantly."However,I agree with Darilan and Pende.Don't fight Remix like this,or you're basically dead.".Leon then strides away,but stops in his ttracks,wheeled around and asked,"What is the Fire Shard?".

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:47 pm
by shadowlink13
"Or would any assistance be of help? I myself am not prepared for a fight with someone of such apparent strength. If you are indeed the only one who can bring down this demon of a man, then we could all be in for some trouble. If you must fight him again, don't do it alone. I agree to help you, but not alone." He looks at Leon.

OOC: I think that is the first time I used that word in my life. :o

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:34 pm
by gorjak
"Fine,"Leon says reluctantly."But this guy's father is more than us and comrades can handle,so we'd better get even more reinforcements.".

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:03 pm
by shadowlink13
"Without a doubt, Leon, without a doubt."

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:30 pm
by gorjak
"Hey,why must we risk ourselves to kill Remix?"Leon said desparately."Why not just bring the most powerful wizards and sorceresses in Hyrule to him and send him into the Dark World?".He thought,'That'd be far less difficult and time-consuming.'."Well,it is far easier...and if no-one is stupid enough to open the Seal,then we won't have to deal with him until a bumbling fool accidentally opens it!And there should be guards around it,too...".

OOC:In most timelines,AlttP is listed before both LoZ and AoL(in that order).

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:06 am
by Zeldaforever
No, not even the strongest magic can even phase him.(Except maybe the triforce...) The Fire shard- (Hiro sits down.) Is an ancient relic passed down from the royal family of Incinera. My father, Remix, is king, making me prince. (OOC: Wind waker legend music plays. Hehe...)IC: He was a good king, until he obtained the Shard. He was torturing peasants and killing people, so I took it. He followed me here and fought me atop the cliff. As you can see, he won and took the Fire Shard. The Fire Shard is a shard of an ancient item known as the Eclipse medal. There are many countries around Incinera (which also holds the Water Shard, my sister, Hiree, has it.), Harshak of Wind, Sinyou of Earth, and Gamo of Thunder. They all hold their respective shards. The eclipse medal can desroy any one country in a single blink.(The Eclipse medal has an eye on it.) Well I'd better go to the desert and fight remix. He said he'd be there.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:27 pm
by Alpha
"You really are crazy, aren't you?" Alpha said as he walked out from behind a boulder. "You nearly die from injuries Remix inflicted on you, and now you intend to go fight him again? You should consider taking more time to train before you do something you will regret - or will not have a chance to regret it."

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:36 pm
by pendejochy
Pende looked at the foohish thing with disbelief. "Such a weakling wishes to fight such a powerful person? And he has such a wild tale. Royalty? Eclispes? This ragamuffen thinks he was born to rule a country?"

Pende: I think this yound boy is delierous everyone. He must have taken a bad blow to the head to think that he is a prince.