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The Mercenary Booth
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:15 pm
by Sabertache
After a long trek, Saber and Baka finally arrived at the cafe. He had set up a small wooden booth held together by a few rusty nails with a ledger on the counter to track jobs--that was all he could afford in the ways of business equipment. "Well," He started, turning to his new friend, "This is it. Modest, I know, but this is all I can manage so far. Hopefully, if things go well, we can make it more comfortable."
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:47 pm
by Baka Nezumi
This guy....... is insane........ I can't think straight, it's too hot.
Baka ran inside as fast as she could inside, only to emerge with a huge pitcher of water. She tried to pour it over her head, but found it too heavy to lift. She turned to Saber, glaring, so thirsty and dry that her patience and manners were gone. "You wanna help?!" she commanded.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:51 pm
by Sabertache
He chuckled as she ran around frantically. Walking up to her, he called out, "Most people use these things called cups, but I suppose there's more than one way to skin a cat. Although why you would want to skin a cat I don't know..." he grabbed the pitcher and tilted it up, pouring half of it over her head. "You know, we could just talk in the cafe where it's cooler. I should have known a zora wasn't the best person to bring...oh well, you'll get used to it eventually."
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:58 pm
by Baka Nezumi
Once I die; maybe
"Thanks" she murmered, rather embarrassed over her....... "actions". She paused, recollecting her thoughts.
"We'll stay out here" she said firmly, now determined to show Saber that she WAS tough enough.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:09 pm
by Sabertache
Saber smirked. Well, she had spirit. Spirit as well as, he noticed, a developing sunburn..."Alrighty then, out here we stay. Still, you should know, bravado only gets you in danger in this line of work. Don't get in over your head."
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:41 pm
by Baka Nezumi
She began noticing the burns as well. She'd experieneced worse pain before, this was no big deal.
"When will we get customers?" she sighed.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:51 pm
by Sabertache
He chuckled. Yep, she definitely had the spirit to be a valuable asset to the business. "Relax, my finned friend. We just opened this place, and this cafe happens to be attacked a lot. Something tells me they will be giving us more than a few jobs in the years to come, seeing as how there are so many bandits in this desert." He bent over and plucked a single scrawny blade of grass and put it in his teeth. "Besides, we haven't even advertised, nobody knows of us yet. That should change soon enough though."
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 1:23 pm
by Baka Nezumi
"Well, whatever....." she mumbled, clearly already bored.
By now people usually wonder where my manners have gone. I'm surprised.....
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:19 pm
by MagmarFire
Xokorn wearily dragged his feet across the piping hot desert sand. While his black cloak did protect him from sunburn, it magnified the heat greatly, leaving him wet with sweat. He gasped every few seconds to get a bittersweet sample of dry, scorching air. Looking to his left, he notices a cactus blooming with flowers in the center of a patch of dead desert grass and snake holes. It's a wonder that anything can live out here... Xokorn thought irritably.
His spirits rose when he noticed a fairly ramshackle booth up ahead. The wood was dried out more than fish that was stored in salt for three days straight. Sure, it was small and not necessarily a "windmaker," but it did produce a little shade. He scrambled to the shade like a moth would to a torch. He practically ran into the booth.
Xokorn hardly noticed the people who had manned the booth. "Oh, sorry," he said, his voice like a winded sprinter's.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:28 pm
by Baka Nezumi
"No problem" Alicheae said. "You're handling the heat much better than I did". At that statemant Saber laughed, earning a glare from her.
"Do you need any help?" she asked, changing the subject quickly.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:28 pm
by MagmarFire
Help? Ever since he started his quest, Xokorn had never asked for help. The only thing he ever did that involved help was help others. Of course, he was parched, and he did not want to drink cactus water and run the risk of hallucinating. "Water would be nice," he quickly and quietly, as if he saw dishonor in those words passing his lips.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:45 pm
by Sabertache
Saber recoiled from Ally's glare before answering the newcomer. "Sure, we can get you some water." He slipped into the booth for a bit and came back out with the half-filled pitcher. pouring some into a glass, he handed it to the stranger. "So, what brings you out here?"
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:33 pm
by Baka Nezumi
Alicheae laughed. She knew it was rude, but he was so reluctant to ask for help.
She leaned against the side of the booth, now completely sunburned. "Yeah, did you see one our fliers or something? It's kind of weird to come out to the desert" she looked at Saber scornfully.
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:20 pm
by Zelda Veteran
On a regular scorching day in the desert, a boy clothed in blue appeared in front of the stand. He looked rather odd, as his pants were rather baggy around his heels. He wore a small shirt cut off on the sleeves. His shirt had what looked like a polished Banjo, but it was red, and it had a gleam to it. The boy had a mess of brown hair on his head, and he was unarmed. He wore what looked like a strap around his wrist, with a few buttons. "Excuse me! I need you guys!! You're not gonna believe whats going on right now! I don't even know where the hell I am!! I was just on my way home from school, when I was shot in the head with a nut of some kind!" The boy paused to take a breath, and wiped his hair out of his eyes.
"I turned around, and there was a weird creature with an odd shaped mouth! Before you know it, all these bulldog things with spears are running around killing people!! Then, I noticed a weird little portal that the monsters were coming through, and it led me here!!! Please, I'm begging you, whoever you are, I need help!" The boy sought shade under the booth, and again wiped his forehead. "Where am I? I'm so scared, I think I'm gonna throw up!!
OOC: Say hello to your first mission.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:44 am
by Sabertache
ooc: Hello there first mission. I'm Chris, nice to meet you. However, you may want to refer to me as the guy about to own you
ic:Saber turned from Xokorn and adressed the new boy with shock. A nut..? "Don't worry kid, we're on it! This is the Headquarters of the Tantari Mercenary service. Come inside and we'll get you some water, then I'll take you over to that cafe where you'll be more comfortable. Eat whatever you want while you're there, I have it covered."
As he guided the boy inside, he filtered all the information and tried to make sense of it. The attacking monsters were no doubt Moblins...and they have been causing some trouble lately...a weird creature with a strange mouth that shoots nuts? A Deku most they were obviously dealing with an alliance here.
"Ally!" He called over his shoulder, motioning for her to follow inside the booth. This mission wasn't bound to be easy...