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The dark ones.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:10 pm
by Kasei
The wraiths of darkness and dispair have apparently existed since the destruction of Volgaria, and it seems that the members are the survivors. They contact each other through a strange form of telepathy, wich cannot be interupted. Their leader is probably not the most powerfull, just the one in charge. Kasei comments that the group has many underlings. They have taken up residence in the tower of illusions.

Known members.

Leader: The mysterious being directing a sect of the dark ones, he is apparently always talking about some peice of history.

Duraths: A goron stationed in the tower, he apparently has immense streangth, even for a goron.

Stats: STR-10 DEF-5 AGI- 1 INT-1 SPI-1 HP-125 SPL- 40

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:23 pm
by Kasei
Agenda and known bases.

The dark hunters seem to be looking for a dark power in Hyrule, they are relentless, and do not care about their own members, only their goal. Their current bases include the tower of the illusions, the parapa cave, and the tantari caverns.