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The King Makes an Announcement

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:39 pm
by Royal Guard
The throne room of North Castle: a magnificent chamber where the King of Hyrule makes the decisions that affect the lives of countless tens of thousands of people. Today is a day like many others, insomuch as he sits there, dreading the fact that he shall once again have to decide to wait. South Hyrule...a place distraught by evil...and they can do nothing to help... Any moment now, a man shall stride in slowly and report his daily report that nothing new has been accomplished...

The moment comes, but it is different from how it is most days. A man enters the chamber, running up to the dais with more haste than normal. The King raises an eyebrow as he comes to a halt, making his report in between pants of his breath. The words flow into His Majesty's ears, and with shock running through his veins he realizes that he is abruptly standing, a smile on his face. A breakthrough?

* * *

A few hours have passed since that discussion. For the first time in a long time, King Harkinian II stands proudly on a balcony overlooking a large audience: every member of the Hylian Knights that could afford to leave duty, and the many adventurers who have made names for themselves by being powerful warriors, wise helpers, and courageous saviors for the people of Hyrule are scattered throughout as well.

"May the goddesses be praised!" Harkinian calls out, quieting the crowd almost instantly. "For too long has a pestilence plagued our land of Hyrule, even after its master vanished into the night. I speak...of the spider of the North-South Passage, the Gohma that has prevented us from reaching South Hyrule." Now all are completely silent, their attentions drawn to the King's face. Speaking about such a terrible subject, but with a smile stretching his face into a new level of merriment...could it...could it be that...

"Time and time again we have sent forces in to squash it, so that we may move our army down there and rid it of the remainder of Ganon's forces that remain within our country's borders. But..." his demeanor saddens slightly. "Only one returned, and he lived just long enough to provide us with the cause of his predecessors' vanishing: poison, stronger than any we have encountered before.

"But the time for mourning is over!" he calls out, brightening once more. "Just this morning, our researchers made a breakthrough into creating a vaccine for the poison that will prevent the creature from so easily claiming our good soldiers' lives! Now is the time for us to send one final force, to slay that spider once and for all!"

Cheers erupt from all corners of the square over which the King stands. In the moments that follow, Harkinian gives out only a few more bits of information and instructions: the Hylian Knights must prepare for the return to the South, and so numerous training sessions to get them up to peak performance will be implemented over the next two weeks. That will be when the invasion takes place. Also, for any adventurers wanting to participate, they are to see the Mayor of Ruto Town.

"May the goddesses continue to bless our efforts to cleanse this land of Ganon's stench!" the King concludes, and cries of agreement erupt from all present.

OoC: Yes, it's finally time! South Hyrule is finally opening! Move along to Ruto to continue. :D

...well, let's not get too ahead of ourselves: it's not open yet. Basically, this should be the sign-up for the Gohma event that will start in exactly two weeks from today, afterwards finally gaining access to the southern reaches of Hyrule. Why this long period? It's simple: We're sending PMs to every single member that ever registered in the forums to come and join us in this event as we go forward and open up the South! So what are you waiting for? Go forward and sign-up! It's nearly here! :D

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:48 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
OOC: RG, or whoever holds command over this event, please PM me with the knowledge of if we can use NPC's in this event.

IC: Orpheous was in the courtyard at the time of the event. He had heard of the Gohma spiders before. Some claim that it was one single spider that managed to survive for a long time, but most of the scholars believed it was a species. Whatever the true answer was, Orpheous was looking forward to facing it. Not only would he be helping in annihilating a threat, he would also be helping a route be established between North Hyrule and South Hyrule. This could even give the PFH organization a chance to expand. For better our for worse, Orpheous would be there. But first, he warped away to the camp to spread the news.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:23 am
by Kasei
OOC: Well, congrats. We were patient enough, lets get through this!!!

IC: Kasei stood next to a group of knights as the king of Hyrule gave his announcement. The rebel flame looked up at the mention of raiding the south, and the Ghoma's poison. Poison, eh? Is thats what kept us out? Well, at least we have a cure, and can now go and rid the land of this pestilence. Perhaps I should gather some friends. He though silently, then turned to leave as Harkinian gave orders. The rebel flame was gone by the end of the speech.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:24 pm
by jarod the dark mage
OOC: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :( :lol:
Thanks for the good new RG

IC: Azador sighed after hearing the kings words, Finally after all this time I'm able to see South Hyrule. Altough I don't care much about the liberation of the southern parts, new adventures will await me there and I would love to explorer more of this fair kingdom.
He thought while looking around for fellow adventurers.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:28 pm
by Arrika
OoC: I joined kinda late, so how long exactly have you been waiting for the South to open?

Arrika cheered and smashed open a bottle of champagne from Sovelis's stock. "South Hyrule, here we come! To spider guts, whatever hardships we'll face down South, and many more adventures to follow!"

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:56 pm
by Sovelis
OoC: HEY! Who said you can take my liquor?!?!?

"Here here! To new adventures, and lots of riches for everyone!" Sovelis said, leaning on his student drunkenly. He pulled out a bottle of some stout goron ale, and started to chug it right then and there.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:55 pm
by Sabertache
"My God..." Was all that Saber could utter in awe as he gazed at the King, the riot around him barely acknowledged as so many things ran through his mind. South Hyrule...Maybe...Maybe I could find them there... The ends of his mouth twitched, forming a slight grin, and he began to laugh. Then he threw his head back and roared with laughter, jumping in the air repeatedly and shouting his joy to the heavens.


Around a corner, behind a building, a large Goron bowed his head. He made no physical acknowledgement of the astonishing announcement, but there was a strange glint in his eyes as he clenched his fist. Will they come for me?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:59 pm
by Goncorgoro
The massive goron listened lazily to the king's proclamation. A massive shout rose from the crowd, and the goron looked around, suddenly awake, though hardly startled.

As various people begin to celebrate around him, he slowly stands and turns to two nearby figures, one of which seems to be drinking a familiar spirit. He addresses the two, his booming voice echoing throughout the courtyard.

"Does this mean that we can soon return to Death Mountain, goro? I have longed to see my home for many months. Might I help you in reaching south Hyrule, goro?" The giant looks at them patiently awaiting their response."

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:28 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: RETURN OF THE BLADE!! (but not really).

Hey dudes!!! I can't believe it! I know I partake in none of it by my own will, but I can hardly wait! I've written too many times how happy and sad I am at the same time to Alpha, so just understand that I'm happy for you all, and I'm looking forward to seeing it!!!! ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:42 pm
by link909
OOC: ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
IC: link prepares his wepons and his prized wepon, the soul master(weakend) and leaves for the bolder location
OOC:yes i am singing up

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:35 pm
by Cloud 9
Cloud was almost beside himself with joy. Soon, he would be able to lead his friends to the darkest of areas. But in a good way, to help him in his final months in hyrule. But this was not the time to think about this. South Hyrule, the goddesses blessing us all.

"And so it begins..."

You are not prepared!

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:42 pm
by Sakiko
Sakiko stared at the King, gaping. South Hyrule, of all places! A small smile formed on her lips as a new sense of excitement took her. As Sakiko walked away, slipping through the crowds, her silver eyes twinkled with anticipation for the new journeys to come.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:10 am
by TheSpiderMaster
The blue toned body swept through the crowd swiftly as he attempted to reach a point where he could fully discern the words of the king. He drew out only the most enthusiastic words as he passed many with no sound. Even as he only heard half of the speech, he felt very melancholy. The thought of trekking into a cave in din-knows-where to slay such a beautiful creature disgusted him. He wouldn't purposefully let these people know such a thing, but he found this act to be entirely biased, uninformed. His ignorant anger caused him to discredit the fact of the Knights losses simply because they contradicted what he wanted to hear. He would have defended the Gohma had he not felt that he would have had the whole of Hyrule at his throat to silence him.

He moved into position near the front of the crowd, though he purposefully granted himself an out, an alleyway that could be accessed at the end of this endeavor. He could now fully experience the great one's vocal skill, and he appreciated the grace, the ability to control his crowd. The old man certainly knows his audience, but this thought was suppressed by the mention of South Hyrule. How can they expect me to have ventured all of this Hyrule in such a short time? Now I'm supposed to follow everyone blindly into a new area... At least I'll have the same knowledge of the area as them, but I still won't be capable of traversing the current. Time to learn, I suppose.

He smirks and turns from the King. Ruto Town was his destination, but he knew not of it's location. Destiny carried his right leg toward the alley...

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:46 pm
by Aureliano
Finally! Aureliano thought. He had been waiting for this moment for some time now. What wonders would South Hyrule hold? New weapons? Magic? Armor? He could not wait to go down there and see for himself.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:11 pm
by MagmarFire
Xokorn smiled as he heard the king's message. It was like music to his ears--a bit of presto and forte to balance the cantabile. He always wanted to know what Southern Hyrule was like, but he, as well as many others, were not. However, they could now see it. He would be able to learn even more than before! Now there's only one more thing standing in his way...the Gohma.

He turned his back on the cheering crowd of warriors and explorers alike and headed north to prepare his journey to South Hyrule...