Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:00 pm
Goncorgoro, Goron Vagabond, Level 1
HP : 30(base) + 1(SPI) = 31
SPL : 2(class) * 2(LV) + 1(SPI) = 5
STR : 2(base) + 3(race) + 3(Goron Strength) = 8
DEF : 1(base) + 12(jerkin) + 2(shield) = 15
AGI : 3(base) = 3
INT : 3(base) = 3
SPI : 1(base) = 1
Spell Damage: 2(LV) + 2(class) + 3(INT) = 7
Willpower: 1(SPI) + 2(LV) = 3
Immune to Ghoma's poison!
HP : 30(base) + 1(SPI) = 31
SPL : 2(class) * 2(LV) + 1(SPI) = 5
STR : 2(base) + 3(race) + 3(Goron Strength) = 8
DEF : 1(base) + 12(jerkin) + 2(shield) = 15
AGI : 3(base) = 3
INT : 3(base) = 3
SPI : 1(base) = 1
Spell Damage: 2(LV) + 2(class) + 3(INT) = 7
Willpower: 1(SPI) + 2(LV) = 3
Immune to Ghoma's poison!
Last edited by Goncorgoro on Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:54 pm, edited 8 times in total.