A Shady Figure

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umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:44 pm
It was a quiet day in the outskirts of castle town. Everyone was at the celebration in the heart of town, leaving the rest deserted. Today was the kind of day that most thieves could only dream of, but for now, it was a reality. Houses were left unattended all day, ready to rob, and dense crowds made pickpocketing a breeze. Yes, it was the perfect day to wreck havock on the unsuspecting townspeople.....

You're late to meet someone at the celebration, and as you pass an alleyway something catches your eye. Does something seems out of place, or is it just your imagination? You back up and see it again, more clearly, there is a figure hiding in the shadows. Judging by the shape and size, it's human-like, but you can't be sure of the race. What's someone doing in a deserted alleyway? Why do they seem to be hiding? And most important of all, are you going to do something about it?

OOC: Feel free to post.
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Luna and Kumori
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:37 pm
It was an important day for Kon. He was supposed to meet Kuro at the Grand Celebration, but was late. Since there weren't very many people around, it was the perfect time for thieves and other criminals. Kon himself had been looting homes for awhile when he realized the meeting he was due for.

He slung a bag over his shoulder that contained the items he had stolen. He sported a black tunic with a green cape over it. His long blueish hair swayed in the wind as he made his way to his hideaway to drop off all the loot.

As he walked down the street, he saw another person. His first instinct was that it was a guard. He dove over to a nearby alleyway and peeked at it. It looks human-like, he thought to himself. There's no way this is a guard. At this, he gave a chuckle but quickly stopped after realizing that his cover could be blown. He began to think about the situation. What's someone doing in a deserted alleyway? Why do they seem to be hiding? And most important of all, am I going to do something about it? Kon thought to himself.

He decided that he would. He would just have to be careful about it. He reached down his sleeve to pull out his cleverly concealed dagger. Biting his lip, he made his way over to the suspicious figure with his dagger held out in his right hand. When he got close, he purposely lat out a cough to get the shady figure's attention.
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umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:00 pm
OOC: Wrote cloak, ment cape :roll: I corrected it.
The figure immediately turns, and you can just make out the details. It's either a human, a hylian, or a shiekah (it's hard to tell which), dressed in a black shirt, black shorts, and black boots. Almost everything this person is wearing is black, except for a dark purple cape that's wrapped around his/her head like a scarf, concealing the person's distinguishing facial features.

The person himself is roughly 5 and 1/2 feet tall, and um... er... turns out it's a woman (you can tell by the way the figure is shaped, need I say more?). She looks you over for a while, with her scarlet eyes, seeming to determine whether or not you're worth her while. Finally, she speaks, "Where do you think you're going with all of that loot?" She cocks a silver eyebrow, questioning you. "It's obvious what you've been doing, don't even bother with excuses."
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Luna and Kumori
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:11 pm
Kon looks at the bag that he was holding. "I was going to donate it to a needy cause," he replied sarcastically. Kon lowered his dagger slightly, but one would need to be very observant before noticing the slight change. He takes a step back before asking the girl a question: "What are you doing?" It seemed obvious to him what was going on, but he might be wrong. The latter of the two being the case most of the time.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
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umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:21 pm
"I could ask you the same question, unfortunately the answer is a little to obvious for my tastes. But since you asked..... I was going to case this place, but a thief with a sense of houmor decided to stop by and have a chat first. Fair enough?" She folded her arms and leaned back against the wall of a building. Her eyes were fixed on Kon the whole time, and her gaze never wandered.
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Luna and Kumori
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:33 pm
Kon leaned on the wall next to the thief. "A thief with a sense of humor? Who would that be?" he asked sarcastically. This thief was totally different from him. She had an attitude while he joked most of the time. This conversation was getting nowhere, so he decided he could at least get her name. "So," he said, "what's your name?"
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umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:42 pm
"Name? Sorry, I don't tell that to strangers, it's bad for business. Very hush-hush informaton..."

Just then something black flew out of the nearest keyhole, talking excitedly. "Hey Luna, you were right about this place...." It was a fairy, and as soon as it noticed the strange man it froze in midair. "Um... are we in trouble?" He looked at Luna, then back at the man, and vice-versa.

"Kumori..." Luna groaned. "Thanks a lot."
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Luna and Kumori
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:18 pm
Kon wasn't surprised that he didn't get a name from her, but was surprised at her accomplice coming out of a keyhole screaming something about Luna being right. Kon grinned. "This fairy of your's certainly doesn't seem hush-hush to me," ha said. "Now tell me what you where right about."
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umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:26 pm
The fairy looked up at Luna, who slightly nodded.
"Luna was right about the....um... interior decorating..." Kumori got off to a slow start, but as soon as he got going the story took off. "It was... spectacular! We just have to get the name of the decorator, I couldn't believe my eyes. Tassles and ribbons and trophies, wow! That's some house."

Luna shook her head, she just couldn't believe Kumori had failed so badly. If he hadn't been caught completely off gaurd, the story would have been much more realistic, and would have involved an invitation to enter. She sighed...

"Why are you so interested in us anyway?" She finally asked.
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Luna and Kumori
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:39 pm
"Interior decorating? That sounds like something a thief would be exceptionally interested in," he observed. He himself wondered what was really so special about the house. Kon's thoughts got a little off track when Luna asked why he was so interested in the two. "Well, who wouldn't be interested in people who like to discuss interior decorating?" he said. "Especially when a fairy has to go in without permission."
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umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:52 pm
"Do you reeeally want to know the truth? The truth is...... there's nothing very special in there," Luna shook her head and sighed. "And you know, no matter how much you pry, you won't get any more information out of me," Luna said. "And Kumori is going to keep his mouth shut from now on."

"I'm sorry Luna," he mumbled. The fairy knew his mistakes, and was deeply ashamed.

"See? We can sit here all day and get nothing done if that's how you want it to go. Even if we left, you still wouldn't get anything decent from that house." There was a long silence.
"This is just silly. Fine, do you honestly want to know what's in that house that's so important to us?"
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Luna and Kumori
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:29 pm
Kon was surprised that Luna asked if he wanted to know what was in the house. The thieves he knew didn't share any information with other people. But, Kon didn't know if he should trust Luna. His body tensed as he made his reply; "Of course I want to know."

Kon kept his eyes on Luna and Kumori the whole time to watch for any tricks. He wouldn't be surprised if they were being led into a trap. Thieves have been known to do that from time to time. But, would these thieves do that?
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umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:44 am
Before Luna could respond, some rustling and banging went on inside the building, and the door opened slowly. A short old man with messy grey hair and wire-rimmed glasses poked his head out, and coughed. He looked like he hadn't shaven in weeks, and stubble covered his chin. He wore what was originally a white tunic, but it had turned a dirty gray from years of use. His voice was raspy when he spoke, "Ah, you two. Fairy boy, do come in again. It's ready." Despite the fact that he was old and sick, his eyes sparkled with excitement like a child's. "Miss, my final payment please?" He held out his hand, expecting some rupees.

Luna obliged, and gave him a handful out of her coin purse. "Go take a look Kumori, make sure it's exactly the way you want it.

The dejected looking fairy immediately perked up, and flew inside as fast as his wings could carry him. The messy looking old man closed the door behind him as he joined Kumori inside. Much excited conversation could be heard coming from behind the door, and the tense Luna finally relaxed. She looked expectantly at Kon, willing him to comment or make a judgement as to what he had just witnessed.
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Luna and Kumori
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:28 pm
Kon was startled when someone walked out of a house talking about something being ready and asking for a final payment. He wondered why the thief payed the man for something and having the fairy look at it again. He looked at Luna quizzically when all that was finished. This is really weird, he thought to himself. "What's going on?" he asked after a moment of silence.
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umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:47 pm
"Remember when I said I was going to case the place? Well I was just messing with you. You can't tell anyone about this place though, or I'll have to personally hunt you down an cut out your toungue as you sleep." Despite the gruesome image she was providing, Luna's voice never wavered, and she kept a look if disinterest on her face. "So what do you say? You promise not to squeal to anyone, no matter what?" She couldn't help but grin as she said the last sentence, this was the good part.
HP 41/ SPL 9/ WILL 5
STR 2/ DEF 14/ AGI 6 / INT 3/ SPI 1
Physical DMG 7/ Magic DMG 9
Luna and Kumori