Kasei DIES! :'(
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:53 am
OOC: No, this is actually just a preview for the end of my story, and it's not actually finished. But I desire constructive critisism so that I can give the Rebel Flame a better sendoff.
Kasei stood tall in the chamber, now satisfied, despite the countless wounds he has recieved not a moment ago. Now, on the ground before him, lies the deceased body of Jormund Gobi. Kasei hold in his left hand the shattered remains of his scimitar, and his right hand is too bloody to tell if it's holding something. Behind the man, Worru, Sovelis, and, further away, Orpheous, all look on, not knowing what could happen next.
The Rebel Flame turn around, to reveal to the three his very large chest wound which, even now, was closing up. Looks like that still wasn't enough to kill me. He thought. "Worru." He called. "It's your turn."
The little hybrid looked over at his grandfather with a mixed look of fear and denial. "Kasei," he started, "I told you before, i'm not going to kill you, no matter what." He declared obstinantly. Kasei smiled.
"What? So, you wish to allow me to continue to suffer the pain of this tortured life? A hundred years, i've searched for a way to end the pain, and now, you are going to do it." He claimed. Worru shook his head. "No."
Kasei smiled slightly wider, and held out his hand. "Then . . . I have no more use of you." He said, and Worru's eye's widened. "I will tear your being apart, Worru. Of course, I will not stop there. I will kill your mother, and Aria, then slaughter everyone you have ever met. I will plunge Hyrule into an inferno of hatred, and let everything go up in flames." He called out calmly. "W-what are you saying?!" Sovelis demanded, but Worru was faster than words, by the time Kasei had finished, the hybrid had already summoned his own scythe and had attacked Kasei across the middle, slicing a large wound into the man's stomach.
Kasei looked down at the wound, and then at Worru, who was enraged now beyond anything. "There now, was that so hard?" He asked calmly, as his own weapon reapeared in his hand, and he swung, only to have Worru block it.
Sovelis looked on at the fight unveiling before his eyes. Only moments ago, Kasei ended his grandfather's life, now he was seeking to put an end his own. He called out to the two of them, trying to get them to stop.
The two shiekahns flew past each other, twirled, and sliced, hacked, and overall attempted to kill each other using their respective weapons, both of them too absorbed in the fight to notice Sovelis' yells to end the fight. Even if they did, it was unlikely that they would listed. Kasei took some flesh from Worru's leg, and in turn lost a chunk of his shoulder. Both jumped away, and charged up their respective magical elemental attack. Both blinked at the same time, and the space between them became a giant fireball of light and darkness. At the same time, they both lunged forward through the inferno, and both swung their weapons, taking more blood from each other.
Kasei smiled, as he launched a fireball at the same time Worru created a shield of light. The two engaged again, and each unleashed a fury of strikes at the other. This time, Kasei deffinately recieved more wounds, but the few Worru recieved were deeper. Still, the little hybrid lunged forward, and swung his weapon . . .
which pierced Kasei's heart. Worru looked forward, and snapped out of his rage, realising only now what he had done. The boy watched, almost in slow motion, as his grandfather fell to his knees, smiling wildly.
Sovelis looked on in shock. Orpheous had to cover his mouth to keep from screaming. Worru dropped his weapon, and grabbed Kasei, tears comeing out of him like rain. He shook the Rebel Flame, who looked up at him. "You did a good job there, boy . . . . don't . . . . . don't tell Aria that you did this . . . she'll cry. I'll kill you if you ever make her cry, Worru." He said. Worru held him, and shook his head. "No! You . . . you . . ." he couldn't say anything.
Flames appeared all over the rebel flame's body, and began to engulf him, forcing Worru to let go and jump back, only able to watch as his grandfather was torn apart by his own element. This story was over, the armies of the darkness were being routed out, and all over Hyrule, people cheered, none of them knowing the secret battle that just took place.
Kasei Dornmos Gobi passed away, smiling.
Kasei stood tall in the chamber, now satisfied, despite the countless wounds he has recieved not a moment ago. Now, on the ground before him, lies the deceased body of Jormund Gobi. Kasei hold in his left hand the shattered remains of his scimitar, and his right hand is too bloody to tell if it's holding something. Behind the man, Worru, Sovelis, and, further away, Orpheous, all look on, not knowing what could happen next.
The Rebel Flame turn around, to reveal to the three his very large chest wound which, even now, was closing up. Looks like that still wasn't enough to kill me. He thought. "Worru." He called. "It's your turn."
The little hybrid looked over at his grandfather with a mixed look of fear and denial. "Kasei," he started, "I told you before, i'm not going to kill you, no matter what." He declared obstinantly. Kasei smiled.
"What? So, you wish to allow me to continue to suffer the pain of this tortured life? A hundred years, i've searched for a way to end the pain, and now, you are going to do it." He claimed. Worru shook his head. "No."
Kasei smiled slightly wider, and held out his hand. "Then . . . I have no more use of you." He said, and Worru's eye's widened. "I will tear your being apart, Worru. Of course, I will not stop there. I will kill your mother, and Aria, then slaughter everyone you have ever met. I will plunge Hyrule into an inferno of hatred, and let everything go up in flames." He called out calmly. "W-what are you saying?!" Sovelis demanded, but Worru was faster than words, by the time Kasei had finished, the hybrid had already summoned his own scythe and had attacked Kasei across the middle, slicing a large wound into the man's stomach.
Kasei looked down at the wound, and then at Worru, who was enraged now beyond anything. "There now, was that so hard?" He asked calmly, as his own weapon reapeared in his hand, and he swung, only to have Worru block it.
Sovelis looked on at the fight unveiling before his eyes. Only moments ago, Kasei ended his grandfather's life, now he was seeking to put an end his own. He called out to the two of them, trying to get them to stop.
The two shiekahns flew past each other, twirled, and sliced, hacked, and overall attempted to kill each other using their respective weapons, both of them too absorbed in the fight to notice Sovelis' yells to end the fight. Even if they did, it was unlikely that they would listed. Kasei took some flesh from Worru's leg, and in turn lost a chunk of his shoulder. Both jumped away, and charged up their respective magical elemental attack. Both blinked at the same time, and the space between them became a giant fireball of light and darkness. At the same time, they both lunged forward through the inferno, and both swung their weapons, taking more blood from each other.
Kasei smiled, as he launched a fireball at the same time Worru created a shield of light. The two engaged again, and each unleashed a fury of strikes at the other. This time, Kasei deffinately recieved more wounds, but the few Worru recieved were deeper. Still, the little hybrid lunged forward, and swung his weapon . . .
which pierced Kasei's heart. Worru looked forward, and snapped out of his rage, realising only now what he had done. The boy watched, almost in slow motion, as his grandfather fell to his knees, smiling wildly.
Sovelis looked on in shock. Orpheous had to cover his mouth to keep from screaming. Worru dropped his weapon, and grabbed Kasei, tears comeing out of him like rain. He shook the Rebel Flame, who looked up at him. "You did a good job there, boy . . . . don't . . . . . don't tell Aria that you did this . . . she'll cry. I'll kill you if you ever make her cry, Worru." He said. Worru held him, and shook his head. "No! You . . . you . . ." he couldn't say anything.
Flames appeared all over the rebel flame's body, and began to engulf him, forcing Worru to let go and jump back, only able to watch as his grandfather was torn apart by his own element. This story was over, the armies of the darkness were being routed out, and all over Hyrule, people cheered, none of them knowing the secret battle that just took place.
Kasei Dornmos Gobi passed away, smiling.