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Darilan's Betrayl
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:00 am
by shadowlink13
A shadow enters the temple quarter with red Sheikah eyes glaring out from under the hood. He has come to say goodbye to Nayru, for she had failed him. His father, advisor to King Harkanian, was bumped out of the way... murdered, by the man who wanted to take his place. Darilan hated Nayru now, for she had failed him, and therefore she was of no use to him. Legends told of how she surronded the Hero of Time with her love, protecting him from any outside harm. She had not shown any love to Darilan, or his father, especially. Why had she not defended him as someone slipped poison into his drinks? He isn't sure why he came here, for he had not even thought of what he wanted to say. Mostly he just wanted her to feel his displeasure. Then, off his tongue flowed, "I'm sorry, Nayru, but I have a new god now."
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:49 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
"Well, that was quite blunt wasn't it. You're lucky you haven't been smitten yet, if that is the past tense of smite," spoke a man in a mask from the back of the temple. Should Darilan have looked behind at the man in the almost completely empty temple, he would realize that the mask resembled that of a bird of pray. It covered the top of his face, leaving holes for his eyes, which appeared to be a darker shade in the lighting. The short hook nose came sharply from the point where there would have been a regular nose. The rest of his face was devoid of the mask. His hair was unkempt, and of the jet black variety. He wore a clock, but it fit him more like a trench coat. It was a shade of dark gray.
OOC: Sorry about the shortness of the post, but there wasn't much else to say.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:02 pm
by shadowlink13
He had felt the presence of the man, but the words startled Darilan and caused him to jump a little. Not wanting to show any weakness, he gathered himself and turned around to face the man. Darilan didn't recognize the voice, and he certainly didn't know this person by the concealed face. Was this someone he knew from before? It was doubtful, but he felt a need to disguise himself as the person he was before his father's murder, so he pulled down his hood, letting the light erase the shadows on his face. The subtle glow of his eyes was no longer apparent and he painted a smile on his face. "I don't think we'll need to worry about that," he said. "When was the last time you saw one of the goddesses smite anyone? The worse thing they can do to a person is nothing."
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:33 pm
by Zelda Veteran
The deeply toned word rang out from everywhere at once, or rather just echoed off of every object in the room. With the word still reverberating inside the heads of those nearby, the Goron lumbered out of the shadows of the room, and stared hard at the man. "The worse thing the Goddesses ever did to someone-" He paused, and rose a heavy arm into the air, his hand open as if grasping at air. "-Was give them the idea that they could live happily around a world of a greed." He finished, closing his fist tightly.
He let his arm dangle at his side, and nodded to Darilan, and shifted his weight to one side. "The name's Shigure. I came here to pay respects to the Goddess Din, who cultivated the land of the Goron's with her power." His beady eyes pierced Darilan's. "Your business with the Goddess Nayru, who gave this land the order it works under and the light that shines upon us daily, is not mine, and I humbly apologize for intruding." The Goron took a knee, and began praying thanks to Din.
OOC: Welcome back SL13. Will you be sticking around?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:30 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
The young twenty-year-old human in his trench coat would have spoken to Shigure, but the Goron went off to pray. He wished so strongly to ask him if he really was as talented as the rumors said he was, maybe he might be able to ask him when he finished praying. Meanwhile, he had to talk to Darilan.
"You know, Shigure is right on that one. And, trust me, should there be deities that preside over fate or chance, whichever you believe, they are also extremely cruel. It wouldn't surprise me if their was a deity somewhere that could smite you. Hell, my colleague believes in one lone god who has power over all of existence. Supposedly, he can end you sooner than you can blink," explained the masked man. "On another note, you said something about another god, just wondering if you mind sharing you're new insight. I enjoy talks about theology. But before we go any further, it might be useful if you share with me your name." As he said this, he offered Darilan a seat at one of the pews.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:58 pm
by shadowlink13
In an attempt to be polite, Darilan took a seat in the pew. He put his hand over the black gem that dangled from his necklace, under his clothing. It made him feel a burning sensation in his hand, but at the same time it sent chills throughout his body. "He is the god of the East, my god. He watches over Parapa Desert." He let out a laugh. "I guess I can't call him a god, rather, more of a friend."
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:08 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
"Really, a god that watches over the Papara region. I never heard of such a god," stated the masked man. "However, if he is just an extremely powerful friend, that might make more sense. Oh well," he sighed, reclining his back and letting his head slip into a pillow made by his hands. "Well, you can call me Thealter," stated the man glancing over at Darilan. "Now tell me, why is it that you are upset with Nayru, that is, if you don't mind talking about it?"
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:08 pm
by shadowlink13
"Pleased to meet you. Name's Darilan," he said as he bit his lip. "I'm just," he paused to search for the correct word, "disappointed in Nayru. My father was poisoned and I don't think she did her best to protect him."
Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:06 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
"Hm, your father was poisoned?" asked Thealter puzzled. "What did you say your father did? I mean, I understand that Nayru didn't protect your father. However, I am curious as to your father's occupation. Why would somebody want him dead. Was he a bridge builder, a scientist, a weapon's designer, a politician? What field did he specialize in?"
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:34 pm
by shadowlink13
"He was an advisor to the king, helped manage his spending. His Majesty paid him generously."