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NPC: Mangekyu Jin. the son of Jinraiku.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:12 pm
by jinraiku
A young man sits in the shadows of a tree next to a clear pond. He is always comfortable in the dark. tears stream like autum rain down his cheeks. not five years ago his father had smiled at him underwater, like an erierily pale zora. both father and son enjoying the day off.(little boys voice) "splash...splash. ha ha ha, daddy...gatcha. youve been captured by a mighty warrior." ( a much deeper voice)"Ruha-Ha... I think it is you who is captured, oh mighty warrior. ah what a wonderful smell on the breeze, dinner must be ready, lets go son.""smells so good... just one more fight please daddy? Stand fast and fight me, oh braggatious fatty."Jinraiku chuckles at the insult.mangekyu picks up his wooden sword."All right then. But we'll spar on our way home."flipping lightly into a handstand, he tested his sons agility,DEF posture and attack strength most of the way home. The memory fades from the surface of the water, the small magic magic a token from his father. Before they took him. the memory still fading from the water, was still fresh in his mind. the two of them had shown up at their home and immediately five cloaked figures appeared, knocking him aside. two produced blades that appeared to be made of solid darkness, thrusting both blades into the chest and back of jinraiku. mangekyu was suddenly pulled up and into darkness and time seemed to stop... he turned from the sightof his father gathering energy for his strange magic, to look at the face of... his mother. "mother how did you summon darkness like this. can they see us?" the voice of his mother like liquid light spoke to him saying " this is the power of our people. now listen, son, i cannot hold this for ever. you must go find Sovelis-Do you remember daddys freind?- and tell him of us,you must give him this.-"she pulled a scroll out of the darkness-"Son the shadows will leave you after a mile, or when you enter bright light. stay in the shadows till they leave then go. I love you. " with those words her body detached itself from the darkness as time returned to its normal flow. The ensuing battle between the cloaked figures and his was to much for Mangekyu Jin and as he turned his head away to wipe the tears from his eyes, this to faded from the surface of the pond. Mangekyo rose to his feet, aware of another presence behind him. turning to see who it was, he wasnt startled to see Arispa, the silver hawk he named after his mother, his closest freind and companion." Hello Arispa. Yes, I know, we should get going. we need to find...Sovelis." as they left the pool of water, he noticed that the air seemed fresher, lighter. For the first time there seemed to be some sort of hope for him.