Hero's Guild

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NPC Dungeon Master Level 1
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Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:48 am
OOC: Here we go, here's my area for putting up fun quests for people to play! Inspired by Fable, I am making a heroes' guild, where Albion has never been so close to Hyrule! (I was about to say so close to home, since we're all bigger fanatics of Zelda than fanatics of Fable, however Albion is an ancient name for the isle of Britain, so that's closer to home than Zelda... heh...).

Also, I'd like people with their own created organizations to please send me a private message about perhaps allying yourselves with this one. Guild Heroes with all organized loyalists to the Crown against the dark forces of the Exiles would be fun to have. My story is yours now, remember?

IC: It was everything anyone wanting be a hero just like Link, Hero of Hyrule, would ever dream of. The training needed, the lessons, the missions to prove to the people who you were - it was all here. Orphans with no where else to go, or others seeking what they saw in the Hero of Hyrule. And not only that, but it was a library full of history and lessons which have cost entire lifetimes to uncover and to be put into words for young scholars to read, a road leading directly to the Temple of Nayru itself, training grounds for warriors young and old, melee or ranged, to train, a room just for mages to practice their magic powers, an entire wing reserved for bards to master the art of their instruments, and teachers willing to devote themselves to their students in whatever it is they desire to learn, or to simply speak with.

You've heard of this place, and curiosity is pushing you from behind towards the large, red gates before you, towards the end of the road which has lead to so many other places in North Castle. The excitement boils inside of you as if it were a pot full of water over an oven. To become one with these Heroes, and be among the ranks of the hero himself, Link son of Arn - that would be more than a treat!

As you approach the tall, broad doors before you, brass handles offering its hand out to yours, to open to door of possibilities, a tall, stout man comes out from the Guild with a two-handed sword sheathed in its scabbard over his back, his black hair, though messy, seemed fitting, exited the structure and smiled and nodded a greeting to you. People everywhere hollered and cheered his name: "Runemaster! It's him!!" He smiled briefly to them, but was clearly in a hurry, and carried on.

That was Runemaster! THE Runemaster. He'd been a hero for a long time, though doing all he could to avoid crowds. What an idea to join him in combat! The hero looked almost old - old enough to have learned every skill the guild provided should he have been there all his life, which he had.

Excited all the more, you push the large doors open. This room was the map room, seeing a map of West Hyrule in the center of the room. It was like entering another world! It felt like an enclosed universe, where everything existed within it. As you closed the gate behind you, the sound of its creaking and groaning echoed in the room. The scent of old books filled the air, coming from through that hallway at the other end of the room. The sound and smell of a meal came from beyond the map, across from you, where apprentices gathered and ate their breakfast to prepare for training in a few minutes. Beside the map was an old, old man, with a cheerful expression on his face. Sighting you, he approaches with welcoming, open arms.

"Why, I've heard of you! Welcome to the Hero's Guild. My name is Gurshon, I am the Guild master. I am pleased that you have come to visit. Are you interested in becoming a hero? Judging by what I've heard, you are quite the hero already. Too bad you haven't come to the guild earlier. (OOC: This may sound a bit hypocritical, but I'd prefer that you've had at least 5 TPs. I only have 2, but I'm the GM, so i can get away with it, lol) Seeing as you've been well trained, I will not wait to begin training you. Here are some quests that people around Hyrule have asked to have solved."

He reached over to a deck of cards which was sticking out of the southeast corner of the map in the center of the room, and withdrew a handful of them. "These are Quest Cards. They will tell you what your quest will require doing. They've been brought here by people who need your help! Will you take on a task?"

Gurshon handed you a hand of cards to observe and choose. As you examine them, his eyes still fixed on the cards, he says, "Please tell me if you should not be interested in doing quest. You can just have a look around, and see what there is to see - Libraries, training grounds - you can see how the other apprentices and students are doing - see which ones need someone to look up to or down at," - he chuckled and tapped your shoulder, implying that he was just joking around - "And teach them a thing or two from experience. Tell them what you've done in the past to mark great adventures - dungeons and events, the like - or simply explore, and enjoy your stay. You are most welcome!"


The Monsters of the Mountains
Some folks from Rauru claim they saw some massive, massive monsters sprawling through the eastern mountains of Parapa. We need someone to investigate.

Suspicions of the Deku of North Forest
The Deku there have been acting, well, strangely. Trade between them and North Castle, or any other city for that matter, has abruptly stopped. We need someone to find out why.

Ruins of Ancient Hyrule
Truly, what would we be without the past? It is nice to know what's happened before to know what could happen in the future. What secrets are hidden under the mysteries surrounding our kingdom.

Oath to Order
We heard someone mention it to a Hero one day, a week or so ago, and we're curious as to what it is.

The Bloodline
Ages ago, a Hero lived in Hyrule. Some time around the time of when the Hyruleans took over the North, Link's ancestors left Hyrule to go to Calatia. Is there someone, or are they all gone?

Riddles of Percy the Poet
We have a suspicious poem written by the great poet Percy, who lived in the time when the ancient Four Sword was in its creation. Scholars could discover it, but none of us have figured out what it meant yet.

Gerudo Fortress Infiltration
We never leave a hero behind! One was on his way to a quest in Parapa, Malvagio's Occupation, when he was kidnapped by Gerudo! We can't leave him to die!

Fairy Hunt
Where are all the fairies? Only a handful have been seen in the last few years! We here at the Guild find it necessary to find out what happened to them.

The Spells of Ancarious
Ancarious was a magician of great quality and heart - and will. There's a book all about him in the library, but a part of it reveals that some of the magic which he left behind is still around. We need to get it before it falls into the wrong hands...

Pirate's Avatar
They say he's a god among those who are free. We say he's a devil on the loose. He has too many friends and allies to be faced by force - some of us have tried it here at the Guild and none of us want to do it again, with all it cost us. We need someone to become a pirate, and find out what the story is behind this... Avatar.

Stadium of Malagruel
Those Exiles, I tell you! They raided a number of small towns, and took everyone, healthy or crippled, young or old, man or woman - and has thrown them into an arena similar to the ones here in North Castle, except they have no ground rules - it's to the death. Malagruel is responsible, it's said. I don't care how you do it, I need Malagruel dead and out of our hair!

Consumption of Shadows

The Grey Wizard of Druid Caves

The Will of the Blind

The Doors of the Prophets

The Battle at the Ravine of Gorthroan

"Only one quest at a time, and you don't have to do it alone. Also, any available quest can be done, and each will give you a good reward (OOC: Not a TP yet, sorry). I can tell you might be capable of greater things than these tiny errands, but for now, just start small...

"... Well...?"
The wind has died. The beating of my heart is faster than those of the battle drums. My sword is slimy with sweat. We're outnumbered. The gods can't save us. I can expect nothing. This then is glory, a mark in a legend doomed to be forgotten.

Then I see it & the drums & my heart stop beating in sync. There it is. I can feel its breath & eyes. Its desire to see blood. Red grass rather than green. The mass glows with shadows. Are we ready?

Are you, fellow adventurers?
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:49 pm
OOC: OMG this is so cool. The guild should get it's own area for traveling within the castle.

IC: Leth had heard of the Guild before, and now his curiosity has become to much to handle. He strides down the path towards the large university quickly, hood down, looking around. Why have I not been here before? He asks himself, then opens teh door and walks in. He takes in everything silently, almost without emotion. Almost. He shows just the slightest signs of interest and curiosity as he studies the cards, before looking around for anyone he knows, wondering who might be a 'hero'.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:28 pm

IC: He looked around, through the banquet hall, the balcony which lead to the dorms, over below the balcony, near the banquet hall, but there seemed to be no one he knew around, from where he was, anyway.

Gurshon smiled. "Perhaps you would like to be shown around. Peter is the servant who handles this sort of thing, showing people around, telling people to wake up, and makes bulletins for the students (OOC: Peter's an allusion, by the way. He's the Capulet servant from Romeo and Juliet who can't read :P). "Or would you like to become an apprentice? Or train? You don't have to go off on such adventures as of yet. If you are taking a quest card, however, think about taking them... oh, I don't know, in a week's time, perhaps? Some are rather dirastic and need heroes in them quickly."

OOC: Know what, dude? I'm gonna ask RG if I can do that RIGHT NOW :D. thanks for the idea.
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:44 pm
OOC: If you do, you could have the different areas.... the training grounds, the quest table, the banquet hall, the dorms... heck, that could be where all the RPers reside! 'Cause where do half of these people live? No one knows......

IC: Leth regarded Gurshon silently, yet again looking over the cards. "Stadium of Malagruel..." He said, "We should see to that one right away. We can't let innocent people get slaughtered! We need people to help!" He seemed genuinely concerned for the safety of the innocent...
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:50 pm
OOC: lol, go to the talk forum, dude, in the Hyrule Adventure Talk area. I've got a topic talking all about my plans ;). It's gonna be SWEET!! ... Just as long as people join... TELL EVERYONE!!

IC: "Good," the Guildmaster smiled. "You will make a fine Hero with that kind of spirit. Now, in a week's time (OOC: Literally a week. No more), we shall await adventurers who will help you. If you wish to go alone, I perhaps will send Heroes to follow in your shadow, but I should like to see that you're at least followed by a few Heroes. If none show, I will send a few of our most famous heroes with you. I'll let you choose which one you would like to go with you.

He pulled out a list of names, and information - Hero Cards - and gave him a small hand of them, with a good many names:

-Druid - Hylian - A very clever cleric. He knows a very good deal about the world, and what dark forces are abroad. This wise scholar is not a very good offensive type, but he's good at helping you solve puzzles. I have faith in him as much as he has faith in the gods and goddesses, should he be brought into the right missions.

-Liberator - Human - A brilliant vassal, putting himself before all those he loves. He is noble and proud, and if it means saving all he holds dear, he will accept the price. He has been in countless battles, and never once has he fallen in combat. He's very skilled, and is easy to become friends with. Should he become your friend, he will do everything he can to save your life.

-Deathbringer - Sheikah - Now, here's one mercenary who loves pain. He lives for killing. If you value your life, be sure you have the wisdom to have him by your side, not facing you dead ahead with his great two handed sword ready to smite your head off. There are few who can match his skill, rivaling even Liberator, and can make a very useful ally. Be sure to be on the right side of him, however, for as long as there's death involved, he'll go wherever there's the most killing. If that involved your enemies, you can be sure that Deathbringer will protect you with his life. If you insult him, or get on the bad side of him, you're as good as dead. His services are pricey as well, but let the Guild worry about that.

-Gladiator - Goron - This nomad's pride is in combat. He's a nice ally to have, for he's neither a threat nor much of a kindhearted father. He's both and neither Liberator and Deathbringer. His combat skills are brilliant, but that's all he's good for. Don't expect any sympathy or harm from him, but expect a good amount of help from him.

-Runemaster - Hylian - There have been no mages that have graduated through the Guild who can quite compare to Runemaster. I believe you saw him on your way in, he just left a moment ago. He is quick to decide whether your a friend or an acquaintance, and it will remain like that for ever after. If you become a good friend of his, he'll be like Liberator at seeing to your safety. If you're just an acquaintance, well... if you had a band of soldiers with you, and you didn't know them, you wouldn't sympathize as much for those who were your friends. Death is death, and he knows this. Acquaintances he will use, and friends he will protect.

-Hood - Human - If you have money, he'd know it. If you want to spend it, ask for it back. He's one of the most stealthy rogues we have ever seen in the guild. Thieves of his quality are rare. Nice fellow... just troubled. His purpose is money. He doesn't like the idea of killing or making people suffer. If you need stealth, don't doubt his tactics and orders. Disobey him, and you can do things yourself. In the open field, his best bet is to leave you behind to fend for yourself. He's not one to look death in the eye, no matter what we've taught him. He's got his uses.

-Ranger - Human - Rumours have it that the Lost Woods drive men mad who lose their way, and shortly afterwords becomes skeletal Stalfos. If you have to go through someplace where you know you'll be lost, his sense of direction is unmatched. It's as if his very conscience is a compass and a map. He can hold his own in combat, though would lose in an instant against some such as Liberator, Gladiator, and especially Deathbringer. Unlike most, however, his personal life is not something to discuss much. Try, and see how long you'll live. That's an exaggeration, but if you press the matters of his life, no doubt he'll leave you behind and leave you to find your own way. His duty is what he's there for. Leave him to do it. Conversation won't kill him, but don't get personal. Be general.

-Maleficus - Unavailable (must complete the Gerudo Fortress Infiltration mission, and two others with no others that help getting other characters.)

-Pilgrim - Unavailable (three quests must be completed before he joins the crew)

-Avatar - Unavailable (must complete the Pirate's Avatar, the Stadium of Malagruel, the Riddles of Percy the Poet, and the Bloodline quests)

-Sorrow - Unavailable (Must complete the Bloodline, Consumption of Shadows, Fairy Hunt, and Gerudo Infiltration Quests)

-Ninor - Unavailable (must defeat Queen Gohma and meet him in Saria Town, by the river, and help him finish his mission, should it still not be complete after these three years).

-Gloryseeker (You must have won at least 200 renown points to follow, by winning awards at the end of quests)

-Aeoidis - Unavailable (Must unlock all List A quests)

-??? - Unavailable (Must complete the Spells of Ancarious and Doors of the Prophets Quests. The ultimate character won't be an easy one to unlock. He could defeat everyone with the blink of an eye. Yes, there's a name for him. You'll have to find out on your own what it is...).

"Remember that our heroes CAN DIE. Some are meant to die, but others must not. If you are foolish and a defenseless hero die, don't expect to see the warm welcome I gave you today again. Each hero here is like a son or daughter to me. Please refrain from more death than is necessary towards our folk.

"Our heroes here are people! If you offend them or harm them, they won't be willing to help you, even when you may need them most. Other heroes may change their minds about you as well. You must be careful in this matter.

"One last thing: only one hero, at this time, can join you per mission. Now! Choose!"
Last edited by Nogare, son of Greyblade on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:25 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:49 pm
Leth looked over all the cards and listened to his narration before saying, "I believe I shall wait and see if anyone I know joins me before choosing a hero. That way I will know the party's strengths and weaknesses and can make a decision accordingly."

OOC: Sorry for the short post, I' m short on time.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:08 pm
OOC: I know the feeling ^_^"... I've got ten minutes, then I don't have it again until we get a new internet adapter. The wireless internet got crushed or something, so I'm in the same boat as Kasei... I don't know about her, however, but I can afford a new one. Installing it will be a bitch, though, so ya, this will take time. In the meantime, I wouldn't mind coming back and finding a bunch of people waiting in line to join in the Stadium of Malagruel! :D

IC: Gurshon smiled. "Well, Leth, you may do as you will. No doubt a friend of yours will appear sometime during the week to join in your quest against Malagruel. In the meantime, you may browse around the Guild. Enjoy your stay.

OOC: Note: I listed all the things you can do in the HA2 Talk Forum, so go ahead and go to any of the listed areas ^_^.
Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:03 pm
Saber walks into the building hesitantly, his eyes darting back and forth. There were several people here--several people who looked much stronger than he, and whose equipment was definitely far more expensive than the mercenary could afford on his meager earnings. Maybe I shouldn't be here. I heard they were looking for help, and there's a possibility of rewards, but...I'm out of place here. I'm not sure I could best one of these men in a fight. He stopped in the middle of the floor, biting his lip and shifting nervously.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:05 pm
It hadn't been much more than a day when Gurshon, left the Briefing Room, sending a few novice Heroes out on a simple scouting quest in the South Greens, when he returned to the map room, where he saw a lad waiting nervously. He chuckled, and walked forward from the area beneath the balcony with open arms. "Welcome to the Guild of Heroes! I am Gurshon, the Guildmaster! You must be a friend of Leth, one who had signed up for a Quest little more than a day ago." He studied him for a moment, then laughed again. "Why are you so nervous? All are welcome here, even to partake in quests! You look like you've looked into death's eye a number of times, were wise and powerful enough to defeat it, and brave enough to confront it. What more can a hero be? Come! You don't look weak, worry not, and believe me, I know your strength. I also know your weaknesses, and in the Stadium of Malagruel, I'm sure that they will not interfere. I see your combat skill considerable, and you are not so foolish as to infuriate a graduate Hero from the Guild. If you want to just look around, though, by all means, look around! There's plenty to see and do. Enjoy your stay.
Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:16 pm
Saber adopted a sardonic face at the unexpected praise from such a fearful figure. I know he's just trying to persuade me to help. The mercenary knew Leth's skill with a bow--the ranger was far more deadly than he. However, one particular sentence leapt out at the mercenary.
you are not so foolish as to infuriate a graduate Hero from the Guild.
The thought of this man ripping Saber limb from limb greatly terrified the lad, and it was all the persuasion he needed to speak up. "Yes, yes, I would enjoy greatly to accompany Leth on a travel of..." The sentence trailed off. Saber knew he had slaughtered every rule of the Common language's grammar, and it was all he could do to stop from turning away. "I will do it." He said simply instead, a bit of sweat forming on the back of his neck.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:28 pm
A figure entered through the large doors, a tall man, perhaps hylian. You could not tell because his face was hidden behind a blank, white mask with two slits for eyeholes. The rest of the man's appearance was pretty uniform. He wore a white gentleman's outfit, and light-gray pants. His well-trimmed hair glowed silver. At his side was a rapier sword.

The man walked alone to where Gurshon stood, tall and silent all the way. As he walked past someone, they would notice a sudden difficulty in breathing, the oxygen pulling itself out of their lungs until he passed. They knew in their hearts, this man was neither human or hylian, he was . . . . something else, something ... distant.

He stood now before Gurshon, as strange a gentleman as ever. "My name is Jack, and I would certainly like to have some fun here, is it alright with you?" He asked, rather politely. His voice was almost childish, betraying his youth, dispite his almost adult body. "I hear you have several missions you wish to accomplish, I would be delighted (Was that spelled right?) if you would allow me to participate in one." He offered.
Last edited by Kasei on Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:45 pm
The heavy doors to the hall opened swiftly. They revealed a man who was flanked by his trusty apprentice. As they shut behind him, one might have noticed that his arms were at his sides since the doors opened. Thus, he must have opened the door using other methods, most likely telekinesis.

The man, as some would know, called himself Orpheous. More than likely, he wasn't born with that name. But it didn't matter anyways. He wasn't from Hyrule, and people knew it, so why should it matter? The other man, a male in his late teens was Simon Grendel, the only surviving member of the Grendel family of Galfin after the massacre. Both were clothed in similar garbs. A cloak, tunics, a watch, cotton pants, sandals, and Termanian watches. They were using their staffs for walking sticks, and they were here to dicuss matters of allying, and, more importantly, assisting with the work of the guild.

Soon, as Orpheous took long strides, Simon could barely keep up, the two stood in front of Gurshon, the Guild master. "Sir Gurshon, I am Orpheous," spoke the humble scribe, bowing his head. "This is my apprentice, Simon Grendel," he stated, Simon bowing his head bowing now. "We are here to speak, first and foremost, about giving you the aid and resources of our organization. We are the People's Front of Hyrule," he began.

"Our allegiance is to justice, thus we refuse to work with the Crown, just in case. You know how many dirty advisers there are. You guys already appear to be far off the ground, so we assume you wouldn't need any funding or building grants. However, we are willing to lend any personal and do front line work for you all as well as other work, you know forensic analysis (using an advanced grasp of science and magic, Orpheous has been able to make forensics possible, but only a very basic level) and detective work really. Actually, Simon and I have come to offer our skills right here and now. We hear you have some missions that you're trying to accomplish. If you don't mind, we would like to spread our skill out, so we can cover two possible crisis in the time it would take to do one if we were both on it. So, what do you recommend?" asked Orpheous, ending his rant.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:58 pm
Leth was standing in the background, watching as a sudden flow of people came into the building, each having something to say. He seemed to be momentarily forgotten. When Orpheous finished his long-winded speech, he stepped out and said, "I will need as much help as I can get attacking the whatchamacallit stadium...." He glanced once more at the cards and said, "The Stadium of Malagruel. Yeah. That. Anyway, I'm going to need help if I'm going to be infiltrating a the stadium, and if you all gathered here today could help me in my attempts, that would be most appreciated."
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:10 pm
Gurshon bowed his head slightly in thanks, though inside he was sighing at his lack of confidence. "You will not have to do this mission alone..." He knew that the young mercenary felt as if he were getting sucked in, but he knew that he had skill with a sword, Hero or not. Perhaps someone like Gladiator could smite him down in a fight with little difficulty, but in the face of a few battalions of Exiles, there would be little trouble. He's probably not one to trip over his own cloak, or else he wouldn't have signed up to be a mercenary. He knew that Saber could well turn the tide in the quest to come. Only time would tell.

A few hours later, the spine-chilling gentleman Jack entered through the bronze doors. A dark warrior indeed, joining in for the kill. Gurshon was not one to fear anything or anyone, so he simply claimed, "You seek death? I have the perfect opportunity for you." He looked from side to side, and made sure that Saber was out of hearing range. "There will be plenty of monsters to slay in the Stadium of Malagruel. Your help could well make all the difference. He smiled reassuringly, and handed him the Stadium of Malagruel Quest Card. "Enjoy."

A short while later, Orpheous and Simon entered the building. From the banquet hall, many apprentices could see the two approach, and they stared in awe at the majesty of the entrance. Many got up from their tables, and came to see for themselves. Many hissed to one another, "Look! It's Orpheous! Show some respect! He's the leader of the People's Front of Hyrule, and one of the greatest scribes of our age!" One apprentice whispered to another, "Who's the stiff beside him?" He was whacked by two of his piers. "Are you dumb?! That's Simon! Orpheous' apprentice, jerk!" The foolish apprentice who'd dared call Simon a stiff gasped and hid his face in shame.

The crowd gathered in the hall to the banquet hall, some on the balcony leading to the dorms, and some in the hall leading to the Boast Platform, all staring in dumbfounded astonishment. They could only guess their purpose here.

When the scribe was finished his speech, the Guild master bowed low. "You honour us, Lord Orpheous, as does all of the People's Front of Hyrule. You will make a good ally, for I've heard very much of what your team of adventurers has done to defend our country. We shall call upon you if ever we should need your services, which I am sure will be more than once before this war against the Exiles is over. In exchange, if ever you should need the assistance of the Heroes of the Guild, you are welcome to call upon us to aid in your own missions."

He drew the Quest Card for the Stadium of Malagruel, and handed it to Orpheous, and then a hand of card for Simon to chose. Seeing their faces, he explained, "I'm sorry, but we have a good many folk on the mission the Stadium of Malagruel. I must ask that Simon begin a different Quest on his own, and have new recruits join him. We have many good fighters in the quest, but I'm sure Leth's group will need a clever scholar in order to complete the quest. Puzzles liter the Exiles' dungeons everywhere, and to figure them out will require a smart scribe such as yourself. As for Simon, should you chose to begin a quest now. There is much mayhem throughout Hyrule, and if we have too many of our Heroes out on a single Quest, then too few will be involved in other quests. I am sorry..."

Gurshon then turned his head to the side and whistled for a servant of the Guild to come forth. "Nathan, call for Leth, and tell him his group is gathered... almost..."

When Leth arrived, he told him, "You're almost ready to begin your first quest through the Guild. Before I give you a briefing beyond what is said in the Card, you should choose a Hero to join you, that you see most suiting for your quest. Remember that only you may choose which Hero that is, for YOU are the one who chose the quest." He turned his attention to Simon for a moment. "That means that you will choose the Hero for your Quest.

"Now, choose."
Leth Level 9
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Class: Vagabond ranger
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Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:11 pm
"Well, I don't believe I should make this decision alone. If we are to be taking a Hero with us, I would like for all of my teammates to help decide." He displays the cards to the members gathered before him. "We get to choose one of these heroes to join us in our quest. Each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses. I suggests we assess our own skills and choose accordingly. I am a rather efficient bow-wielder, and prefer stealth and guerrilla tactics over straight-out fighting. I know when to act, and when to retreat. I am not much of a close combat fighter, as I prefer to take my foe out before they can get close enough to hit me, but if necessary I can wield my dual knives rather well.I can shoot fire, ice, and light arrows, but other than that I am not much of a magician. And that," he concluded, "is a summary of my skills."
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}