Quivering Girl (Keychain's Profile)
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:50 pm
Keychain, believe or not, was born in a small, nameless village. It was buried deep within a forest of trees. Travelers would stumble on it and stare in awe, but once they left and tried to come back, they could never find it again. For there was no way to find it again. Only being escorted in and out with someone native to the village would they be able to find it.
Though when she was young, Keychain found a tunnel through a rock that she could fit in. Crawling through it, she found herself left in an empty field. It made her realize that she was outside of her village, and it made her start to quiver. Keychain crawled back through and returned to her twin brother's side, clutching his sleeve.
Keychain as an older brother that she barely remembers. By the time she was was three, he was already moved out and married to a woman outside of the nameless village. His visits were rare and short. Mostly he would sit in the kitchen, silently looking at his parents. Everything seemed to tense when he was around. When he left, Keychain would sigh with relief and was glad that he was gone.
She never knew that her parents were tense around him because he had suddenly ditched the engagement with his best friend since he was a child because neither of them wanted to be married to each other. They only liked to be friends. Her parents argued so badly with her brother that he eventually left, leaving a note that he'll never return unless his parents finally agreed with the wife he would choose himself.
Keychain has a twin brother, or had a twin brother. Even though they were known as fraternal twins, they looked almost exactly alike. They had the same ashy red hair that was a combination of their father's blossom red hair and their mother's dirty blond. Their pale blue eyes were the same, but his always had a reflection of hope for the future, as hers held sadness, defeat, and despair. She was always thin and weak, so her bosom didn't grow out very big. She barely found the need to wear a bra underneath. Her brother seemed unable to get his masculine features, so had the small shoulders and weak look to himself. Keychain liked to dress up in her brother's jeans and shirts. Walking around, looking like her brother made people call her Luis. It made her mad sometimes.
One day, she wanted to wear her hair without the silk blue ribbon tying back her long hair, leaving her short bangs to frame her face. Once her brother saw this, he stood from where he sat and started to brush his fingers through her hair.
"Keychain, my sister," he mumbled. "Is there something that you don't like about the ribbon? Are you tired of having your hair limply hanging behind your back?" The words were so soft and melancholy like that it stung her with pain. She shook her head, sending her hair flying. "Then, can I tie your ribbon in?" She nodded her head before shooting up to the room that they shared to find her ribbon laying on her vanity desk.
Once he was done, he rested his chin on her head and lightly traced over the veins that showed too clearly in her hands. "Key, I know that it could get annoying that we look alike too much." He held her close and breathed in her scent. "But, I would like it if we look alike for a while. Could we? Until we take our separate ways once we get married?"
Everyday, she kept that promise. Only showing that they were different by finally wearing the beautiful dresses that her mother made with her own hands.
She also had a younger sister. No matter what happened, her sister was just so different. Unlike Luis and Keychain, Annie had pure blond hair that was naturally curly. It bounced when she walked. She had her bosom blooming when she was only 12, and Keychain was still flat chested at age 14. Annie stood up from herself and her voice was always strong. Keychain was jealous of that. She had trouble with her stutter. Her body would shake as someone would try to challenge her when she stood up for someone. Annie was able to tan, unlike Keychain who was pure white besides a few freckles dotting her skin. Annie could fight, while Keychain had bruises and cuts that appeared out of nowhere when she made no contact with anything.
Her father worked in a small spice shop that was owned by his best friend since childhood. Everyday when he came home, the first person he would hug before his wife was able to dry her hands, was her. She was his special little gem. It was only her who was allowed in his studies, able to read his books that were filled with stories of fairy tales, wild life, and ways of telling poisonous plants from edible ones. He would always crush her in one of his famous bear hugs.
It made her gleeful. To know that besides her twin brother, someone was proud to have her around. In the streets of the small village, she would wander to a shop. Her father would stop any person, no matter if he knew them or not, and point at her. Even though he thought she couldn't hear, she would always smile when he spoke, "Do you see that little girl right there? She's my daughter. She's got my legs, you know. The fastest person in this place! I was once the fastest person here, you know. Now that I'm getting into my old age, my daughter has to take my place in running."
Sometimes she wanted to say that her father wasn't old, but he would always argue that since he already had children that were so close to moving out, his youngest child already had the person who she would marry, that he was close to being old, older than his friends and some of the elders.
Keychain had one friend. A girl who was older than her by a year. Her name was Aqua. She had brown hair that was alway short. No matter what kind of dress she had on, she had blue leggings underneath her brother's black shoes on. Her eyes were a dark blue, matching the sky on a day that marked a stormy night. The star that was green and pink on her forehead was always mistaken as a tattoo, but it really was a scar that was burned into her skin at a young age with mysterious magic.
Annie always tried to make her stronger, but only ended up laughing and jabbing Keychain with her staff. She would always leave her sister covered in cuts and bruise, and gashes that wouldn't stop bleeding. "You're too weak and you can't seem to heal, how pathetic," her sister would taunt.
Her brother always acted as her doctor, scorning her of all the trouble she put herself through. He would always tell her to stop looking for trouble and to stop hurting herself, even though she never did that, she just ended up with cuts and bruises that she could never detect.
Her family owned a farm. They had a huge field with animals always on the loose. Wild flowers and berries grew in the field. With her scratchy paper, she would draw the flowers and berries and animals with her charcoal as her pencil. The pictures looked nice, but the charcoal only smeared and darkened the pictures, making it look like a mess.
One day, Keychain became terribly ill. The doctor thought that she could never heal and that she would die. He blamed her weak body for this, but she was able to recover. Only, after she healed, her muscles spas out all too easy when she stands still for too long.
Around when she was sixteen, her father went missing. Almost half a year passed until men in black armor appeared at the door. Luis grabbed her and held her close with a protective look on his face. One of the men saw this and chuckled. The laugh sent chills up her spine, it was different from her father's booming laugh that she missed all too terribly.
"My, she's a pretty one, how much do you think she would sell for?" one of them rasped. Luis held her tighter, glaring at them man who spoke. "Where's your mother?" Rushing out of the kitchen, he got his question answered.
"Kids, go upstairs," their mother ordered. Annie looked shocked. "But mother-," she started, but stopped when her mother glared at her. The three of them rushed up the stairs.
Keychain wanted to know what was happening, but her body was shaking so badly and her heart was pounding her head and ears. Luis sat on her bed and held her close, muttering sweet nonsense to make her calm down. He was always by her side. She thought that without him, she couldn't live on properly.
After they left, their mother refused to tell her what they had said, but she whispered information to Luis. After, Luis became more protective of her, holding her close all the time.
Shortly after they had turned seventeen, the fire had destroyed her whole life. It started by burning down the barn and spreading through the field and grass to her house and to the neighbor's. She shook her brother awake and rescued her pure white bag that held a dress and the most valuable book her father ever gave her about wildlife. Her brother got his that had a pair of pj's and his small knife. He woke their mother and Keychain had difficulty waking Annie. Luis had to drag her away from Annie and out of the building as it started to burn.
Only Annie was the one who died from the fire. Her mother and brother saw the shadows of the men in black armor. Luis pulled his stuff out of his bag and gave it to Keychain, "Run!" he yelled, "and wear my clothing, it's the only chance you have to live."
She shook her head, refusing to budge from the spot she stood, her muscles already spasming out on her, making her body shake. Her mother grabbed her by her shoulders. "You are the only one who can live among us, please run as quickly as you can, because you are the only one who has your father's legs. Please, run."
The men came closer, and her mother and brother started to push her away. Adrenaline pumped through her body, making her heart beat faster, making her legs lift and move. Before she knew it, the trees were rushing by her and she was coming to the stone hole. Stopping there, she undressed from her nightgown and slipped on her brother's scratchy pajamas. She looked for his knife, realizing she had dropped it sometime during her frantic run.
She crawled through the hole and continued to run. She only stopped to pick edible berries and anything else she could keep her hunger from bursting around inside her. She continued for two whole weeks, not stopping for sleep or cleaning the dirt and grit that caked over her ghostly white skin.
Now, she is in Hyrule, not sure what her next step will take her. Maybe a journey that would prove Annie wrong, and she would show that she was able to fight and protect those close to her, finally saving someone from death.
Though when she was young, Keychain found a tunnel through a rock that she could fit in. Crawling through it, she found herself left in an empty field. It made her realize that she was outside of her village, and it made her start to quiver. Keychain crawled back through and returned to her twin brother's side, clutching his sleeve.
Keychain as an older brother that she barely remembers. By the time she was was three, he was already moved out and married to a woman outside of the nameless village. His visits were rare and short. Mostly he would sit in the kitchen, silently looking at his parents. Everything seemed to tense when he was around. When he left, Keychain would sigh with relief and was glad that he was gone.
She never knew that her parents were tense around him because he had suddenly ditched the engagement with his best friend since he was a child because neither of them wanted to be married to each other. They only liked to be friends. Her parents argued so badly with her brother that he eventually left, leaving a note that he'll never return unless his parents finally agreed with the wife he would choose himself.
Keychain has a twin brother, or had a twin brother. Even though they were known as fraternal twins, they looked almost exactly alike. They had the same ashy red hair that was a combination of their father's blossom red hair and their mother's dirty blond. Their pale blue eyes were the same, but his always had a reflection of hope for the future, as hers held sadness, defeat, and despair. She was always thin and weak, so her bosom didn't grow out very big. She barely found the need to wear a bra underneath. Her brother seemed unable to get his masculine features, so had the small shoulders and weak look to himself. Keychain liked to dress up in her brother's jeans and shirts. Walking around, looking like her brother made people call her Luis. It made her mad sometimes.
One day, she wanted to wear her hair without the silk blue ribbon tying back her long hair, leaving her short bangs to frame her face. Once her brother saw this, he stood from where he sat and started to brush his fingers through her hair.
"Keychain, my sister," he mumbled. "Is there something that you don't like about the ribbon? Are you tired of having your hair limply hanging behind your back?" The words were so soft and melancholy like that it stung her with pain. She shook her head, sending her hair flying. "Then, can I tie your ribbon in?" She nodded her head before shooting up to the room that they shared to find her ribbon laying on her vanity desk.
Once he was done, he rested his chin on her head and lightly traced over the veins that showed too clearly in her hands. "Key, I know that it could get annoying that we look alike too much." He held her close and breathed in her scent. "But, I would like it if we look alike for a while. Could we? Until we take our separate ways once we get married?"
Everyday, she kept that promise. Only showing that they were different by finally wearing the beautiful dresses that her mother made with her own hands.
She also had a younger sister. No matter what happened, her sister was just so different. Unlike Luis and Keychain, Annie had pure blond hair that was naturally curly. It bounced when she walked. She had her bosom blooming when she was only 12, and Keychain was still flat chested at age 14. Annie stood up from herself and her voice was always strong. Keychain was jealous of that. She had trouble with her stutter. Her body would shake as someone would try to challenge her when she stood up for someone. Annie was able to tan, unlike Keychain who was pure white besides a few freckles dotting her skin. Annie could fight, while Keychain had bruises and cuts that appeared out of nowhere when she made no contact with anything.
Her father worked in a small spice shop that was owned by his best friend since childhood. Everyday when he came home, the first person he would hug before his wife was able to dry her hands, was her. She was his special little gem. It was only her who was allowed in his studies, able to read his books that were filled with stories of fairy tales, wild life, and ways of telling poisonous plants from edible ones. He would always crush her in one of his famous bear hugs.
It made her gleeful. To know that besides her twin brother, someone was proud to have her around. In the streets of the small village, she would wander to a shop. Her father would stop any person, no matter if he knew them or not, and point at her. Even though he thought she couldn't hear, she would always smile when he spoke, "Do you see that little girl right there? She's my daughter. She's got my legs, you know. The fastest person in this place! I was once the fastest person here, you know. Now that I'm getting into my old age, my daughter has to take my place in running."
Sometimes she wanted to say that her father wasn't old, but he would always argue that since he already had children that were so close to moving out, his youngest child already had the person who she would marry, that he was close to being old, older than his friends and some of the elders.
Keychain had one friend. A girl who was older than her by a year. Her name was Aqua. She had brown hair that was alway short. No matter what kind of dress she had on, she had blue leggings underneath her brother's black shoes on. Her eyes were a dark blue, matching the sky on a day that marked a stormy night. The star that was green and pink on her forehead was always mistaken as a tattoo, but it really was a scar that was burned into her skin at a young age with mysterious magic.
Annie always tried to make her stronger, but only ended up laughing and jabbing Keychain with her staff. She would always leave her sister covered in cuts and bruise, and gashes that wouldn't stop bleeding. "You're too weak and you can't seem to heal, how pathetic," her sister would taunt.
Her brother always acted as her doctor, scorning her of all the trouble she put herself through. He would always tell her to stop looking for trouble and to stop hurting herself, even though she never did that, she just ended up with cuts and bruises that she could never detect.
Her family owned a farm. They had a huge field with animals always on the loose. Wild flowers and berries grew in the field. With her scratchy paper, she would draw the flowers and berries and animals with her charcoal as her pencil. The pictures looked nice, but the charcoal only smeared and darkened the pictures, making it look like a mess.
One day, Keychain became terribly ill. The doctor thought that she could never heal and that she would die. He blamed her weak body for this, but she was able to recover. Only, after she healed, her muscles spas out all too easy when she stands still for too long.
Around when she was sixteen, her father went missing. Almost half a year passed until men in black armor appeared at the door. Luis grabbed her and held her close with a protective look on his face. One of the men saw this and chuckled. The laugh sent chills up her spine, it was different from her father's booming laugh that she missed all too terribly.
"My, she's a pretty one, how much do you think she would sell for?" one of them rasped. Luis held her tighter, glaring at them man who spoke. "Where's your mother?" Rushing out of the kitchen, he got his question answered.
"Kids, go upstairs," their mother ordered. Annie looked shocked. "But mother-," she started, but stopped when her mother glared at her. The three of them rushed up the stairs.
Keychain wanted to know what was happening, but her body was shaking so badly and her heart was pounding her head and ears. Luis sat on her bed and held her close, muttering sweet nonsense to make her calm down. He was always by her side. She thought that without him, she couldn't live on properly.
After they left, their mother refused to tell her what they had said, but she whispered information to Luis. After, Luis became more protective of her, holding her close all the time.
Shortly after they had turned seventeen, the fire had destroyed her whole life. It started by burning down the barn and spreading through the field and grass to her house and to the neighbor's. She shook her brother awake and rescued her pure white bag that held a dress and the most valuable book her father ever gave her about wildlife. Her brother got his that had a pair of pj's and his small knife. He woke their mother and Keychain had difficulty waking Annie. Luis had to drag her away from Annie and out of the building as it started to burn.
Only Annie was the one who died from the fire. Her mother and brother saw the shadows of the men in black armor. Luis pulled his stuff out of his bag and gave it to Keychain, "Run!" he yelled, "and wear my clothing, it's the only chance you have to live."
She shook her head, refusing to budge from the spot she stood, her muscles already spasming out on her, making her body shake. Her mother grabbed her by her shoulders. "You are the only one who can live among us, please run as quickly as you can, because you are the only one who has your father's legs. Please, run."
The men came closer, and her mother and brother started to push her away. Adrenaline pumped through her body, making her heart beat faster, making her legs lift and move. Before she knew it, the trees were rushing by her and she was coming to the stone hole. Stopping there, she undressed from her nightgown and slipped on her brother's scratchy pajamas. She looked for his knife, realizing she had dropped it sometime during her frantic run.
She crawled through the hole and continued to run. She only stopped to pick edible berries and anything else she could keep her hunger from bursting around inside her. She continued for two whole weeks, not stopping for sleep or cleaning the dirt and grit that caked over her ghostly white skin.
Now, she is in Hyrule, not sure what her next step will take her. Maybe a journey that would prove Annie wrong, and she would show that she was able to fight and protect those close to her, finally saving someone from death.