In the domain

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Sukotsutsu Level 2
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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:33 pm
OOC:This is stat based.
In the domain
Part 1: Lake Hylia

As he went to grab the crystal in the water it started to get colder and colder. When he reached it he put his hand out and grabbed it. The crystal then ran up his arms and legs. His body was frozen. As he watched the sun fade away, the last glimpse of air went from his motionless body. The water was now a mix of purple and dark blue with some silver.. As his vision was fading quickly, he saw a blurred figure grab him. Bringing him to the surface or at least he hoped.

Was this how death feels, he thought. He wasn’t frozen, no he was quite warm. He was laying on something soft. Sand! He was hearing a voice a girl saying “wake up!” He opened his eyes slowly, noticing that the girl was a zora. She was a nice blue color. “Are...are you alright,” she asked.

He said “yes, were you the one that saved me?” He then sat up.

Yes, I did,” she replied. “My name is Aqua.”

My name is Sukotsutsu, thanks for saving me.” He was in a happy mood now that he was saved and wasn’t going to freeze to death. In the warm sunlight, the zora’s blue tinted skin glimmered revealing some gold and silver spots on her body. “Wow, you look beautiful in the sunlight,” He said.

Thank you, Sukotsutsu,” Aqua said as she smiled.

Your welcome, so what brings you to Lake Hylia,” He asked.

The zora’s domain has been attacked and frozen by the frost monarch.” she said adding “I almost got frozen like the others.” She then pointed toward the hole that leads to zora’s domain. Within the hole was crystal’s of silverish ice. Something was moving within the hole. “With the domain frozen, the water will stop flowing and the zoras will die, so I came to warn everyone.” As they talked the ice was still crackling and moving down the waterfall that flowed in to the lake.

Earlier, before you saved me I saw a shiny crystal-like thing on the bottom of the lake, so I went to get it,” Sukotsutsu said. “And when I touched it I got frozen.”So Sukotsutsu and Aqua started walking to the courtyard.
Part 2:Castle courtyard

As they walked into the courtyard they notice that everyone looked busy. Sukotsutsu said "So this is your first time in the courtyard."

"Yes, it is, wow there is so many people," Aqua said as she walked toward the center of the crowd of people. A man with a bag of rupees was running from toward the group of two. Sukotsutsu pulled his staff out and made it wear he will trip the man. The man was wearing a dark colored shirt and ripped up jeans. The man looked like a bear. He was tall and hairy.
OOC: Stats
Race: Sheikah
AGI1+3(race bonus)
Deku staff

The man
INT 3+3( race bonus)
abilities: elemental burst lv1
weapon: Deku dagger
IC: The man ran at Sukotsutsu and lounged the dagger toward Sukotsutsu's stomach. (11 (roll+agi) vs. 16 (def+agi) dealing 0 dmg. Sukoutsutsu dodged the blow to the stomach by jumping to the side. Sukotsutsu then lefted his staff into the air and brought it down on to his head. (21 (roll+agi) vs. 4 (def+agi) Sukotsutsu's attack did 10 dmg. The man then fell down slowly to recover. Sukotsutsu jumped a little bit away making sure that Aqua was ok.
OOC: Post your stats please. Red is sukotsutsu talking and blue is Aqua.
Sukotsutsu HP: 20
The man's hp: 20
"Through the darkness a shady figure forms"
Weapon:deku staff
Abilities: shadowmeld,
akisu Level 2
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Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:43 pm
OOC: Sukotsutus and I are partners making this. We talked it out and everything.

IC: Akisu was walking around town when he noticed a fight break out. He thought, I'll join in on the fun. Akisu ran toward the man throwing his dagger into the air. He then jumped up grabbed it and slammed it into the man's head with force. Akisu then jumped backward landing by Aqua and Sukotsutsu. "Are you to ok," He asked. Akisu was wearing a black cloak as usual, but he didn't have the hood on. He then said "We need to protect Aqua," He said as he got by her guarding the side of here.

OOC: stats:
Race: human
class: vagabond//ranger
DEF 1 + 3(race) =4 + 2(sheild)= 6

Human Ingenuity – Automatic +2 bonus to skill checks
He is known by no one, and he is known by all. He is said to be as ancient as Hyrule, and yet he has the strength of ten Heroes. Some say he is not of this world, and has come to us only for the pleasure of death and destruction. Some say he is but a legend, and the mask has covered the faces of dozens over the centuries, all claiming to be the same Akisu. Whatever he is, he prevails in stories and in nightmares,

DEF 1 + 3(race) =4 + 2(sheild)= 6
+3 to DEF, No resistance bonuses Human Ingenuity – Automatic +2 bonus to skill checks

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Sukotsutsu Level 2
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Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:45 pm
OOC: (17(roll+agi) vs. 4 (agi+def)) You hit him doing 10 dmg leaving him with 10 hp. Good job.

IC:The man took the blow to the head like he was stabbed by 10 needles going through his throat. The man was bleeding from his head. He looked up at the attacker and ran at him. He lefted his dagger up and slammed it into akisu's throat. OOC:(23(roll+agi) vs. 9(def+agi)) It hit you leaving you with 20 hp like sukotsutsu.

IC:The man then ran away. Leaving a trail of blood. "Don't go after him, with the amount of blood his losing he should die in a matter a minutes," Sukotsutsu said. He turned to akisu and said "How have you been?" Aqua then turned to Akisu.

Aqua then said "How are you akisu?" Aqua was a little scared because of the battle. "Do you want to help us at the zora domain," She asked smiling.

OOC: I need more members, GRRR!!!
20 hp for sukotsutsu
20 hp with Akisu

We will be healed before we are attacked agian. I need a few more people in this topic. I'll post after akisu.
Last edited by Sukotsutsu on Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Through the darkness a shady figure forms"
Weapon:deku staff
Abilities: shadowmeld,
jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:04 am
“Such a ruckus you people make, how can anyone expect me to have my beauty sleep while there is quarrel going on?” Edward yelled.
He had been laying on the green grass and in the comfortable shade of the trees. His eyes closed trying to relax.. but his rest was suddenly disturbed.
“Well.. is it finally over.. or are you people going to make fanfare come by!?” The man hadn’t even bothered opening his eyes to see who was talking too.

OOC: Though it isn't much, I hope I can help in your story.
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
akisu Level 2
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Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:13 pm
Akisu did not like this guy. "Do you not know who you are talking to fool I should kill you now"." Akisu what did I tell you" the voice came from Akisus long time friend Shidoni. He started it stated akisu. Akisu come with me said Shidoni. See you guys later.
He is known by no one, and he is known by all. He is said to be as ancient as Hyrule, and yet he has the strength of ten Heroes. Some say he is not of this world, and has come to us only for the pleasure of death and destruction. Some say he is but a legend, and the mask has covered the faces of dozens over the centuries, all claiming to be the same Akisu. Whatever he is, he prevails in stories and in nightmares,

DEF 1 + 3(race) =4 + 2(sheild)= 6
+3 to DEF, No resistance bonuses Human Ingenuity – Automatic +2 bonus to skill checks

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Sukotsutsu Level 2
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Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:40 pm
IC: The man came back, but with two rogues in sand colored shirts. The
rogues were in a cloak with there face hidden in the hoody. They were fit for the desert. Not here.

Desert rogue 1 Hp 30
desert rogue 2 HP 30
injured man 1 HP 10
They all have the same stats.
INT 3+3( race bonus)
abilities: elemental burst lv1
weapon: Deku dagger

IC: The desert rogues attacked. Desert rogue 1 attacked with his long thin sword. He ran up to Sukotsutsu and attacked. He throw his weapon up into the air, did a front-flip and caught it. When he grabbed the sword, he pointed it downwards going at Sukotsutsu. Desert rogue 2 ran at the man lying in the grass. He then slamed the sword into him. The injured man ran at Aqua and grabbed her. Now with a hostage they had a better chance of winning.

OOC:desert rogue 1 did ( 9(Roll+agi) vs. 15(def+agi)) 0 dmg.
desert rogue 2 did (6(roll+agi) vs. 18 (def+agi)) 0 dmg
so far no dmg to us.

IC:Sukotsutsu side stepped the attack and did a spin attack.
OOC:(15(roll+agi) vs. 4(def+agi)) doing 9 dmg to desert rogue 1 leaving him with 21 HP.
I'll add more in the next post...
"Through the darkness a shady figure forms"
Weapon:deku staff
Abilities: shadowmeld,
akisu Level 2
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Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:51 pm
Akisu came back because his friend just wanted to give him a speech. Whoah you guys get into troble really easy. Who takes a girl hostage for this i cant forgive you!
akisu through his dagger at the guy holding Aqua hostage.
He is known by no one, and he is known by all. He is said to be as ancient as Hyrule, and yet he has the strength of ten Heroes. Some say he is not of this world, and has come to us only for the pleasure of death and destruction. Some say he is but a legend, and the mask has covered the faces of dozens over the centuries, all claiming to be the same Akisu. Whatever he is, he prevails in stories and in nightmares,

DEF 1 + 3(race) =4 + 2(sheild)= 6
+3 to DEF, No resistance bonuses Human Ingenuity – Automatic +2 bonus to skill checks

track lv2
jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:55 am
"pfff.. for a cockroach you certainly talk big.." Edward replied after hearing Akisu threat. He was not impressed by the young man's words nor could he find the interest in joining this matter.
But his eyes shot open hearing as another battle was starting.
The mage stood up, with his staff firmly clutched in his hands he approached the scene...

"You there." He said pointing his staff at the injured man. "Would you be so kind as to leave the lady and her company alone, and go home.. and find yourself a nice new hobby, other then kidnapping and murdering."

His eyes briefly glanced to Sukotsutsu "Your lady will be alright I promise you that good sir, if there is something I hate then it is lowlife outlaws who think that they can do ass they please.."

His expression turned somewhat depraved when he turned himself to Akisu. "You should know better then to threaten an ally." be thankful that I at least have some common sense of what is right and wrong, next time you act like that i will treat you no different from these brigands."

He turned to the injured man again, who seemed to have no intentions to let go of his hostage.
"Well if you are not interested in my proposal, then i shall slay you down in the name of all that is gracious!" He spoke still having his weapon pointed at the man he conjured dark matter that gathered on the tip of the staff. The temperature seemed to drop steadilly and the air distorted when it came into contact with the growing dark orb.
"Dwell in a sea shadows forever more, DARK ELEMENTAL BURST!" He unleashed the magical energy with a simple swing of rod. It rushed forward like a missile to the to the man in hope of hitting it's target.
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
L1NK4NDZ3LD4 Level 4
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Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:55 pm
Kamiko has rushing to get some things done espesialy her training for the day when she heard the fighting. As she neared the sound of the battle she noticed Edward was in the middle of it and tore her sword out of it's scabbard and pulled out her shield.

Coming closer to the battle she asked "Whats the situation?"
HP-40+1(SPI)+10(lvl1exceptional health)=51(total)
Shadowmeld-The King’s Banner - 1 TP-Honorabl Kill - 2 TP-L1 Train Bow
Sukotsutsu Level 2
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Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:27 pm
Sukotsutsu ran at the man and jumped, grabbing Aqua and pulling her to the back of the three. Right after Sukotsutsu did that Akisu attacked.Akisu's attack ( 15(Agi+roll) vs. 4(agi+def)) knocked the man back. As the man got up he noticed the dark orb of mass going at him. This is the end he thought. The mass of darkness all most missed. As he jumped away it hit his leg(21 (roll+spl) 1/2 dmg=10dmg) . The man fell on to the ground. He was finished.

OOC:The injured man is dead leaving rogue 1 and rogue 2 both with 30 hp.

The two rogues watched in amazement As the orb disappeared. Rogue 1 ran at Akisu and stabbed him in the arm (23(roll+agi) vs 9 (def +agi) hitting it's mark perfectly. He then pulled his sword out of Akisu's arm and jumped back. "Ha-ha, that was easy," he said with a grin on his face. The blood from Akisu's arm was slowly
leaking off of the edge of the sword.

OOC:Akisu took 7 dmg so he has 13 hp.

The other rogue followed behind, but instead of akisu he went for Sukotsutsu. He ran at Sukotsutsu. He jumped up and said "Take this!" He then went to slam the sword into him (5(roll+agi) vs. 16(agi+def) He missed and got his sword stuck into the ground. Sukotsutsu then looked at the rogue.

"What was that you said," he asked histarically. He then did a swift spinning attack (19(roll+agi) vs. 4(agi+def) The attack was so fierce that rogue 2 fell to the ground and spit out some blood. Sukotsutsu jumped back toward Edward. Rogue 2 slowly recovered and pulled his sword out of the ground. He then got into a attack stance ready to attack once more.

Injured man: dead
rogue 1: 30 hp
rogue 2: 21 hp

sukotsutsu: 20 hp
akisu:13 hp
Edward: 33 hp

Wow, Jarod you are going to destroy the enemies in the next battle later on I think.
"Through the darkness a shady figure forms"
Weapon:deku staff
Abilities: shadowmeld,
akisu Level 2
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Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:26 pm
"I will peal the fleash from your bones very slowly". Akisus arm wasn't bleading very bad but that still made him dawn his hood. Everyone that knew him realized that he would be relenless in his attack. even under the hood you could see his eyes glowing red with rage. He used his signiture attack in which he threw the dagger in the air and slammed it into the opponents head however this time he used all of his strenth.
He is known by no one, and he is known by all. He is said to be as ancient as Hyrule, and yet he has the strength of ten Heroes. Some say he is not of this world, and has come to us only for the pleasure of death and destruction. Some say he is but a legend, and the mask has covered the faces of dozens over the centuries, all claiming to be the same Akisu. Whatever he is, he prevails in stories and in nightmares,

DEF 1 + 3(race) =4 + 2(sheild)= 6
+3 to DEF, No resistance bonuses Human Ingenuity – Automatic +2 bonus to skill checks

track lv2
L1NK4NDZ3LD4 Level 4
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Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:44 pm
Seeing what just happened Kamiko grined saying to herself 'This'll be GOOD exercise!' as she did she cracked her joints ready to fight.

Once fully ready she ran straight for rogue 1. As she neared she brought her sword into an upward arch hoping to do some damage.
HP-40+1(SPI)+10(lvl1exceptional health)=51(total)
Shadowmeld-The King’s Banner - 1 TP-Honorabl Kill - 2 TP-L1 Train Bow
jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:44 pm
"auwch... that must have hurt quite a bit." Edward said with as distressed expression present, as he looked at the corpse of the man. "Of course.. that was to be expected with my fine ability to use the magic arts, but still.. taking a life is still something I do not find pleasant." He explained, but turned to a new threat, the 2nd rogue who was trying to show off with his wild sword play but because of his lack skill he failed to hurt or impress anyone.
"Are solicitating for the next blow?" Edward said with a grin. Behind his back he had already prepared another orb dark energy. "It seems you are... nightie-night then!?"
He struck his arm forward and unleashed his second shot of dark elemental burst.
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Sukotsutsu Level 2
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Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:17 pm
IC:Akisu's attack to rogue 2 hit him with enough force to knock him into the dirt (6(roll+agi) vs. 4(agi+def). The rogue slowly recovered to his feet. Then he was stuck by Kamiko's sword slamming him to the ground to slowly recover (14(roll+agi) vs. 4(def+agi). As the rogue recovered, he stood up bearly. "You are to strong and we are out numbered, but we will keep on fighting," He side with a grin on his face. Blood was licking from his shoulder into the hand that was holding it. His cloak went to a sandy color to a bloody red color. He lefted his sword and ran at kamiko. He jumped up into the air high enough to do a sideways spin attack called a tornado slash. (15 (roll+agi) vs. 24 (def+agi) He missed landing on the ground with a loud bang.

OOC:Rogue 1 has 6 HP

IC: Edward's dark elemental burst was extremely strong compared to everyone here. As it hit rogue 2 it sucked him in. The darkness blinded him. He was unable to move. The dark mass then started to shrink, slowly revealing a motionless body. The body was in the orb long enough to make him confused. (18 (roll+spi) full dmg=22 dmg) The rogue slowly mobolized his body to stand. "I'm not done yet," He said as he ran at Sukotsutsu. He used the remanding energy in his body to slam his sword down (18(roll+agi) vs. 16(def+agi) hitting Sukotsutsu's arm. With the amount of energy he did have he managed to cut into his arm.
OOC:rogue 2 has 8 hp and sukotsutsu 13 hp.
Sukotsutsu went into a rage, running at the rogue that hurt him. He jumped into the air cleared rogue 2 and then jabbed the staff into his back (9(roll+agi) vs. 4(def+agi) killing him. Snap! His spine snaped in half from the fierce attack. "How was that," He said in a angry voice.
injured man: dead
rogue 1: 6 hp
rogue 2: dead

sukotsutsu: 13 hp
akisu:13 hp
Edward: 33 hp

We only need one post to destroy the rogue. after that I'll post and we will talk a little.
"Through the darkness a shady figure forms"
Weapon:deku staff
Abilities: shadowmeld,
L1NK4NDZ3LD4 Level 4
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Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:44 pm
OoC - Ill try this now.

IC - Apon seeing the fearsom attack Kamiko did a quick roll to try and avoid the attack and let out a quick laugh. As soon as she stoped she quickly ran towards the rogue and brought her sword up all in one quick, easy motion hoping her sword would hit its mark.
HP-40+1(SPI)+10(lvl1exceptional health)=51(total)
Shadowmeld-The King’s Banner - 1 TP-Honorabl Kill - 2 TP-L1 Train Bow