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Hunters of reckoning

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:06 pm
by akisu
On a rainy and foggy night near Akisu's residence an attack happened. Boom! At that moment, Akisu's brother Jiand came crashing through the big oak doors. He was covered with blood, where you couldn't even tell who he was. "Where is Akisu's father you stupid knights," Dian asked. At that moment, Jiand jumped in the air, blade drawn. Before he attacked the strike was blocked by a surviver of the hylian nights. "

"You must leave or you will die," The knight said. Then, jiand begun to knee the guard in the face and smash his head into the blood stained walls.Then the knight was finished in a single motion of the blade. As soon as the knights head fell off, He then ran to the back room and seen his dad. He lefted his blade into the air and disapeared. He then reappeared behind Akisu's dad with the blad going through his stomach. He didn't have to worry about his mom, because she died in an explosion.Akisu was only 6 years old, able to remimber his brother and how he shaked in fear. With on thing in mind REVENGE!

12 years later...

Akisu had prepared for this day all of his life he sees you and motions you over.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:55 am
Kamiko Looked to the left and then to the right and cautiously walked over to Akisu to see what he had to say.

OoC - Sorry for the short post here. Also I'm not sure if Akisu is male or female.

EDIT: fixed up the post little bit

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:04 pm
by Sukotsutsu
OOC:Akisu is a male. Anyways.

IC: Sukotsutsu seen his rival Akisu signal him over. Sukotsutsu ran over to him and said "Hi, How are you Akisu." He then looked at Kamiko and said "How have you been?" Sukosutsu was wearing a black cloak with a hoody on it. The hoody shadowed most of Sukotsutsu's face. Some of his hair was showing and his eyes showned. his red eyes.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:47 pm
by akisu
Looking at the two people he had in front of him he wondered how he would beat Jian and Dian. Then he heard a sudden movement in the trees. Shidoni”You might as well come out of hiding” Akisu said.
“How did you know Shidoni” said surprised. “You made to much movement” Akisu said. Anyway back to the point Akisu filled them in on the situation. Will you come or not.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:23 pm
Kamiko looked at Sukostustu then at Shidoni and back to Akisu and thought for a good moment and finally replied in a layed back manner; "Of course, I'll help."

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:03 pm
by Sukotsutsu
Sukotustus looked at Shidoni and said "Hello, I'm Sukosutsu, or Suko for short." He then looked at Akisu and said "Ok, I'm prepared." Suko smiled and then went to shake hands with his Rival.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:44 am
by akisu
Good to know. personaly I don't think this crew could beat anybody. come back tommorow. Well then Meet me back here tommorow.

OOC: If you guys want to bring in your npcs your welcome too