Hunters of reckoning
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:06 pm
On a rainy and foggy night near Akisu's residence an attack happened. Boom! At that moment, Akisu's brother Jiand came crashing through the big oak doors. He was covered with blood, where you couldn't even tell who he was. "Where is Akisu's father you stupid knights," Dian asked. At that moment, Jiand jumped in the air, blade drawn. Before he attacked the strike was blocked by a surviver of the hylian nights. "
"You must leave or you will die," The knight said. Then, jiand begun to knee the guard in the face and smash his head into the blood stained walls.Then the knight was finished in a single motion of the blade. As soon as the knights head fell off, He then ran to the back room and seen his dad. He lefted his blade into the air and disapeared. He then reappeared behind Akisu's dad with the blad going through his stomach. He didn't have to worry about his mom, because she died in an explosion.Akisu was only 6 years old, able to remimber his brother and how he shaked in fear. With on thing in mind REVENGE!
12 years later...
Akisu had prepared for this day all of his life he sees you and motions you over.
"You must leave or you will die," The knight said. Then, jiand begun to knee the guard in the face and smash his head into the blood stained walls.Then the knight was finished in a single motion of the blade. As soon as the knights head fell off, He then ran to the back room and seen his dad. He lefted his blade into the air and disapeared. He then reappeared behind Akisu's dad with the blad going through his stomach. He didn't have to worry about his mom, because she died in an explosion.Akisu was only 6 years old, able to remimber his brother and how he shaked in fear. With on thing in mind REVENGE!
12 years later...
Akisu had prepared for this day all of his life he sees you and motions you over.