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Master Search IV - Shada
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:21 pm
by Alpha
Alpha rushed away from the group, dropping into and out of Shadowmeld several times. If his guess were right, then he wanted to talk to the woman alone for at least a few minutes. But… ‘It’s impossible…she can’t be…she’s, well, dead!’
Finally he reached a part of the land with no one nearby. “Shada! Shada, where are you?” he called out.
“Right here, Keyru,” came a reply from behind him. He turned to face his old friend. Shada gave him a grin. “It’s been a long, long time.”
He nodded. “How…how did you survive? I thought only Master Zaris and I survived. And speaking of him, how did you two find each other? And where is he now?” he asked rapid-fire.
She gave him another one of her girly giggles. “Please, Key…wait, you’re still using Alpha as your name, aren’t you?” He nodded. His mouth was still slightly ajar; he was having a hard time believing that Shada could actually be alive. She continued. “Please, Alpha, one at a time. I mean, we only need to catch up on, what, sixteen years?”
He managed to say only one word. “Seventeen.”
“Oh, well…hey!” She gave him an angry face, but her blue eyes only became even softer. “Don’t start all that correcting stuff you used to do again! Gee whiz, you’d think after six—seventeen years I wouldn’t mind, but noooooo, it still bugs me!” She sighed and gave him a sad grin.
He regained his composure, finally. “Alright then, first question. How’d you survive the Hakiems attack?”
Shada sighed, remembering that terrible day. “Well, like you, most of the kids were told to leave so that the parents could take care of them. We didn’t have Master along to protect us, though, so Edan – the oldest of our little group of friends; remember him? – he told us to split up, and meet at the waterfall. I got stuck in the mud, and it took me a few extra minutes to get there. When I arrived, the Hakiems were already there, rounding up the others. I tried to help, but Edan saw me before I could and shook his head ‘no’, so I hid in some bushes…and after that they were taken away…” She suddenly burst into tears, and Alpha himself found himself blinking them away. This was not a pleasant memory for either of them. And so he pulled her into an embrace, and let her cry it out.
After a few minutes, when her tears have died down, Alpha lets go of his old friend. “So, how are we going to our revenge?”
Shada responds with a look that could inspire fear in a Roc raised by Ganon himself. “Oh trust me, I’ve been thinking about that for nearly twenty years. I’ve got some ideas.” She turns as someone made the leaves rustle. “And I’m sure that your friends will want to help, right?” she asks, not so much to Alpha as to whoever else is there.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:18 pm
by phantompigcollector
Julian's footsteps grow louder as he traverses through the trees, jumping over hallowed logs and dodging branches. His silhoette becoming more visible as the sunlight passes through the canopies and lighten bits and pieces of his torso. He finally stops next a tree and listens. He could hear faint voices coming from the east. He again began to dart through the trees when he finally found them. Two figures, one clearly Alpha and the other unknown and Julian was unable to tell with the trees casting ominous shadows. He slowly walked towards them. He tries to replace his tired face with a genuine smile but fails. He walks closer to the couple and is now in talking distance. "Well, is this Shada? You put us through alot, trying to deceifer your name." Julian narrows his eyes trying to get a better view of the girls face.
OOC:Alpha, you didn't tell us much of her facial appearance. All I know is that she has braided brown hair.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:09 pm
by Alpha
OOC: Actually, if you read correctly you'd see she also has blue eyes. But you've got a good point. Let me fix that.
IC: Shada stares intensely at Julian. Her skin is a soft, pinkish color, almost like she is still a young girl. At first glance it would seem as if she has never faced hardship before. But her deep blue eyes clearly show the enormous amount of pain that her life has led her through, and hidden deep within her heart is anger. Her armor is that of most female Sheikah (OOC: think OoT’s Impa), and her long thin braid hangs over her shoulder and down to her waist.
Her soft cheeks blush in embarrassment as she speaks. "Yes, I am Shada. I'm sorry to have troubled you all with that riddle. It was actually given to me by Master Zaris, to test Alpha with. Please forgive me." She bows slightly toward Julian.
She stands up straight again, her height about 5' 8". She brushes a stray strand of her brown hair from in front of her eyes, then turns to Alpha as he speaks. "Shada, this is one of my, um, 'friends', Julian." He makes sure to put a small emphasis on the word friend to convey the fact that he doesn't exactly trust Julian. "We should begin our planning. We'll need a strategy to take down the Hakiems tribe."
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:13 pm
by phantompigcollector
A glimmer of sunlight escapes through the clustered braches of the canopies and illuminates the sheikah's face. Her features distinct for that brief moment. 'Quite beutiful for a sheikah that lives in shadows. I wonder if Alpha, here, has any sensual feelings for the girl. I might be able to use her as an advantage, but best not be at this time,' Julian thinks to himself and smiles at the sheikah and then faces Alpha. "Yes, of course, but it seems that your friend said that she has had quite some time to think of one, am I right?" Julian says as he again looks at Shada and gives a small smile.
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:22 pm
by Marin
From the tree tops Denning comes, he looks as normal as ever.
"Hello Alpha, or should I say, Keyru? I heard you from my sleeping branch, you loud, er, sheikah! I am sure my spells and staff will come in handy."
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:55 pm
by Master Goron
More leaves rustle, and then a small deku finally appears out of the woods, his breathing slightly quickened. He notices the female sheikah, and nods.
"Hello, I assume you are Shada, correct?"
He turns his attention to Alpha, before asking:
"What's the plan?"
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:23 pm
by Alpha
"The plan," Shada says with a smirk, "is to completely wipe the Hakiems off the face of Hyrule. Which is what I've spent most of my life doing."
"We both have," Alpha comments. "Master Zaris was doing it before we were born. And yes, Grenada, this is Shada." He turns to Denning. "Please refer to me as Alpha. It was given to be my name until I complete my training under Master Zaris. My true name, yes, is Keyru, but don't expect me to respond to it."
He sighs at Shada's comment. "We need a plan for right now. Any ideas?" he asks to everyone present.
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:08 pm
by Master Goron
"First off, do we know where Zaboorak is? He's waiting for you to tell him where Zaris is, so he must want to meet you somewhere. We could use that our advantage."
He pauses, and rubs his hand down his thought-enshrouded face.
"Another thing is that we should find Zaris, maybe not you two, but the rest of us. That way if anything happens we can protect him, or ask advice of him."
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:23 am
by Alpha
"I searched with Master Zaris for nearly ten years," Alpha replies. "We never could locate the Hakiems' hideout. Shada?" She silently shakes her head, indicating that she has no idea either.
Upon hearing Grenada's next statement, both Sheikah burst out laughing. Shada's sweet laughter dies down first, so she corrects the Deku. "Believe me, um, Grenada, right? Master Zaris doesn't need any protection whatsoever. And he won't let you find him." She stops and considers for a moment. "But his help could be sorely used. He often meets with me; maybe I could try and get him to join us."
"Unlikely," Alpha comments. "Master has always been overly concerned about making sure a fight does not erupt when there's innocents nearby. I'm supposed to meet Zaboorak's man in Ruto Town; we'd have to take the fight outside of the city before Master would help us. Anyone care to venture a guess as to how we'd do that?"
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:59 pm
by phantompigcollector
"Zaboorak wants to know where your master is. Right? Well, if you do give his man a location, what are the chances that he'll trust you? I think that you should lure him into a false location, away from the crouded streets of Ruto town, and maybe fight him or whoever he sends to Ruto town there."
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:36 pm
by Alpha
"The fact is that he more than likely won't trust me," Alpha replies. "He'll have some low-ranking members of the Hakiems tribe check it out, find out it's false, and then he'll make me his pet...literally." He shivers at the thought.
Shada speaks up. "Well...Zaboorak himself most likely won't be there, right?" Alpha nods. "We need to get him to come there himself. If we could fight him outside of the city, Master would certainly come to help us; he knows we don't stand a chance against the leader of the Hakiems tribe." She sighs. "So now we need a way to get Zaboorak there, and then get him outside of the city."
OOC: Just so you guys know, any suggestions you have are most helpful. Every idea you tell me here will be taken into consideration. I haven't written up Part 5; it really will be determined by whatever plans we make here in Part 4.
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:11 pm
by phantompigcollector
"If he will only come to make you his pet after we lie to him, then I suggest we strike him when he comes to claim you as his slave. It only seems logical. You wait for him outside of Ruto town. He'll probably come to you with anger in his eyes. He'll be ready to strike you and make you his pet...but there won't be any civilians and since there would be no harm to the public your master might come to your aid. Hopefully before you are made into Zaboorak's pet." Julian explains. 'If Zaboorak is anything like me he'll come in person to make Alpha his pet. Let's hope that it plays out this way for Alpha's future and mine as well." Julian thinks to himself.
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:29 pm
by Master Goron
"What if we do something that will get their attention? I could kill the Ruto member, therefore showing the Hakiems that we're not playing around and that we mean business. At the body, I could leave a note of where to meet us, and hopefully it would anger him enough to force him to fight his own battles."
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:11 pm
by Alpha
Shada nods towards Julian. "We could try that. With enough preparation, it could easily work."
Meanwhile Alpha speaks to the Deku. "Grenada, I'd suggest you not kill any of them. That is one way to earn their eternal enmity. Kill one of their number, and they will not stop attacking you until you, all your family, and any acquaintences you have are all dead...and your deaths will be horribly painful. Even if Zaboorak dies, they will continue to come after you.
"That's one of the reasons they're after Master Zaris."
Shada speaks up again. "And why they're after me and Alpha. I suggest going with Julian's idea."
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:39 pm
by Master Goron
"So basically we are facing an insurmountable evil, and drawing them to us..."
Grenada lets out coldly, something wasn't adding up.
"What are you going to do when they come for you?"