Rust's Profile

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Rust Level 1
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Joined: Experience: 6
Class: Grunt
Rupees: 2
TP: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:26 am

Rust Hamorghard

Race: Human
Class: Grunt
Alignment: Chaos
Age: 24
Sex: Male

Str: 3 class = 3
Def: 3 class + 3 race = 6
Agi: 2 class = 2
Int: 1 class = 1
Spi: 1 class = 1
Hp: 40 class + 1 spirit = 41
Mp: 1 class + 1 spirit = 2
Last edited by Rust on Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
Rust Level 1
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Joined: Experience: 6
Class: Grunt
Rupees: 2
TP: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:34 am

Human Ingenuity

Bessie Is Missing!
Last edited by Rust on Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rust Level 1
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Joined: Experience: 6
Class: Grunt
Rupees: 2
TP: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:40 am

Orphaned at a young age the human named Rust was raised in a thieves’ gang on the streets of a Gerudo town, Rust quickly learned to fight and watch his own back. He gained a hunger for power and soon found himself leaving his adopted homeland in a search to acquire more. He has a easily provoked temper and doesn't have any problems with either making threats or carrying out their brutal promises. Little of what Rust does can be taken on face value, his motives are often obscure and unpredictable.

Rust is of average height and weight and holds a good posture. His hair has been stained blood red with dyes, a personal custom he has kept since his days in the Gerudo thieves’ gang. His large dark eyes are set into a white face which is hidden under rough stubble. His most common attire is a mixture of various bulky dark leather and black chainmail armour pieces held together with multiple belts, buckles and ties. On his head is a dark full helm that removes any visible humanity he may have once held. His sword and scabbard are fastened to his large belt at his left hip by a think cord of leather. When fully armoured, Rust’s appearance is quite intimidating, an affect that has help in his search for power.
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