From underneath a tree

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Shiro Level 1
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Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:57 pm
OOC:Hello, everyone :D I'm happy to be on Ha2, and I will say I will be here for a long time. It is short, but They will be longer.

IC: It was a chilly winter morning. The sun was hidden behind some clouds and there was some snow on the ground. Everyone was walking with some sort of warm clothing, like jackets, glove and more. The was a cold wind chill blowing, with the side of the snow coming down. Ice glazed everything, glimmering with light. Shiro Tomoshibi was sitting in a tree hidden by the leaves, branches and snow. He was wearing a vanilla white jacket with a hood to cover his head.

He jumped out of the tree and looked around. He noticed only a few people. One of them were you. He walked over to him and said "Hi."

EDIT:Lengthed post
Lost internet.... can't get on!!!

In the shadows, one hero will shine. Shiro!

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:22 pm
Keychain was bundled up in a warm dress with her brother's shirt covering over it. The dress reminded her of the green one that she once had, but instead of the gross green that her mother had gotten, the dress was a light blue sprinkled with drifting snow from the wind. Instead of having her hair pulled back with her silk blue ribbon, it was around her small waist instead. Her hair was finally free from the ribbon. Now it danced with the wind.

She thanked the man that just gave her the berries. Always a fan of berries and wild food, but she couldn't get them herself for the days turned bitter and even if the plants could survive the mountains of snow piled up on them, they would surely die from the bitter cold.

Keychain was surprised to see someone sitting under a tree. Most people were bustling around at this time of season. It was too cold to sit or stand around. She was even tapping her boot clad feet on the stone ground to keep her legs from getting cold, even though the dress was thick and woolen.

When the boy walked over to her, she was surprised. It showed on her features as her dim, saddening blue eyes widened bigger than saucers and she looked around, almost unsure that it was really true. Keychain look back at him. A blush danced across her face. "Oh, um, h-hello."
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:31 pm
Morning, finally.

Kuro couldn't be happier with the time of day than he was now. That, or he couldn't be more angry with the guards for their policy of leaving the dang drawbridge closed through the night. It was almost as if they didn't care about the few adventurers who didn't get into the castle town by nightfall who had to wait in the freezing cold with nothing but a fire spell to keep them warm.But right now, that didn't matter, much. Kuro was inside the town and that was good enough for him.

He walked through the town with a cloak covering his body and providing some protection against the cold. Not only that, but it covered his swords, except for his new two-handed sword that was strapped to his back outside his cloak, and the one that he was examining.

It was originally his fathers, but it was now in Kuro's possession, and Kuro hadn't really looked over it much until now. He was examining the blade that had Ancient Hylian writing on it. He would normally be able to read it, if not for the fact that it was faded. It discouraged him and gave him a headache at the same time because of the sleepless nights he spent trying to figure out what it said.

He was so absorbed into his task that he almost ignored the person jumping out of trees and greeting people. He jumped, startled, and pointed his sword at the Sheikan standing before him. "Hey, wait a minute," he said, lowering the sword and looking around to anyone else nearby. "Do any of you know how to read terribly smudged Ancient Hylian?"
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Shiro Level 1
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Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:43 pm
"Do any of you know how to read terribly smudged Ancient Hylian?"
Once Shiro heard that, He said "Why?" He was glancing at the guy that had the sword pointed to him. He then pulled out his blade of choose. "Point that at me again and I'll gut you like a fish," He threatened. He then lowered his blade and looked at keychain. "Hello, I'm shiro," He announced.

I guess I'll stay here and analyze some things before running off, mostly the people He thought. He has noticed there is an array of people, races and creatures around. I'll get some info before I go on my mission he thought. "Hey can you tell me if you seen a girl, she has blond hair, blues eyes, and is as tall as me," He asked.
Lost internet.... can't get on!!!

In the shadows, one hero will shine. Shiro!

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:07 pm
Keychain was a bit surprised to see how he easily threatened Kuro and yet he seemed to treat her nicely when he introduced himself. She was slightly baffled. Her blue eyes wide and her ashy red hair got into her open mouth as she tried to get words to form like she actually knew speech instead of being a complete idiot like she was making herself look like.

Then she frowned at the mention of some girl. "I'm terribly sorry, b-but I don't think that kind of description would help out very much. If you look around, there are many blond haired blue eyed girls running around. Maybe the height of you might make a difference, but I don't w-walk around m-measuring people."

She shifted the bags in her arms. "I-I'm sorry, b-but I have to get b-back to the Inn now, see you some other time." Keychain gave him a quick bow and scurried off as quickly as her slipper like shoes could take her.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:45 pm
"Point that at me again and I'll gut you like a fish,"
Kuro was a bit shocked at the boy's hotheadedness, but it wasn't something that he wouldn't expect. Shiro seemed new, and therefore, quite uninformed about the abilities of the denizens of Hyrule. "Look," Kuro said, "you seem like you're new here, so I think there is something you should know: you're not the strongest person in Hyrule. There are people who could take you out in one shot. So, just remember that you can't underestimate anyone."

After this, Kuro sheathed his sword. "I'm afraid I don't know anyone that fits the description you've given. Maybe you should give a more defining feature," he said. "You know, like scars, dandruff, that kind of thing," he said, trying to tempt Shiro with that last part, well aware that he could flip his lid if pushed over the edge.

Kuro turned to face the direction Keychain went, then reverted the subject to what it was originally. "You seemed to have scared her with your actions. You'd better be careful, you could easily get yourself in trouble with your actions. Take a look around," Kuro said, indicating his surrounding's with his hands, "what is it that you see?"
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Shiro Level 1
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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:06 pm
"Sorry, I'm just mad at the fact that I can't find who I'm looking for, and by the way I know about the people around me and that they are stronger then me," He said as he whispered, "For now." He put his sword back and said "Sorry for the trouble I'm usually not like this." He gave a small smile. He put his hand out followed by a gesture. Motioning him over to an alley. "Come here," He said as he walked into a dark and gruelsome looking alley. He leaned against the wall of the alley.
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In the shadows, one hero will shine. Shiro!

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:28 pm
The morning light reflected brightly off of his hair, as he lay upon a rooftop. Kasei Dornmos Gobi, Rebel Flame, was cross-legged, and chugging a bottle of ale, when he heard the talking below him. He stirred from his almost-sleeping position to glance down at the people below him. He saw several he was familiar with on a personal basis, such as Keychain and Kuro. However, like always, there was a new face amongst the crowd.

Normally, The shiekah would greet the newcomer. However, today, his RPers computer is still out of commision, meaning he can't actually post anything with any sort of dedication required, such as posting here.

OOC: :wink: Always nice to see a new face!

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