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Hero's Guild: The Hall of Fame

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:50 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
As you walk through the vast halls of the Guild of the Hero, a servant opens a vast bronze door for you, and beyond it is a single room. No, not a room... a hall. The Hall of Fame. Here, a number of folk, some clerics, some servants, and some fans, are looking through the names of various heroes. You see many statues beside you immediately, but all the way down to the far end there are only little spots for lesser names. And at the far end, you see a statue, tall and valiant - an image so powerful perhaps even your heart skipped a beat. It was Link, the Hero of Hyrule, born of Calatia to the West, son of Arn and Medilia. He stands with a sword raised above his head in his left hand, while in his right he bears a Hylian Shield. He looks proud, grinning charmingly, with a cloak and his cap waving against a non-existent wind. It's said that the statue took almost a year to make, to be sure that every detail was put in, with some of the most famous and skilled sculptors working on it. It was truly a marvel of the world.

A good many of the statues you recognize, but a good many you are unfamiliar with. Perhaps if you wanted to observe them, you could read them. There were 20 statues on either side until you got into the rest of the Guild, where the names are almost all anonymous. Perhaps one day you could become famous enough to get your own statue!

Adventurers of Hyrule who have recruited in the Guild are found in the middle area, between the graduates and the Hylian Knights. There are small wooden placks here, nothing special. You find the following names:

Leth (Has 1200 renown points)

Sabertache (Has 1100 renown points)

(OOC: Still working on Jack. NPCs are hard to have for renown, since they haven't done much if any work to earn the TPs you own)

Orpheous (Has 2350 renown points)

Simon (Has 2300 renown points)

OOC: This is how it works.
For every TP you have, you get +100 renown points.
For every user group you're in, you get +50 renown points.
Members of Blind's Gang get +100 renown, just because they're geniuses to find its whereabouts.
You can get renown by telling stories from the Boast Platform (depending on how you tell the story, of course. I'll judge that. The Plaform is a topic that's coming very soon), telling of your previous adventures.
You get +100 points if you complete a quest.
You get +1000 points if you complete the quest and get the award (900 if you want to include the points awarded because of the completion of the Quest separately).