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Only shadows follow...

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:55 pm
by Sumiyaka
It was a sunny day and everything was nice. A cool breeze and a mild tempature. Everyone was outside to enjoy the beauty of the day. By the gate, a newcomer to hyrule appeared. A teen-aged boy entered through the gates of hyrule. He did not stop to look at the castle or anything, he just walked straight. He teenage boy was wearing a snow-white cloak with silver rims. The cloak made most of his body hidden except for his face. He had long black hair and light blue eyes. He only looked up to see if anyone was in front of him. He then looked to see if anyone was looking and ran into an alley. This will do for now he thought. He got by the wall and hid in the shadows.

OOC: I have finally made it to Hyrule. WooHoo! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:01 pm
by Kasei

Normally, either Denkou, Aria, or Kasei would greet you. However, I recently decided to add an old NPC back into the story, so taking their place today, is Jack.

IC: The boy would dart within the shadows of the alley, but he would not be alone. Almost as soon as he got into the darkness, he would notice something odd, the air was so very thin in this place. It was cold here, the warmth that peppered the streets was completely gone here, replaced by a chill that seemed to set into the boy's bones. He might have a hard time breathing. He looked around, to find a gentleman dressed in all-white apparel, and wearing a strange, featureless mask with two small eyeholes. His hair was a silver-gray, and the little skin that showed was pale. At his left side was a rapier-like weapon.

The man moved forward, towards the boy. "And what are you doing, slipping by the crowd into an alley? Are you hiding from the soldiers? Are you some form of criminal?" He asked, and anyone with ears would know that a childs voice resonated where an adult's should be. Who was this creepy individual?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:23 am
by Sumiyaka
"Huh, what....who are you," Sumiyaka asked. Sumiyaka looked the guy in wonder. Sumiyaka then went into the shadows to be out of view of the man and then whispered "Shadowmeld." He then dissapeared into the shadows. What to do he thought. He jumped to a top of a roof and then sat down on the edge by the opposite side away from the man. "I hate people like that, I swear he is a stalker," he said.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:30 pm
by Kasei
The boy had no sooner ascended to the roof than the gentleman had leapt up as well. As he stood in the open air, a layer of frost appeared beneath his feet. "So, you are a crook, after all. I guess I had better put you in the dungeon." The man assumed, as he approached the boy.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:30 pm
by Sumiyaka
"I am no crook...I am many things...but I'm not a crook," Sumiyaka said quickly in reply. Sumiyaka then got up and looked at the man floating on the frost. "Listen, if you don't quit following me I will find a way to get rid of you," He annonced. He moved his body back and forth in a quick motion and dissapeared. He then appeared and kicked the man in the back and then ran away quickly. Dang it, how will I get rid of him, he thought. He got three ideas transform or extreme speed, or fight.

OOC:I promise my post will be better in a little bit

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:45 pm
by Kasei
The Gentleman did not even move as he felt the light tap of the childs' foot against his back. As soon as he turned around, though, he saw the kid running away. "Why must all children be so . . . difficult?" He said, as though his was not a kid's voice. He instantly leapt after the boy, and drew his rapier.

The people below shivered. The air around them was growing cold. Guards below looked for a source of the cold. They only need look to the roofs, though, to discover a strange boy being chased by an even stranger man, one who froze anything he touched. The guards called to each other, and began following the chase through the road. Jack looked down at them. "It seems I have obtained unwanted attention. This should keep them from interrupting . . ." He muttered to himself, and a wall of ice formed on the roads below as he cast a strange spell. "Now, for the kid."

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:56 pm
by Sumiyaka
Sumiyaka was getting angry. "Shadowmeld," he whispered. He then jumped into the sky and vanished by turning into a vapor. He then used his speed and ran as fast as possible. He did a few huge jumps and was tring to think of a way to escape.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:12 pm
by Kasei
The Gentleman looked on as his prey dissapeared. He had no way of tracking an invisible opponent. And, as if that wasn't enough, his barrier of ice below already melted. It seemed as though his ice spells weren't too good now. The guards were catching up. It would seem as though his chase was over.

"You are lucky, boy. You're natural talents are enough to allow you to escape me. Still, i'll find you, soon enough." He vowed. "My name is Jack, and I will find you."

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:21 pm
by Persona
“Seems like he got away” Chisalu commented impishly.

She gave the ice a wary look, there was no way she could step on that, it’d freeze her bare feet to it and her skin would rip. She gave Jack a strange look. “You’re talking to yourself” She added, haughtily almost.

She was somewhat annoyed with him. “Mind rescuing me?” She said suddenly, indicating that the path out of the way of the guards was perhaps not the easiest route for her. “Since you caused the commotion, or do you have a personal vendetta against that run-away Sheikah?”

She glared her red eyes at him. “I can’t set foot on your ice” She added “Or my feet will be bloodied all over” In truth, she didn’t need much of a rescue and could melt into the crowd, but she was hungry and if she could garner support from this man, he might feed her. Plus, her feet were sore, and she wasn’t feeling up to avoiding guards.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:58 pm
by Kasei
Jack looked down at Chisalu through his mask. He leapt down from his spot on the rooftops in front of her. "Oh?" He asked in his childish voice. "I'm afraid I can't carry you, you'll freeze rather fast." He said.

He instead looked at the ice that coated the floor. With a wave of his hand, the ice melted into a cold puddle. As he did so, the guards from earlier surrounded him. "To answer your question, that shiekahn looked suspicious, so I chased him in an attempt to find out what he was up to." He looked at the guards, then moved past them. As he did, they held their breath as the air turned bitter cold.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:12 pm
by Persona
"Nevermind then" Chisalu answered thoughtfully. She began padding after him as quickly as possible, sloshing through the cold water. Her clothing's hems already soaked thoroughly after only a few sprints. She cowered very carefully at Jack's back like a shadow, her teeth chattering.

"W..W..Well he's g..gone now" Chisalu mumbled between her incessant jaw-tremors. "Does that mean he was up to something?" She gave Jack a strange look and crossed her arms across her chest, putting her fingers under her arm-pits for warmth. "W..What will you" She clamped her teeth down on her tongue to try to control their movements. Trying to hold her breath, yet trying to stay as close to this new person as much as possible. But her lungs felt like glacial icebergs swelling in her rib-cage, and she was getting dizzy from her cautious intakes of oxygen, she stumbled, careful not to touch him. Who was this...being?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:40 pm
by Kasei
Jack didn't even turn around, only slowed down a bit as Chisalu followed him. "He was most certainly up to something, or else he would not run away from me." He said, and continued to walk to an unknown destination.

"I admire your perserverance," He said after a while, "But you should leave me be. You'll freeze soon, and there's nothing I can do about it." Jack said, as another guard rounded the corner, with a bow and arrow. "You there! Halt!" He ordered, and launched his arrow at Jack.

The gentleman didn't do anything to stop the projectile. He simply stood there, as it lodged itself firmly in his chest, then froze over. The guard, shocked, moved back, as Jack appoached him, arrow still inserted. "Please, don't do that. I'd hate to have to fight you." He requested.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:57 pm
by Persona
Wide eyes grew wider still until Chisalu might have had massive spinel gems for eyes instead of the usual flesh counterparts. She blinked, as the light frost settled on her eyelids, part of her brain thought of moving her hand to brush it away, and as she did so she noticed her fingers redder than normal at the joints and tips slight blue. Alarmed she slipped her fingers into her mouth, licking them back to life.

"Oh s..s..spare me your ego" She snapped, trotting after him at a renewed distance. "I..It' is p..perfectly p..p..p..possible I'm going t..this way any..ny..way" She didn't cut off her following, she was far too fascinated. Downright curious, and if Jack intended to hurt her, he would have done so already.

She peeked round at the guard, coral eyes appraising the opponent, before whispering, mostly to herself if truth be told. "I'm not leaving until I know who you are" She took out her trade-mark dagger from the folds of her robes and waited, watchful, listening for an ambush from behind.

She stilled her tired, hungry, air-deprived sways and focused on the floor until it stopped writhing as her stomach growled and she blinked blearily. "And until I get fed" She added "I..I..I'm not eating a..anymore r..r..rubbish!"

A little ravenous child sounded more determined on that point than any other she had stated. Just goes to show ones heart is too often in ones belly.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:53 am
by Kasei
It was then that Jack's patience failed. He swung around in a flash, and reached out for Chisalu. He lightly touched her left arm and, instantly, a layer of ice formed over it. The man stepped closer. The air was painfully thin.

"Do you want to know who I am, little girl?" He asked, as she rasped for air. "I am someone who will never have a lover, never be a freind to someone. All I touch becomes ice. How many times have I killed potential lovers by being to close to them? Even now, you freeze." He said, and indeed, frost was forming all over Chisalu's body. In his child-like voice, Jack continued. "Do you understand? I am a being created through the coldest ice. None can be my ally. You must leave me." He cried, then let go of her, and moved away. The frost and ice melted, but the sting of it was sure to remain.

Jack paused only a short while away, and bent down, taking something from his pocked and placing it on the ground. "If you want food, take this and go buy something." He said, then stood up and turned down an ally. He had left behind a sack of rupeese.
You got 100 Rupeese!
Not in donation, though.>>;

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:19 pm
by Persona
Chisalu shrieked slightly as her arm froze over faster than she could see, but she quickly hushed her voice to save air and started to struggle against him, her breaths growing more quick and shallow. Hyperventilating in a bid to fill her lungs, her ribs seemed to rattle with the intense effort to breathe. The flow of the frost seemed to come over more of her and her red eyes stared at Jack. Her chest pushed against the ice developing there, but she wasn’t strong enough to even crack it.

The air was thin, her breathing was hampered, and perhaps this was a bad combination for her. Chisalu’s eyes stared at her arm in dread and her eyes rolled back up to meet his, and she gaped at him. Composing her thoughts and trying to reason with him, before he, for Din’s sake, disabled her. Chisalu’s body tried to shiver, but apparently that was unlikely to happen.

Dizzy, unbelievably so, Chisalu mumbled a stifled hiss of advice, she was going to tell him to dress as true Sheikahn did sometimes, wrapped in layers of cloth, layers and layers until his ice could no longer reach beyond it (sure he’d look like Michelin man, but she thought it would be a good idea) but little more than a strangled choke came out.

The ice-melted, quickly, shedding into water everywhere it had got to, and Chisalu instantly dropped to the ground, coiling up to conserve her warmth, panting for air. The burn of the ice was still there and she briefly squeezed her eyes shut, opening one then the other to appraise a sack of money for food.

A menacing sound crept through her throat and she crawled forward, cringing, to look at the sack. Trying to identify its make, maybe she should have done less thievery and more ranger-activities, because then she would be able to track him. Which she would do anyway, of course. She might have only the honour of the skin she stood in, but she had enough sheer impertinence to disobey an order.

She would find this man again, with the ice in his fingers and the cold in his presence. She would claim him as her ally eventually. And moreover, she would find out where he received his talents, and find methods to lighten the curse-load of it in preference to gift.

Chisalu was an opportunist, with something of a curiousity in her gut. This man would indeed be a good protector, if she could get beyond his cynical shell. “My name is Chisalu not little girl” She called out after him. “Chisalu Ki Nuo, and don’t you forget it” She added in her best threatening voice. She failed it quite a bit. Yes, she would locate this icicle man, with the grieving heart and kidnap that heart somehow.

Not now, though, she reflected, rubbing her chest with her hands, and regaining her senses softly. She sighed and clambered out of the puddle and her legs gave out again as she cleared it. Too cold. She breathed into cupped-hands, rubbed her feet, and shivered, red eyes snapping around defensively. Desperate not to be attacked in this state.

She gave the bag another wary poke, and nodded in thought. At least she might be able to find food, still the chances of finding trust-worthy food was somewhat lower. Finally staggering to her feet, she plunged instinctively for a shadowy corner, gripping the pouch tight, and half-whispered the appropriate words, melding into the shadows, grateful to finally be safe again.

Glancing back at the pool of water where the man had grabbed her, her red eyes blinked coolly. No matter, indeed. She would find him one day. She was just far too fascinated to be left with a mere sack of rupees. Though..she'd take them too.

ooc: Not sure what to do with her right now, she wouldn't dare chase him right away. Should probably drag her out of here/wait for someone else. She's not a complete idiot.

Not quite ;D

EDIT: Well at Kasei's suggestion, Jack has now acquired one stalker! I guess it doesn't make sense with Chisa's character entirely, but let's see if we can't develop it into it. Still wondering why she would bother trace an attacker, maybe she's just a curious cat.