Arrival of the monster.

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tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:03 pm
The sands of time shifted amazingly. Today, a new journey begins, and a new man is brought to Hyrule.

A strange man appeared in the middle of the square today. He was Tatsu Hitsugi, and he was angry, for revenge. A man, he knew, in Hyrule. A man he so badly wanted to fight, to tear apart, to Kill. Tatsu smiled as he grabbed his blade. "Kasei. I know you're here." He said.

He looked around. Somewhere in this town, his mortal enemy lay in wait. . .
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:06 pm
Two girls were near a tree. One was in the tree while the other was resting her back on the trunk. A sword rested next to the girl who leaned on the trunk. It belonged the person in the tree.

"Who's that? Why's he like cursing Kasei's name?" Aqua questioned as she swung upside down. Her brown hair hung downward. The hair looked like it was grabbing the air as she bobbed back and forth.

"Don't know." Keychain was edgy. She knew that Aqua was going to ask about going over to speak with him. "Aqua. . . I don't know what you are thinking but I know that I won't like it."

"Let's go talk with him," Aqua said. Keychain groaned. Her friend jumped from the tree and grabbed the sword. She started to walk away from Keychain and the red head soon had to follow her.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:16 pm
Tatsu was still looking amoung the people in the crowds searching for his foe, when he saw two girls heading his way. Tatsu then wispered "Shadow meld" when he said that his body slowly dissapeared. He ran towards them totaly cloaked, and invisable. He ran behind the tall one and put his rusted sword to her back. "It may be rusted, but it can cut." he said as he grabbed her hair. "Now tell me why you wished to come to me." he said as he became visible.
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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HP 51
PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:51 pm
Aqua gasped and then hissed. "Do you have a problem with me? Because if you do, go ahead and slice me to pieces," she snapped. "Go on, I give you full permission."

Keychain grabbed on to each of their arms. "That won't be necessary. At least I hope." She looked at Tatsu. "Sir, we just wanted to speak. Now could you put the sword down and calmly talk with us?"

"Yeah, mostly the sword thing. I don't like having the lower hand. It makes me feel weak." Keychain flashed a glare at her friend. Aqua instantly shut up.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:23 pm
Tatsu looked at Key with fearfull, pain, and rage filled eyes. He put his sword away then turned. "I need to go." he said as he lowered his hood, showing his dark brown hair, with some bits of sand caught in his hairs. He jumped foreward towards the exit of town, and ran of into the distance.

OOC:just so you know if you wanna know why Tatsu is acting up. Go to t19 the desert. were he basically lives.
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:16 am
Chisalu appraised both girls with a quirk on her lips, but not one of amusement, mockery or cynicism. It was one of confusion. Well-accustomed to her role of innocence (it was even truthful to a degree) she summoned an adorable look of puzzlement, far different from her previous expression of calculating estimation, this was one designed to enchant and not nearly a facial-guise of mental-activity.

She walked forward warily and tugged at the tall girl's arm, Aqua? Aqsa? Anka? Might have been one of those, all the same, she tugged.

"Miss? Who was he?" She stared upward, her curiousity blazing out sincerely. "Huh? Who's Kasei?" She made her mouth twist in furthur childish anxiety, and kept staring, opening her eyes wide and open, revealing as much of herself as she could. When given enough information, none would bother to look much deeper. "Huh?"
<center>Hyrule Gossip Rag, Issue #π: This week, Alpha has hugged /yet/ another girl! How will everyone react? Read more to find out.</center>

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