No name......

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Zero Level 1
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:06 pm
Last Goodbye
It is not the only thing I see. I see anything and everything, from the brightly orbiting sun, to the pale blue moon. I see all who are imprisoned here with me in this rustic part of the universe, people who cling to the very heart of darkness in order for life and limb.
I hear everything here. A multitude of screams, shouts and cries full of pain and sorrow hammer my brittle conscience and torment my spirit.
I have resided here, in this damned world… I cannot recall the number of years I have suffered in solitude and silence, but I know it isn’t enough for penance of my careless actions.
This place is so different from the world of Hyrule, where people live in harmony after the green-clad hero defeats the source of evil.
Whenever the lush green fields turn to twilight, there is always someone wearing the Hero’s tunic, ready to battle with his ever-powerful blade and his omnipresent shield.
I sit alone in one of the Realm’s corners, weighted by steel shackles that glues me to the stone walls and separates me from the others.
Why? Is it because of my pale skin? Is it because my eyes grow crimson in the dark? Is it because I am different? Is it because I was once good and betrayed everyone I loved? Why?
I know nothing will happen to me. Even the moon and stars in the dark blue sky don’t give a damn for me. I have lost my sense of time. I have been freed from its boundaries. I don’t grow nor change, but I know that I’m still sane. I feel that others, like me. are still alive. I feel their souls breath, their white essence sending me into shivers of delight. But I know that the people in Hyrule cannot feel me. I am aware that to them, I am nothing.
I feel pain of injustice here. They always torture me., hurling balls of magic at me until I feel the magical fire consume my skin. Even if times heals all, the wounds lying in my heart cannot recover.
With the defeat of Ganondorf and his demented monsters, the portal, once closed, now opens once more. The Realm, in order to sustain itself, must release two, no more, no less. Two prisoners must be released and sent back to Hyrule, as an equal exchange for the two lost. Two for two…
I had half-expected that I’ll have spent my life here in this prison. Yet, for reasons unknown, they wanted me free. Whether it be luck, or the will of the Almighty Goddess, I still do not know.
As I cross the gap between the two worlds, a force constricts my heart. Time once again has me in its clutches, after so many moments I cannot even begin to number. The air is sweeter here, the light blue clouds wispy in form. The lush grass swaying softly in the gentle breeze, comforting me and beckoning me to lie and rest.
Guilt enters my mind now. I remember my prowess with the blade and knife, my skill in the wind and the dark, my deceit, my lies…
It all looks so different to me. This, the trees, the leaves, the sky, all different from the map I had once held in these cursed fingers of mine. They…
No. I am Zero the demon. Once good, now horror. I do not remember my age, all I know of are the autumn winds and leaves of the 29th…
I choose my life. I forge its path. My heart, my lifeblood howls for revenge, now, in this peaceful time of my life…

"Where am I? I can’t really remember this place."
As long as They continue to exist. I cannot awake from my nightmare. You are my darkness ...
PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:16 pm
Keychain looked up, her eyebrows drawing together. Her hands folded in her lap came undone. Aqua chattered next to her, but the words only half processed through her head. Now with something that had distracted her, the words didn't even reach her.

Slowly getting to her feet and wiping off the small layers of dust that rested on her faded blue dress, Keychain glanced around and saw someone close by that never use to be there. She pushed her long ashy red hair away from her bright blue eyes so that she could properly see the person.

Strange, she thought, the person doesn't seem to fit well in this place. But she had to laugh at her thoughts, since she knew her small height, young looks that didn't give off the aura of her being seventeen, red hair unnaturally dark for the color, and shockingly bright blue eyes made her stick out. Especially with how she had arrived to the place.

Her feet moved from under her, as they did many different other times before. The voice of her friend was shouting her name, but Keychain couldn't care if Aqua was shouting about how she saw Luis at the moment. Her gaze was locked on the person and with only a few strides she was next to him.

"Hello," she said, her voice squeaking. "Are you unfamiliar with this place? You're not the first, you know. I've been here for only a few months and I still don't know my way around very well. Pretty sad, huh?" She scratched at her arm and laughed nervously. "Ah, I'm blabbering." Keychain held out a hand, wondering to herself if she mad the right move. "Keychain, it's nice to meet someone new."

OoC: Hello, there! :D
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Zero Level 1
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:48 pm
OOC: Hello, thanks for posting... I hope this is good. :)

IC: The boy looked around. He noticed that he was in Hyrule. He then looked at the girl that has came up to him. He pondered the question she asked.
"Are you unfamiliar with this place?
Unfamiliar.......This is Hyrule....How did I get here....and this darkness that clouds my mind. i can remimber but nothing else... The boy got up from where he has awoken. He stood up and then wiped anything he got on his black cloak off. He then got situated. He looked at the girl that identified herself as Keychain. He moved his hand to his face and moved his long black hair out of his face. It revealed one thing: His blue eyes.

"Hi Keychain....nice to meet you I'm..."

He then froze. What was his name? He searched his mind, but only found darkness at every route. He only could remimber the torment, and the scars.

He stood there! He was looking at keychian, not realizing that he was frozen for at least a minute.

"Sorry, but i can't remimber my name for some reason...only darkness," He then looked up at the sky noticing the sun was midway in the sky and night was about to join the two. "Call me zero..."
As long as They continue to exist. I cannot awake from my nightmare. You are my darkness ...
PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:25 pm
While he had fallen silent, Keychain fidget where she stood. Did I say something that I shouldn't of had? she questioned to herself. She rubbed her arms and cast her eyes downward. He then explained and her head snapped back up.

"Only...darkness? How odd. It seems like as if you have forgotten everything. Like you have had a black curtain pulled over your mind, right?" She ran a hand through her long hair. The red locks fell back into her face. She frowned. Her ribbon that she used daily sat at the side of her bed at the moment, and she regretted not grabbing it.

"Zero, huh?" she continued. Keychain laughed slightly. "Wow, an odd name, but not so odd as mine." She finally looked at him enough to notice his features. His blue eyes sprang out from behind his black hair like how her blue eyes stuck out from her red hair and pale skin.

Unconsciously, she reached out and brushed his hair away. "You have nice hair," she commented. Her face flared up in red and she snatched her hand away. "O-o-oh, I'm sorry! I-It was stupid of me to do that."
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Zero Level 1
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:49 pm
"Only...darkness? How odd. It seems like as if you have forgotten everything. Like you have had a black curtain pulled over your mind, right?"
"Yes! Exactly, that is what I fell and I'm kinda scared, but I fell a weird felling in my stomach," He said as he smiled. He then reacted to her hand touching his hair. He didn't really know what to do at all....It was weird to him. "Ummm....thanks, and Its ok, don't call yourself stupid," He said noticing how her face turned red. He looked up at a cloud and the golden brown sky. He then said something that suddenly came to mind.

"I like you."

He then looked back down at her face and gazed into her blue his, and he started noticing things about her. She had pale skin and blue eyes and red hair that has fallen in front of her face. Without thinking it out, he moved his arm up and moved her hair out of her face. Then he thought about things and remimbered something...
It was night with a slight mist forming. Zero was standing alone in the dark crying.
A boy stood in front of zero and yelled at him. "Haha Red eye.......stupid, why don't you go light up someone's house." Zero then looked up at the boy. Then everything dissapeared in front of him. The boy, the mist, the ground under him. He was in a black abyss. "where am I," He questioned. It then echoed.....
It then ended. He put his hand on his head as he shivered from the chills he got from that memorie. Was that me? Why were my eyes red? Am i a....freak?

The sun was now going down, behind the two. As the moon started coming up his eyes slowly glimmered and changed to a crimson red. He then knocked his hair back into his face, afraid keychain might freak out or something, but it glowed through his hair.
As long as They continue to exist. I cannot awake from my nightmare. You are my darkness ...
PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:19 pm
Her eyebrows came together. The night wasn't even noticed by her. Keychain stared at him. "What's wrong?" she questioned. The glowing did not go unnoticed by her. She wanted to reach up and brush his hair away again, but she resisted. Being around people still made her nervous, most even males.

She looked more closely at his eyes. Even squinting in effort. The light was a pink, but she knew about how it became lighter once it was reflecting. "Oh," she breathed. That's all she said. Maybe she was too surprised or the color had simply amazed her. A person having that eye color was usually a sheikah.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Zero Level 1
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:31 pm
Zero uncovered his eyes and said "I don't know what is happening to me." He moved his hair once again revealing crimson eyes that was as clear as the sun. "Am i...a freak?" He asked. He slowly started to move uncontrolable. He then fell down on the ground. He was a little dizzy and had a felling that he might do something he will regret. He slowly calmed down and got up. He pondered the felling he was having earlier. One word echoed. LOVE...LOVE...LOVE...

I love her I think....

He the blushed lightly, as he noticed that she was still there. He wanted to tell her, but he couldn't for some reason.

The darkness slowly loomed into the sky and Hyrule. He looked at keychain and then smiled.
As long as They continue to exist. I cannot awake from my nightmare. You are my darkness ...
akisu Level 2
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:10 pm
The ranger known as Akisu was sleeping in his straw when he saw someone called zero or something unveil some crimson eyes. Akisu would tell you that he didn't know much but he knew freaks didn't deserve anything after all Akisu knew the pain of being an outsider. Even though he knew the pain he wanted to kill this monstrosity pulling his dagger out he leaped in the air going to strike Zero
Saying " Die freak".
He is known by no one, and he is known by all. He is said to be as ancient as Hyrule, and yet he has the strength of ten Heroes. Some say he is not of this world, and has come to us only for the pleasure of death and destruction. Some say he is but a legend, and the mask has covered the faces of dozens over the centuries, all claiming to be the same Akisu. Whatever he is, he prevails in stories and in nightmares,

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Zero Level 1
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:33 pm
Zero noticed the guy that has jumped at him. Zero then noticed a pain within and a fighting will. He raised his arm and caught the dagger, cutting him open. He then looked down and to the man. "Why do you attack me," He said as he added "I didn't do anything to you."

His eyes darkened. A force disrupted from Zero. His free arm went and punched his attacker in the face. Within contact a shadow grazed down his arm. "Why....WHY!"

A flashback started.
It was another day of being made fun of, but it got out of hand. People with swords, daggers and staffs attacked. Two people with swords hit his side and a dagger through his hand. The staff slammed him in the head...
Such dark memories......he reacted even more.

"People in my life, new or not, got hurt because of me......I won't let that happen again.......Will you just go away," He shouted as his memories erupted.
As long as They continue to exist. I cannot awake from my nightmare. You are my darkness ...
akisu Level 2
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:39 pm
OOC sorry it's so short.

Still reeling from the blow Zero had given plus the suprise of Zero catching his dagger it took Akisu a few seconds to think but when he finnaly did he could only think og one thing to say
"No I won't go away and if you want to know whi I attacked you it's because freaks like you and me don't deserve to live.
He is known by no one, and he is known by all. He is said to be as ancient as Hyrule, and yet he has the strength of ten Heroes. Some say he is not of this world, and has come to us only for the pleasure of death and destruction. Some say he is but a legend, and the mask has covered the faces of dozens over the centuries, all claiming to be the same Akisu. Whatever he is, he prevails in stories and in nightmares,

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Zero Level 1
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:57 pm
"Ha ha I don't care what you think......I have a way of life of my own, too," He announced. He let go of the dagger and jumped a little a way. he raised one arm and in his hand darkness covered it. Then a blinding light shoot out. Then out of it a staff formed. "If it is a fight you want it is a fight you'll get!"

Zero jumped up and went at akisu. He swung his staff at akisu's legs and slammed it right by his kneecap and then grabbed akisu's arm that had the dagger in it. He looked into his eyes and said "I have lost my memories, but I remimber a little....and one thing stays love...... and my way of to give my life to others, to protect them and to make sure that they are safe.....and right now I am, and your a danger" he said as he looked akisu in his eyes.

"So you think I'm a freak because of my eyes, my family was the same....but they died by people like you.....then one day i got trapped by an everlasting darkness, torchered by it, now i can use will fail," He said with a small smile. He then pulled his staff back and rammed it into akisu's gut.
As long as They continue to exist. I cannot awake from my nightmare. You are my darkness ...
PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:43 pm
Everything happened too quickly for Keychain to even process it. First she was talking lightly with Zero and then the man came at the guy. She let out a small inaudible gasp as she stepped backwards. Her foot caught on her dress and she fell to the ground.

"Guys, this really isn't needed," she began, "I mean, don't the sheikahs have red eyes? Sure, they live in the desert and have dark skin and all, but still. . ." Her voice shook slightly as she spoke. Although she sounded timid, if they looked at her, they would see her jaw set tightly, her hands clenched at her side, and anger blazed in her eyes.

One thing she knew of while she grew was the torture of being different from the others. Her body shook from the restraint of magic. Now here, she released the magic daily and her body started to lose the shake. She didn't use to stand up for herself, and no one stood up for her. The fact that someone would pull out a dagger on Zero infuriated her.

"I demand that you stop this at once," she growled. Keychain stood to her feet and positioned her the best way she could for any kind of impact that would damage her body the least. However, not many men seemed to enjoy attacking a female, so the two just might continue with their fight, ignoring her very existence until she interfered physically.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Zero Level 1
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Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:45 pm
Zero reacted to keychain at once and jumped back over to her. "I am done with you, scum," He said. He then looked at his hand with the blood oozing out. It then started to heal. Smoke rose out of it and then it was just another regular arm again.

"Keychain, I'm sorry for that I got distracted," He then put his staff in the air and it vanished. My skills and everything else is learning stuff from myslef.
As long as They continue to exist. I cannot awake from my nightmare. You are my darkness ...
akisu Level 2
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Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:18 pm
Dosen't mean i'm done with you. I thought about the girls words then I remebered why I hate the Sheikah.
"It's because they killed my family so know i'm raised by Gruedo outlawsit's not so bad exept for the fact that the shekia had attacked me and now"
He pulled up his sleeve "These burns are covereing both arms".
Last edited by akisu on Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
He is known by no one, and he is known by all. He is said to be as ancient as Hyrule, and yet he has the strength of ten Heroes. Some say he is not of this world, and has come to us only for the pleasure of death and destruction. Some say he is but a legend, and the mask has covered the faces of dozens over the centuries, all claiming to be the same Akisu. Whatever he is, he prevails in stories and in nightmares,

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:11 pm
She covered her mouth, hiding her gasp. Burns were just like scars. They lasted forever and only reminded the person of how and why they got them. Her blue eyes searched the face of the man, trying to find something that would help her out.

Keychain dropped her hands and slid one arm around Zero's. The comfort of her brother was no longer there, and she felt like she was cheating for using her new friend as the replacement, but there was something there that wasn't when she was with her brother.

"Sir," she said slowly. Her eyes blazed with strong emotions and her voice rang with determination. She hoped he would listen to her words. If not she would be at lost, and the fight may or may not begin again. "Sir, please remember this: You may meet people who are alike and from the same race, but that does not mean they all the same. Do you expect every girl with red hair and blue eyes to be-be- to be some kind of stuttering magic wielder."

Her body was shaking more than what is usually would. Speeches and holding her voice above the rest wasn't something she could normally do. "What I am saying is that it's better to know someone than become prejudice and racist."

Keychain's body relaxed once her words were out. However, her fingers tightened on Zero. Fights between her closest friend and her brother didn't always end after she stopped them. They would start again after a short time.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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