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A pick-pocket thief, and a discussion to boot.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:34 pm
by Kasei
Well, that was a nice cry going through the town, as Denkou rushed through the streets gripping a bag full of rupees. The Lightning Thief never seemed to learn at all, and today, Kasei was not around to keep the boy in check, so he took his time enjoying his hobby: Stealing people's things for nothing other than to look at them.
As he did, he realized that, sooner or later, he would be caught, but that was a worry for later, for now, he admired the marvelous orange gem he had snagged alongside the others, and smiled a bit as he did.
Not far behind the thief, a certain Aria Gobi ran after him. Sure, the lithe Shiekahn girl was no match in speed, but if she caught him, she was certain to rip the blond's head strait off . . .
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:05 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
A glowing eye flashed in an alleyway, and instantly there was a clatter of rupees on the street. He smirked as he acknowledged what he had done, and in the next instant, while Denkou was speedily gathering up his things before Aria would catch up, he had his legendary spear, Belegcam, at the man's neck.
"Thief, eh? Don't move an inch, or I'll show no mercy as consequence for your deeds."
He acknowledged Aria's presence without looking up. "I have him..." but as he looked into her mind, her name surprised him. Whatever stealth the Shrub was attempting in escape was in vain, for Nogare was never off guard. "You're Gobi's daughter, correct? Aria? I'm pleased to meet you." He kept it at that, and snatched Denkou's collar firmly, to keep him from escaping. "Where does this money belong?"
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:14 pm
by Kasei
The Lightning Thief, when he was caught, utterly froze at the sight of one of Hyrule's Generals threatening him. Eyes wide, he glance at the blade of his throat. "Whoa."
As Aria caught up, so did the portly man who owned the bag. "Huff . . . . Thank you . . . huff . . . " He said, as he practically collapsed from exhaustion.
Aria, on the other hand, glanced at Nogare with her piercing, yet adorable, blue eyes. "Daughter? No, try grandaughter. He looks young, though, doesn't he?" She said warmly, smiling as she did so. "It's a pleasure to meet you too." She said as she curtsied, and then glared at Denkou, who went pale. "Please spare me."
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:37 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
Nogare nodded to the victim of Denkou's theft, expression, "Your welcome."
When he realized he'd slipped on Kasei's age, he laughed, "Oh I'm sorry!" he said passively. Wow I'm a Blade, I shouldn't have slipped on that. I knew about... what happened to Kasei kids, he's definitely too old.
"Well, the man has his money back. What did he steal from you?" he inquired. "You want to take him from here, or do you want me to?" he amplified the word me to give Denkou the impression that she would be far more merciful... though if you knew him, in this case, it would likely be quite the reverse.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:49 pm
by Kasei
"For the better good." Denkou said, "You should keep me. I'll die if Aria takes me away." He explained rather timidly.
Aria looked at Denkou with obvious hatred. "He stole nothing, but sure has a habit of taking my patience." She stated. "Just let go of him, he's harmless after all. In the meantime, you know me, but do I know you?" The girl asked. She did not exactly recognize Nogare at all.
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:27 am
by Leth
OOC: Before I join, I would like to know: Eves of Betrayel is Nogare's official re-entry into the HA2 world, right? So that means that this topic happens AFTER it, right?
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:33 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: As a matter of fact Leth, this is before Eves of Betrayal. This is while Nogare is still only a Hero. Things get interesting once the Dark Ones get going. So this would be somewhere closer to the beginning, I'd imagine... I doubt you read all of my first topic once I went from being King to being Nogare, but he wasn't just coming back. It was as if he'd been there the entire time.
IC: Nogare's expression became one of amusement, eyebrows raised, and he let go of Denkou, and pushing him, though not harshly, in the opposite direction from Aria. The facts that, first of all, she was trying to kill the thief without any apparent reason, and that she hadn't heard of him, were slightly surprising.
He smiled, hardly effected by how someone, even Aria, hadn't heard of him. "I'm Nogare, son of Greyblade. I'm a friend of your grandfather, Kasei." ... well close enough to a friend, he supposed. They were both in the Hyrulean military, with rank enough... "I've only heard Kasei mentioning you." He his face slightly tilted with curiousity. He wanted to ask, "Have we met somewhere before?" but knew how it sounded. He recognized her from somewhere, but he couldn't quite place it...
"Well, since Link left, I've been sort of the new Hero... well, that's what I've been called, anyway. I graduated from the Hero's Guild, but I still don't believe I deserve the extra attention everyone's giving me..." he chuckled. "Well, what about you? what do you do while you're grandfather's one of Hyrule's Generals?"
OOC: Note: Nogare isn't a General yet. This is before the meeting with either Kairos or Kasei in his quarters. Kairos knows nothing of Belegcam just yet.
PS: I was grounded yesterday, so I couldn't get on

. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:18 pm
by Kasei
Aria smiled pleasantly, her hair flowed a bit in the wind. To her, Nogare seemed like someone she could trust, which was odd, she rarely trusted people she only just met. "So he actually speaks about me, eh?" She mumbled a bit.
"Well, I really don't do anything. I tend to my garden and go shopping, preparing dinner when needed or going around doing nothing." She stated simply. "Hero, eh? I really haven't heard anything about you." She said, with an odd look on her face. Suddenly, she turned around, and began to walk away. "Let's get out of the road, big boy." She said suddenly, they were attracting quite a crowd, after all.
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:12 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: ^^ She sounds CANADIAN!! HAIL!! Well done!!
IC: Nogare didn't miss her mumble... and he spoke no more of it... he wouldn't go on to explain that she just came up randomly in passive talk from Kasei that Nogare only just heard from a distance. As if she meant very little...
He listened on as she spoke of hobbies, and when she'd claimed she'd never heard of him, he grinned. "Really? That's both surprising and good to hear. Too much attention..." he chuckled.
Too much Sheikah in me, I suppose... he thought, but he didn't say it. It could frighten her, and such information would not make her the first... that he was a half-breed of Sheikah and Hylian... He had the solid, deep grey eyes, fitting for a Sheikah, able to think and react faster than other Hylians, but he was agile, and had a posture and boldness, not so afraid of the public eye as most Sheikah might be... He seemed just as mysterious as either, however...
Then his eyes looked to her momentarily odd face with a well-kept smile and charming look of attention to hide was thinking... He read every emotion on her face and processed it with a long-practiced formula. Then the way she said that last sentenced only confirmed it, and he sighed. Another woman who had feelings for him. She wasn't the first... and it definitely wouldn't work out. Kasei would never treat him just as a Hero to order around again for one.
By now of course they were out of the peoples' way, and the crowds likely had lost whatever interest in what was happening. They tried to look back to get another glance at the Hero, but with stealth, he seemed to disappear in the midst of the courtyard.
All the while, however, he continued to speak with Aria. "You look to be fit enough to be a warrior yourself," he commented with a chuckle. "You honestly do nothing... Really, I thought you'd be as much trouble as your grandfather... (don't tell him I said that)." Without directly meditating, he surveyed the courtyard for Kasei's presence, and felt another one - a Hylian, who seemed like a cloaked rogue who he'd never met before. Clearly an adventurer. He didn't hear, and it didn't seem like, from this distance, he would go telling Kasei. "What do you garden? I just know that my sister had a slight fascination with my house garden before..." he stopped there, not willing to continue. "I haven't seen her really before. My father's only told me about her... I lived in Saria city, and it was taken over by Ganon for a while... My family fell apart there..." he didn't continue.
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:01 pm
by Kasei
"What do I garden?" She repeated the question to herself. "In our house out by the forest, I have a small garden around the back." She said simply. "Fight? I'd never do it seriously, I don't have the heart of a killer, like all you people do."
As she replied to several of Nogare's remarks, they rounded a corner and into a tavern of sorts, where Aria entered and took a seat. "Just milk, please." She said to the waiter. "A sister, eh? That's nice. I hope she's alright." She said, a bit of saddness in her voice. "Kasei always talks about his grandchildren. There's me, Worru, and two others. There was my brother, who died ages ago, and a cousin of mine who doesn't live in Hyrule. " She stated, waiting for her drink to arrive.
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:48 am
by Leth
Leth was having a drink in the tavern when Aria and his friend Nogare entered. He heard a small part of thier conversation and ambled over to where they were sitting. "Nogare. Aria." He says, nodding to each of them in greeting. He sits down. "I don't think I've ever heard Kasei talk about his family, so I hope you don't mind If I'm a bit interested." He took a drink from his mug. "Myself, I'm an only child. My parents both died in a war when I was about fifteen. I lived with my aunt and uncle ever since."
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:31 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: Okay, I've got today, then I'm gone for a while, so I'll make the most of it ><. Here ya go. Please note, however, that this is my third attempt to post here. Every other time has ended in a power outage or a simple internet slip-up.
IC: Nogare's eyebrows rose at Aria's response. "Blades? Killers? ... We don't kill unless we have to. There are people whose lives need saving, and for every enemy I kill Hyrule is that much safer. Only murderers would kill without gain. It's about survival, really..."
At the door of the tavern, Nogare reconsidered entering... there was likely a duty that needed tending to, and he couldn't afford to waste the time conversing. However, he knew that if there was something to do, he would know as soon as it was reported, so in the meantime no harm would be done in wasting time.
In the tavern, there sat a fellow adventurer, Leth. "Leth," he greeted in a similar fashion. He seated himself down, and ordered wine. As he waited, Leth and Aria spoke of their families. He remained silent throughout, listening with interest, though a look of sorrow creased around his eyes. His drink arrived first, and he stared down at it, looking at his reflection, not bothering to drink yet. His eyes seemed to become more and more aged, glassy and lost, searching an image only he could see.
At last he spoke up. "Which war, Leth? There have been so many skirmishes for so many wars... where was it?
Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:33 pm
by Kasei
"Hmph, you say your not a murderer." Aria wispered at Nogare. "What right does a man have to take another's life?" She said in a rather eerie voice, combined with her glaring eyes made her seem almost as dangerous as her guardian.
When Leth came into view, she instantly lightened up. After all, she usually associated Leth with Drom, and that was always something to be happy about for her. "Oh yes, it would hurt Kasei's reputation too much if he admited he had a heart and a family. After all, he has to keep up his image as the heartless hylian general, after all." She replied, with rather dry humor, and sat down next to Leth, smiling.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:55 pm
by Leth
Nogare, son of Greyblade wrote: "Which war, Leth? There have been so many skirmishes for so many wars... where was it?
OOC: O.O don't ask that question I have no Idea. Some random war with some random country to the north over some random trade dispute.
IC: ....
OOC: I can't think of anything to say.... >.<
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:21 am
by Brizzy
Aiden was a barfly, although not in the typical sense. She didn't often drink, the smell alone could give her a hangover in the morning. Besides, this bubbly character doesn't need drinks to be lively. Her looks and talent brought in customers, so she was paid to appear in taverns every so often. At the moment she was distracted by a man that had passed his personal drinking limit ages ago. With a quick snap she smacked his hand away from her rump and twirled out of reach. "Hands to yourself if you please. I would hate to leave before offering a song or dance."
Her bright gaze was narrowed in concentration, it took a lot for her to be serious to threaten anyone. Before the man could reply she glided through the mess of tables and chairs to the counter, "A water please." She wore a skimpy leather ensemble suitable for both fighting and dancing. On her thigh was a dagger, always ready for use, but more for show. She couldn't help but overhear the woman's (Aria's) heated statement and perked her head up in shock. Unlike most she met in her travels, Aiden was against violence, in her world almost anything could be solved with words and a smile. Taking her water she skittered to stand by the lass.
"While I normally couldn't agree more, I must say that it is not a right, but sometimes a need. If the man killed would have killed more, than the killer did well, or if a loved one is in danger. Nothing makes killing right, but acceptable.. that is another question. Oh sorry, I did not mean to intrude, it just seemed that you were some civilized people, which I don't often run into here." With a smile she blushed, the fumes making her a little.. illogical.