A rant by Kasei and ANTS

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:22 pm
OOC: Warning:The following post contains extreme adult language used in stupid rant format by a man who really has nothing better to do than this, so don't read past this if you're against foul langage.


IC: Kasei was strolling peacefully in the courtyard one day, minding his own buisness. His blue hair was recently cut to a managable trim, he wore a new brown outfit, and he wore his scimitar at his side.

As he strolled, he saw a trail of small Hylian Ants, carrying crumbs, along the road. He bent down, for no apparent reason, and placed his finger in front of one of the ants. Without hesitation, the little insect crawled onto the Rebel Flame's hand and crawled about.

Suddenly, as though possessed by some demon, Kasei jumped into the middle of the courtyard, and began to rant:

"Ants are like the baddest mutherfuckers out there I kid you not you don't want to fudge with these little guys they'll fudge you up so good they'll start crawling all over you and start biting you and shit these guys could've taken down Ganon if we gave them a chance I mean look at them these little guys can lift like a million time's their own weight if they were human size they'd lift a building right off the ground seriously people don't fudge with ANTS because they're gonna get you shit just think late at night you'll be in bed and suddenly ANTS'll start appearing everywhere and start eating you alive and then it get seven worse because theystartdraggingyourcorpsebacktotheirdenandblahblahblah....."

It was then that the Rebel Flame finally collapsed. The ant descended from his finger and proceeded back to the line.

OOC: This is not a joke topic, but it isn't HA2 canon, either. Reply as you see fit.

I was bitten by one of these guys once. It's not pleasant.

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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