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Eberron's profile

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:02 pm
by Eberron

HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 7

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:06 pm
by Eberron
TP List
Monthly Best RPer Award: June 2009 -- 1 TP
Din's Bracelet--1 TP
Leveling up--1 TP (level 2)
Malon's Lantern--1 TP
Goron Looks Amiss--1 TP
Syrup's Potion--1 TP
Mayor's Trophy--1 TP
We Sure do Like to Take the Cake--1 TP
Link Doll--1 TP
Cuccoo Man - 1 TP
Levelling Up - 1 TP (level 3)
Levelling up - 1 TP (level 4)
Levelling up - 1 TP (level 5)

Total: 13 TP
Spent: 11 TP
Remaining: 2 TP


Spirit of Dragonbane

Unarmed Combat - L1 - Unarmed attacks cause 5 DMG

Exceptional Health - L1 - 10hp added

Goron Strength - L3 - +3 to strength

Deku Agility - L2 - +2 to dexterity

Zora Spirit - L1 +1 to spirit

Train Bow - L2 +1 chance to hit

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:37 pm
by Eberron
NAME: Eberron
RACE: Goron
AGE: 25
DESCRIPTION: Eberron is a Goron in his mid twenties (Exactly) as he informs everyone that he meets. Of an average height (For gorons) he stands upright at all times. His arms hang loosely from his body and end in large club like hands. His upper face is obscured by a large hat made out of some form of wood. It is as old and battered as a lump of wood can be, but Eberron spends every day he possibly can cleaning and polishing it with what he can find taking great care in this rare family heirloom. What remains to be of his face is a large mouth, almost constantly grinning, and a small beard planted in the centre of his chin. He carries an enormous bag on his back, filled to the brim with rocks from his home to eat and anything else that he can find.

BACKSTORY: As a young child Eberron had loved his father. His father was his world and joy, "The stone that grounded him to the earth" as the goron saying goes. Having no clear memory of his mother, Eberron had decided at an early age that he would follow in his father's footsteps and explore the world beyond his home. His father would often come back and tell him of his fantastic travels, of the strange lands he had visited, the dangerous people he had avoided and the many delicious looking rocks he had chanced upon, only to find that they were nothing compared to those back home.

"Mountain rocks!" he would say "Are the finest in the land, and no one will ever convince me otherwise" letting out a deep guffaw afterwards. The stories that most interested Eberron however, were those where he would mention the wonderful and mysterious 'flowers' he so wished to see. Eberron had never left the safety of the home that his father had built for them high up in the mountains near ruto town. "A boy must grow independent and strong" He had laughed, and spent the autumn and winter with his son, teaching him and bringing him news of the world outside, while the spring and summer were spent travelling far and wide as was his desire. Eberron had inevitably asked every time if he could come with him to travel, but each time his father had denied him and told him to wait for the day when he became a real man. Left only with a huge store of rocks to eat and a hammer and chisel, he would dream of flowers and eat away; watching the spot where his father had lifted up the large wooden hat, placed it on his head and with a grin walked away. Eberron had always loved the hat, feeling it beneath his fingers it was an odd feeling; unlike any he had ever experienced. He had also been told that it was made of a material known as 'wood' which was made from 'trees'. These were apparently a bit like giant flowers, but not. Which was the best description he had ever been given, and since flowers were themselves something of an abstract idea he had very little to compare trees to, and imagined enormous hats placed around the land.

Later in life, at the age of 17, Eberron asked one year if he could keep the hat. He had taken to learning the ways of working stone and had become skilled enough to roughly shape hats made of stone that he would wear upon his fathers return. This year, he wanted to keep the hat at home so he could make a hat from the rock identical to his own. Eberron's father was at first reluctant, but soon saw how important this was to his son and gave him the hat willingly. Smiling widely once more and waving as he left, he vanished from view and Eberron set straight to work on the hat. A year passed and his father did not return. Eberron was at first worried but he knew that he had nothing to do but wait. A few days after his father's intended arrival Eberron decided that his father must be late or delayed. And that perhaps he would arrive next year. For the next 7 years Eberron waited, deciding that he could spend more time to make a more accurate hat. After 8 years, Eberron sat up from his work and smiled contently. It was the finest sculpting he had ever done, and the other 7 he had made paled in comparison. Suddenly he heard a familiar stomping of feet, slower and heavier then usual, but still... Running outside upon hearing his approach, Eberron almost flew down the mountain straight at him in his hurry to get to his father. He stopped dead in his tracks and gazed down at the man he had waited so long to see. His face was covered in cuts and bruises and a strange red substance was trailing behind him. His movements were slow and he looked very tired. Eberron was confused, he had never seen his dad become sick before. Perhaps he was just tired and had been walking a long time. Eberron moved to great and give back the wooden hat to his father when the wounded man collapsed on the floor. Eberron ran to him and tried to lift him up, to bring him to their home. But he could not. Eberron's eyes were filled with shock and confusion as his father rolled over slowly and held out his hands taking hold of his son's.

"I wanted you safe. Promise me. Promise me you will never travel."

"Father..." Eberron was scared, for some reason he felt like his father was in danger and he didn't like it.

"I have lived on the road. I took your mother travelling with me, together we saw everything there was to see, we travelled through every field and tasted every rock. And she died because of me. Because of my travelling and my trading. Now it has killed me." Eberron felt a terrible realisation sweep through his mind and manifest itself in his body. His arms shook and tears ran from his eyes as he held his fathers hands. "I wanted you home. I couldn't stand to see you killed... and... oh you should see it." His eyes began to go cloudy as he gazed up at the sky, tears now running down the sides of his face. "The sky lies out beyond you and the world feels like it will never end. You could roll and run and nothing would end, endless green and grey and black and white and every colour. So bright and beautiful and so full of life... but you can't." A sudden shake and the tears were gone, his sight clearer "Promise me. Promise you will never travel. Promise. You will never die like this. Become old and happy, eat and live here. Never... go..." and so Eberron's father, the man whose name he had never asked and who had given him everything died quietly upon the mountains. Eberron stood with his father and held his hands. They had gone limp and lifeless but he held on. For hours he just stood there. Waiting for his father to speak again, to wake up. After four days, he sat and ate the rocks his father had kept in his bag rather then leave his side. In case he woke up. Finally he left his father. Understanding at last that his father would not wake up, he lifted the bag from his back and looked at the possessions inside. All that was left was a lump of wood. None of the usual stone carvings or shiny green rocks that his father usually brought back.

"Mountain rocks are the finest in the land, and no one will ever convince me otherwise" Eberron stated quietly, picking up the rocks still left inside the house and from the mines around and near him to fill his bag. He took out the best rock hat he had made and placed it over his father's face, unable to lift him. "I must travel father. I am sorry." Turning to leave he moved away and down the mountain waving back to where his father rested, now a picture of his father. With one final giant grin so that his dad would not remember him sad while he rested here for eternity. Eberron promised himself that he would not return until he was strong enough to bury his father properly, and set off for an unfamiliar path to an even more unfamiliar world.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:14 pm
by Eberron


Stats - including armour and stat boosting talents.

Level 5

HP: 26
STR: 1
DEF: 12
AGI: 1
INT: 3
SPI: 6
SPL: 41



Temple Services lv1 - 2TP
Zora Spirit lv2 - 2TP
Exceptional spell lv2 - 3TP
Elemental burst lv1 - 1TP
Cane lv1 - 1TP
Divine Drain lv1 - 1TP
Nayru's Love lv1 - 3TP

NAME: Fraijn
RACE: Zora
AGE: 32

DESCRIPTION: His head held high, Fraijn strikes a tall, gaunt figure. His eyes are pulled back into his head, as if trying to escape the view of the world that surrounds him. The head that these retreating eyes are placed in is in a similar state of decay, grey and unhealthy looking. Despite his generally weakened and emaciated figure, there is an odd aura to him. His skeletal figure seems to have an almost ethereal edge to it, and the light that his eyes give off in the dark is... strangely reassuring. Fraijn wears a loose tunic across his form, and carries by his side a deku staff at all times. Comforting in a very unsettling way, Fraijn is a quiet and often self focused man with little to say for himself. Fiercely devoted to the goddesses, he hasn't set foot in the temple for some time having left on a pilgrimage many years ago. He rarely slept during this journey, and ate only when the mood took him, spending most of his time contemplating the meaning behind what he perceived around him.
A man of extremes, he can occasionally be drawn into a conversation if it involves something he has recently adopted as his 'muse'. Woe betide the unfortunate that draws that snapper out of his shell however, as once his mouth begins to pick up speed, it is near impossible to silence it. Often claiming that "Sleep is for snappers" he can be rather brisk and harsh when people ask him about his well being or health. He can be cranky and difficult to deal with socially, but Fraijn always ultimately tries to look for the best in people.