Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:03 pm
As you near the end of the passage, you come upon a sort of temporary barracks, where multitudes of armed Knights pace about, busy checking weaponry and building defenses. Near the middle can be seen most of Hyrule's Generals, with Horren Veldam and Richard Valens hovering nearby. Valens sees you and approaches. "I see you've decided to assist once more. I feel much more at ease knowing we have your strength behind our forces. I need to attend to something, but I trust Brigadier Veldam can brief you on our situation." Valens walks off, conversing with another General.
"Directly south of here is Moruge Swamp, as I'm sure you saw yesterday." Veldam says as he approaches. "I'm also fairly certain you've noticed the multitude of beasts in this tunnel. We're working on exterminating them as we speak. Once the tunnel is clear, we need to focus on Moruge Swamp before anything else. Since the swampy terrain is hard to traverse, it would be very valuable to have it as a buffer between Ganon's forces and ours. Not to mention that our movements would be fairly well hidden by any flying scouts they may send out." Veldam looks over his shoulder as a Knight cries out--a Keese had just swooped down from the ceiling, and no sooner had one Knight raised the alarm than three of his allies took it down.
"We also heard report of a Wizzrobe with a strange hat who was wandering around here while fighting Gohma. We have reason to believe he's connected to the higher-ups who are in charge of the minions here. For that reason, you'll need to keep your eyes open for him while fighting. If you find him, capture him and squeeze whatever information he has out of him. We're sending out small squads to battle the monsters as we speak. Feel free to go wherever you like, but please don't travel alone. Ganon's monsters are many, and strong. Try to stay together as you sweep through the swamp. If you have questions, or find the Wizzrobe, report back here. May the Goddesses protect you." With a final salute, Veldam turns and heads back to his tasks.
"Directly south of here is Moruge Swamp, as I'm sure you saw yesterday." Veldam says as he approaches. "I'm also fairly certain you've noticed the multitude of beasts in this tunnel. We're working on exterminating them as we speak. Once the tunnel is clear, we need to focus on Moruge Swamp before anything else. Since the swampy terrain is hard to traverse, it would be very valuable to have it as a buffer between Ganon's forces and ours. Not to mention that our movements would be fairly well hidden by any flying scouts they may send out." Veldam looks over his shoulder as a Knight cries out--a Keese had just swooped down from the ceiling, and no sooner had one Knight raised the alarm than three of his allies took it down.
"We also heard report of a Wizzrobe with a strange hat who was wandering around here while fighting Gohma. We have reason to believe he's connected to the higher-ups who are in charge of the minions here. For that reason, you'll need to keep your eyes open for him while fighting. If you find him, capture him and squeeze whatever information he has out of him. We're sending out small squads to battle the monsters as we speak. Feel free to go wherever you like, but please don't travel alone. Ganon's monsters are many, and strong. Try to stay together as you sweep through the swamp. If you have questions, or find the Wizzrobe, report back here. May the Goddesses protect you." With a final salute, Veldam turns and heads back to his tasks.