Goron Showdown III (Goron showdown in the Desert)
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:50 pm
OOC: Sorry about the delay
, but I have been busy with my topics in other forums
. Well, here is the third installment. Enjoy!
IC: Darmini entered the desert looking for Darkel. "Where are you?", he said. "Come out and face me, you coward!" 'Hehehe. Look who wants to be destroyed again! This time, I will not be so leniant. You will DIE!", says a mysterious voice. Then Darkel appears out of thin air. "What's the matter? You don't recognize your own brother? Or maybe your just frozen with fear!" (All this time Darmini hasn't moved) "Enough of this! Let us finish this!", Says Darmini. And so begins the third battle, even fiercer than the last two combined. "I will ask you one more time, where is the power medallion?" "Do you really think I will tell you? If you do, then you are an idiot." Darmini swings his sword at Darkel's legs, but Darkel jumps in the nick of time, slits darminis throat, and stabs him in the heart. But he does not know that Darmini has a fairy! Darkel runs of to Ganondorf,(OOC: More like Ganondork) IC: dropping a golden medallion.

IC: Darmini entered the desert looking for Darkel. "Where are you?", he said. "Come out and face me, you coward!" 'Hehehe. Look who wants to be destroyed again! This time, I will not be so leniant. You will DIE!", says a mysterious voice. Then Darkel appears out of thin air. "What's the matter? You don't recognize your own brother? Or maybe your just frozen with fear!" (All this time Darmini hasn't moved) "Enough of this! Let us finish this!", Says Darmini. And so begins the third battle, even fiercer than the last two combined. "I will ask you one more time, where is the power medallion?" "Do you really think I will tell you? If you do, then you are an idiot." Darmini swings his sword at Darkel's legs, but Darkel jumps in the nick of time, slits darminis throat, and stabs him in the heart. But he does not know that Darmini has a fairy! Darkel runs of to Ganondorf,(OOC: More like Ganondork) IC: dropping a golden medallion.