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[Search for the Son of Rendd] A Sinister Trap
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:52 am
by Zelda Veteran
Up the mountain...
Across the falls...
Down the mountain...
So far, the group had done a good job of following the stranger- and completely undetected as well. The stranger had stopped to rest a few times, which had thrown the followers for a loop every unexpected time. The being advanced down the final flight of stairs, and began walking towards the great waterfall. It was a beautiful sight to behold, really. The sound of the falls was a soothing one, and the beautiful green grass, and puffy clouds only added to the serenity. The entire ecosystem seemed to work in harmony like a giant orchestra of nature.
... A picknick?! Shigure watched from the mountainside.
A picknick? That's why we followed this guy?! He adjusted his hold on Victor for a better grip. It'd be a nasty fall from this height, and the Goron certainly didn't want an allie's blood on his hands. The being placed the brown sack on the ground, and clasped it's hands together. A blue glow resonated from the stranger's odd looking hands. Upon closer inspection, they'd appear to be feathered hands! Shigure groaned the classic Goron groan, and brought a palm to his face.
Great. Just perfect. No, really, I'd just love to have been following a Wizzrobe this whole time. That'd explain the aura too. Suddenly, the being's head snapped in the Goron's direction. The Goron ducked behind a rock, and remained silent.
Oh sweet gentle Din... Have I been spotted? Anticipation grew and grew, until the Goron decided that it'd be safe to take a quick look. He laid Victor down on the ground next to him, and slowly looked around the corner of the rock as carefully as he possibly could.
That's when he
locked eyes with the being, who was
still watching that very rock. It was at this moment, that the Goron confirmed his suspicions. He'd noticed the beak, and that was enough to inform Shigure that they were, indeed, up against a Wizzrobe. The being swiftly, made a fluid motion of it's hands, and a good portion of the falls was rerouted in the direction of the Goron's position. "Goddesses!!" He cried, as he grabbed Victor, and rolled away from the blast. Tucking into a Goron roll, he rumbled down the mountain, and when he reached the bottom, he untucked upon the bounce.
"Victor! Wake up!" He snarled, tossing the man to the ground. He stared carefully at the cloaked being, and watched carefully for movements. A magical attack only further confirmed Shigure's conclusion. The cloaked mage raised it's feathered hands, which began to glow ominously. Suddenly, it spoke. "You'll regret having ever followed me here, vile followers of Ganon." Shigure cocked an eyebrow to this.
Followers of Ganon? "I cannot let you leave here to inform Ganon of this spot. Prepare for your death."
Shigure took a step back, and removed his weapons. "Wait... I think there's been a misunderstanding!" The Wizzrobe didn't bother to listen, as a spell was already being formed in the air.
Great... Fang sent us here to dispose of us. Why didn't I see it sooner? I fell right into his trap. The Goron cursed silently, and wished he'd just been a little smarter than the average Goron.
And what's worse... I brought innocent people into it with me. For Din's sake, I pray they leave while they can. There's bound to be more Wizzrobes around the area. I'm a Goron, so they needen't use more than one. A few water-based spells... He cringed at the thought.
I've to get close... Or this could be the final chapter for me.
Boss Battle</center>
Anonymous Cloaked Wizzrobe
Strength- 3
Defense- 16
Agility- 4
Intelligence- 9
Spirit- 8
Spell- 88
Health Points- 88
Physical attack: (STR[3] + Weapon Base[5]) 8 dmg
Magical attack: (Level + base class + INT) 25 dmg
Shadow Spire- 9 SPL
Shadow based attack that can strike one player for full damage, and a second player for 50% damage.
Hellfire Inferno- 15 SPL
Fire based attack that can strike up to 5 targets, and has a 25% chance of leaving the target burned.
Summoning of the Damned- 12 SPL
May summon up to 3 Phantoms to attack enemies.
Golden Rod(weapon base5): Adds +3 to Magical attacks.
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:13 pm
by Sabertache
Saber rushed from his hiding place, saber drawn and eyes wide open. He had been dozing off for a while now, not really paying attention but moving monotonously. It wasn't all that surprising considering the long distance they had traveled with virtually no payoff. However, Shigure's shout had alerted the mercenary to the fact that, apparently, the mission had been compromised and now they had to fight for their lives against what seemed to be a very magical enemy. Fantastic. Saber hated magical enemies.
Well, now he was there within striking distance. Nothing left to do but draw back his sword arm and launch it forward in a horizontal slash at the figure's legs. A crippling blow would be a nice way to start off a battle, would it not? Of course, the nomad could only dream of such an unlikely outcome.
Will: 9/9
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:03 pm
by Blank
Ruca Roma liked to think she was a bit more intelligent than most of her other Apostle brethren. There was something disturbing about relying on the shadows to aid one in stealth. It felt that every time she allowed herself to use the convenience of the power they had discovered ages ago a portion of her being became one with the darkness. When she could avoid it, she did.
And so now here she was. Creeping along beside Saber as they followed the stranger ahead of them, she was becoming increasingly exasperated with every step on this long journey. It didn't help matters that this person was being so irritatingly
slow. She would give a low huff in that Deku sort of way every time the group was forced to stop on account of the cloaked being's relaxed means of travel.
As they finally reached the end of the trek, she was not impressed upon seeing that this person was in actuality a Wizzrobe. She had fought them before, in many different forms. There was something eerie about this one, however. She worried.
It was Shigure's groan that put these feelings of uncertainty over the edge. The Apostle was sure they had been found out. When this was confirmed, and all stealth had been lost, only then did she make noise. And it was a desperate, battle-ready sort of noise.
"Watch out! This thing means business!" she squeaked, rolling out from her hiding place and retrieving a large two-handed sword from seemingly nowhere as she fell. It was approximately the same size as her entire body, but she managed to grip it well and swing it even better.
What bothered Ruca the most, however, was that this winged incarnation of the Wizzrobe gene had called her and her fellows the minions of Ganon, King of Evil. This did not impress her. Where did this monster get off calling them such nasty things? Why...
he was the one who gave off the impression of association with that vile lord of evil.
Locking that thought away, the hooded Deku lunged at the creature with a will not seen in most halflings. She swung the sword in a wide, unsteady arc at the ill-informed Wizzrobe. It was clear that her size made wielding the sword difficult, but she managed to hold her own surprisingly well while remaining surprisingly agile. She lashed out at her newest enemy with enough passion to stun a full-grown Dodongo.
[Will x5]
Str: 3 (Base) + 1 (L1 Goron Strength) = 4
Def: 3 (Base) + 14 (L1 Chainmail) = 17
Agi: 2 (Base) + 3 (Race) + 3 (L3 Deku Agility) = 8
Int: 1
Spi: 1
Physical Damage Escape Rate: 17 + 8 (DEF + Agi) = 25
Spl: 10 (Level) X 1 (Base) + 1 (SPI) = 11
HP: 40 (Base) + 1 (Spi) + 30 (L2 Exceptional Health) = 71
Willpower: 1 (Spi) + 10 (Level) = 9 (Capped)
2H Deku Sword DMG: 14 + 4 (Str) = 18
ARM. CLASS: 14 (L1 Chainmail)
L1 Goron Strength (1 TP)
L3 Deku Agility (4 TP)
L2 Exceptional Health (4 TP)
L4 Train: Two-Handed Swords (7 TP)
L1 Honorable Kill (2 TP)
L1 Royal Spirit (1 TP)
L2 Leadership (6 TP)
HP: 71/71
SPL: 11/11
Will 4/9
OoC: Since Deku are not allowed to wield 2H Swords at this time (we really ought to allow it with certain conditions), I will play fair enough by mitigating the extra chance to hit from the L3 level of that talent. So... while it would normally be +1 overall to her hit rate, let's just leave it at +0

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:36 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Victor was awake, he guessed. It wasn't so much the Goron's yelling that roused him from his slumber, but the contact with cold, hard ground. But OK, he was up, and things were happening. Namely, he was rubbing his eyes and yawning. He stretched a bit, looked around.
Oh. Water! Good, the Bard's mouth felt a little disgusting from his night's sleep. He stumbled over to the bank and dipped his cupped hands in, swallowing what filled them without a second thought, using it to rinse the murkiness from his mouth. This was all very refreshing, really. He felt a bit more aware at this point.
He tried desperately to use his reflection in the water to fix his hair, but failed as usual. Good thing no one in Hyrule really cared about appearance. He rubbed his eyes some more. Might as well get started on the morning rituals.
He was just about to reach for the day's copy of the Hylian Times and think about getting some breakfast when he noticed that there was some fuss going on around him. Hm. That was all well and good, but how would this affect breakfast? He wondered if brunch was a possibility at this point.
Oh oh yes right the fight. OK. The Bard adopted a lazy fighting stance that would hitherto be known as "The Sleepy Musician" by no one in particular, and prepared an Elemental Burst of Light. He really didn't feel like running or slashing or throwing or anything like that this early, so he simply fired his magic at what looked like the bad guy this time and waited for the effects to take.
Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:09 pm
by Zelda Veteran
The first one to launch into the fight would be the completely unnoticed Saber. The Wizzrobe was so focused on the hulking mass of Shigure that it hadn't even noticed the tiny mercenary slipping through it's defenses. The Wizzrobe did it's best to evade the attack, but to no avail. [Wizzrobe -10 HP]
The magician now had cut running down the length of it's lower area. The robe was cut, and no blood was visible; but judging by the Wizzrobe's movements, it would be safe to assume that it was a successful hit. Before the being could draw it's attention back to the group of warriors, a small wooden bring appeared directly in front of the being with passion the likes of which the Wizzrobe had probably never seen. [Wizzrobe -18 DMG]
"Dammit!" The Wizzrobe cried from behind it's cloak, now with another gash running through it's robe. "I don't care the number of you! I won't fall to you!" It cried, as a bright light began to shine somewhere in it's periferal vision. The being turned just in time to see a light spell headed directly at it. Before the spell could hit the being, it waved it's arms in the air, and a dark aura began to assimilate in the air. "Shadow Spire!" It cried, a heinous spike-like shadow spell slicing through the light, headed directly towards the Hylian bard. It would seem the light spell still managed to reach the Wizzrobe... somewhat. [Wizzrobe -8]
Shigure watched the elementally superior attack heading directly for the bard, and darted towards the bard as quickly as his Goronic legs could take him there. Attempting to grab Victor, and duck out of the way, the spire of dark magic pierced directly through the both of them, dealing 31 damage to Victor, and 13 to Shigure.
HP: 60/88
SPL: 79/88
* * *
Shigure felt the stinging sensation of the spell, as he caught the tail end of it. He was more worried about Victor though, as he knew that he was elementally weak to the spell. Shigure got to his feet, and stared hard at the creature. "You're stronger than most other Wizzrobes... This I can clearly see. But you will not destroy the warrior's flame that burns bright within our souls! We don't wish to fight- but if we must, then we will." The creature put it's hands down. "You don't wish to fight me? You're not alligned with Ganon?... No. NO! I will not be tricked again!" It resumed it's fighting stance.
[Leadership L1: Spirit]
+4 HP
+4 SPI
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:47 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Gah! This is not a way to start one's morning!
Victor stumbled backwards as the shadow-based spell hit him full-on, and he eventually crumbled to the ground. It was too much for him, really. He struggled to lift himself, but his arms collapsed under him in pain. He decided it might be best to rest a spell.
The Bard quickly learned that it was possible for him to sit up, so he did, with a groan. He reached for his satchel and removed a small package, which he unwrapped with minimal trouble. Inside were two pieces of toast.
Victor had learned long ago that he should pack snacks whenever he ventured far from the nearest town and, knowing that Saria was deserted, he had done so. As he munched on the toast, he eyed the Wizzrobe. If only there was some way to convince the guy that they were not Ganon's minions. Ah, well. After finishing off the last bite of toast, the Bard decided to try standing again, which he was able to do this time. Realizing that he had taken the best strategy earlier and had merely suffered from some bad luck, he attempted another Elemental Burst of Light. The orb was dimmer than the last, but, it would do - Victor fired it at the Wizzrobe, silently praying for better fortune as it flew...
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:43 pm
by Sabertache
Saber ran for cover immediately after he struck in order to dodge any retaliation.
From behind a rock, he surveyed the next few seconds of battle. Victor and Shigure both took a hit, but the bard had definitely been injured far worse. So this beast likes to use Shadow, does it? That's...not good in the slightest. Horrendous memories of the Grand Tournament were at the forefront of the mercenary's mind as he planned out his next move. Deciding on playing it safe, he shoved the recollection of Alpha's repetitive blasts out of his mind and focused on aiding Victor. [Favor of the Goddesses on Victor]
Will: 9/9
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:47 am
by Blank
Ruca laughed a raspy, almost sadistic laugh as she hit the ground directly after her attack, her blade crimson with the blood of a very demented creature. She did not enjoy the concept of battle - one warrior killing another to prove who was stronger. She did, however, enjoy the remorseless thrill behind cutting some person down in such a violent, bloody mess.
She stood there for a moment, and then shrugged a bit. She had forgotten the feeling of sadism already, and jumped back into the fighting spirit.
Ruca Roma was a natural born leader. She had led more gang raids, infantry runs, village-pillages and bakery heists than any other Deku present in the current world, that was of course obvious. She gleamed with pride as she thought this. The stout Deku maiden sheathed her sword in the shadows and turned around to the others, standing before them and holding her robed, gloved hands above her and shouting towards her allies.
She thought back to her days in the wilds of Hyrule. She had hunted tigers in those days. With a small pack of Deku follows, the tribe killed and harvested many striped felines of the jungles. She had led the pack, always remaining the wise one in the decisions. The leader. This sublime skill had stayed with her well into her dealings with Wolfeye's little cult, the Apostles.
But she had killed in sin. Now, she killed in defense.
With a light-hearted tone, she spoke to her fellows. "There is a very good chance we can pull out of this, you know." Fortunately, while she spoke so casually there were no notable hits from the hands of the Wizzrobe. Her resolve never once lightened in this time. "We must stand back while we develop a strategy for the best approach." The Deku began to walk away from the battle. It was a rash display of pure, unfaltering idiocy. Of deep, never ending nincompoopery.
She stopped. She began to speak again. "Lucky for us... I know exactly what we need to do to stop this thing. Now, follow my lead!"
She charged towards the others, drawing her sword with a rage from the shadows. It was expected behavior from a female Deku. There had once been a great Princess of the Deku, a bard at that, master of the Sonata of Awakening, who had, notably, suffered a very similar fury. It was a rare sight to see in the Deku tribe and should have been observed with much fear. As Ruca lunged valiantly, the others were left to follow suit behind her. They were left to share the same passion for victory with the Deku for the good of their lives.
Leadership L2
+6 to Strength
OoC: Sorry for overdoing the Leadership

But hey, in the state I'm in, hey, you've got to hide your love away.
Hope +6 STR helps

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:31 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Another bright light caught the creature off guard, yet again. Before it could manage to react, the spell caught it dead in the chest, and sent it realling out into the water. With a splash, it disappeared beneath the waves. This chance would be one the adventurers might not get again. Addressing the situation, Saber pleaded with the Goddesses to shine some fortune on his wounded friend. A warm feeling washed over the bard, and a light poured down from the heavens, restoring
[+30 HP to Victor]. During all of this, Ruca chanted a touching speech that brought everyone's spirits back up to above what they were. The battle seemed to be an evenly sided one, that is until now.
The water was showing signs of disturbances from beneath it's waves. A being crawled slowly out of the water, followed by another, and another. When it stood up, it was easy to distinguish the being as a soldier of Hyrule Castle- or what used to be. The armor was old, banged up, and it had weeds growing around parts of the armor. It's helmet was well in tact, and it's face wasn't visible. Darkness surrounded whatever rested within the helm, and it held a good sized sword in front of it. It's shield was worn and broken down, and rusted in most areas.
Phantom Soldier X 3
Strength- 7
Agility- 3
Defense- 10
Intelligence- 0
Spirit- 6
Spell- 0
HP- 25
Steel Sword: [Base Damage = 12]
Steel Shield: [Adds +3 to Defense]
The Wizzrobe bursted out from the water, and remained hovering in the air, a blue aura surrounding it. Shigure watched the soldiers draw nearer, and gritted his teeth. "We're dealing with a Summoner here people!" He cried out, spinning his heavy chains. He advanced towards the first soldier, and crushed through it's armor with ease, dealing
[-30 DMG] to it, and destroying it with ease. The other two soldiers broke out in a run, and held their shields out in front of them. One of them had their sights set on the Deku, and lunged towards the tiny being, just barely missing her by less than a centimeter. If anyone were to look closer, they might have even seen a tiny sliver of wood fly from her cheek. The other soldier breezed past the Deku in attempts to strike down Saber. This soldier had similar luck, as Saber was able to dodge it with relative ease. The pace of the battle was beginning to quicken, and the Wizzrobe wasn't coming down from it's position over the water. It'd be likely that the phantom soldiers had to be destroyed before it would come back down.
Soldier #1- DEAD
Soldier #2-
Soldier #3-
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:42 pm
by Sabertache
Saber bit his lip as the soldier approached. He wasn't done praying yet...just a few more seconds...and finally, he felt the magical surge leave him, the healing complete, and with plenty of time to spare.
Grabbing his blade, he drew it out again in a spinning motion away from the grotesquely transformed soldier. He felt his blade clack against his attacker's, and knew he was safely out of reach. Now was the time to strike before the chance was gone. Planting his right foot, he reversed his momentum, lunging forward with his saber cocked back by his ear, pointed at the...well, it probably didn't have a heart anymore. If it did, however, it was time to find out. With a grunt, Saber released his inertia, his blade lancing out towards the chest of his enemy. (Which I assume is #3)
HP: 44/44
SPL: 14/14
Will: 9/9
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:24 pm
by Blank
Ruca had been charging directly at the cloaked Wizzrobe, a wicked gleam of blood lust in her eyes. She was sure the others had been rallied; the battle at hand was as good as won.
These thoughts almost vanished as the enemy fled from the immediate battlefield in a most cowardly strategy. Three soldiers, instantly recognizable as the long-passed phantoms of three once noble Hylian Knights, had appeared from seemingly nowhere. It dawned on the robed Deku that they had been summoned by the cowardly magician in his flight.
<center>Just like a Wizzrobe... summoning others to fight for him. I suppose it doesn't differ much from royalty. We are all just pawns in a great game of chess.</center>
She didn't stop charging, oh no. Amazed as she was by Shigure's speed and strength, she pursued her newest target - the second of the Phantom soldiers. The dual-wielding Goron had mutilated the first, and Saber seemed to be taking charge of the third. Channeling her combat rage into her attack, Ruca ended her valiant charge with a vicious two-handed thrust not often seen in someone so small.
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:17 am
by Zelda Veteran
Saber's attack fell just short of landing, and glanced off of the undead soldier's shield. His attack did, however, manage to make the old decrepit shield crumble away upon impact. The phantom retaliated with his own attack, bringing his sword around to miss his target completely, Saber easily dodging any traces of damage.
Ruca shared a fate very similar to Saber, her giant blade deflected easily by the soldier's shield. With her balance thrown off, she was a sitting duck to a counter attack by the opposition. Swinging his sword swiftly, the monster managed to... Miss Ruca completely. Perhaps he wasn't used to battling someone of such small stature? Either way, the soldier had missed his vertical attack, his sword stuck in the ground a few inches from the deadly Deku.
Shigure was closer to Ruca than to Saber, and so he was able to intervene in the battle. The monster of a Goron moved in on the currently still soldier, and swung his weapons with all of his Goronic might, bringing them together on the phantom with a sickening sound, as it dispersed into dust, and blew away with the wind.
The Wizzrobe frowned on the piss-poor job it's minions had done at damaging Ganon's forces, and held it's arms out, in preparation to attack. For a brief moment, all was silent. Then, the air around the creature began to shimer, as if heat waves were... oh. Now it was clear that the next attack would be one of caloric proportions. Suddenly, a great deal of flames flew from the nothingness, and swirled overhead. Before any of the adventurers could utter a word or action of protest, the flames descended upon the warriors, scorching nearly everything it touched! The flames licked at Saber, Ruca, Shigure, and even the phantom soldier for 25 DMG each, Ruca, somehow managing to resist the spell... somewhat.
Victor's luck seemed to be changing since the beginning of the match, for he too resisted, and took the least damage of the entire group, losing 12 health. When the flames finally lifted from the group, it would seem that everyone was still standing. The grass around the area was completely blackened, not withstanding the heat as well as the bard. The previously sole surviving phantom soldier, however, was nowhere to be seen. More good fortune would yet shine on the adventurers, for none of them were burned badly. The Wizzrobe looked completely surprised, as it's hooded head jutted forward, it's beak agape. It floated down to the ground, irritated at it's failed attempts.
HP: 43/88
SPL: 51/88
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:45 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Saber's life-giving prayer was indeed a blessing, as Victor felt its effects instantly... and then had them partially stripped away as the Wizzrobe's flames hit him. Of course, fire tends to stick; so, while his skin may not have been burned, the Bard found his cloak still ablaze. So he did what any sensible person would do in the situation.
Waving his arms frantically, he ran for the water and jumped in with the Wizzrobe. After a few minutes, he emerged, relatively sure that he had been put out. He was set, but safe, and found that his compatriots had dispatched of the Shadow Knight thingies. Good thing he had done absolutely nothing to help!
But that was about to change, as he noticed that the Wizzrobe had become the new, primary target. Victor had had luck so far, and they did say that the third time was the charm. But magic seemed played out - and he felt roused by Ruca's speech, so it seemed like as good a time as any for a good, old fashioned, pointy attack. The Bard reached for his bow and an arrow, quickly aiming at the Wizzrobe. With an aim and a fire, it was on its way.
Bye bye, birdie.
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:16 pm
by Sabertache
Well, that was painful.
The mercenary was really starting to get tired of magic. It always seemed that the strongest people around were the ones most adept at the use of superhuman elements. Just once, he wanted to have his head pounded in by someone with a big club. Just to shake things up a little. Variety was the spice of life, after all.
Well, maybe he would have to teach this Wizzrobe the merits of an old-fashioned, physical beating. Following after the Bard in an attempt to use his flaming person as a smokescreen, the mercenary barreled straight for his enemy, leaping into the air and leaving all grace out of his move, favoring straight power for this instant. [Will=5]
HP: 19/44
SPL: 14/14
Will: 9/9
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:35 pm
by Blank
Ruca let out a painful squeak of a shriek as her leafy hair and wooden body was licked at by the sinister, glowing hot fingers of flame. The burning sensation caressed and corroded her being, and she knew that she was on fire. Panicking, she leaped into the water and submerged her body entirely. Her body heat caused the water to boil and bubble, and as she returned to the surface free of her burdening blaze she hopped out, having to no desire to become the first Deku Stew.
Fortunately, she saved herself from the wicked amount of damage that had been intended for her. She thanked Din for allowing this battle to take place near the Falls. Ironic that she should be giving her praise to the goddess of fire. Her leafy hair had been reduced to a smoldering, ashen cluster of dead leaves. This made her furious. If there was one thing this Wizzrobe was going to learn, it was never to disregard the importance of a woman's hair. Even if this woman's hair was not technically real hair, but a brushy, well-styled bunch of leaves.
Huffing with rage, she flew towards her foe and struck at him with her mighty sword. There was nothing more inspiring than a Deku weapon wielded by a great Deku warrior. Ruca jabbed viciously at the cloaked magician with terrific force, enthralled by her boosted strength and spirit.
Will x4
HP: 46/71
SPL: 11/11
Will 4/9 [-4]