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[Crusade] Into The Deep
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:15 pm
by Royal Guard
The Knight’s Outpost was a busy place today.
Members of Hyrule’s military and adventurer class warriors alike were coming and going, heavy with the burdens of South Hyrule’s liberation. There had been great progress in defeating the hordes of Ganon’s leftover minions in the North-South Pass and murky bogs of Hyrule’s dangerous Moruge Swamp. The adventurers had even gotten to the bottom of the mysterious disappearances of several cartel wagons.
However, true liberation of Southern Hyrule was far from being achieved. The Garo Master that haunted the North-South Pass was only the beginning of the trials and tribulations that faced the kingdom’s noble freedom fighters.
General Richard Valens stood on duty at the Outpost with Sergeant-Major Normand Camron, awaiting those whom he was sure would be gathering shortly. The adventurers of Hyrule had already played a significant role in the extermination of Ganon’s beasts, and with their continued allegiance, victory over the horrid warlords that had claimed the South as their domain seemed more hopeful than ever.
“Not likely that you’ll find many able-bodied warriors on such short notice,” mumbled the ever-pessimistic Camron. “Much less the kind that you can trust to be of any use in those dark places, anyway. Probably should have told that last bunch to meet back here at some point.”
Valens smiled reassuringly and shrugged off his fellow’s improper attitude. “The good adventurers of Hyrule frequent this Outpost as often as you, or I, or Veldam, or any other officer. I am quite confident that we will find a party worthy of this expedition.”
It had been a few days since he and a group of adventurers had returned from the depths of the North-South Pass. Valens had led a decoy cart in an attempt at ambushing assailants of missing Goro-Goro caravans. While the intention of the mission was to remove the source of these problems – and they had done this – they had unexpectedly stumbled upon a tunnel leading even deeper into the unknown depths of the pass.
Now, about half a week later, the General was sure that the adventurers would reassemble, the fallen Sheikah and Goron among them. He was to lead them back to that place and continue deeper into the caverns of the pass. But first, a proper party was needed.
As he spots you from the corner of his eye, he gives Camron a push and points you out. As you near the pair of officers, Valens begins to speak. “Good adventurer, it is wonderful to see you here at our Outpost. We are about to embark on an expedition into the deepest reaches of this very pass, and we could use your help.”
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:57 pm
by shadowlink13
The last few moments of the fight had been a blur. Darilan had drained himself of magical energy, leaving him with unfavorable options as far as offensive strategy goes. He was about to deal a blow to his enemy, but the beast pushed his weapon aside and knocked him out. He was darn near death.
There was Valens, asking for his help again. The general said they were going to explore the pass. There were likely more monsters deep within it. That was good, he thought. It gave him a second chance, or an opportunity to get revenge on the creatures like the ones that had caused him harm. If he couldn't hurt them by himself, he would find some other way, whether it be through strengthening his allies or some form of trickery, like the kind he had used to fool the Iron Knuckle and force it to attack its ally. He gave Valens a salute and said, "Count me in."
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:21 pm
by Kokiri Wolf
“Good adventurer, it is wonderful to see you here at our Outpost. We are about to embark on an expedition into the deepest reaches of this very pass, and we could use your help.”
Aria nodded. "Of course," she said.
Not that the Gerudo had much choice. She had received orders from Kafei himself that she was to aid Hyrule in the liberation of the South. And so the ranger found herself here again.
However, delving deeper into the pass did not seem to be helping with the liberation efforts at all. But Aria would trust Valens on this.
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:46 pm
by Abel
"I guess I can help. However this time I will not let a single ally fall in battle." He said to valen just wondering who he was gonna be fighting this time.
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:24 pm
by Blank
Maverick had not really intended to go back to that dark place, where so much bloodshed had made the expedition a chaotic, embarrassing sort of ordeal for every person present. He resented having let Rosen and Darilan fall in combat. The mage was perfectly capable of casting Life, however was unable to do so, having exhausted all of his magic energy over the course of the battle.
As he passed through the Outpost, he was relieved to see Darilan was alive and well. He knew not why he was so concerned for the well-being of strangers. He was surprised to find that his kindly nature had remained with him in these times. Despite this, he took no gratification in being the good-natured Apostle. With a sigh, the Calatian stopped to observe the inevitable gathering of adventurers around the two military leaders. Maverick remembered that a second passage had been found during the ambush on the Garo and its minions.
He shuddered to think of what could lay in the darker depths of the North-South Pass.
I don't have time for this... he thought wryly, almost continuing on his way. His search was not bearing any fruit; his cause seemed a lost one. With great indignation, he made the decision to stay. His query was long gone. It would not hurt to aid Hyrule in this one last excursion. It probably won't be the last... If only his fellows could see him now.
Swallowing his indecision, the mage stepped towards Valens. He had already forgotten the alias he had been using only days ago. Careful not to make a fool of himself and jeopardize his identity, he thought for a moment. It came to him, and he proceeded.
"I will assist you on this expedition," he said in an almost glum voice. "Myron Rockafeller, once again at your service... good Sir Knight." This last part he added hastily. He had no allegiance to this man, but knew when respect was due.
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:52 pm
by Alpha
Alpha strolled through the underground pass once more, eyes darting all about as he neared the Knights' outpost in the area. With the monsters cleared out of the caverns (for the most part), it seemed that the enemy's number had been replaced by the sheer amount of soldiers pouring into the underground caves, ensuring that the place would know no peace for a while longer.
He happened to glance over to the side in time to spot a small group gathering once again around General Valens, the man who had led them after the caravan hijackers only a few days before. Alpha himself had not been of much assistance then, having little to no luck in his strikes on the Garo Master and Iron Knuckles that had comprised the final force they had conquered. He had wondered since then if in fact that had been the last of them; Valens had just seemed to assume that they were the ones in charge, but the Sheikah had to wonder . . . while a Garo Master did likely have the guile and tactical mindset needed to pull off those kinds of missions, it hadn't proved itself in combat . . .
So was there someone else? Someone the Garo answered to? He couldn't help but believe so.
If that was the case, perhaps Valens intended to lead another strike into the tunnels to find such a being. And if that was the case, then the Sheikah was certainly going to attend. Perhaps this time he'd be a bit more effective. He walked over to the group, simply sending a nod in all their directions, the only sign of his that announced his plans to join them.
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:28 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Alpha, Myron, Abel, Aria, and Darilan. Those were the five who had currently gathered at the Outpost. Soon another would join them.
He wore a cloak, a tunic, semi-soft knee long trousers, sandals, and a watch. With him, he carried his two-handed sword on his back, and his Deku Staff was clutched in his right hand as it was being used currently as a walking stick. A sack containing scrolls was slung over his left shoulder. Tucked into his belt was a boomerang and a bomb bag. A rupee satchel was in one of his inner pockets of his cloak, as was a never-dry quill.
Listening to the knight's question, he answered, "Most definitely, I wouldn't have it any other way." Simon then joined the others as they waited.
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:48 pm
by Zelda Veteran
It had been quite a while since Taint had fought in these caverns. He explained his exploits to the small ball of light that floated by his side. "So there was this Darknut right? BIG ol' thing! Carried a giant sword, and was encased in the hardest armor I'd ever seen. It was about to kill this Maverick guy I know (he's really just like a sidekick), and that's when I darted in, and pulled a big back flip over the monster, see. I sliced his head clean in two! All the girls were impressed, and that guy I mentioned was all grateful, and sobbing, and -"
Valens wrote:“Good adventurer, it is wonderful to see you here at our Outpost. We are about to embark on an expedition into the deepest reaches of this very pass, and we could use your help.”
The duo looked at the man, and wondered if they'd been mistaken for someone else. "Uhh..." Taint began. "Actually, we're just passing through. I don't-" He wouldn't be able to finish his sentence; because that's when Lilly interjected. "Of course we can help!! Nobody can beat Taint! Nobody! Come on Taint, let's show all these guys what you got! Oh! I want to see that cool thing you did with a mist, and ice breaking the Darknut's-" The Zora grabbed the fairy, and imprisoned her in his hands.
"Uhhh... Yeah, okay, that's enough out of you!" He knew that a lot was expected of him now. "Alright, fine." He let the fairy free. "I'll help you all out. But you're getting a bill, dammit." The Zora joined the masses of heroes, and sat down cross legged waiting for the expedition to begin. He looked around, and noticed a few faces. It seemed that Hyrule was small country after all. Lilly Willowfrost buzzed down next to taint, and sat on his lap. She was ready for
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:19 pm
by Eberron
Eberron strolled over, his face consumed by a large grin. Deeper into the caves... This could be exciting! He hadn't forgotten how the last expedition had almost ended in tragedy but... You couldn't let one bad experience taint everything you did! Right? Attempting to convince himself, Eberron took a step towards the knight and bowed awkwardly. He really had to get better at working out how to greet people...
"Umm... hi again. I'd like to help, if I can."
Glancing around at the other adventurers there, he grinned at those that he recognised. If nothing else, it would be an interesting experience.
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:02 pm
by WinterSink
Time seemed to have stolen Rosen away from the battlefield and any sort of relation with the passing world, almost as if the minute hand of all the clocks in Hyrule were waving him goodbye for what seemed like an eternity but now, now it beckoned.
The goron materialized from the veil of shadows and the curtain of flickering torchlights that dotted the walls around his fellow warriors. They seemed to be waiting impatiently or at Rosen was already quite impatient by default, regardless of any requiem that might have kept him from adventuring about.
"Ready." He muttered, half swallowing a few grumbles now that he remembers that not a single one of them decided to heal the aged goron during the last fight that characterized these caverns.
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:01 pm
by Royal Guard
Valens returned Darilan's salute in a disciplined military fashion. There was indeed a great amount of respect due to the once fallen scribe. It took considerable courage and stamina to bounce back from the brink of death with such renewed passion in such a short time. "It's good to have you along, sir scribe."
He nodded to Aria and Abel as they, too, joined the rapidly strengthening party. The Gerudo's honed accuracy with her projectile weapon of choice would serve the group excellently on this travel. He responded to Abel's statement with mixed optimism. "I should like to hope that we won't be running into any sort of foes in those depths, although it is certainly a grim possibility. Your sword is appreciated here, friend."
"Ah, the infamous Myron Rockafeller," he spoke with a very vague tone of sarcasm as the suspiciously garbed mage drew closer to the party. "It is a pleasure to have a mage at our side. You may be of some use to us yet," he prodded jokingly. Only seconds after making this sentiment, he was surprised to see the one called Alpha appear at his side. "Ah, it is good to see you..." Valens looked at the pair of cloaked mages and raised an eyebrow. "I see that black cloaks are making a comeback... it must be a mage thing."
The next to arrive were Simon and the Zora boy named Taint. Valens flashed an amused smile at the clashing fairy and Zora duo as they arrived. Turning to Simon, the General gave a salute and acknowledged his presence with a smile. Moments later, two Gorons had arrived as well. He greeted Eberron warmly and showed great relief when Rosen appeared. "It is good to see you alive and well, sir Goron. I can assure you that such a close call won't be happening on this expedition. There will be no fatalities on my watch." Camron gave a smirk and a grunt, and was met with a "Quiet, you."
Now that the group had reached a decent enough size, Valens spoke to all of the assembled adventurers. "My comrades, you have gathered here today for the purpose of exploration. As you remember, a second passage was found leading deeper into the unknowns of this pass. We are going there. At the very least, we can be sure that the North-South Pass is liberated of Ganon's horde."
He turned and gestured towards their destination. "It would be a long trek by foot. Onogoron has agreed to take us by caravan to the second passage, where we will continue on foot." A wagon pulled up, just in time for their departure. A cheery Goron greeted them from his seat. "All aboarrrd!" he called.
Valens nodded. "You heard the man. Let's move." The commanding officer climbed into the cart, beckoning the others to do the same. Onogoron could be heard murmuring something that sounded close to "Aww, wherrre's my little barrrd frrriend?"
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:39 pm
by Kokiri Wolf
Aria vaulted over the side of the wagon with ease. As she was the first onboard, Onogoron and Valens aside, she moved to the front of the wagon in a seat behind the Goron driver. She didn't want people to climb over her, especially the Gorons.
"At the very least, we can be sure that the North-South Pass is liberated of Ganon's horde."
"Every army has deserters," the Gerudo commented. "Cowards afraid of duty. And they may grow a backbone if cornered, so I pray to Hathera we're not seeking a fight."
"Aww, wherrre's my little barrrd frrriend?"
Miss Sinwater looked around. Indeed, Victor was no where in sight. She frowned; the ranger may not have made friends with the bard, but she suspected that she would miss his supportive magicks if they did enter into battle.
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:44 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Royal Guard wrote:"My comrades, you have gathered here today for the purpose of exploration. As you remember, a second passage was found leading deeper into the unknowns of this pass. We are going there. At the very least, we can be sure that the North-South Pass is liberated of Ganon's horde. It would be a long trek by foot. Onogoron has agreed to take us by caravan to the second passage, where we will continue on foot."
Onogoron wrote:"All aboarrrd!"
Aww man... This sounds too important for my shoddy skills... How do I always find myself in these situations? Taint's body hung in defeat, for he already knew that any mission he seemed to accept, monsters would creep out of the most unexpected places. Never an easy come, easy go- Oh no! That would be far too convenient for the Zora. "Let's get em' Taint!" Lilly exclaimed, tugging on the fin hanging from the right side of his head. "Yeah, yeah..." He muttered, climbing into the caravan.
Lilly danced around excitedly, occasionally bopping Taint in the side of the face. "Hey, hey! Calm down! Adventure isn't all fun and games you know. Things get dangerous, and sometimes, it happens so fast that you have no idea what happened!" He looked around for the mercenary that set the last wagon ablaze, and breathed a sigh of relief to see that he was nowhere in sight. "You'd better stay close to me, or you could end up in a lot of trouble, especially in uncharted caves."
Lilly floated down into the Zora's lap, and nestled into his pants. "I- I'm sorry. I'll stay closer than your shadow, I promise." Suddenly, Taint felt bad for being stern, and held out one of his fingers for her to hug and rest on, which she graciously accepted. She fell asleep almost instantly.
Poor thing... Wore herself out right as the adventure is beginning.
Taint smiled at her sleeping form, and turned his eyes upward to see if anyone was getting into the caravan. He suddenly realized that he was sitting in the middle of one of the benches, and scooted over to the far side to make room for those climbing in to join him.
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:14 pm
by Abel
OOC RG I didn't see any Kagari posts at all.
RG Edit: Sorry about that, Abel. No hard feelings
This fossil of a Royal Guard should keep his eyes better peeled, hm?
Abel learned to simply follow orders. He jumped into the caravan and began to ponder who they would be fighting this time. "I actually wouldn't mind for a challange this time around." Abel muttered to himself.
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:38 pm
by shadowlink13
Darilan did as he was told and hopped aboard. He recalled the events that happened after the last time he climbed onto a cart. It would be best if he could do things right this time, by not falling in battle, for one.
He thought about what Aria said for a moment. If cowards can grow backbones, then warriors could likewise become spineless. With a larger army, the Hyruleans could make the beasts cower in fear, then brush them aside. However, they were but a small band of people with a few skills, so they would have to do this the old fashioned way.