A zora's demise

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Roi Yaru Level 1
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Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:35 pm
I’m trembling.

Because of the cold? Because of the pain? Because of the fear?

I don’t understand . . .

I’m surrounded by whiteness, cold and blank. I spin around, searching desperately for some familiar sight. Some sign that I’m still . . . I don’t know, alive?

Alive or not, there’s nothing here. Nothing but the boy and this whiteness. Suddenly, however, he saw something, out of the corner of my eye. He turn and look, hope rising up in my chest, then dying still born when he saw it. It looks almost like a ripple. A huge, dark, ripple in the whiteness. He swallowed hard and took several steps back as the ripple advances, picking up speed as it comes. Some buried alive instinct thumps deep in my chest: this is going to hurt.

He whirl around in an attempt to run from the ripple, but He took no more than two steps before it reaches Him, and knocks him to the ground, sending pain searing through him. Every inch of the boy burns with a pain unlike anything I’ve ever felt before . . .

Or has it?

Blurred images run through his mind. A tall, imposing man, with ember eyes glaring at me with a venomous look. He saw him raising his hands, and . . .

He screamed as the pain increased.

"Hero of Time . . ." A voice whispers. Gritting his teeth he force my eyes open, peering around himself. The whiteness is gone, replaced with an absolute dark.

"Who’s there?" he cry around the pain. He press a hand tightly to his stomach and work his way up to his knees. "Who’s there?!"

"HERO OF TIME!" Screams a voice from behind me. He whirl around just in time to see an ebony figure lunging at him, three feet of black steel gleaming in his hand.

"Wha . . ." Without wasting any more time on half formed words, he roll out of the way and attempt to leap to his feet. The pain abruptly increases however and I cry out and crumple to the ground.

"HERO OF TIME!" The figure screams again. He leaps at me again and he struggle to roll out of the way, but he isn't fast enough. His black blade slides through my stomach, impaling me. He gasp and his eyes go wide, even as his hands clutch at the blade inside of him. The figure smiles wolfishly down at me.

He looks so familiar . . .

He looks . . . like . . . me . . .
"Your blood," he whispers, "will open the seal . . ."
He then suddenly awoke in front a castle of some sort. He was from the Zora domain, he has never witnessed it, only heared of it. He crawled to his feet as his blueish green skin glimmered in the bright sun. He had a sword in it's shieth (OOC: I can't spell. :shock: ) to his side. On his stomach, there was a scar. It was kinda black, but was almost invisable to people that don't study his chest. He had a hat the covered his face and a satch-belt like thing going from right shoulder to waist connecting to his belt that held his sword and his Farore's wind.
When a person takes up arms, they are trying to protect something. It may be their own life...their status...their honor...someone they love...something they believe in...be it good or bad, there's no difference in their desire to protect.

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Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:09 pm
OoC: "Shieth" is spelled as "sheath" if that helps you out. ;D

IC: Keychain tilted her head. The short, ashy red locks tickled at her creamy white skin. Her blue, vibrant eyes stared at the scene that was unfolding before her. Before, she was only told tales about Zoras, but now she had one standing so close by. It was by luck, she guessed. Keychain had turned around after speaking briefly to the stall man trying to sell her some goods. And he was just there, in her line of vision.

It was strange, seeing someone so different. Gorons were pretty popular, yes, but now she was seeing a Zora standing not far from her. She wasn't so sure what to do. Go up and talk to him? Watch him until he leaves? Or just plainly ignore him and go on with her life?

A long, piercing sigh went through her chest. Keychain closed her eyes for a short time, the long, black lashes brushing against her cheek. She glanced at the Zora again, wondering deeply what one was like. Rubbing a hand through her dark red hair, she took one deep breath, and boldly walked over to him.

"Hello," she said, "Um, are you new in town?" Keychain swept some of her hair out of her face before holding out her hand in a polite way. "My name is Keychain. Who are you?"
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Roi Yaru Level 1
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Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:58 pm
OOC: Thanks....Pureinnocence.

IC: The zora stood up straight and extended his fins for a minute, noticing the girl that was coming toward him. He waved his hand and he shrink his fins back. He then looked at her and spoke. "Hello, Yea I'm new. I came here to see it and it is ...huge. Are you one of the people who live there?" He asked. He then noticed the next thing she said. Keychain, what a weird name, but mine is to. "Hello, Keychain I am Roi Yaru." He answered. He then looked at his surrounding. There were many shops in this part of the city and in the distance there were towers. He then looked up at the sky. It was clearer then the water in the domain or so he thought.
When a person takes up arms, they are trying to protect something. It may be their own life...their status...their honor...someone they love...something they believe in...be it good or bad, there's no difference in their desire to protect.

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:29 pm
"Yes, I am one of the people who lives here. Well, not here, here, since we would sitting on my doorstep if that was true." She laughed pitifully. Keychain shook her head lightly and started to fiddle with the ends of her shirt. The white stitching showed at the ends of the shirt, striking against the rose pink coloring.

"Roi Yaru," Keychain pronounced. She frowned lightly. Was that one word or two? Sometimes people separated her name and she got ticked off when it did happen. "It's nice to meet you, Roi Yaru. To tell you the truth, you're the first Zora I've ever seen. It might be because I don't cross boundaries of the North and South much." Keychain shrugged, smiling lightly.

"The towns are the most busiest," Keychain said, continuing to speak. "Outside from here, it is pretty quiet. But you have more of a risk of getting ambushed. Here, you mostly have to watch out for your rupees being stolen." Keychain laughed lightly, trying to make it funny. She let the humor die away quickly with a small shake of her head. "Anyway, the town is pretty big, yes. This town actually has an Inn. I use to work at it. Now I'm sharing work with a friend of mine at his clothing shop."
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Roi Yaru Level 1
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Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:19 pm
"I wouldn't want to get my rupees stolen, the little I have that is...A clothing store, do you make any Zora clothing," He asked with no thought really. He studied the skies blue-ness, reminding him of the waters that he swum in. Then with the flick of his eyes he looked at Keychain. He moved his hand toward his stomach and then rubbed it. Hunger and thirst started to rampage in him

"Ambush...I think I can hold out with this blade," He mentioned as he pulled his sword up a little. There wasn't many people out here, but Keychain and him. He decided to go search the town for something....Water. He moved toward the gate into the beautiful castle town of Hyrule. As he walked he stopped and kneeled, soon lifting a small fragment out of his satch and moving it toward the sunlight and looking through it. A small looking glass. It was a rainbowish color in the sunlight.
When a person takes up arms, they are trying to protect something. It may be their own life...their status...their honor...someone they love...something they believe in...be it good or bad, there's no difference in their desire to protect.

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Abel Level 5
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Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:50 pm
A man wearing a white robe with a red stripe near the bottom moved he had a case of five o'clock shadow moved torwards the zora with bow in hand looked at the Zora. "Interesting rock you have their." The mans black eyes studied the Zora looking from his sword and noting any body movements he would have.
Last edited by Abel on Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what? That you might escape the coming fire? Your world will burn until its surface is but glass!"

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:53 pm
Keychain thought carefully. Her blue eyes blinked continuously as she wondered about his question. Did they make Zora clothing? No, she did not think so. Did Zoras actually wear clothing? There might be a few, but Keychain had never had never met a Zora before and did not experience if they wore clothes or not. "Maybe, I'm not sure. Usually if someone wants a specific type of clothing, we'll make it."

"What's that?" Keychain questioned as she stared at the glass with slight interest. Why did he have that? "Do you need it for something?" Keychain couldn't help herself; she was curious and wanted to find things out on what he was doing.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Kagari Level 4
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Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:35 pm
Kagari walked from the shadows of the day, a tree that provided a simple amount of shade to hide in. He slowly moved toward the gatering group and away from the shadows, as he examined them. He realized that Keychain and Abel were both there, but who was the zora that was there? He got closer to them and then said a simple "hi."

Kagari was wearing a darkened cloak with his hood on. His white hair dangled out of the hood covering little pieces of his face. His eyes and face was still visable, though. He had his belt slanting of his pants barily. It has some holders. His farore's wind, his boomerang and a few other items were visable including his deku dagger attached to his belt. He had his silver quiver with a black cross designed onto it. In the quiver were arrows made of the finest wood he could get. To the right of the quiver was a black bow with golden lining hanging of his back.

OOC: Pureinnocence, is my post better?
Stand up for what's right, even if your standing alone!

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Roi Yaru Level 1
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Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:56 pm
The noticed the two that joined the gathering. One looked as if he was planning on attacking or just needs to sleep and shave and the other looked like a weird creep that hides in the shadows waiting for prey or something. He was scaried to see them both come toward him at the same time with bows, arrows and other things. Is this some assassination attempt, he thought.

He placed the glass stone into his satch and then he readied for an attack or something. He lifted his arm toward his sword.

He looked at Keychain with a strange look hoping she would explain who this people are, because he didn't know. "Ummm....Keychain this is just something I found swimming in the depth of the zora domain, I don't really know what it is for. I just like the colors and I heard from one of the zora elders that I found a piece of a mirror of the shadows or something like that, but I don't believe them," He explained as he grinned and waved to the two guys.
When a person takes up arms, they are trying to protect something. It may be their own life...their status...their honor...someone they love...something they believe in...be it good or bad, there's no difference in their desire to protect.

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Abel Level 5
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Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:17 pm
Altair saw the mans movement torwards the sword then he reliazed that he had blood on his hands. "My name is Altair and I mean you no harm for my job is done here. Also if I where you I would not doubt the elders rarley are they wrong."
You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what? That you might escape the coming fire? Your world will burn until its surface is but glass!"

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:24 pm
"It's really pretty," Keychain commented. She pushed some hair away from her face so that she could see it more properly. Her attention was pulled away from it quickly when Altair spoke. She stared at him with a curious expression. What was he doing there? And who was he? Keychain nodded her head slightly to him, so that she wouldn't seem rude if she ignored him.

There was another, Kagari. Keychain waved at him, knowing him much more than what she knew Altair. Turning back to Roi Yaru, Keychain spoke, "Altair already made his introduction. Kagari is over there hiding in the shadows. So far as I know, he's not harmless."

"It really doesn't look like anything that could be a mirror of shadows, but then again, that just might be stereotypical of me." Keychain wanted to pick up the mirror and examine it more closely, but if she grabbed it out of the blue, it might considered to be rude, and he might not want it to be touched. "May I. . .?" Keychain trailed off as she pointed to the mirror.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Kagari Level 4
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Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:08 pm
Kagari waved back to Keychain and then asked her "who the new person is..." He looked at him and the strange mirror thing. I want it, he thought. Kagari's unthoughtful replica to a treasure hunter was strange. He was always fascinated by shiny things for some odd reason. Was it the shine or the money it would bring?

OOC: Sorry it is short and that I didn't post for awhile I've been grounded.
Stand up for what's right, even if your standing alone!

STR 2/DEF 1+2/AGI3+3/INT3/SPI1/SPL 4(base x lv+spi) 3//HP: 30+10(exceptional health)40
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Roi Yaru Level 1
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Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:48 pm
When he heard Keychain's unfinished question he replied "You can touch it if you want, or look through it." He then looked at the cloaked stranger. "I'm Roi yaru, or Roi for short. Nice to meet you." He didn't like the fact that some strangers walked out of nowhere, but he was getting more friendly and comfortable. He sat on the ground and reached his hand with the glass mirror toward Keychain. "Don't break it," he warned. He then took notice to the one in white. "The elders might be right, but they have been wrong before. Everyone makes mistakes, even the smartest of people," He said to Altair.

He looked over to a tree and then back at the group. He then thought back to his days when he was at the domain. One person comes up the most. He was some what strange and seemed to have evil intention. His name was... Chaos.

OOC: Chaos will be an NPC, but I don't know if I want to let him join this topic, I'll let you choose.
When a person takes up arms, they are trying to protect something. It may be their own life...their status...their honor...someone they love...something they believe in...be it good or bad, there's no difference in their desire to protect.

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Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:05 pm
OoC: Sorry, guys, I've been in a writing slump.

IC: "Thank you," Keychain said as she crouched down. She gently held the mirror in her hands, terrified that she would break it. "It's lovely," she breathed as she held it up to the light. Her eyes watched as the light spread out the colors on the ground. "It's like a . . . diamond, or a while jewel." She handed it back. Keychain wanted to make sure she didn't damage it at all.

"So what brought you here? I mean, since I never see any Zoras around, it must mean that they are all that the Zora Domain, right? Not that I'm saying that they can't come here! Oh, I better shut my mouth." Keychain pressed her lips together, hard. The visible edges turned white from the pressure. What was making her so nervous? Was it because Roi Yaru was someone different from normal? No, that wasn't it, maybe it was being he was new.

OoC: Hm, Chaos? Maybe later on, it's a bit too early, no?
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Abel Level 5
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Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:14 am
"I belive simply that you are acting on infromation that you are not for sure of yourself. In my travels I often saw things that I couldn't belive was magical." Altair then sat down and puleed out his assasination tools to clean them.

OOC Chaos I could go either way.
You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what? That you might escape the coming fire? Your world will burn until its surface is but glass!"

DEF 3 +2 sheild +14 [chainmail] = 19
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