Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:35 pm
The courtyard was a buzz of activity once again. For a long time now, it had been quiet, with many of the Kingdom's inhabitants off fighting in the South. However, for just one short while, those with families have been allowed a reprieve to celebrate and see their loved ones. A new line of action figures featuring Leth had been released, and many of the Castle's children were busy pitting him against Worru in fiery, plastic battle.
A familiar figure took his place at the center of the area, his nose in the air and his blue hair glistening in the highest of fashions. "Now then! All of you celebrators, shut your peasant holes for one second whilst I talk!" He unrolled a lengthy, strawberry-scented scroll, and began to read from it. "Before we renew our surge into South Hyrule--that nasty pit of stench and worthlessness...really, is it worth fighting for?--enjoy your chance to celebrate and--oh, this is making me sick." He ripped the scroll to shreds. "Enjoy your lowly entertainment. There are dancers in the Caravan Quarter. Don't bring your children."
OOC: Happy Birthday, HA2! Let's usher in a new era of postperity!
A familiar figure took his place at the center of the area, his nose in the air and his blue hair glistening in the highest of fashions. "Now then! All of you celebrators, shut your peasant holes for one second whilst I talk!" He unrolled a lengthy, strawberry-scented scroll, and began to read from it. "Before we renew our surge into South Hyrule--that nasty pit of stench and worthlessness...really, is it worth fighting for?--enjoy your chance to celebrate and--oh, this is making me sick." He ripped the scroll to shreds. "Enjoy your lowly entertainment. There are dancers in the Caravan Quarter. Don't bring your children."
OOC: Happy Birthday, HA2! Let's usher in a new era of postperity!