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Studying the Enemies
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:20 pm
by shadowlink13
Darilan sits under a dead tree with several large diagrams of monsters common to Hyrule. These he drew himself, using life models (that were actually dead) and his basic knowledge. Even though he is inexperienced as a fighter, he somehow knows of a few weaknesses. If any fighting for him is to come, he must use his ability and exploit it. It would be excellent if he could become wise enough to teach the soldiers of Hyrule a few important things.
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:41 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Victor sees the unfamiliar Sheikah lounging under the tree. Curious, he walks over. Seeing the sketches, Victor realizes that he was in the presence of an artist. Without further hesitation, the bard spoke:
"Hello there! I see that you can draw quite well. Tell me, what are these diagrams supposed to be?"
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:49 pm
by shadowlink13
A grin lights up on Darilan's face. "Well, if you are asking me what they are, they can't be that good. Downright awful if you ask me." He hands Victor a diagram of a Goriya. "I am doing my best to come up with stratagies to defeat the monsters that plague Hyrule. I don't know much about them, but I have the feel for their weaknesses. Perhaps I can collaborate with someone within the military branch."
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:54 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Victor took the sketch. Holding it gingerly in his hands so as not to smudge it, he studied it while speaking:
"Hmm. Yes. Perhaps Captain Collonius will help?"
Taking his eyes off the diagram for a second, Victor looked at the Sheikah.
"By the way, I don't believe I know your name..."
Victor placed the picture on the ground then extended a friendly hand to the man.
"I'm Victor. What have you found out about the Goryias so far?"
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:33 pm
by phantompigcollector
Julian, in no rush to traverse the sands of Parapa, decides to stop at the two travelers. His eyes glance towards Darilan and Victor. He looks down upon the fierce looking sketch of a goriya. Without asking, he picks it up and examines the ruff details of the creature. It looks quite perplexing and comedic to the zora a he grins at the odd form of the animal.
"Quite the artist you are Darilan, though, I doubt you'll need any help with these drawings when your fighting such pitiful creatures. Any form of pain will kill them, there is no need to study there features at all plan to torture them. I hope not..."
'Actually, I do hope so.'
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:04 pm
by mikaudes
"Well that's interesting"said a Zora behind them.
It would be quite usefull to know how to best kill an enemy.
That information would surely help the Hylian Knights.
If there's anything I can do, don't doubt to ask it.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:06 pm
by shadowlink13
"I like to think of the Goriyas as a small step into a larger world," he responds to Julian as he stands up. "It is the only way to progress. Now, it's Goriyas, but what in the future? Something more powerful."
He turns to Victor and says, "Hi there. Darilan Somstren. Pleased to meet you. I know I have seen you before."
OOC: Are you sure Darilan and Victor have never met?
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:16 pm
by kamakaziplumber
OOC: Seen, yes. Met....well, I'm not sure. But I'm trying to keep track of it more accurately now, so I list the people I've met (including NPCs created by RPers) in my profile. It helps a lot. And by the way... I'm finally Level 5!!!
IC: Victor tilted his head slightly, as in a gesture of questioning, but his smile remained. Looking at Darilan, he said:
"Really? Why, I don't remember ever seeing you. But alas, my memory is quite poor."
Then, taking a look at the diagram once more, Victor asked:
"What have you found out so far?"
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:15 pm
by mikaudes
Alex looks at the group of people of which he recognizes Victor and that Zora which he had seen many times but never knew his name and a Sheikah
Hello!And taking a closer look to the Sheikah's sketch he said "That's a Goriya, right?...Oh sorry, I didn't even introduce myself"
I'm Alex of the Zora, born in Southern Hyrule of the zoran hero-blood family"
I think I've already met before but perhaps not...
Then, looking again at the Goriya draw he said" Why would you like to draw Goriya?Unless you wanted to make fun of him I guess...I know very little about them, besides that they're around the most stupid creatures in Hyrule, but if there's anything you need just say it...
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:59 pm
by shadowlink13
"Good to meet you then, Victor," says Darilan. "You too, Alex."