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Zach Nightt: Wandering Swordsman of the Unknown
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:20 am
by Zach98o
Name: Zach Nightt
Race: Hylan
Order: Neutral
HP: 40
STR: 3
DEF: 3
AGI: 2
INT: 1 (Though greatly smarter than he looks)
SPI: 1
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:20 am
by Zach98o
None (To be updated)
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:30 am
by Zach98o
Back Story
Rumors told of a king that would rise up onto the Throne of Nightts, and ancient kingdom where they secretly ruled the world. This tale, though, takes place in the far future, the current one, takes place in the ancient lands of Hyrule...
A mere boy, Zach was always different. He found beauty in the dumbest things, like weapons, always made people smile in a dark time, even when someone had died, and always saw the glass half full, even when there was almost nothing left. Many considered that he had no soul at all, but he had one for sure. It was his 16th birthday when he has placed with a gift, and a curse by an unknown man. The reason why he keeps his left arm hidden. Even then, he continues to wander the land, in search of new, exciting weapon designs, and master magic of every, and all elements.
To this day, he is currently 27, but he still looks like he was freshly 16. His current weapon of his own design went missing, and he decided to start his search in the Castle, looking for "The Blade of the Sunlight's Moon." Little did he realize, this would spark the begging of a tale of Destruction and Rebirth that will last until the end of time....
Occasionally, Zach is seen talking to himself, but when people question him, he says that it's not much of a deal for them to know yet, and walks off, but before he disappears, he tells them, "Some spirits wish to guide you to a better future." To date, no one knows the true secret of the curse that he was given...
Occasinally, after some training, this woman stays by Zach's side often, never leaving him. When combat arises, she vanishes like the wind. No one knows where she came from, who who she really is, only that her name is Luu
Even to him, Zach's past remains the biggest mystery...