Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:58 pm
Zach splashed about in the fountain, and threw water on some people. A few of them smiled, others were angry, and some actually jumped in. Zach was feeling great. Then he said to the crowd, "I CHALLENGE THE ROYAL GUARDS TO A WATER FIGHT!" He smiled. If he was thrown in the dungeon...well, "If we get in trouble....Totally worth it." he said.
OoC: Are the RGs even dead? Maybe some fun will cool them off this summer!
OoC: Are the RGs even dead? Maybe some fun will cool them off this summer!
"We all seek answers. Only the worthy can truly find them." -Unknown
"The ending of one Journey, the start of another. Death is not saying goodbye forever, just saying, 'see ya soon' to another Life." -Zach, Unknown Swordsman
HP: 40
STR: 3
DEF: 3
AGI: 2
INT: 1 (Though greatly smarter than he looks)
SPI: 1
"We all seek answers. Only the worthy can truly find them." -Unknown
"The ending of one Journey, the start of another. Death is not saying goodbye forever, just saying, 'see ya soon' to another Life." -Zach, Unknown Swordsman
HP: 40
STR: 3
DEF: 3
AGI: 2
INT: 1 (Though greatly smarter than he looks)
SPI: 1