The Wings of Heresy

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:42 pm
"And there was no after. There was only the abyss, and the terror of the beyond."


It was just another fine day in the central plaza of North Castle Town; the skies overhead a gentle blue, interrupted by a soft cloud every so often. The breeze that blew through town kept everyone's mind off of the rising heat of the season, and the various stalls, carrying goods from around the kingdom, reminded the citizens that the year was young and the time for planting soon.

The guards who patrolled the streets were likely not needed; the vast majority of Hyrule has been in a time of peace for a growing 12 years; these men were here simply to show that the royal army is still a presence.

No wars, no conflict, not since the last recursion of the exiles was crushed by the combined might of Hyrule's army, the Goron tribe's troops, the Zora's troop, and Hyrule's newest task force: the True Knights, a small, elite unit hand-picked by the crown to carry out the will of the royal family in times of war and tasked with overseeing the protection of Hyrule.

((Work in progress))

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