Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:19 pm
A lone sheikah male wearing a navy cloak with the hood up had just walked through the gate in mid-thought when a bard began to read aloud for him one of his poems knocking him out of his thoughts saying "Fear no more the heat o' the sun; Nor the furious winter's rages, Thou thy worldly task hast done-" before Kraven cut him off saying, "Not this time. Thank you anyway." and walked off toward the nearest home which happened to his and walked in.
STR: 3, DEF: 3 + 2(deku Shield) = 5 (Total), AGI; 2(BASE) + 3(RACE) = 5(TOTAL), INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 40(BASE) + 1(SPI) = 41(TOTAL)
Skill list
Shadowmeld - Once per three combat rounds, can attempt to remove self from combat for 1 round by becoming invisible
STR: 3, DEF: 3 + 2(deku Shield) = 5 (Total), AGI; 2(BASE) + 3(RACE) = 5(TOTAL), INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 40(BASE) + 1(SPI) = 41(TOTAL)
Skill list
Shadowmeld - Once per three combat rounds, can attempt to remove self from combat for 1 round by becoming invisible