A Note Fluttering in the Wind

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Zach98o Level 1
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Joined: Experience: 28
Class: Grunt
Rupees: 449
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Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:25 am
As the streets are filled with people about their business, a note, attached to a tree flutters.

I seek one who knows their way with a weapon! Find me in southern Hyrule Field to have a good old fashioned spar!

The note has no signature, only ending with the symbol of a crescent moon.

OoC: In Hyrule Field, point f42, I put my combat topic. Of course, with little to no net, this may take time, so apologies in advance.
"We all seek answers. Only the worthy can truly find them." -Unknown

"The ending of one Journey, the start of another. Death is not saying goodbye forever, just saying, 'see ya soon' to another Life." -Zach, Unknown Swordsman

HP: 40
STR: 3
DEF: 3
AGI: 2
INT: 1 (Though greatly smarter than he looks)
SPI: 1
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