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Cave #2- Kasei, Sovelis, Xanatos

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:46 pm
by Zelda Veteran
The cave was as long as it was dark, and the air grew a bit colder as the team walked further into the cavern. One could only imagine what trials lie ahead, as the sheer silence itself was deafening. Only the echo of their footsteps bounced around the cave as they walked.

After a good fifteen minutes of walking, something seemed... off. The group halted as new echo of footsteps erupted throughout the cavern. A figure suddenly emerged from the darkness, a man in a fox mask, covered head to toe to dark brown rags, and a black glove on each hand. He wore old worn out boots on his feet that were tied to his shins, likely for increased mobility. His mask looked like a keaton mask, except for that it was dark purple, and hand a couple of nicks and scratches on it. He donned tanto blades, one on his back, one his hip. Three kunai knives lined the other side of his hip, along with a couple of salves full of unidentifiable liquid. He stopped about twenty feet from the group, just on the edge of the shadows.

Finally, he spoke. "You've come far, yeah?" His voice sounded young, likely a man in his mid twenties. "But you're meddling in Ganon's affairs, and I've been sent here to put a stop to it, yeah." He widened his stance. "Kasei, Xanatos, and even Sovelis. You're all listed in Ganon's bingo-book, yeah? Yeah. It's gonna be a good payday."

Suddenly, there was a large boom that shook the foundation, some rubble falling from the cavern ceiling.

He laughed from behind his mask before rising back up. "Oh, and don't think that I'm one of your big scary trials, yeah. That's probably what's happening to your friends right now, yeah?" He grabbed on of the salves off of his hip, and tossed it into the air behind him. It exploded with a massive amount of flames that illuminated what appeared to be an endless sea of minotaur, Dark-Nut, and Garo bodies. "That was your trial. Would have been a tough one too, yeah? But no. I'm wiping you out myself, yeah. Dogura's whereabouts are on a need-to-know basis. You don't need to know. And your heads are worth more than all your King's silver."

He suddenly began dispersing into a wisp of smoke.

"Now you die... Yeah?"

A kunai knife flew from the darkness at a supernatural speed on a direct collision course with Xanatos' neck. Simultaneously, a bolt of lighting ripped through the darkness from the opposite direction targeting Kasei. At the same split second, the man appeared behind Sovelis, both blades incoming.

The fight was on.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:48 pm
by Sovelis
OoC: Jebuz! Right into the thick of things, eh? Also, Me and Nogare had come to the conclusion that Sovelis is the HA2 equivalent of Deadpool. Expect the worst, man.


"Bingo book? Do I get a prize?" the grizzled Tempest was unimpressed, almost mockingly so at the man whom it seemed had wiped out an army. Big deal. Sovelis had wiped out armies before, even managed to live through the end of a few different worlds from time to time. When you've had a few millennium's worth of memories crammed into your skull from the previous High Lords of the Tempests, everything eventually blurs together in the way that your not sure what happened to you, or to the previous Lords. Now, that doesn't mean that the current time frame was blurred. It actually meant he had uncountable lifetimes worth of perception and training.
And Gas. Really bad gas. Gas that would gut a goat. If It could hold a knife.
The entire time while they had been walking away from the main group, Sovelis had been leaving behind a trail of noxious gases that would put Ghoma's poison to shame. So, being behind him was the attacker's worst place to be. Especially when it didn't matter where you attacked someone who could simply say a single word, twitch a finger, simply stand still and do nothing, and you'd be a pile of protoplasmic goop.
"You're fast. But in my eyes, you might as well be standing still." The Tempest had partially unsheathed the sword on his back to stop one of the blades, his static-cloaked hand reaching up in anticipation of the other, white noise filling the cave, like a distant roar building up. "Besides. I hope you have bigger weapons than that. Hard to kill someone when they've walked between this life and the next more times than anyone can count."
You should still make him into a chimi. I'm hungry."

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:35 pm
by Kasei
OOC: Things needed to be rushed, it's been far too long since badassery was afoot.

Soon to die Foxguy wrote: "Kasei, Xanatos, and even Sovelis. You're all listed in Ganon's bingo-book, yeah? Yeah. It's gonna be a good payday."
Kasei cracked a dry smile at this, before sharing a look with Xanatos. You'd think that being reported dead would solve these kinds of things, hmm...? He mused. Honestly, after having come out against Jormund victorious, there weren't too many things to be done that impressed Kasei any more. Xanatos looked even less impressed, more annoyed.

As the mystery figure illuminated the cave, both of the Stars were able to view the corpses that lined the cave. "Garo..." Kasei said under his breath, wondering if any of those present were part of the grand tribes.
Interplanetarypurplythornypervert wrote: "That was your trial. Would have been a tough one too, yeah? But no. I'm wiping you out myself, yeah. Dogura's whereabouts are on a need-to-know basis. You don't need to know. And your heads are worth more than all your King's silver."
This twat certainly talks alot. The sheikah did not have much time to think further, as the battle was on. In a flash of movement, all three members of the group were under attack.

The throwing knives sped towards Xanatos a breakneck speeds, but found their momentum halted, hexagonal barrier of bright energy having formed between them and their target.

Similarly, the lightning missed it's mark by a mile, considering Kasei had used Shadow Hop to relocate closer to Sovelis, blade at the ready to counter the would-be assassin, to bifurcate him.

At the same time, small nodes of light lined the cave walls, growing and expanding, until the cavern was illuminated by the light of twenty or so energy blades, all pointed towards the threat.

With so much firepower at the ready, Kasei hardly had to worry about what action this man would take, he was more concerned with killing him face. Hell, I will RACE them...

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:28 pm
by Zelda Veteran
"You're fast. But in my eyes, you might as well be standing still. Besides. I hope you have bigger weapons than that. Hard to kill someone when they've walked between this life and the next more times than anyone can count."
A grim grin crept across the man's face beneath his mask. "How little you understand. Here's what you get for underestimating me, yeah!" His brought both of his blades around in a double arc. Suddenly, markings ran down the sides of the blades as if the runes themselves were alive. They covered the blades in sheer milliseconds. That's when Kasei suddenly popped into existence in front of him.

Well whadda ya know? He's quick. He thought as he halted his assault, and flipped backwards in midair, narrowly avoiding the mage's attack. It was during this flip that he noticed the large amount of light-based magic mounting an offense around him.

"WELL PLAYED!" He cried out as the swords fired from their positions. He was midair still, with no natural way to change his direction for a dodge. The swords zoomed in, creating a massive cloud of dust as they impacted the cavern floor. The dust hung high in the air alongside a silence that could have meant only one thing. As the dust settled, the view was more than disturbing. The man was pinned to the ground by each sword. Impaled in several locations, the man's body was motionless, aside from a random twitch now and again.

There was complete silence... And strangely enough, no blood. The man was skewered to the ground entirely, and not a trace of blood to show for it.


The man stated as pointed to one of the salves on his hip. It had been pierced by one of the swords- and then it explode into a massive cloud that encased the warriors within it. It was a dense fog that seemed to spread further and further of its own accord. It filled the cavern, and contrary to what one would believe, it was sweet to breath. Rather, it was quite addictive. It felt strangely hypnotizing, like a long drag on your first cigarette after a hard day's work.

There was a heavy thud somewhere in the fog, followed by a grunt. "Yeah... That really smarts, you know?" He quickly disappeared into the smoke. "You know, for as strong as you all are, you're a pretty dense bunch, yeah? Gotta say, I expected more." He taunted the blinded warriors. "You're probably realizing that this isn't just smoke by now. Yeah, this smoke once inhaled, seals your magic for a good five to ten minutes. Plenty of time for me to finish you all off, yeah. A shame you decided to include only magic users in your group. Could have used that Katsuro kid now, eh Kasei? Honestly, I might have the biggest problem with him, considering that blade of his. But yeah, I'll deal with that road when I go down it. Time to die."

Then the voice seized.

Kasei- Magic Sealed for 3 turns.
Sovelis- Magic Sealed for 3 turns
Xanatos- Magic Sealed for 1 turn. ::Resisted::

Suddenly, the man shot towards Sovelis, both blades at the ready, each filling with runes again. The three being experienced magi, each likely felt the magic that emanated off of the blades:

Sealing Runes.

Major trouble. This man was obviously prepared to deal with immortals. One cut deep enough, and Sovelis' soul would be sealed within the blades.

OOC: I agree, Kasei, things needed to pick up. 8)

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:26 pm
by Kasei
OOC: Which is why I suppose we should pick things up :D


Kasei patiently observed as the assassin dodged away from both Sovelis and himself, yet failed to avoid being lacerated by Xanatos' assault. Not so skilled, after all. Then, he observed the distinct lack of blood. Either a duplicate or a unique body...

And as the man pointed out the broken salve, Kasei reached up to cover his mouth - yet it was too late. He could feel the effects taking hold, inhibiting his magic. He shot a glance back to Xanatos, who seemed either unaffected or unconcerned with this change. "Honestly, it seems like nowadays everyone we meet is either immune to magic or can turn it off somehow." Kasei swore under his breath, before focusing back on the task at hand.
"You're probably realizing that this isn't just smoke by now. Yeah, this smoke once inhaled, seals your magic for a good five to ten minutes. Plenty of time for me to finish you all off, yeah. A shame you decided to include only magic users in your group. "
At this, both Kasei and Xanatos seemed to crack dry smiles, still waiting, observing, mentally preparing themselves for whatever assault might take place here.

And then the man shot forward, blades poised to cut down the tempest. Xanatos, of course, was more than willing to let Sovelis be sealed away, but Kasei was not so heartless. With swift movements, had placed himself between the Tempest and his assailant. With his blade, he swung up, to catch one of the enemies' swords in a block before lurching forward to twist his arm around the enemies'. At the same time, his free hand would shoot up to grab the man's other wrist in a crushing grip. The movements were fast, precise, as though they had been practiced daily.

"You'd be a fool to assume that magic is what allowed me to kill Jormund..."

OOC: That counter should really read:

Kasei: 3 turns until no difference
Xanatos: 1 turn until localized annihilation
Sovelis: 3 turns until the cave is reduced to a crater.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:18 pm
by Sovelis
No, the counter should read
Kasei: 3 turns until this Mountain is rubble
Xanatos: 1 turn until continent sinks like Atlantis
Sovelis: 3 turns until everything within .5 light-years are reduced to sub-atomic particles. or into one giant Beef Burrito. I'm leaning towards the burrito because I'm hungry.


A magic seal eh? Maybe someone should have told him that everyone here isn't just a mage? We've fought enough idiots that think turning off magic is all it takes to stop me, let alone Kasei? although I should avoid those blades. Look kinda nasty...
Ya, but now we can't turn him into assorted kinds of Mexican food.
"If you think magic is our only weapon, you have got to be the most mentally retarded assassin in this world." Sovelis ignored the cloud of mind-altering whatever best he could. besides, he's been to worlds that the air literally made him see the most amazing display of blue shapes and worse, so this was just a minor inconvenience. Although those glowing swords, he guessed, would hurt. Even if he didn't know about the soul-sealing they could perform, it helps when he is more-or-less a conglomerate of souls. Tempest Lord souls. Even if his soul was sealed, on of those would just take over. or vice-verse. But Sovelis doesn't know that. He just knows that Kasei was behind him, guarding his flank.
Seriously. I thought everyone here just wanted you dead, man?
Maybe. But if I die, they know they loose their big gun.

Sovelis had fought against and alongside Kasei more times than he could count. and that was a pretty high number. Knowing Kasei's fighting style better than most meant he could fight at his old freind/rival's side better than most. Maybe better than any of the Seven Stars. Sovelis had spun around, instinctivly using his left arm as a shield. It may look flesh and blood, but it still was just as mechanical as it had been before. With his right hand, he brought his sword downwards in an arc, using the force of unsheathing it to speed up the blade. "It is good to know at least your watching my back, my friend."
When this is all done, he'll be the only one we don't turn into an animal or some form of food.

Also, sorry it took so long to reply. I have no internet at home and have to use public wifi. I only get on once or twice a week...

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:41 pm
by Zelda Veteran
The movements were swift, and accurate too. The masked assailant halted his assault, and drew back.

How is he seeing me through the smoke? I've pulled out almost all the stops on these guys. What exactly are they?

He mulled over his options as he kept an eye on the lot.

To be both magical and physical on a genius level... This is absurd. How is it even possible? They've got to have a weakness. Everyone has some kind of blind spot.

Yigrin. Stand down.

The insipid voice rang out in masked man's head.

L-Lord Ganon? Are you certain? I can handle this, I just need more time.

Use the time that they cannot cast spells to escape. I have further uses for your abilities, and this isn't a high priority operation.

Lord Ganon, with all due respect, I've slain every target without fail for over 3000 years. Surely your faith in me isn't wavering now.

I will not repeat myself. You have your orders.

... Very well.

He took a couple of steps back, and put his hands on his hips.

"Three against one! Like that was fair anyways!"

He pouted for a moment before disappearing, along with the words:

"You're the first blemish on my perfect record. I'll be back for the three of you someday."

Those words echoed off of the cavern walls as the smokescreen fell. The way was clear for them to proceed forward.

OOC: Rushed post, sorry, life is getting in the way a lot lately. Finals and all that.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 3:36 pm
by Kasei
OOC: And here we all were, prepared for some badass fight.

Grah no internet sucks.


Kasei could feel his footwork subconsciously changing to accommodate Sovelis' presence, knowing full well that few were able to match his movements as well as the tempest. Under normal circumstances, this pair was more than capable of taking down any opponent, with Kasei working at close-range combat while Sovelis lays down a heavy array of offensive magic. Even without magic at their disposal, the two of them were more than capable of working in tandem.

But before their counterattack could truly begin, the enemy halted, took a step back, and vanished, but not before making a promise to return. " many is that now, five villains who are totally going to come back for revenge?" He chided, before straightening up and turning to Sovelis. "Not half-bad, Tempest."

Xanatos approached the pair. "I can feel the effects of his trap wearing off. If it's alright with you two, we can stop dancing around here and get moving." He stated in a flat tone, Kasei shooting him a quick glare. "These halls likely have more like him lying in wait, and something he said bothers me."

The two Stars shared looks before the conversation continued.

"If Ganondorf really intends to stop us from reaching Dogura, then that means the worst-case scenario is already in effect here, and the samurai needs to die." The Hylian continued. "More pressingly, according to our friend, Katsuro was a bigger threat to him than us. That only makes me worry about who they might have sent after the other group."

His musings done, Xanatos continued on down the tunnel, Kasei following shortly after.

OOC: And he was never seen again.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 2:49 pm
by Zelda Veteran
OOC: Well, my bad guy was more tethered to reality than your characters. He was a really skilled and intelligent bad guy with a couple of unique skills. Your characters are basically Gods and I realized that there was no way for Yigrin to compete with that. I pulled out all the stops and you guys had all the answers. So yeah, a retreat only made sense.


Down the tunnel, the darkness halted abruptly as a flickering torch in the room beyond.


Also, Nogare joined and then disappeared forever, so I'm posing in the other topic now.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:07 pm
by Sovelis
OoC: I'm so sorry guys for forgetting about this... but I just ended up homeless.


"I lost count how many people want revenge on me. It makes it easier for me that way" Sovelis snapped his sword back down into its sheath and turned to face the other two. He looked around and picked his staff back up from where it had somehow dropped. Most likely when he had grabbed for a bladed weapon.
I've kept count. Its about 3,457 different people, depending on temporal currents and alternate realities. and Multiverse theory.
"I didn't ask for an actual number." the Tempest snapped at himself, looking over his shoulder, away from Kasei and Xanatos angrily.
Did... did you just talk to yourself out loud? Dude, you're starting to loose it.
Paying no heed to the voice in the white boxes, Sovelis turned and headed down the hallway with intent, his staff clicking upon the worn stone of the cave floor. "Hey guys... there's a light ahead. Should we just throw in some explosions and clear it out to be safe?"