Streets of the Redead
Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:07 pm
The sky was a brilliant orange as the castle guard began to make their way up the stairs on the outer wall. The setting of the sun marked the start of their nightly routine: The guard would watch for the return of the Outer Patrol and give the clear for the drawbridge to be raised. It was an important routine: As the night crept in, so too did all manner of unsightly creatures. Night time in the fields of Hyrule was not a safe place to be, and the raising of the drawbridge prevented the ghastly monsters from entering the town and terrorizing it's citizens.
This system had proven to be a simple but effective method of repelling monsters for countless centuries, and the night time terrors outside the walls had not entered the minds of the townspeople for equally as long. The drawbridge was simply another facet of life that, for the less adventurous folk who never left the safety of the town, was of absolutely no importance. The sky was blue, the grass was green, and there was a drawbridge at the town gate that came up at night. Such was life.
So as Shem the Knight looked over the parapet and saw the cloud of dust signalling the safe return of the Outer Patrol, there was no question in his mind that tonight would be any different from normal. He looked back down at the gatehouse at the base of the wall, and signaled that the patrol was returning right on schedule. The guard waved back, acknowledging the signal, and retreated inside the gatehouse to prepare to raise the drawbridge.
The sky was beginning to turn into a dusky dark blue as the patrol reached the Castle Town Entrance. A fog had begun to roll in from the east, slightly obscuring Shem's view as he observed their return. As the last soldier atop his horse made his way across the drawbridge, Shem gave the call.
"All clear!" He shouted, and turned around to make his way back to the barracks, where a hot meal was waiting for him and his brigade. As he approached the first step, he stopped, and listened. Something wasn't right. There was no familiar clanking of chains. He turned back around to see that the drawbridge had not yet started to rise.
Perhaps he didn't hear me. Shem thought as he made his way down the stairs, his pace picking up. When he reached the bottom of the stairway and the drawbridge was had still not moved, he began to worry. As Shem strode towards the gatehouse, he crossed in front of the town entrance and cast a glance out at the fields. It was beginning to get truly dark, and the fog was getting thicker by the minute. He frowned, and reached for the handle on the gatehouse when it was flung open by a panicked soldier.
"S-s-sir! The drawbridge, it... I..."
"What is it, soldier? Spit it out!" Barked Shem at the man.
The younger soldier swallowed hard and said nervously, "The chain, sir... it's been cut."
Shem was taken aback. "What do you mean? The chain looks fine from here; I didn't notice any slack." Shem said as he brushed past the young man, going inside to look at it himself.
"No sir... it was done internally. I made to raise the drawbridge, sir, as we always do, and there weren't no resistance when I turned the wheel. The chain slid right out of it's place inside the gatehouse - cut cleanly in two not but a few feet from the pulley, sir." the soldier said as he followed Shem inside. Sure enough, it was just as he had said - the chain lay piled up on the floor, one of the links severed right at it's midsection.
Shem's mind raced and heart beat faster as he contemplated what this meant. Someone had sabotaged the inner workings of the drawbridge. Intentionally. It was no easy feat to get at the chains; the gatehouse was constantly guarded and the area where the chain had been cut was hidden away behind the brick of the wall. There was magic involved here, no doubt.
Shem rushed outside. It was truly dark now. He squinted as he looked out across the moat, and his blood froze.
[Music: Danger Approaches]
Through the murky darkness of the fog, Shem could see shifting shadows as something approached. The closer it came, the more Shem could see. It wasn't just a handful of creatures... it appeared to be a vast sea of moving bodies. The moans and groans of the approaching creatures told Shem all he needed to know -
"Redead." He whispered, frozen in fear. A shriek pierced the air behind Shem as one of the townspeople caught a glimpse of what Shem saw, reminding him of his duty. Quick as a flash, he grabbed the horn at his waist and blew on it with all of his might, signalling the rest of the guard. The note echoed ominously over the town as Shem Turned around to take size up the situation.
Most of the people have gone home... but there's still a few people left in the courtyard. No time to escort them home. We have to get them to safety.
"Listen to me!" He shouted as loud as he could over the growing panic. "Everyone find the nearest building and lock yourselves inside! No time to gather your things or go home; just get to the closest shelter now!" Fortunately most of the remaining Townsfolk were nowhere near the town entrance, but there were a handful of people who had nowhere to run but the two gatehouses on either side of the gate. Shem briefly considered closing the massive wooden doors at the gate, but the were more decorative than protective, and Shem wasn't sure he'd be able to get them closed in time. They were big. Besides, with an undead army of that size bearing down on them, it was only a matter of time before they would break down the gate and then they would be fighting the creatures inside the town, something Shem did not want.
No, better to meet them in battle outside of the town and prevent them from getting any closer. he thought as he readied his spear and shield.
This was the plan that he told the first troops as they arrived. Indeed, the Outer Patrol had not had time to get very far from the town gate before Shem's trumpet had called them back, and they arrived in record time, riding back out the gate and across the drawbridge to face the oncoming horde. Shem grabbed a couple of the guards running past him towards the drawbridge and said, "I need you to get inside the gatehouses - one on each side, and protect the citizens inside with your life. Hopefully nothing will get inside these walls, but the people will need someone to protect them should the worst happen." And he sent them on their way, each soldier entering one of the gatehouses. A metallic click moments later indicated that the doors were locked.
[Music: Battling the Dead]
Shem turned back towards the drawbridge, and the sound of battle, to see that a small handful of monsters had managed to slip past the guards battling on the drawbridge among the hectic, nightmarish fighting. With a shout, Shem rushed towards the first monster - a gibdo, wrapped in rotting cloth - and thrust his spear deep into its mummified gut. The gibdo let out an unearthly screech and grabbed hold of the spear, pulling Shem towards itself. Shem responded by delivering a solid kick to it's abdomen, wrenching the spear out of it's body and sending the monster stumbling back with a dreadful howl. A final swing of his spear left the monster headless, and it fell to the ground, never to move again.
Shem glanced around and saw, to his dismay, that the other monsters were already advancing further into the courtyard - 3 Redeads and 3 more Gibdos - and two of the redeads were already almost upon the doors of the gatehouses.
It was at that moment that Shem spotted you.
"You there! We have to keep the stragglers from getting inside the city walls! I trust in the strength of our forces to keep the large chunk of the creatures at bay, but there are bound to be a few that slip through! We cannot let them harm the citizens!" He shouts to you as he moves to attack one of the redeads.
While one of the redeads and all three gibdos spot you, and begin advancing towards you, the two redeads seem intent upon getting the fresh, fearful flesh they can smell on the other side of the gatehouse doors. You could protect yourself and attack the monsters quickly approaching you, but the redeads will surely be upon the doors of the gatehouse in mere moments, and who knows how long those doors will hold up against their attacks.
Decide quickly... the monsters approach.

This system had proven to be a simple but effective method of repelling monsters for countless centuries, and the night time terrors outside the walls had not entered the minds of the townspeople for equally as long. The drawbridge was simply another facet of life that, for the less adventurous folk who never left the safety of the town, was of absolutely no importance. The sky was blue, the grass was green, and there was a drawbridge at the town gate that came up at night. Such was life.
So as Shem the Knight looked over the parapet and saw the cloud of dust signalling the safe return of the Outer Patrol, there was no question in his mind that tonight would be any different from normal. He looked back down at the gatehouse at the base of the wall, and signaled that the patrol was returning right on schedule. The guard waved back, acknowledging the signal, and retreated inside the gatehouse to prepare to raise the drawbridge.
The sky was beginning to turn into a dusky dark blue as the patrol reached the Castle Town Entrance. A fog had begun to roll in from the east, slightly obscuring Shem's view as he observed their return. As the last soldier atop his horse made his way across the drawbridge, Shem gave the call.
"All clear!" He shouted, and turned around to make his way back to the barracks, where a hot meal was waiting for him and his brigade. As he approached the first step, he stopped, and listened. Something wasn't right. There was no familiar clanking of chains. He turned back around to see that the drawbridge had not yet started to rise.
Perhaps he didn't hear me. Shem thought as he made his way down the stairs, his pace picking up. When he reached the bottom of the stairway and the drawbridge was had still not moved, he began to worry. As Shem strode towards the gatehouse, he crossed in front of the town entrance and cast a glance out at the fields. It was beginning to get truly dark, and the fog was getting thicker by the minute. He frowned, and reached for the handle on the gatehouse when it was flung open by a panicked soldier.
"S-s-sir! The drawbridge, it... I..."
"What is it, soldier? Spit it out!" Barked Shem at the man.
The younger soldier swallowed hard and said nervously, "The chain, sir... it's been cut."
Shem was taken aback. "What do you mean? The chain looks fine from here; I didn't notice any slack." Shem said as he brushed past the young man, going inside to look at it himself.
"No sir... it was done internally. I made to raise the drawbridge, sir, as we always do, and there weren't no resistance when I turned the wheel. The chain slid right out of it's place inside the gatehouse - cut cleanly in two not but a few feet from the pulley, sir." the soldier said as he followed Shem inside. Sure enough, it was just as he had said - the chain lay piled up on the floor, one of the links severed right at it's midsection.
Shem's mind raced and heart beat faster as he contemplated what this meant. Someone had sabotaged the inner workings of the drawbridge. Intentionally. It was no easy feat to get at the chains; the gatehouse was constantly guarded and the area where the chain had been cut was hidden away behind the brick of the wall. There was magic involved here, no doubt.
Shem rushed outside. It was truly dark now. He squinted as he looked out across the moat, and his blood froze.
[Music: Danger Approaches]
Through the murky darkness of the fog, Shem could see shifting shadows as something approached. The closer it came, the more Shem could see. It wasn't just a handful of creatures... it appeared to be a vast sea of moving bodies. The moans and groans of the approaching creatures told Shem all he needed to know -
"Redead." He whispered, frozen in fear. A shriek pierced the air behind Shem as one of the townspeople caught a glimpse of what Shem saw, reminding him of his duty. Quick as a flash, he grabbed the horn at his waist and blew on it with all of his might, signalling the rest of the guard. The note echoed ominously over the town as Shem Turned around to take size up the situation.
Most of the people have gone home... but there's still a few people left in the courtyard. No time to escort them home. We have to get them to safety.
"Listen to me!" He shouted as loud as he could over the growing panic. "Everyone find the nearest building and lock yourselves inside! No time to gather your things or go home; just get to the closest shelter now!" Fortunately most of the remaining Townsfolk were nowhere near the town entrance, but there were a handful of people who had nowhere to run but the two gatehouses on either side of the gate. Shem briefly considered closing the massive wooden doors at the gate, but the were more decorative than protective, and Shem wasn't sure he'd be able to get them closed in time. They were big. Besides, with an undead army of that size bearing down on them, it was only a matter of time before they would break down the gate and then they would be fighting the creatures inside the town, something Shem did not want.
No, better to meet them in battle outside of the town and prevent them from getting any closer. he thought as he readied his spear and shield.
This was the plan that he told the first troops as they arrived. Indeed, the Outer Patrol had not had time to get very far from the town gate before Shem's trumpet had called them back, and they arrived in record time, riding back out the gate and across the drawbridge to face the oncoming horde. Shem grabbed a couple of the guards running past him towards the drawbridge and said, "I need you to get inside the gatehouses - one on each side, and protect the citizens inside with your life. Hopefully nothing will get inside these walls, but the people will need someone to protect them should the worst happen." And he sent them on their way, each soldier entering one of the gatehouses. A metallic click moments later indicated that the doors were locked.
[Music: Battling the Dead]
Shem turned back towards the drawbridge, and the sound of battle, to see that a small handful of monsters had managed to slip past the guards battling on the drawbridge among the hectic, nightmarish fighting. With a shout, Shem rushed towards the first monster - a gibdo, wrapped in rotting cloth - and thrust his spear deep into its mummified gut. The gibdo let out an unearthly screech and grabbed hold of the spear, pulling Shem towards itself. Shem responded by delivering a solid kick to it's abdomen, wrenching the spear out of it's body and sending the monster stumbling back with a dreadful howl. A final swing of his spear left the monster headless, and it fell to the ground, never to move again.
Shem glanced around and saw, to his dismay, that the other monsters were already advancing further into the courtyard - 3 Redeads and 3 more Gibdos - and two of the redeads were already almost upon the doors of the gatehouses.
It was at that moment that Shem spotted you.
"You there! We have to keep the stragglers from getting inside the city walls! I trust in the strength of our forces to keep the large chunk of the creatures at bay, but there are bound to be a few that slip through! We cannot let them harm the citizens!" He shouts to you as he moves to attack one of the redeads.
While one of the redeads and all three gibdos spot you, and begin advancing towards you, the two redeads seem intent upon getting the fresh, fearful flesh they can smell on the other side of the gatehouse doors. You could protect yourself and attack the monsters quickly approaching you, but the redeads will surely be upon the doors of the gatehouse in mere moments, and who knows how long those doors will hold up against their attacks.
Decide quickly... the monsters approach.
Have fun with this oneGibdo x3
STR - 6; DEF - 12; AGI - 1; INT - 1; SPI - 5; SPL - 1; HP – 30
Redead x3
STR - 4; DEF - 8; AGI - 1; INT - 1; SPI - 1; SPL - 1; HP - 20
Screech of Fright - Once per turn, a Redead may unleash a terrifying screech that paralyzes all opponents on the battlefield. Unless an Innate Check of 10 is passed, the warriors cannot attack until the following turn (After the Redead in question has had another chance to attack).
Gatehouse Door x2
HP - 10