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Serenade by the lake

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:08 am
by mikaudes
Aftera long walk in the darkness of the forest, you can see a a spot of light at the end, yes! you made it to the end of the forest; you walk towards the light to find two things:One, you came up at the shore of the lake, and two, you are not alone...

There is a campfire wich seems to have run out not long ago, then you hear it, it is soothing sound, music, that comes not far away from where you are; after following it, you see a bunch of persons playing their instruments...
There is a red haired Human sitting on the ground playing the flute...
A rough Goron plays happily the drums...
A standing Zora plays his guitar feeling the rythm in his body...
And lastly, a beautyfull young Hylia sitting on a stump plays her harp as gently as the water of the lake, her hands move slowly, taking the sound out f her harp and into your heart...
When they finally notice you they slowly begin to stop slowly; at the end, only the goron keeps playing his drums, when he notices nobody else is playing, he stops and opens one eye...

"What? Are we done already?" said the goron confused
"Oh c'mon Daron, don't be rude and greet the newcomer" replied the Zora, looking at the goron and then at you
"Stop fighting you two" said the human with a smile

Then the Hylia looks at you with her penetrating green eyes
" Excuse me, what is your name?"

OOC: How will it continue, I'm not sure, but I'll make it up depending on your postings, I hope you had no trouble finding this as this is not a very visited place :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:09 pm
by Marin
As Denning approaches, wondering where the music was from, he tried to hide, but alas, it failed.
"I am Denning, an adventuring cleric, my healing powers have saved many a life. I heard your songs, and wanted to listen more, thou art quite good if I may say. Please, play more, it soothes the soul."

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:15 am
by kamakaziplumber
Being a bard himself, Victor is naturally drawn towards the music. Allowing the sounds to lead him out of the forest, he finds himself surrounded by the pleasant sounds of a small bands. Victor closed his eyes and enjoyed the sweet melody, happy that he was able to listen to music without having to play it himself.

But when the playing suddenly halted, Victor opened his eyes once more. A small frown played on his face at first, but then he saw Denning, and the bard's joviall smile returned. Deciding to introduce himself as well, Victor spoke up.

"I am Victor, a bard such as yourself. Or at least, I assume that you are all bards. But please, don't let us interrupt you. Continue to play!"

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:35 pm
by mikaudes
As they heard Denning and Victor's intro, the group began to introduce themselves...

"I'm called Tuck, and I'm (somewhat) the leader of the group" said the human standing up
"I'm Kamaku, but just call me Kam" the Zora said as he leaned on his guitar
"The name's Daron, pals" tha goron walked to where Victor and Denning where standing and gave them both a friendly goron hugh :P
"And my name is Karine" finished the Hylia with a smile
"Sorry if we stoped it is just that we thought nobody was here, but you really seem to apreciate our music" said Tuck
"Yeah, we are not used to have public in the forest, except, squirrels, fishes..."said Kam
" and trees" continued Daron
"And ourselves!" said both at once, then they started laughting

Then, Kari stands and walks towards Victor
"I can see that you play the harp, too" looking at Victors harp (OOC: asuming that you have the harp, sorry if I messed it up), and then looking at it carefully "That is no common harp, isn't it?"

...(OOC: this means that something happened here but I like too skip it and make you do the rest, hehe)

"Well, enough of introductions, you came here by our music, then we're going to play it"said Kam grabing his fish guitar
"Hey, I'm suposed to say that" argued Tuck as they started playing; again, that relaxing atmosphere fills the atmosphere...

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:43 pm
by kamakaziplumber
OOC: I figured that you wanted me to fill in the blank. To tell you the truth, I hadn't decided whether or not Victor would have the harp yet in this topic. But since you brought it up, I might as well use it.

IC: Having almost forgotten about his father's harp, Victor seemed a little startled at the question. After the initial shock, however, the bard smiled and reached around his back for the instrument, bringing it forward and showing the girl.

"No, it's not. This harp was my father's; he passed it down to me recently. It has certain... powers. You see, it can play any sound imaginable. The strings are..."

Lowering his voice a little, Victor leaned towards Karine and spoke:

"The strings are hair of the goddesses..."

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 5:47 pm
by Marin
"Victor, you never know who may be listening, do you think its wise to give those you don't know such information?"

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 5:51 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Victor turned to Denning and smiled.

"I think it's pretty safe. You heard what they said; there isn't anyone around here usually. And besides..."

The bard unsheathed his dagger and began to battle an invisible foe, attempting to show his skill.

"... I can take anyone who might start some trouble."

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:38 pm
by Marin
"Ha, if this foe knows of that harp, he would most lickly be pretty powerful, but I supose it is a litlle safe here."

Denning sits down and gazes at the stars.