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Great, Glorious, (Boring) Awakening-Return

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:10 pm
by weienw

Dressed only in a gray undershirt and mildly baggy pants to match, Arco steps out into the bright noonday sunlight of the courtyard. Arms spread to their full span as his jaw nearly unhinges (somewhat reminiscent of a Rope), he sounds the traditional Goronic morning call.


He then wipes the sleep from his eyes, blinks rapidly, and then glances upward, letting the brightness shine some depth into his grey irises. You see that his short, dark hair sticks out in all of a hundred different directions--as if one very bored cow just spent a lot of time licking his hair. Ineffectually, Arco tries to mat it down, and then drops his hands in order to get a better look at... you.

"Hello," he says, and then falls silent. Until you speak (and even while you do), you are washed over by the oddest feeling... as if your entire body is being digested into pieces at a molecular level and being sucked in by the Bard's eyes. Pretty soon, you've diagnosed his brand of eye-contact as just plain freaky. As if he's got a tome of information on you somewhere, and he's updating it right now. Or something.

How long have I been sleeping?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:56 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Seeing the Shiekah emerge from his rest, Victor, too, found the need to rub his eyes. But, luckily, they were not decieving him; Arco had returned.

Walking towards him, Victor smiled.

"Arco? Is that you? Where have you been? Asleep!? You sure have missed a lot!"

Noticing Arco's strange stare, the Hylian bard felt a little awkward, but decided not to say anything. Instead, he chuckled at the sight of Arco's half-asleep demeanor. Still smiling, Victor punched him playfully in the shoulder.

"You better wake up! You've got a lot of catching up to do..."

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:40 pm
by weienw
But, luckily, they were not decieving him; Arco had returned.
Ooh, the pressure's on now for me to stay active XD!


Arco starts slightly, as if snapping out of his 'trance.' He awkwardly bares his teeth, incorrectly assuming that the facial expression is synonymous with a smile.

"Victor. How are you," he states flatly. "Yes, the Gorons sometimes sleep through the colder seasons, if..." his voice drops off after a few words, and the Sheikah has another attempt at a grin. It's dreadful.

"Yes, I have a lot of catching u--ah!" Arco responds, stiffening at Victor's clipping his shoulder. After taking a moment to realize that it was a friendly gesture, he resumes his 'smile' (but places one hand on his shoulder where the punch landed, though clearly not hurt).

"Good to be back," he murmurs, finally.