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A Speach for the people

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:20 am
by Burning Monkey
A small group of people stand around a cart that is currently being used as a stage of sorts where a man is speaking in a loud voice and handing out red fliers.

“Listen people! We are in a state of disarray! A state of imbalance! A state that is Hyrule! Should not all people share in the bounty of what we have earned? Why do only a select few govern us? I ask you did we choose them? Few people own the land, but should not the miners own the mine and not the Forman! Join us as we seek, speak with us so that we may all learn! Join the movement for the Peoples Democratic State of Hyrule!

OCC: I love discussing philosophy, and political philosophy is, well, sticky, but realy fun! So I hope I can get some good in Character discussions going. Oh, and this does have a bit to do with my story...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:03 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Dogura speaks up amoung the crowd... Yes, you have a very good point!
A democratic republic.... Just crazy enough to work! I will join you in your in your quest to get that wich you seek...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:39 pm
by Burning Monkey
“Excellent!” cries the man on the cart. “This man can feel the pulse of you, the working people. The rich just care about staying rich, while those who have not, remain with nothing. All workers need to rise up and demand fare and equal ownership of the means of production. Secondly we work towards a government that is elected from the populous. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from the heredity of nobility.”
The man hands down one of the red fliers down to Dogura. The flier reads:

The Peoples Democratic State of Hyrule needs you!

We are seeking people to be a part of this peaceful movement to promote common ownership and a ruling body elected by the people. We need many to steep forward and fight for the people of Hyrule. Stop by the new headquarters in the Town square for more information.[/b]

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:57 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Taking one of the red flyers into his own hands, Victor read the paper. A particularly patriotic Hylian, the words on the flyer astonished him. To overthrow the king! A small fire began to burn within Victor's soul, and he quickly looked up at the man on the stage.

"A democratic republic? Good sir, surely you are mad! The king is a good-hearted man, and never once has he hurt the land of Hyrule! In fact, he's downright protected it! What if we were a democracy when Ganon made his attack?! I seriously doubt that he would wait for us to vote on whether or not to fight back! No, only a king, an absolute monarch can help us through these times. King Harkian II is a smart man, and he knows what is best for the country. The King listens to us, hears our words. He is not an unfair man, and he works towards the will of the people. The Goddesses themselves placed him on the throne, and surely you do not doubt the will of the Goddesses? No, a democratic republic would never work. These times are dark, and we need a strong leader to help us through...."

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:58 pm
by mikaudes
Alex quickly stands in front of Victor and holds him by the shoulders, loking at him directly in the eyes
"Victor look at me! I don´t care what you think, violence is not the answer, just let this people be, they won´t overthrow the king"
Alex then let loose of his arms and spoke again
"I really don´t care how this country is lead as long as it is well lead by right-hearted man"
OOC:remember that Alex is neutral, so he only seeks his porpouses, helping anyone who needs it on the way

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:40 pm
by Burning Monkey
A toothy grin flashes in response to Victor’s outcry. “Good sir, we are not here to say that King Harkian II is a bad leader, or a cruel man. Nor do we dispute the Goddesses role in his kingship. What we seek is a peaceful change that will benefit all the peoples of Hyrule. An elect from the people will bring more balance of powers to our sweet nation. What if, my dear friend,” he points to Victor, “the monarchy becomes destroyed by Ganon, or, Goddesses forbid, corrupted by him? Where then would we be? Individuals can die or corrupt, but a nation of voting patriots is pure by their nature of diversity and comradeship. The keystone when removed will cause a building to collapse, but when the lintel is removed the building will stand on the virtue of the posts! We the people are the posts. We stand strong.
"I also ask you, who will be fighting in defense of Ganon’s hoards? Is it not the people with hands callused from the plow and skin blackened from the mines that will swell the ranks of the army and take up arms to defend this beautiful country? While heroes depart on holy quests to bring light to these dark days, is it not with the blood and sweat and tears of the common people that will keep this country whole!? Do we not deserve an equal share in this land, and a voice that we know will be heard and balanced by we the people!

OCC: Yea! Conflict... I was hoping someone would defend the king :lol: Brovo! Hehe I do also enjoy that someone is suporting my little speeker... thanks Dogura

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:54 pm
by Blank
Blank sees the group from afar and closes in to listen to the man speak. He is uninterested at first, but then he realizes what is going on. This man seeks to not only impeach the Great King of Hyrule, but to annhilate the government by which the King stans for. The grunt's interest quickly sparks and he listens intently to the man. He notices Dogura when the samurai voices his opinion, and nods in agreement. When Victor, the Hylian Bard opposes the man in debate, Blank decides to express his feelings on the issue as well.

I know nothing of politics, good idealist, but I agree with your wise words. I myself have not even cast an eye on this King Harkinian II, nor have I seen any leadership on his part. I know that he is most suited for single rulership over a country, and as Victor here has pointed out, his family was chosen by the Goddesses to lead the land in their wake, but if that is the case, then the entire country is doomed. I think it's time for a change. If a Democratic Party is to be established, you have my full support.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:36 pm
by kamakaziplumber
"Doomed? DOOMED?! Good goddesses, is everyone here mad?!! The King is a strong, wise, and knows what is best for his people. And again I say, the Royal family was chosen by the goddesses themselves! Even if corruption were to somehow reach the king, the goddesses are sure to fix it!"

Victor looked to Blank, with an expression as if he were about to strike him.

"Are you saying that the Goddesses were wrong? Are you saying that we cannot trust their choice in leadership?"

Then, looking back at the announcer, the bard continued.

"Ganon cannot touch the king so long as the Goddesses protect him. And the people of Hyrule. Do you think that we lay our own lives on the line to join the Knights for nothing? We enlist in the army to protect our monarch! The people of Hyrule are much too busy to take part in government! They work the fields and mines, as you say, to keep the country up and running; however, they do not seek a place in government! The king listens to the voices of the people, and makes changes according to our voices! But in times of peril, the King has the power to make decisions on the spot! And besides, its not like the people are forced to join the ranks! They themselves enlist, not to gain an equal share of their country, but to protect the king and Hyrule!"

In his fervor, Victor almost knocked the man off of his stage, taking a place on it himself. Looking to the audience with eyes mirroring his own sincerity, he spoke in a softer voice, a coaxing voice not often used by this bard.

"We are all heros here, all of us! But did we not enlist in the Knights? Are we not questing to preserve peace in Hyrule? Are we not sacrificing our lives to, dare I say, a higher degree than the common man in this land? We are the front lines, the elites. We are first to fight. Only when we have fallen will the peaceful denizens of Hyrule need to drop pickaxe and plow and pick up sword and arrow instead. We are working for the king himself, all of us; it is our choice. In making that choice, in taking that path, we express our loyalty to the king. We don't need a Democratic Republic! Hyrule has done fine since the beginning, but only with a king at its helm! Let us not change this country for the worse! Keep the status quo! Keep Hyrule the same!"

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:00 pm
by Blank
The look on Blank's face after Victor's profound speech would have been funny enough to put most normal people into hysterics, if not for him following up the expression with compliments to ensure he had not been knocked unconscious from the bard's surprise statement. The nomad stepped forward to speak to the vagabond.

Well done, Victor. Well done! In any experience I have ever had in my short time here, you always seemed the quietest and most collected of adventurers. A wiser statement could not have been shouted from the tallest mountain, I'm sure. In most cases, a grunt such as myself would never have been swayed and would have held fast to his values on political idealism. Bards truly are better with words.

He shakes his head and laughs at himself for being so easily proven the fool. He approches the victor of his small debate and laughs inwardly at his crappy play on words. He reaches out to shake hands with Victor, to congratulate him on his mastery of debate.

I'll definately need some time to think over my hastiness. Good-day to you all.

He bows awkwardly to Victor, nods towards Dogura, and waves goodbye to the man who had started the entire Democracy talk, and walks away, seething inwardly at his stupidity but glad that he had been in a real debate. There weren't enough of those these days.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:54 pm
by Zeldaforever
Pushing the people aside, Hiro stands upon the stage. "I know this is not Incinera, but so long as Remix stays dead, I am its king. I know that sometimes it seems unfair what the king does, but let me tell you. It's for the greater good. Listen to Victor. This is a monarchy! And lo, a democracy as well. The king listens to our opinions, and acts upon them if it is appropriate. Do you think that when Incinera was attacked by the Dragons that we could have waited for others to vote? No! I do not beleive in the heredity of the throne, seeing as Remix left Incinera in chaos... But still, King Harkinian II is a great leader. I have seen him up close myself. We have talked. I know his intentions and they are the best! So what it all boils down to is: Hyrule is a monarchy but a democracy as well, and vice versa. I see the trouble Sinyou gets into because its lack of a powerful deity. Be tha as it may, the power is divide TOO evenly. We can't go on with a democracy!"

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:25 pm
by Burning Monkey
A few “Hurrahs!” and “Long Live the King” are shouted out from the crowd and most of the gathered people clap for Victor’s rousing speech. Cheeks flushing red the man fidgets nervously on the cart eyeing victor with no small amount of anger. “These discussions cannot continue while I am being brow beat and repressed by some royalist. And you," the man says turning to Hiro, “you mock me with your words! A democratic monarchy?! Ludicrous! Your argument lacks logic as you claim Hyrule is a monarchy and a democracy at the same time, and then denouncing democracy as week. You strike me as some warlord; simply waltzed in and took over a throne did you? And now you have left your people ‘in chaos’ as you put it, as you prance around Hyrule. Should you not be with your people, far away, fixing things!” Eyes wild, spittle flying, and finger poking hard at Hiro’s chest, the man rants.
At the end of his speech, he pauses for a moment breathing hard. Slowly his eyes widen in realization, and turn slowly towards the gathered people. His body pivots, maintaining the same stance, finger still extended, he looks out over the crowd. That is when the head of cabbage strikes him between the eyes. The man catches the cabbage before it falls to the ground and looks with dumbfound horror at the little old goron woman who smiles all gap toothed and broad at the speaker. For a moment all is quiet, then the distant shout of a vegetable and fruit vender drifts over the crowd, followed by the rustle of people looking through grocery bags.
Shaken lose from his trance by this most disturbing outcome the man jumps down from the cart, mops his brow with a red handkerchief, and shouts,
“If anyone is looking for an enlightened civilized discussion they can stop by our headquarters in the Town Square.” Then he scurries off, chased by a few “Boos” and one well aimed tomato that strikes him in the left buttock.
The crowed begins to disperse with laughter and jibes at the Peoples Democratic Party. A few men do leave quietly with some attempted stealth. A smaller crowd forms around Victor, congratulating him and wishing to shake his hand. In the crush of people a small young voice and a (attempted) tug comes to Victor’s pant leg.

OCC: Hmmm… I did not think I could be trounced by one well thrust speech. Good show to you all who participated. This was my attempt at RP combat. The better the speech the “damage” it did and drew the crowd to one side or the other. You may have won this round heroes! But I will be back! Mwahahahahahahahaha!

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:02 pm
by Zeldaforever
"...But I am helping my people... Do you not think that without my efforts here, that Incinera would still be there? No! Remix's monsters would have desrtroyed Hyrule and Incinera! Don't make this about me. I know how to run a country. This government is not officially a democratic monarchy, but it is most like it. Leave this country as it is. don't try to change a perfect balance of power. That is all I have to say about that."

OOC: Forrest Gump ending... hehe