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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:55 pm
by Zeldaforever
An underwater utopia sits under the waves. A shimmering portal is by your side. If you step into the portal, you would be transported to the strange utopia. Suddenly, out of the portal, a zora appears. "Welcome, traveller. What brings you here? My brethren and I are aiding the Red Crusaders in an onslaught of the mysterious Shadow Castle. So don't waste my time. Join or go away."
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:52 pm
by Zeldaforever
OOC: Sorry for the double post. Trying to keep this separated.
IC: Hiro, Hiree, Alpha, and Blank land on the beach. Hiro leaves the group to negotiate with the Aqualok. "Laru Naada, I have come on behalf of the Red Crusaders. I have here one other Crusader, and one of your own, a Shard Holder."
"Ah, yes. Hiree Infinite. I remember her. (He gets closer to Hiro and starts speaking in a low voice) You have neglected to inform me of his (He points to Alpha) alignment. He looks like an Umbrili!"
"Whoah! Calm down! He's not er... aligned yet. I guess he might not want to, or he doesn't know where his loyalties lie in the elemental plane. He does need no be aligned, though. I can't take him to the Sand Nomads because he once told me that he would prefer thunder as soon as possible..." Says Hiro, also in a low voice.
"That may be so, but I can't trust him. How do you know he's not an Umbrili?"
"Because... He saved my life more than once. He has had many chances to kill me, so if he was an Umbrili, then he would have taken me out long ago, getting rid of Damian's biggest adversary. That's the end of that."
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:56 pm
by Alpha
'An Umbrili? What the heck are those two talking about?' Alpha thinks. Sheikah senses certainly are keen...
He steps forward and tries to soften the mood by lowering his hood to his shoulders and putting his cape behind his back. He walks right up to where Hiro and this 'Laru Naada' stand. "I have no idea what you two are talking about...I have no knowledge of this 'alignment' business of which you speak."
Alpha holds out the green shard that hangs from his neck. "Besides, I am one of Hiro's fellow element benders. That man in the desert, Asita, gave this to me." And, as testiment to its authenticity, the ground beneath him shakes loose and rises up several feet.
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:13 pm
by Zeldaforever
"Oh! Of course! How foolish of me. These are tough times. I have already had tree Umbrili attack me this week. It must have to do with the Rift. Okay, I shall use the most powerful (and dangerous) Force spell known to the Aqualok. I will travel through the water vapor as a single spark. I will meet you at the lake." says Laru Naada.
"Good. Hey, where's Blank?" Hiro looks around for his comrade. "And Hiree!" They are nowhere to be found.
"Aaah! Hiro! Help me!" Hiree screams from above.
Hiro looks up. Surely, Hiree is above them, captured by Hiron.
"Mwahahahaha! Foolish mortal! You cannot save her. I WILL rule the world. Now that Damian is... incapacitated... I will rule. I will complete my ritual elsewhere!"says Hiron. His voice is rough, yet smooth, and much deeper than Hiro's. (OOC: Kinda like Darth Vader woulda sounded like without the mask)
Hiro calls his Pegusus, Wildheart, to his aid and gives chase. "Follow me!"
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:43 pm
by Alpha
Alpha quickly jumps on his own Pegusus, who he has yet to name, and rides off after Hiro. "Oh, no!" he yells to his companion. "I'm done merely following you around!" He whips out his rod. "Gaia Staff!"
He brings his staff upward in a green glowing arc, and the pathway in front of Alpha's pegusus suddenly rises into the air. A single strip of earth flies skyward, and Alpha's steed rides right onto it, getting ever closer to where Hiron and Hiree fly.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:15 pm
by Zeldaforever
"He's going to the lake! Come on!" Hiro flies on Wildheart, continuing the pursuit.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:59 pm
by Alpha
Alpha continues charging into the air after Hiron. The horse is obviously getting afraid as the ground raises them to new heights, but Alpha doesn't really give it a choice. As they continue to gallop forth, Alpha keeps bringing up more earth to keep the path going, and every now and then he swings a few large stones upward to try and hit Hiron.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 10:49 pm
by Blank
Blank can be seen flying his Pegasus towards Hiron at an accelerating pace, sword pointed out. As he nears the enemy, he sees Alpha and is distracted, but not for long. He loses only enough momentum to cut the damage of any attack in two. As he reaches Hiron, he jabs roughly with his sword, and drops below to avoid a counter attack. He has never flown a Pegasus before, so his attack is slightly off balance, and as he veers out of range he wonders if he even struck the man.
OOC : I forgot

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:03 am
by Zeldaforever
Blank misses Hiron, and because of this Hiron accelerated. "Come on! Almost there!" says Hiro, closing in on Hiron. But then Hiron bursts forward, and is lst in the clouds.