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Startling Mind Games

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:38 pm
by Blank
Blank Fireside is venturing through the vast land of Hyrule one sunny day, fully revitalized and feeling better than ever, for some unexplained reason. As he nears a large gathering of rocks, he suddenly gets down on one knee and starts shouting. He doubles over in pain and can be seen grasping his face and skull, as if a demon had found home in his mind.

When Blank had first arrived on the sandy shores of Tantari Desert, he had encountered an attack similar to this. He had had many attacks since, but only the first had spoken to him. He recalls the rasping voice, it sounded like a devil exposed to light. All it had said was "Tantari," and Blank had cared little about it since. This time, however, he hears the voice again.

Death awaits him on the wind,
In the land of Ganon's reign.
Unless he awakens and comes to find,
That he is Hylian, once again.

The poem comes to him in a sharp, murderous wail, and he feels his mind breaking down under the tone of the deep evils. Miraculously, the attack withers, and when it is finally ended, Blank stands, staggers to the tip of the rocky arrow, and pushes the rock aside, revealing a small cavern. He enters, and faints.

He awakens two days later and steps out into the rain, feeling terrible. But in his two day dream, he had been enlightened. He now knew... this was his homeland.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:05 pm
by Zelda Veteran
A figure appears out of the rain... And steppes up to Blank. He looks up, and almost jumped back, not expecting to see anyone else here. Oh! Hello Blank.! I didnt expect to see a familiar face here! He sits down on a rock. Its raining so hard! Ive caught rumor that the goddess, Nayru is angry, For her ancestor was killed by someone recently! Ive heard him been called many differnent things. But what ive heard the most is, Zartan the warlock. I have mind to hunt him down, and stop this crazy downpoor. Last iv'e heard, he was headed tword the mountains. Do you wish to hunt him with me?

OOC: Zartan the Warlock is going to be an (NPC) of mine. I need an arch enemy, Besides Dredge. wanna quest?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:21 pm
by Blank
I...I'll come with you. Just... give me a minute to rest my aching head. So... Nayru's Oracle is dead, now? This Zartan should have all of Hyrule after him by now. Alright, I'm fine now. Let's leave this place.

The sky clears up and the sun shines, and once again Hyrule is blessed with a warm spring morning. The two adventurers leave, heading towards the Ruto Highlands.

By the way, Dogura, did you know I'm a Hylian? Funny, isn't it.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:28 pm
by Zelda Veteran
What tipped you off? the pointy ears? Dogura laughs, and says, So you didnt know you were hylian? How did you find out? They began walking as they talked.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:20 pm
by Blank
Let's just say a little voice inside told me.

Blank laughs as they walk, thinking that teh voice had been a figment of his imagination that existed only to remind him of his roots. Little did he know, for that voice would come back to haunt him in ways unimaginable.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:04 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Ill meet you in the mountains when your ready. Meet me tonight!

OOC: i will post in the mountains. near new peaktop